One might say that "new" in "newerror" used to mean being different from any earlier error-value. Now it means being not one of the "original" or "old" error-values defined internally by calc. As newerror() and newerror("") specify no non-null string, it has been arranged that they return the same as newerror("???"). Added "show errors" command analogous to "show functions" for user-defined functions. One difference is that whereas the functions are created by explicit definitions, a new described error is created only when a newerror(...) is executed. Fixed macro symbol substitution problem uncovered by HPUX cpp bug in HVAL and related zrand.h macros. Added +e to CCMISC for HP-UX users. Fixed the prompt bug. Eliminated the hash_init() initialization function. The 'struct block' has been moved from value.c to a new file: block.h. Added "blkmaxprint" config value, which limits the octets to print for a block. A "blkmaxprint" of 0 means to print all octets of a block, regardless of size. The default is to print only the first 256 octets. The "blkverbose" determines if all lines, including duplicates should be printed. If TRUE, then all lines are printed. If false, duplicate lines are skipped and only a "*" is printed in a style similar to od. This config value has not meaning if "blkfmt" is "str". The default value for "blkverbose" is FALSE: duplicate lines are not printed. The "blkbase" determines the base in which octets of a block are printed. Possible values are: "hexadecimal" Octets printed in 2 digit hex "hex" "octal" Octets printed in 3 digit octal "oct" "character" Octets printed as chars with non-printing "char" chars as \123 or \n, \t, \r "binary" Octets printed as 0 or 1 chars "bin" "raw" Octets printed as is, i.e. raw binary "none" The default "blkbase" is "hex". The "blkfmt" determines for format of how block are printed: "line" print in lines of up to 79 chars + newline "lines" "str" print as one long string "string" "strings" "od" print in od-like format, with leading offset, "odstyle" followed by octets in the given base "od_style" "hd" print in hex dump format, with leading offset, "hdstyle" followed by octets in the given base, followed "hd_style" by chars or '.' if no-printable or blank The default "blkfmt" is "hd". Fixed a bug in coth() when testing acoth using coth(acoth(x)) == x within the rounding error. Assignments to matrices and objects has been changed. The assignments in: A = list(1,2,3,4); B = makelist(4) = {1,2,3,4}; will result in A == B. Then: A = {,,5} will result in A == list(1,2,5,4). Made minor edits to most help files beginning with a thru d. Fixed error in using cmdbuf(""). The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t0 to 2.10.3t2: Bumped to version 2.10.3 due to the amount of changes. Renamed qabs() to qqabs() to avoid conflicts with stdlib.h. Fixed a casting problem in label.c. A lot of work was performed on the code generation by Ernest Bowen . Declarations no longer need to precede code: define f(x) { local i = x^2; print "i = ":i; local j = i; ... } The scope of a variable extends from the end of the declaration (including initialization code for the variable) at which it is first created to the limit given by the following rules: local variable: to the end of the function being defined global variable: to the end of the session with calc static within a function definition: to the the first of: an end of a global, static or local declaration (including initialization code) with the same identifier the end of the definition static at top level within a file: to the first of: the next static declaration of the identifier at top level in the file, the next global declaration of the identifier at top level in the file or in any function definition in the file, the next global declaration of the identifier at any level in a file being read as a result of a "read" command, the end of the file. The scope of a top-level global or static variable may be interrupted by the use of the identifier as a parameter or local or static variable within a function definition in the file being read; it is restored (without change of value) after the definition. For example, The two static variables a and b are created, with zero value, when the definition is read; a is initialized with the value x if and when f(x) is first called with a positive even x, b is similarly initialized if and when f(x) is first called positive odd x. Each time f(x) is called with positive integer x, a or b is incremented. Finally the values of the static variables are assigned to the global variables a and b, and the resulting values displayed. Immediately after the last of several calls to f(x), a = 0 if none of the x's have been positive even, otherwise a = the first positive even x + the number of positive even x's, and b = 0 if none of the x's have been positive odd, otherwise b = the first positive odd x + the number of positive odd x's: define f(x) { if (isint(x) && x > 0) { if (iseven(x)) { static a = x; a++; } else { static b = x; b++; } } global a = a, b = b; print "a =",a,"b =",b; } Fixed some faults in the handling of syntax errors for the matrix and object creation operators mat and obj. In previous versions of calc: mat; <- Bad dimension 0 for matrix mat A; <- Bad dimension 0 for matrix global mat A; <- Bad dimension 0 for matrix mat A[2], mat B[3] <- Semicolon expected global mat A[2], mat B[3] <- Bad syntax in declaration statement Now: this statement has the same effect as -------------- ---------------------- mat A[2], B[3] (A = mat[2]), B[3] global mat A[2], B[3] global A, B; A = mat[2]; B = mat[3]; Initialization remains essentially as before except that for objects, spaces between identifiers indicate assignments as in simple variable declarations. Thus, after: obj point {x,y}; obj point P, Q R = {1,2} P has {0,0}, Q and R have {1,2}. In the corresponding expression with matrices commas between identifiers before the initialization are ignored. For example: this statement has the same effect as -------------- ---------------------- mat A, B C [2] = {1,2} A = B = C = (mat[2] = {1,2}) One can also do things like: L = list(mat[2] = {1,2}, obj point = {3,4}, mat[2] = {5,6}) A = mat[2,2] = {1,2,3,4}^2 B = mat[2,2] = {1,2,3,4} * mat[2,2] = {5,6,7,8} where the initialization = has stronger binding than the assignment = and the * sign. Matrices and objects can be mixed in declarations after any simple variables as in: global a, b, mat A, B[2] = {3,4}, C[2] = {4,5}, obj point P = {5,6}, Q Fixed some bugs related to global and static scoping. See the the 5200 regress test and lib/ for details. Optimized opcode generator so that functions defined using '=' do not have two unreached opcodes. I.e.,: define f(x) = x^2 show opcodes f Also unreachable opcodes UNDEF and RETURN are now not included at the end of any user-defined function. Changed the "no offset" indicator in label.c from 0 to -1; this permits goto jumps to the zero opcode position. Changed the opcode generation for "if (...)" followed by "break", "continue", or "goto", so that only one jump opcode is required. A label can now be immediately by a right-brace. For example: define test_newop3(x) {if (x < 0) goto l132; ++x; l132: return x;} The LONG_BITS make variable, if set, will force the size of a long as well as forcing the USB8, SB8, USB16, SB16, USB32, SB32, HAVE_B64, USB64, SB64, U(x) and L(x) types. If the longbits program is given an arg (of 32 or 64), then it will output based on a generic 32 or 64 bit machine where the long is the same size as the wordsize. Fixed how the SVAL and HVAL macros were formed for BASEB==16 machines. Dropped explicit Makefile support for MIPS r8k since these processors no longer need special compiler flags. SGI 6.2 and later uses -xansi. