value.h V_RAND vp->v_rand RAND * ../zrand.h V_RANDOM vp->v_random RANDOM * ../zrandom.h V_CONFIG vp->v_config CONFIG * ../config.h V_HASH vp->v_hash HASH * ../hash.h V_BLOCK vp->v_block BLOCK * ../block.h The V_OCTET is under review and should not be used at this time. There are a number of macros that may be used to determine information about the numerical values (ZVALUE, NUMBER and COMPLEX). you might also want to read the following to understand some of the numerical types of ZVALUE, NUMBER and COMPLEX: ../zmath.h ../qmath.h ../cmath.h While we cannot go into full detail here are some cookbook code for manipulating VALUEs. For these examples assume that we will manipulate the return value: VALUE result; /* what we will return */ To return NULL: result.v_type = V_NULL; return result; To return a long you need to convert it to a NUMBER: long variable; result.v_type = V_NUM; result.v_num = itoq(variable); /* see ../qmath.c */ return result; To return a FULL you need to convert it to a NUMBER: FULL variable; result.v_type = V_NUM; result.v_num = utoq(variable); /* see ../qmath.c */ return result; To convert a ZVALUE to a NUMBER*: ZVALUE variable; result.v_type = V_NUM; result.v_num = qalloc(); /* see ../qmath.c */ result.v_num->num = variable; return result; To convert a small NUMBER* into a long: NUMBER *num; long variable; variable = qtoi(num); To obtain a ZVALUE from a NUMBER*, extract the numerator: NUMBER *num; ZVALUE z_variable; if (qisint(num)) { z_variable = num->num; } To be sure that the value will fit, use the ZVALUE test macros: ZVALUE z_num; long variable; unsigned long u_variable; FULL f_variable; short very_tiny_variable; if (zgtmaxlong(z_num)) { /* see ../zmath.h */ variable = ztolong(z_num); } if (zgtmaxulong(z_num)) { u_variable = ztoulong(z_num); } if (zgtmaxufull(z_num)) { f_variable = ztofull(z_num); } if (zistiny(z_num)) { very_tiny_variable = z1tol(z_num); } You can (and should) add debugging statements to your custom code by examining bit 8 of the calc_debug config flag: if (conf->calc_debug & CALCDBG_CUSTOM) { fprintf(stderr, "%ssome custom debug note: msg\n", (conf->tab_ok ? "\t" : ""), ((msg == NULL) ? "((NULL))" : msg)); } One is able to set bit 8 by way of the calc command line: calc -D 128 See the calc man page for details. One may also set that bit while running calc by way of the config() builtin function: config("calc_debug", 128); See the help/config file for details on calc_debug. Step 6: Register the function in the custom interface table To allow the custom() builtin to transfer control to your function, you need to add an entry into the CONST struct custom cust table found in custom/custtbl.c: /* * custom interface table * * The order of the elements in struct custom are: * * { "xyz", "brief description of the xyz custom function", * minimum_args, maximum_args, c_xyz }, * * where: * * minimum_args an int >= 0 * maximum_args an int >= minimum_args and <= MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS * * Use MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS for maximum_args is the maximum number of args * is potentially 'unlimited'. * * If the brief description cannot fit on the same line as the name * without wrapping on a 80 col window, the description is probably * too long and will not look nice in the show custom output. */ CONST struct custom cust[] = { #if defined(CUSTOM) /* * add your own custom functions here * * We suggest that you sort the entries below by name * so that show custom will produce a nice sorted list. */ { "argv", "information about its args, returns arg count", 0, MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS, c_argv }, { "devnull", "does nothing", 0, MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS, c_devnull }, { "help", "help for custom functions", 1, 1, c_help }, { "sysinfo", "return a calc #define value", 0, 1, c_sysinfo }, #endif /* CUSTOM */ /* * This must be at the end of this table!!! */ {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL} }; The definition of struct custom may be found in custom.h. It is important that your entry be placed inside the: #if defined(CUSTOM) ... #endif /* CUSTOM */ lines so that when the custom interface is disabled by the upper level Makefile, one does not have unsatisfied symbols. The brief description should be brief so that 'show custom' looks well formatted. If the brief description cannot fit on the same line as the name without wrapping on a 80 col window, the description is probably too long and will not look nice in the show custom output. The minargs places a lower bound on the number of args that must be supplied to the interface. This does NOT count the name argument given to custom(). So if minargs is 2: custom("curds") /* call blocked at high level interface */ custom("curds", a) /* call blocked at high level interface */ custom("curds", a, b) /* call passed down to "curds" interface */ The maxargs sets a limit on the number of args that may be passed. If minargs == maxargs, then the call requires a fixed number of argument. There is a upper limit on the number of args. If one wants an effectively unlimited upper bound, use MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS. Note that one must have: 0 <= minargs <= maxargs <= MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS To allow the curds function to take at least 2 args and up to 5 args, one would add the following entry to cust[]: { "curds", "brief description about curds interface", 2, 5, u_curds }, It is recommended