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.2t33 to 2.10.2t34: Fixed a bug related to fact(). Thanks to Ernest Bowen , for two or three arguments, search(x, val, start); rsearch(x, val, start); and for matrix, list or association x: search(f, str, start); rsearch(f, str, start); for a file stream f open for reading, behave as before except for a few differences: (1) there are no limits on the integer-valued start. (2) negative values of start are interpreted as offsets from the size of x and f. For example, search(x, val, -100) searches the last 100 elements of x for the first i for which x[[i]] = val. (3) for a file f, when start + strlen(str) >= size(f) and search(f, str, start) returns null, i.e. str is not found, the file position after the search will be size(f) - strlen(str) + 1 rather than size(f). For four arguments: search(a, b, c, d) rsearch(a, b, c, d), a has the role of x or f, and b the role of val or str as described above for the three-argument case, and for search(), c is essentially "start" as before, but for rsearch() is better for c and d to be the same as for search(). For a non-file case, if: 0 <= c < d <= size(a), the index-interval over which the search is to take place is: c <= i < d. If the user has defined a function accept(v,b), this is used rather than the test v == b to decide for matrix, list, or association searches when a "match" of v = a[[i]] with b occurs. E.g. after: define accept(v,b) = (v >= b); then calling: search(a, 5, 100, 200) will return, if it exists, the smallest index i for which 100 <= i < 200 and a[[i]] >= 5. To restore the effect of the original "match" function, one would then have to: define accept(v,b) == (v == b). Renamed the calc symbol BYTE_ORDER to CALC_BYTE_ORDER in order to avoid conflict. Added and lib progs in support of: :-) The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.2t25 to 2.10.2t32: Eliminated use of VARARG and . Calc supports only . The VARARGS Makefile variable has been eliminated. Source is converted to ANSI C. In particular, functions will now have ANSI C style args. Any comments from old K&R style args have been moved to function comment section. Removed prototype.h. The PROTO() macro is no longer needed or supported. Added to find the smallest factor of a Mersenne number. The built .h file: have_times.h, determines if the system has , , and . Because shs.c depends on HASHFUNC, which in turn depends on VALUE, shs.o has been moved out of libcalc.a. For the same reasons, hash.h and shs.h are not being installed into the ${LIBDIR} for now. A number of the regression tests that need random numbers now use different seeds. Fixes for compiling under BSDI's BSD/OS 2.0. Added a Makefile section for BSD/OS. Added a Makefile compile section for Dec Alpha without gcc ... provides a hack-a-round for Dec Alpha cc bug. Minor comment changes to Added, a slow painful but interesting way to compute pix(x). Confusion over the scope of static and global values has been reduced by a patch from Ernest Bowen . The change introduced by the following patch terminates the scope of a static variable at any static declaration with the same name at the same level, or at any global declaration with the same name at any level. With the example above, the scope of the static "a" introduced in the third line ends when the "global a" is read in the last line. Thus one may now use the same name in several "static" areas as in: ; static a = 10; ; define f(x) = a + x; ; static a = 20; ; define g(x) = a + x; ; global a; The first "a" exists only for the definition of f(); the second "a" only for the definition of g(). At the end one has only the global "a". Ending the scope of a static variable in this way is consistent with the normal use of static variables as in: ; static a = 10; ; define f(x) {static a = 20; return a++ + x;} ; define g(x) = a + x; ; global a; The scope of the first "a" is temporarily interrupted by the "static a" in the second line; the second "a" remains active until its scope ends with the ending of the definition of f(). Thus one ends with g(x) = 10 + x and on successive calls to f(), f(x) returns 20 + x, 21 + x, etc. With successive "static a" declarations at the same level, the active one at any stage is the most recent; if the instructions are being read from a file, the scope of the last "static a" ends at the end-of-file. Here I have assumed that no "global a" is encountered. As there can be only one global variable with name "a", it seems to me that its use must end the scope of any static "a". Thus the changes I introduce are such that after: ; global a = 10; ; define f(x) = a + x; ; static a = 20; ; define g(x) = a + x; ; define h(x) {global a = 30; return a + x;} ; define i(x) = a + x; g(x) will always return 20 + x, and until h(x) has been called, f(x) and i(x) will return 10 + x; when h(x) is called, it returns 30 + x and any later call to f(x) or i(x) will return 30 + x. It is the reading of "global a" in the definition of h() that terminates the scope of the static a = 20, so that the "a" for the last line is the global variable defined in the first line. The "a = 30" is executed only when h() is called. Users who find this confusing might be well advised to use different names for different variables at the same scope level. The other changes produced by the patch are more straightforward, but some tricky programming was needed to get the possibility of multiple assignments and what seems to be the appropriate order of executions and assignments. For example, the order for the declaration: global a, b = expr1, c, d = expr2, e, f will be: evaluation of expr1; assignment to b; evaluation of expr2; assignment to d; Thus the effect is the same as for: a = 0; b = expr1; c = 0; d = expr2; e = 0; f = 0; The order is important when the same name is used for different variables in the same context. E.g. one may have: define f(x) { global a = 10; static a = a; local a = a--; while (--a > 0) x++; return x; } Every time this is called, the global "a" is assigned the value 10. The first time it is called, the value 10 is passed on to the static "a" and then to the local "a". In each later call the "static a = a" is ignored and the static "a" is one less than it was in the preceding call. I'm not recommending this style of programming but it is good that calc will be able to handle it. I've also changed dumpop to do something recent versions do not do: distinguish between static and global