that the cust[] remain in alphabetical order, so one would place it before the "devnull" and after "argv". Last, you must forward declare the u_curds near the top of the file: #if defined(CUSTOM) /* * add your forward custom function declarations here * * Declare custom functions as follows: * * E_FUNC VALUE c_xyz(char*, int, VALUE**); * * We suggest that you sort the entries below by name. */ E_FUNC VALUE c_argv(char*, int, VALUE**); E_FUNC VALUE c_devnull(char*, int, VALUE**); E_FUNC VALUE c_help(char*, int, VALUE**); E_FUNC VALUE c_sysinfo(char*, int, VALUE**); For u_curds we would add the line: E_FUNC VALUE u_curds(char*, int, VALUE**); Step 7: Add the required information to the custom/Makefile.head The calc test script,, should be added to the CUSTOM_CALC_FILES Makefile variable found in custom/Makefile.head: CUSTOM_CALC_FILES= The help file, curds, should be added to the CUSTOM_HELP custom/Makefile.head variable: CUSTOM_HELP= argv devnull help sysinfo curds If you needed to create any .h files to support u_curds.c, these files should be added to the CUSTOM_H_SRC custom/Makefile.head variable: CUSTOM_H_SRC= u_curds.h otherfile.h Your u_curds.c file MUST be added to the CUSTOM_SRC custom/Makefile.head variable: CUSTOM_SRC= c_argv.c c_devnull.c c_help.c c_sysinfo.c u_curds.c and so must the associated .o file: CUSTOM_OBJ= c_argv.o c_devnull.o c_help.o c_sysinfo.o u_curds.o Step 8: Compile and link in your code If your calc was not previously setup to compile custom code, you should set it up now. The upper level Makefile (and the custom Makefile) should have the following Makefile variable defined: ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM It is recommended that you build your code from the top level Makefile. It saves having to sync the other Makefile values. To try and build the new libcustcalc.a that contains u_curds.c: (cd ..; make custom/libcustcalc.a) Fix any compile and syntax errors as needed. :-) Once libcustcalc.a successfully builds, compile calc: cd .. make calc And check to be sure that the regression test suite still works without errors: make check Step 9: Add the Make dependency tools You should probably add the dependency lines to the bottom of the Makefile. Given the required include files, you will at least have the following entries placed at the bottom of the Makefile: u_curds.o: ../alloc.h u_curds.o: ../block.h u_curds.o: ../byteswap.h u_curds.o: ../calcerr.h u_curds.o: ../cmath.h u_curds.o: ../config.h u_curds.o: ../endian_calc.h u_curds.o: ../hash.h u_curds.o: ../have_const.h u_curds.o: ../have_malloc.h u_curds.o: ../have_newstr.h u_curds.o: ../have_stdlib.h u_curds.o: ../have_string.h u_curds.o: ../longbits.h u_curds.o: ../nametype.h u_curds.o: ../qmath.h u_curds.o: ../shs.h u_curds.o: ../value.h u_curds.o: ../zmath.h u_curds.o: u_curds.c u_curds.o: ../custom.h If you have the makedepend tool from the X11 development environment (by Todd Brunhoff, Tektronix, Inc. and MIT Project Athena), you can use the following to update your dependencies: # cd to the top level calc directory if you are not there already rm -f Makefile.bak custom/Makefile.bak make depend diff -c Makefile.bak Makefile # look at the changes diff -c custom/Makefile.bak custom/Makefile # look at the changes rm -f Makefile.bak custom/Makefile.bak # cleanup Step 10: Test Now that you have built calc with your new custom function, test it: ./calc -C # run the new calc with the -C arg And then try out our test suite: C-style arbitrary precision calculator (version 2.10.3t5.1) [Type "exit" to exit, or "help" for help.] > read custom/ curds(a, b, [c, d, e]) defined > custom("curds", 2, 3, 4) Step 11: Install Once you are satisfied that everything works, install the new code: # cd to the top level calc directory if you are not there already make install Although calc does not run setuid, you may need to be root to install the directories into which calc installs may be write protected. Step 12: Contribute Your custom function may be of interest to some people and/or serve as an example of what one can do with custom functions. Read the file: help/contrib (or run: calc help contrib) and consider submitting your custom function for possible inclusion in later versions of calc. ## Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.4 $ ## @(#) $Id: HOW_TO_ADD,v 30.4 2007/09/21 01:27:27 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/custom/RCS/HOW_TO_ADD,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1997/03/10 03:03:21 ## File existed as early as: 1997 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * resource ************* Calc standard resource files ---------------------------- To load a resource file, try: read filename You do not need to add the .cal extension to the filename. Calc will search along the $CALCPATH (see ``help environment''). Normally a resource file will simply define some functions. By default, most resource files will print out a short message when they are read. For example: ; read lucas lucas(h,n) defined gen_u0(h,n,v1) defined gen_v1(h,n) defined ldebug(funct,str) defined will cause calc to load and execute the '' resource file. Executing the resource file will cause several functions to be defined. Executing the lucas function: ; lucas(149,60) 1 ; lucas(146,61) 0 shows that 149*2^60-1 is prime whereas 146*2^61-1 is not. =-= Calc resource file files are provided because they serve as examples of how use the calc language, and/or because the authors thought them to be useful! If you