variables with the same name. Other changes: commas may be replaced by spaces in a sequence of identifiers in a declaration. so one may now write: global a b c = 10, d e = 20 The comma after the 10 is still required. Multiple occurrences of an identifier in a local declaration are now acceptable as they are for global or static declarations: local a b c = 10, a = 20; does the same as: local a b c; a = b = c = 10; a = 20; The static case is different in that: static a b c = 10, a = 20; creates four static variables, the first "a" having a very short and useless life. Added new tests to verify the new assignments above. Added the builtin test(x) which returns 1 or 0 according as x tests as true or false for conditions. Added have_posscl.c which attempts to determine if FILEPOS is a scalar and defines HAVE_FILEPOS_SCALAR in have_posscl.h accordingly. The Makefile variable HAVE_POSSCL determines if have_posscl.c will test this condition or assume non-scalar. Added have_offscl.c which attempts to determine if off_t is a scalar and defines HAVE_OFF_T_SCALAR in have_posscl.h accordingly. The Makefile variable HAVE_OFFSCL determines if have_offscl.c will test this condition or assume non-scalar. Reading to EOF leaves you positioned one character beyond the last character in the file, just like Un*x read behavior. Calc supports files and offsets up to 2^64 bytes, if the OS and file system permits. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.2t4 to 2.10.2t24: Added makefile debugging rules: make chk like a 'make check' (run the regression tests) except that only a few lines around interesting (and presumable error messages) are printed. No output if no errors are found. make env print important makefile values make mkdebug 'make env' + version information and a make with verbose output and printing of constructed files make debug 'make mkdebug' with a 'make clobber' so that the entire make is verbose and a constructed files are printed Improved instructions in 'BUGS' section on reporting problems. In particular we made it easy for people to send in a full diagnostic output by sending 'debug.out' which is made as follows: make debug > debug.out Added -v to calc command line to print the version and exit. Fixed declarations of memcpy(), strcpy() and memset() in the case of them HAVE_NEWSTR is false. Fixed some compile time warnings. Attempting to rewind a file this is not open generates an error. Noted conversion problems in file.c in triple X comments. Some extremely brain dead shells cannot correctly deal with if clauses that do not have a non-empty else statement. Their exit bogosity results in make problems. As a work-a-round, Makefile if clauses have 'else true;' clauses for if statements that previously did not have an else clause. Fixed problems where the input stack depth reached the 10 levels. The show keyword is now a statement instead of a command: ; define demo() {local f = open("foo", "w"); show files; fclose(f);} ; demo() Added a new trace option for display of links to real and complex numbers. This is activated by config("trace", 4). The printing of a real number is immediately followed by "#" and the number of links to that number; complex numbers are printed in the same except for having "##" instead of "#". The number of links for a number value is essentially the number of value locations at which it is either stored or deemed to be stored. Here a number value is the result of a reading or evaluation; when the result is assigned to lvalues, "linking" rather than copying occurs. Different sets of mutually linked values may contain the same number. For example: a = b = 2 + 3; x, y = 2 + 3; a and b are linked, and x and y are linked, but a and x are not linked. Revised the credits help file and man page. Added archive help file to indicate where recent versions of calc are available. The regression test suite output has been changed so that it will output the same information regardless of CPU performance. In particular, cpu times of certain tests are not printed. This allows one to compare the regression output of two different systems easier. A matrix or object declaration is now considered an expression and returns a matrix or object of the specified type. Thus one may use assignments like: A = mat[2]; /* same as: mat A[2]; */ P = obj point; /* same as: obj point P; */ The obj and mat keywords may be with "local", "global", "static" as in: local mat A[2]; Several matrices or objects may be assigned or declared in the one statement, as in: mat A, B[2], C[3]; /* same as: mat A[2], B[2], C[3] */ except that only one matrix creation occurs and is copied as in: A = B = mat[2]; Initialization of matrices and objects now occur before assignments: mat A, B [2] = {1,2}; /* same as: A = B = (mat[2] = {1,2}); */ Missing arguments are considered as "no change" rather than "assign null values". As in recent versions of calc, the default value assigned to matrix elements is zero and the default for object elements is a null value). Thus: mat A[2] = {1,2}; A = { , 3}; will change the value of A to {1,3}. If the relevant operation exists for matrices or has been defined for the type of object A is, the assignment = may be combined with +, -, *, etc. as in: A += {3, 4}; /* same as: A[0] += 3; A[1] += 4; */ A += { }; /* same as: A += A; */ In (non-local) declarations, the earlier value of a variable may be used in the initialization list: mat A[3]={1,2,3}; mat A[3]={A[2],A[1],A[0]}; /* same as: A={3,2,1} */ Also: mat A[3] = {1,2,3}; mat A[3] = {A, A, A}; produces a 3-element matrix, each of whose elements is a 3-element matrix. The notation A[i][j] requires A[i] to be a matrix, whereas B[i,j] accesses an element in a 2-dimensional matrix. Thus: B == A[i] implies A[i][j] = B[j] There is requirement in the use of A[i][j] that the matrices A[i] for i = 0, 1, ... all be of the same size. Thus: mat A[3] = {(mat[2]), (mat[3]), (mat[2])}; produces a matrix with a 7-element structure: A[0][0], A[0][1], A[1][0], A[1][1], A[1][2], A[2][0], A[2][1] One can initialize matrices and objects whose elements are matrices and/or objects: obj point {x,y} obj point P; obj point A = {P,P}; or: obj point {x,y}; obj point P; mat A[2] = {P,P}; A = {{1,2}, {3,4}}; The config("trace", 8) causes opcodes of newly defined functions are displayed. Also show can now show the opcodes for a function. For example: config("trace", 8); define f(x) = x^2; show opcodes f; define g(x,y) {static mat A[2]; A += {x,y}; return A;} show opcodes g g(2,3); show opcodes g; g(3,4); The two sequences displayed for f should show the different ways the parameter is displayed. The third sequence for g should also show the effects of the static declaration of A. Fixed a number of compiler warning and type cast problems. Added a number of new error codes. Misc bug fixes for gcc2 based Sparc systems. Fixed a bug in the SVAL() macro on systems with 'long long' type and on systems with 16 bit HALFs. Reduced the Makefile CC set: CCOPT are flags given to ${CC} for optimization CCWARN are flags given to ${CC} for warning message control CCMISC are misc flags given to ${CC} CFLAGS are all flags given to ${CC} [[often includes CCOPT, CCWARN, CCMISC]] ICFLAGS are given to ${CC} for intermediate progs CCMAIN are flags for ${CC} when files with main() instead of CFLAGS CCSHS are flags given to ${CC} for compiling shs.c instead of CFLAGS LCFLAGS are CC-style flags for ${LINT} LDFLAGS are flags given to ${CC} for linking .o files ILDFLAGS are flags given to ${CC} for linking .o files for intermediate progs CC is how the the C compiler is invoked Added more tests to Port to HP-UX. Moved config_print() from config.c to value.c so prevent printvalue() and freevalue() from being unresolved symbols for libcalc.a users. Calc will generate "maximum depth reached" messages or errors when reading or eval() is attempted at maximum input depth. Now each invocation of make is done via ${MAKE} and includes: MAKE_FILE=${MAKE_FILE} TOPDIR=${TOPDIR} LIBDIR=${LIBDIR} HELPDIR=${HELPDIR} Setting MAKE_FILE= will cause make to not re-make if the Makefile is edited. Added libinit.c which contains the function libcalc_call_me_first(). Users of libcalc.a MUST CALL libcalc_call_me_first BEFORE THEY USE ANY OTHER libcalc.a functions! Added support for the SGI IRIX6.2 (or later) Mongoose 7.0 (or later) C Compiler for the r4k, r8k and r10k. Added LD_NO_SHARED for non-shared linker support. Re-ordered and expanded options for the DEBUG make variable. Make a few minor cosmetic comment changes/fixes in the main Makefile. Statements such as: mat A[2][3]; now to the same as: mat M[3]; mat A[2] = {M, M}; To initialize such an A one can use a statement like A = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}; or combine initialization with creation by: mat A[2][3] = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}; One would then have, for example, A[1][0] = 4. Also, the inner braces cannot be removed from the initialization for A: mat A[2][3] = {1,2}; results in exactly the same as: mat A[2] = {1,2}; Added rm("file") builtin to remove a file. The regress test sections that create files also use rm() to remove them before and afterward. Added 4400-4500 set to test new mat and obj initialization rules. Added 4600 to test version file operations. Added CCZPRIME Makefile variable to the set for the short term to work around a CC -O2 bug on some SGI machines. Added regression test of _ variables and function names. Added read of read and write, including read and write test for long strings. Fixed bug associated with read of a long string variable. Renumbered some of the early test numbers to make room for more tests. Fixed all out of sequence test numbers. Fixed some malformed regression reports. Renamed STSIZE_BITS to OFF_T_BITS. Renamed SWAP_HALF_IN_STSIZE to SWAP_HALF_IN_OFF_T. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.2t1 to 2.10.2t3: Fixed bug in the regression suite that made test3400 and test4100 fail on correct computations. The randbit() builtin, when given to argument, returns 1 random bit. Fixed a bug in longlong.c which made is generate a syntax error on systems such as the PowerPC where the make variable LONGLONG was left empty. By default, the Makefile leaves LONGLONG_BITS empty to allow for testing of 64 bit data types. A few hosts may have problems with this, but hopefully not. Such hosts can revert back to LONGLONG_BITS=0. Improved SGI support. Understands SGI IRIX6.2 performance issues for multiple architectures. Fixed a number of implicit conversion from unsigned long to long to avoid unexpected rounding, sign extension, or loss of accuracy side effects. Added SHSCC because shs.c contains a large expression that some systems need help in optimizing. Added "show files" to display information about all currently open files. Calc now prevents user-defined function having the same name as a builtin function. A number of new error codes (more than 100) have been added. Added ctime() builtin for date and time as string value. Added time() builtin for seconds since 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970 UTC. Added strerror() builtin for string describing error type. Added freopen() builtin to reopen a file. Added frewind() builtin to rewind a file. Added fputstr() builtin to write a null-terminated string to a file. Added fgetstr() builtin to read a null-terminated string from a file. Added fgetfield() builtin to read next field from file. Added strscan() builtin to scan a string. Added scan() builtin to scan of a file. Added fscan() builtin to scan of a file. Added fscanf() builtin to do a formatted scan of a file. Added scanf() builtin to do a formatted scan of stdin. Added strscanf() builtin to do a formatted scan of a string. Added ungetc() builtin to unget character read from a file. As before, files opened with fopen() will have an id different from earlier files. But instead of returning the id to the FILEIO slot used to store information about it, calc simply uses consecutive numbers starting with 3. A calc file retains its id, even when the file has been closed. The builtin files(i) now returns the file opened with id == i rather than the file with slot number i. For any i <= lastid, files(i) has at some time been opened. Whether open or closed, it may be "reopened" with the freopen() command. This write to a file and then read it, use: f = fopen("junk", "w") freopen(f, "r") To use the same stream f for a new file, one may use: freopen(f, mode, newfilename) which closes f (assuming it is open) and then opens newfilename on f. And as before: f = fopen("curds", "r") g = fopen("curds", "r") results in two file ids (f and g) that refer to the same file name but with different pointers. Calc now understands "w+", "a+" and "r+" file modes. If calc opens a file without a mode there is a "guess" that mode "r+" will work for any files with small descriptors found to be open. In case it doesn't (as apparently happens if the file had not been opened for both reading and reading) the function now also tries "w" and "r", and if none work, gives up. This avoids having "open" files with null fp. The builtin rewind() calls the C rewind() function, but one may now rewind several files at once by a call like rewind(f1, f2). With no argument, rewind() rewinds all open files with id >= 3. The functions fputstr(), fgetstr() have been defined to include the terminating '\0' when writing a string to a file. This can be done at present with a sequence of instructions like: fputs(f, "Landon"); fputc(f, 0); fputs(f, "Curt"); fputc(f, 0); fputs(f, "Noll"); fputc(f, 0); One may now do: fputstr(f, "Landon", "Curt", "Noll"); and read them back by: rewind(f); x = fgetstr(f); /* returns "Landon" */ y = fgetstr(f); /* returns "Curt" */ z = fgetstr(f); /* returns "Noll" */ The builtin fgetfield() returns the next field of non-whitepsace characters. The builtins scan(), fscan(), strscan() read tokens (fields of non-whitepsace characters) and evaluates them. Thus: global a,b,c; strscan("2+3 4^2\n c=a+b", a, b, 0); results in a = 5, b = 16, c = 21 The functions scanf, fscanf, strscanf behave like the C functions scanf, fscanf, sscanf. The conversion specifiers recognized are "%c", "%s", "%[...]" as in C, with the options of *, width-specification, and complementation (as in [^abc]), and "%n" for file-position, and "%f", "%r", "%e", "%i" for numbers or simple number-expressions - any width-specification is ignored; the expressions are not to include any white space or characters other than decimal digits, +, -, *, /, e, and i. E.g. expressions like 2e4i+7/8 are acceptable. The builtin size(x) now returns the size of x if x is an open file or -1 if x is a file but not open. If s is a string, size(s) returns characters in s. Added builtin access("foo", "w") returns the null value if a file "foo" exists and is writable. Some systems has a libc symbolic qadd() that conflicted with calc's qadd function. To avoid this, qadd() has been renamed to qqadd(). The calc error codes are produced from the the calcerr.tbl file. Instead of changing #defines in value.h, one can not edit calcerr.tbl. The Makefile builds calcerr.h from this file. Calc error codes are now as follows: <0 invalid 0 .. sys_nerr-1 system error ala C's errno values sys_nerr .. E__BASE-1 reserved for future system errors E__BASE .. E__HIGHEST calc internal errors E__HIGHEST+1 .. E_USERDEF-1 invalid E_USERDEF .. user defined errors Currently, E__BASE == 10000 and E_USERDEF == 20000. Of course, sys_nerr is system defined however is likely to be < E__BASE. Renamed CONST_TYPE (as defined in have_const.h) to just CONST. This symbol will either be 'const' or an empty string depending on if your compiler understands const. CONST is beginning to be used with read-only tables and some function arguments. This allows certain compilers to better optimize the code as well as alerts one to when some value is being changed inappropriately. Use of CONST as in: int foo(CONST int curds, char *CONST whey) while legal C is not as useful because the caller is protected by the fact that args are passed by value. However, the in the following: int bar(CONST char *fizbin, CONST HALF *data) is useful because it calls the compiler that the string pointed at by 'fizbin' and the HALF array pointer at by 'data' should be treated as read-only. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.1t21 to 2.10.2t0: Bumped patch level 2.10.2t0 in honor of having help files for all builtin functions. Beta release will happen at the end of the 2.10.2 cycle!!! Fewer items listed in BUGS due to a number of bug fixes. Less todo in the help/todo file because more has already been done. :-) All builtin functions have help files! While a number need cleanup and some of the LIMITS, LIBRARY and SEE ALSO sections need fixing (or are missing), most of it is there. A Big round of thanks goes to for his efforts in initial write-ups for many of these files! The recognition of '\' as an escape character in the format argument of printf() has been dropped. Thus: printf("\\n"); will print the two-character string "\n" rather than the a one-character carriage return. Missing args to printf-like functions will be treated as null values. The scope of of config("fullzero") has been extended to integers, so that for example, after config("mode","real"), config("display", 5), config("fullzero", 1), both: print 0, 1, 2; printf("%d %d %d\n", 0, 1, 2); print: .00000 1.00000, 2.00000 The bug which caused calc to exit on: b = "print 27+" eval(b) has been fixed. Fixed bugs in zio.c which caused eval(str(x)) == x to fail in non-real modes such as "oct". The following: for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) print i^2,; now prints the same as: for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) print i^2,; The show globals will print '...' in the middle of large values. The param(n) builtin, then n > 0, returns the address rather than the value of the n-th argument to save time and memory usage. This is useful when a matrix with big number entries is passed as an arg. The param(n) builtin, then n > 0, may be used as an lvalue: ; define g() = (param(2) = param(1)); ; define h() = (param(1)++, param(2)--); ; u = 5 ; v = 10 ; print g(u, &v), u, v; 5 5 5 ; print h(&u, &v), u, v; 5 6 4 Missing args now evaluate to null as in: A = list(1,,3) B = list(,,) mat C[] = {,,} mat D[] = { } The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.1t20 to 2.10.1t20: Changes made in preparation for Blum Blum Shub random number generator. REDC bug fixes: Fixed yet another bug in zdiv which occasionally caused the "top digit" of a nonzero quotient to be zero. Fixed a bug in zredcmul() where a rarely required "topdigit" is sometimes lost rather than added to the appropriate carry. A new function zredcmodinv(ZVALUE z, ZVALUE *res) has been defined for evaluating rp->inv in zredcalloc(). New functions zmod5(ZVALUE *zp) and zmod6(ZVALUE z, ZVALUE *res) have been defined to give O(N^1.585)-runtime evaluation of z % m for large N-word m. These require m and BASE^(2*N) // m to have been stored at named locations lastmod, lastmodinv. zmod5() is essentially for internal use by zmod6() and zpowermod(). Changes to rcmul(x,y,m) so that the result is always in [0, m-1]. Changes to some of the detail of zredcmul() so that it should run slightly faster. Also changes to zredcsq() in the hope that it might achieve something like the improvement in speed of x^2 compared with x * x. A new "bignum" algorithm for evaluating pmod(x,k,m) when N >= config("pow2"). For the multiplications and squaring modulo m, or their equivalent, when N >= config("redc2"), calc has used evaluations corresponding to rcout(x * y, m), for which the runtime is essentially that of three multiplications. Yet more additions to the test suite. Fixed some ANSI-C compile nits in shs.c and quickhash.c. Plugs some potential memory leaks in definitions in func.c. Expressions such as qlink(vals[2]) in some circumstances are neither qfreed nor returned as function values. The nextcand() and prevcand() functions handle modval, modulus and skip by using ZVALUE rather than ZVALUE * and dropping the long modulus, etc. Changed a couple of occurrences of itoq(1) or itoq(0) to &_qone_ and &_qzero_. In definition of f_primetest, changed ztolong(q2->num) to ztoi(q2->num) so that the sign of count in ptest(n, count, skip) is not lost; and ztolong(q3->num) to q3->num so that skip can be any integer. In zprime.c, in definition of small_factor(), adds "&& *tp != 1" to the exit condition in the for loop so that searching for a factor will continue beyond the table of primes, as required for e.g. factor(2^59 - 1). Changed zprimetest() so that skip in ptest(n, count, skip) determines the way bases for the tests are selected. Neg values of n are treated differently. When considering factorization, primeness, etc. one is concerned with equivalence classes which for the rational integers are {0}, {-1, 1}, {-2, 2}, etc. To refer to an equivalence class users may use any of its elements but when returning a value for a factor the computer normally gives the non-negative member. The same sort of thing happens with integers modulo an integer, with fractions, etc., etc. E.g. users may refer to 3/4 as 6/8 or 9/12, etc. A simple summary of the way negative n is treated is "the sign is ignored". E.g. isprime(-97) and nextprime(-97) now return the same as isprime(97) and nextprime(97). The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.1t11 to 2.10.1t19: Added many more regression tests to lib/ Some due to . Added many help files, most due to . Fixed exp() and ln() so that when they return a complex value with a zero imaginary component, isreal() is true. Fixed cast problem in byteswap.c. Fixed memory leak problem where repeated assignments did not free the previous value. Complex number ordering/comparison has been changed such that: a < b implies a + c < b + c a < b and c > 0 implies a * c < b * c a < b implies -a > -b To achieve a "natural" partial ordering of the complex numbers with the above properties, cmp(a,b) for real or complex numbers may be considered as follows: cmp(a,b) = sgn(re(a) - re(b)) + sgn(im(a) - im(b)) * 1i The cmp help file has been updated. Change HASH type to QCKHASH. The HASH type is a name better suited for the upcoming one-way hash interface. Added the CONFIG type; a structure containing all of the configuration values under the control of config(). Added V_CONFIG data type. The call config("all") returns a V_CONFIG. One may now save/restore the configuration state as follows: x = config("all") ... config("all",x) Added two configuration aliases, "oldstd" (for old backward compatible standard configuration) and "newstd" (for new style configuration). One may set the historic configuration state by: config("all", "oldstd") One may use what some people consider to be a better but not backward compatible configuration state by: config("all", "newstd") Renamed config.h (configuration file built during the make) to conf.h. Added a new config.h to contain info on thw V_CONFIG type. Fixed some ANSI C compile warnings. The show config output is not indented by only one tab, unless config("tab",0) in which case it is not indented. The order of show config has been changed to reflect the config type values. Changed declaration of sys_errlst in func.c to be char *. Added quo(x,y,rnd) and mod(x,y,rnd) to give function interfaces to // and % with rounding mode arguments. Extended these functions to work for list-values, complex numbers and matrices. For integer x, cfsim(x,8) returns 0. Fixed config("leadzero"). Set config("cfsim",8) by default (in "oldstd"). Setup initial idea for config("all", "newstd") to be the default with the following changes: display 10 epsilon 1e-10 quo 0 outround 24 leadzero 1 fullzero 1 prompt "; " (allows full line cut/paste) more ";; " (allows full line cut/paste) The "newstd" is a (hopefully) more preferred configuration than the historic default. The fposval.h file defines DEV_BITS and INODE_BITS giving the bit size of the st_dev and st_ino stat elements. Also added SWAP_HALF_IN_DEV and SWAP_HALF_IN_STSIZE. Added sec(), csc(), cot(), sech(), csch(), coth(), asec(), acsc(), acot(), asech(), acsch() and acoth() builtins. The initmasks() call is no longer needed. The bitmask[] array is a compiled into zmath.c directly. Added isconfig(), ishash(), isrand() and israndom() builtins to test is something is a configuration state, hash state, RAND state or RANDOM state. The lib/ library now no longer keeps the Blum prime factors used to form he Blum modulus. The default modulus has been expanded to 1062 bits product of two Blum primes. The function hash_init() is called to initialize the hash function interface. Misc calc man page fixes and new command line updates. Fixed bug related to srand(1). Cleaned up some warning messages. All calls to math_error() now have a /*NOTREACHED*/ comment after them. This allows lint and compiler flow progs to note the jumpjmp nature of math_error(). Unfortunately some due to some systems not dealing with /*NOTREACHED*/ comments correctly, calls of the form: if (foo) math_error("bar"); must be turned into: if (foo) { math_error("bar"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } The ploy() function can take a list of coefficients. See the help/poly file. Added poly.c. Fixes and performance improvements to det(). Renamed atoq() and atoz() to str2q() and str2z() to avoid conflicts with libc function names. Fixed use of ${NROFF_ARG} when ${CATDIR} and ${NROFF} are set. Fixed SWAP_HALF_IN_B64 macro use for Big Endian machines without long long or with LONGLONG_BITS=0. Added error() and iserror() to generate a value of a given error type. See help/error for details. Added singular forms of help files. For example one can now get help for binding, bug, change, errorcode and type. The builtin mmin(x, md) has been changed to return the same as mod(x, md, 16). The old mmin(x, md) required md to be a positive integer and x to be an integer. Now md can be any real number; x can be real, complex, or a matrix or list with real elements, etc. The builtin avg(x_1, x_2, ...) has been changed to accept list-valued arguments: a list x_i contributes its elements to the list of items to be averaged. E.g. avg(list(1,2,list(3,4)),5) is treated as if it were avg(1,2,3,4,5). If an error value is encountered in the items to be averaged, the first such value is returned. If the number of items to be averaged is zero, the null value is returned. The builtin hmean(x_1, x_2, ...) has been changed to admit types other than real for x_1, x_2, ...; list arguments are treated in the same way as in avg(). The builtin eval(str) has been changed so that when str has a syntax error, instead of call to math_error(), an error value is returned. The old frem(x,y) builtin returned the wrong value when y was a power of 2 greater than 2, e.g. f(8,4) is returned as 4 when its value should be 2. This has been fixed by a small change to the definition of zfacrem(). Calc used to accept with no warning or error message, gcdrem(0,2) or generally gcdrem(0,y) for any y with abs(y) > 1, but then went into an infinite loop. This has been fixed by never calling zfacrem() with zero x. Both frem(x,y) and gcdrem(x,y) now reject y = -1, 0 or 1 as errors. For nonzero x, and y == -1 or 1, defining frem(x,y) and gcdrem(x,y) to equal abs(x) is almost as natural as defining x^0 to be 1. Similarly, if x is not zero then gcdrem(x,0) == 1. Plugged some more memory leaks. Fixed bug related randbit(x) skip (where x < 0). Added to help users use the raw random() interface well. Made extensive additions and changes to the rand() and random() generator comments in zrand.c. Fixed a bug in fposval.c that prevented calc from compiling on systems with 16 bit device and/or inodes. Fixed error messages in fposval.c. Fixed bug that would put calc into an infinite loop if it is ran with errors in startup files (calc/startup, .calcrc). Ha Lam The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.0t13 to 2.10.1t10: Added SB8, USB8, SB16, USB16, SB32, USB32 typedefs, determined by longbits and declared in longbits.h, to deal with 8, 16 and 32 bit signed and unsigned values. The longbits.h will define HAVE_B64 with a 64 bit type (long or longlong) is available. If one is, then SB64 and US64 typedefs are declared. The U(x) and L(x) macros only used to define 33 to 64 bit signed and unsigned constants. Without HAVE_B64, these macros cannot be used. Changed the way zmath.h declares types such as HALF and FULL. Changed the PRINT typedef. The only place where the long long type might be used is in longlong.c and if HAVE_LONGLONG, in longbits.h if it is needed. The only place were a long long constant might be used is in longlong.c. Any long long constants, if HAVE_LONGLONG, are hidden under the U(x) and L(x) macros on longbits.h. And of course, if you don't have long long, then HAVE_LONGLONG will NOT be defined and long long's will not be used. The longlong.h file is no longer directly used by the main calc source. It only comes into play when compiling the longbits tool. Added config("prompt") to change the default interactive prompt ("> ") and config("more") to change the default continuation prompt (">> "). Makefile builds align32.h with determines if 32 bit values must always be aligned on 32 bit boundaries. The CALCBINDINGS file is searched for along the CALCPATH. The Makefile defines the default CALCBINDINGS is "bindings" (or "altbind") which is now usually found in ./lib or ${LIBDIR}. Per Ernest Bowen , an optional third argument was added sqrt() so that in sqrt(x,y,z), y and z have essentially the same role as in appr(x,y,z) except that of course what is being approximated is the sqrt of x. Another difference is that two more bits of z are used in sqrt: bit 5 gives the option of exact results when they exist (the value of y is then ignored) and bit 6 returns the non-principal root rather than the principal value. If commands are given on the command line, leading tabs are not printed in output. Giving a command on the command line implies that config("tab",0) was given. Pipe processing is enabled by use of -p. For example: echo "print 2^21701-1, 2^23209-1" | calc -p | fizzbin In pipe mode, calc does not prompt, does not print leading tabs and does not print the initial version header. Calc will now form FILE objects for any open file descriptor > 2 and < MAXFILES. Calc assumes they are available for reading and writing. For example: $ echo "A line of text in the file on descriptor 5" > datafile $ calc 5b.file NOTE: Files presented to calc in this way are opened in an unknown mode. Calc will try to read or write them if directed. The maximum command line size it MAXCMD (16384) bytes. Calc objects to command lines that are longer. The -u flag cause calc to un-buffer stdin and stdout. Added more help files. Improved other help files. Removed trailing blanks from files. Removed or rewrite the formally gross and disgusting hacks for dealing with various sizes and byte sex FILEPOS and off_t types. Defined ilog2(x), ilog10(x), ilog(x,y) so that sign of x is ignored, e.g. ilog2(x) = ilog2(abs(x)). The sixth bit of rnd in config("round", rnd) and config("bround", rnd) is used to specify rounding to the given number of significant digits or bits rather than places, e.g. round(.00238, 2, 32) returns .0023, round(.00238, 2, 56) returns .0024. The following are the changes from calc version 2.9.3t11 to 2.10.0t12: The default ${LIBDIR}/bindings CALCBINDINGS uses ^D for editing. The alternate CALCBINDINGS ${LIBDIR}/altbind uses ^D for EOF. The Makefile CC flag system has been changed. The new CC flag system includes: CCMAIN are flags for ${CC} when compiling only files with main() CCOPT are flags given to ${CC} for optimization CCWARN are flags given to ${CC} for warning message control CCMISC are misc flags given to ${CC} CNOWARN are all flags given to ${CC} except ${CCWARN} flags CFLAGS are all flags given to ${CC} ICFLAGS are given to ${CC} for intermediate progs LCFLAGS are CC-style flags for ${LINT} LDFLAGS are flags given to ${CC} for linking .o files ILDFLAGS are given to ${CC} for linking .o's for intermediate progs CC is how the the C compiler is invoked The syntax error: print a[3][[4]] used to send calc into a loop printing 'missing expression'. This has been fixed. Added config("maxerr") and config("maxerr",val) to control the maximum number of errors before a computation is aborted. Removed test #952 and #953 in case calc's stdout or stderr is re-directed to a non-file by some test suite. Changed how , or simulate stdarg is determined. Changed how vsprintf() vs sprintf() is determined. The args.h file is created by Makefile to test which combination works. Setting VARARG and/or HAVE_VSPRINTF in the Makefile will alter these tests and direct a specific combination to be used. Removed have_vs.c, std_arg.h and try_stdarg.c. Added have_stdvs.c and have_varvs.c. Added 3rd optional arg to round(), bround(), appr() to specify the type of rounding to be used. Moved fnvhash.c to quickhash.c. Fixed a bug in appr rounding mode when >= 16. Added and They are used by the to provide a more extensive test suite for some builtin numeric functions. The following are the changes from calc version 2.9.3t9.2+ to 2.9.3t10: Added many help files for builtin functions and some symbols. More help files are needed, see help/todo. Removed the calc malloc code. Calc now uses malloc and free to manage storage since these implementations are often written to work best for the local system. Removed CALC_MALLOC code and Makefile symbol. Removed alloc.c. Added getenv("name"), putenv("name=val") and putenv("name, "val") builds for environment variable support thanks to "Dr." "D.J." Picton . Added system("shell command") builtin to execute shell commands, thanks to "Dr." "D.J." Picton . Added isatty(fd) builtin to determine if fd is attached to a tty thanks to "Dr." "D.J." Picton . Added cmdbuf() builtin to return the command line executed by calc's command line args thanks to "Dr." "D.J." Picton . Added strpos(str1,str2) builtin to determine the first position where str2 is found in str1 thanks to "Dr." "D.J." Picton . Fixed bug that caused: global a,b,c (newline with no semicolon) read the read command to not be recognized. The show command looks at only the first 4 chars of the argument so that: show globals show global show glob do the same thing. Added show config to print the config values and parameters thanks to Ernest Bowen . Added show objtypes to print the defined objects thanks to Ernest Bowen . Added more builtin function help files. Fixed the 3rd arg usage of the root builtin. Expanded the regression test suite. Fixed -- and ++ with respect to objects and assignment (see the 2300 series in Added isident(m) to determine if m is an identity matrix. The append(), insert() and push() builtins can now append between 1 to 100 values to a list. Added reverse() and join() builtins to reverse and join lists thanks to Ernest Bowen . Added sort() builtin to sort lists thanks to Ernest Bowen . Added head(), segment() and tail() builtins to return the head, middle or tail of lists thanks to Ernest Bowen . Added more and fixed some help files. The builtin help file is generated by the help makefile. Thus it will reflect the actual calc builtin list instead of the last time someone tried to update it correctly. :-) Fixed non-standard void pointer usage. Fixed base() bug with regards to the default base. Renamed MATH_PROTO() and HIST_PROTO() to PROTO(). Moved PROTO() into prototype.h. Fixed many function prototypes. Calc does not declare functions as static in one place and extern in another. Where reasonable function prototypes were added. Several arg mismatch problems were fixed. Added support for SGI MIPSpro C compiler. Changes the order that args are declared to match the order of the function. Some source tools got confused when: arg order did not match as in: void funct(foo,bar) int bar; /* this caused a problem */ char *foo; /* even though it should not! */ { } The following are the changes from calc version 2.9.3t8 to 2.9.3t9.2: Use of the macro zisleone(z) has been clarified. The zisleone(z) macro tests if z <= 1. The macro zisabsleone(z) tests of z is 1, 0 or -1. Added zislezero(z) macro. Bugs are related to this confusion have been fixed. Added zge64b(z) macro to zmath.h. Added the macro zgtmaxufull(z) to determine if z will fit into a FULL. Added the macro zgtmaxlong(z) to determine if z will fit into a long. Added the macro zgtmaxulong(z) to determine if z will fit into a unsigned long. Added the macro ztoulong(z) to convert an absolute value of a ZVALUE to an unsigned long, or to convert the low order bits of a ZVALUE. Added the macro ztolong(z) to convert an absolute value of a ZVALUE to an long, or to convert the low order bits of a ZVALUE. Some non-ANSI C compilers define __STDC__ to be 0, whereas all ANSI C compiles define it as non-zero. Code that depends on ANSI C now uses #if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC__ != 0. Fixed ptest(a,b) bug where (a mod 2^32) < b. Previously ptest() incorrectly returned 1 in certain cases. The second ptest() argument, which is now optional, defaults to 1. This ptest(x) is the same as ptest(x,1). Added an optional 3rd argument to ptest(). The 3rd arg tells how many tests to skip. Thus ptest(a,10) performs the same probabilistic tests as ptest(a,3) and ptest(a,7,3). The ptest() builtin by default will determine if a value is divisible by a trivial prime. Thus, ptest(a,0) will only perform a quick trivial factor check. If the test count is < 0, then this trivial factor check is omitted. Thus ptest(a,10) performs the same amount of work as ptest(a,3) and ptest(a,-7,3) and the same amount of work as ptest(a,-3) and ptest(a,7,3). Added nextcand(a[,b[,c]]) and prevcand(a[,b[,c]]) to search for the next/previous value v > a (or v < a) that passes ptest(v[,b[,c]]). The nextcand() and prevcand() builtins take the same arguments as ptest(). Added nextprime(x) and and prevprime(x) return the next and previous primes with respect to x respectively. As of this release, x must be < 2^32. With one argument, they will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, they will not generate an error but instead will return y. Fixed some memory leaks, particularly those related with pmod(). Fixed some of the array bounds reference problems in domult(). Added a hack-a-round fix for the uninitialized memory reference problems in zsquare/dosquare. The LIBRARY file has been updated to include a note about calling zio_init() first. Also some additional useful macros have been noted. The lfactor() function returns -1 when given a negative value. It will not search for factors beyond 2^32 or 203280221 primes. Performance of lfactor() has been improved. Added factor(x,y) to look for the smallest factor < min(sqrt(x),y). Added libcalcerr.a for a math_error() routine for the convince of progs that make use of libcalc.a. This routine by default will print an message on stderr and exit. It can also be made to longjump instead. See the file LIBRARY under ERROR HANDING. Added isprime() to test if a value is prime. As of this release, isprime() is limited to values < 2^32. With one argument, isprime(x) will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, isprime(x,y) will not generate an error but instead will return y. Added pix(x) to return the number of primes <= x. As of this release, x must be < 2^32. With one argument, pix(x) will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, pix(x,y) will not generate an error but instead will return y. Fixed the way *.h files are formed. Each file guards against multiple inclusion. Fixed numeric I/O on 64 bit systems. Previously the print and constant conversion routines assumed a base of 2^16. Added support for 'long long' type. If the Makefile is setup with 'LONGLONG_BITS=', then it will attempt to detect support for the 'long long' type. If the Makefile is setup with 'LONGLONG_BITS=64', then a 64 bit 'long long' is assumed. Currently, only 64 bit 'long long' type is supported. Use of 'long long' allows one to double the size of the internal base, making a number of computations much faster. If the Makefile is setup with 'LONGLONG_BITS=0', then the 'long long' type will not be used, even if the compiler supports it. Fixed avg() so that it will correctly handle matrix arguments. Fixed btrunc() limit. The ord("string") function can now take a string of multiple characters. However it still will only operate on the first character. Renamed stdarg.h to std_arg.h and endian.h endian_calc.h to avoid name conflicts with /usr/include on some systems that have make utilities that are too smart for their own good. Added additive 55 shuffle generator functions rand(), randbits() and its seed function srand(). Calling rand(a,b) produces a random value over the open half interval [a,b). With one arg, rand(a) is equivalent to rand(0,a). Calling rand() produces 64 random bits and is equivalent to rand(0,2^64). Calling randbit(x>0) produces x random bits. Calling randbit(skip<0) skips -skip bits and returns -skip. The srand() function will return the current state. The call srand(0) returns the initial state. Calling srand(x), where x > 0 will seed the generator to a different state. Calling srand(mat55) (mat55 is a matrix of integers at least 55 elements long) will seed the internal table with the matrix elements mod 2^64. Finally calling srand(state) where state is a generator state also sets/seeds the generator. The library has been modified to use the builtin rand() number generator. The output of this generator is different from previous versions of this generator because the rand() builtin does not match the additive 55 / shuffle generators from the old file. Added Makfile support for building BSD/386 releases. The cmp() builtin can now compare complex values. Added the errno() builtin to return the meaning of errno numbers. Added fputc(), fputs(), fgets(), ftell(), fseek() builtins. Added fsize() builtin to determine the size of an open file. Supports systems where file positions and offsets are longer than 2^32 byte, longer than long and/or are not a simple type. When a file file is printed, the file number is also printed: FILE 3 "/etc/motd" (reading, pos 127) Added matsum() to sum all numeric values in a matrix. The following code now works, thanks to a fix by (Ernest Bowen): mat A[3] = {1, 2, 3}; A[0] = A; print A[0]; Also thanks to ernie, calc can process compound expressions such as 1 ? 2 ? 3 : 4 : 5. Also^2 thanks to ernie, the