write something that you think is useful, please send it to: calc-contrib at asthe dot com [[ NOTE: Replace 'at' with @, 'dot' is with . and remove the spaces ]] [[ NOTE: The EMail address uses 'asthe' and the web site URL uses 'isthe' ]] By convention, a resource file only defines and/or initializes functions, objects and variables. (The and regression test suite is an exception.) Also by convention, an additional usage message regarding important object and functions is printed. If a resource file needs to load another resource file, it should use the -once version of read: /* pull in needed resource files */ read -once "surd" read -once "lucas" This will cause the needed resource files to be read once. If these files have already been read, the read -once will act as a noop. The "resource_debug" parameter is intended for controlling the possible display of special information relating to functions, objects, and other structures created by instructions in calc resource files. Zero value of config("resource_debug") means that no such information is displayed. For other values, the non-zero bits which currently have meanings are as follows: n Meaning of bit n of config("resource_debug") 0 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined at interactive level, a message saying what has been done is displayed. 1 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined during the reading of a file, a message saying what has been done is displayed. 2 Show func will display more information about a functions arguments as well as more argument summary information. 3 During execution, allow calc standard resource files to output additional debugging information. The value for config("resource_debug") in both oldstd and newstd is 3, but if calc is invoked with the -d flag, its initial value is zero. Thus, if calc is started without the -d flag, until config("resource_debug") is changed, a message will be output when a function is defined either interactively or during the reading of a file. Sometimes the information printed is not enough. In addition to the standard information, one might want to print: * useful obj definitions * functions with optional args * functions with optional args where the param() interface is used For these cases we suggest that you place at the bottom of your code something that prints extra information if config("resource_debug") has either of the bottom 2 bits set: if (config("resource_debug") & 3) { print "obj xyz defined"; print "funcA([val1 [, val2]]) defined"; print "funcB(size, mass, ...) defined"; } If your the resource file needs to output special debugging information, we recommend that you check for bit 3 of the config("resource_debug") before printing the debug statement: if (config("resource_debug") & 8) { print "DEBUG: This a sample debug statement"; } =-= The following is a brief description of some of the calc resource files that are shipped with calc. See above for example of how to read in and execute these files. global test_time mul_loop(repeat,x) defined mul_ratio(len) defined best_mul2() defined sq_loop(repeat,x) defined sq_ratio(len) defined best_sq2() defined pow_loop(repeat,x,ex) defined pow_ratio(len) defined best_pow2() defined These functions search for an optimal value of config("mul2"), config("sq2"), and config("pow2"). The calc default values of these configuration values were set by running this resource file on a 1.8GHz AMD 32-bit CPU of ~3406 BogoMIPS. The best_mul2() function returns the optimal value of config("mul2"). The best_sq2() function returns the optimal value of config("sq2"). The best_pow2() function returns the optimal value of config("pow2"). The other functions are just support functions. By design, best_mul2(), best_sq2(), and best_pow2() take a few minutes to run. These functions increase the number of times a given computational loop is executed until a minimum amount of CPU time is consumed. To watch these functions progress, one can set the config("user_debug") value. Here is a suggested way to use this resource file: ; read alg_config ; config("user_debug",2),; ; best_mul2(); best_sq2(); best_pow2(); ; best_mul2(); best_sq2(); best_pow2(); ; best_mul2(); best_sq2(); best_pow2(); NOTE: It is perfectly normal for the optimal value returned to differ slightly from run to run. Slight variations due to inaccuracy in CPU timings will cause the best value returned to differ slightly from run to run. One can use a calc startup file to change the initial values of config("mul2"), config("sq2"), and config("pow2"). For example one can place into ~/.calcrc these lines: config("mul2", 1780),; config("sq2", 3388),; config("pow2", 176),; to automatically and silently change these config values. See help/config and CALCRC in help/environment for more information. Calc's contribution to the 99 Bottles of Beer web page: NOTE: This resource produces a lot of output. :-) B(n) Calculate the nth Bernoulli number. NOTE: There is now a bernoulli() builtin function. This file is left here for backward compatibility and now simply returns the builtin function. bigprime(a, m, p) A prime test, base a, on p*2^x+1 for even x>m. Z(x[, eps]) P(x[, eps]) chi_prob(chi_sq, v[, eps]) Computes the Probability, given the Null Hypothesis, that a given Chi squared values >= chi_sq with v degrees of freedom. The chi_prob() function does not work well with odd degrees of freedom. It is reasonable with even degrees of freedom, although one must give a sufficiently small error term as the degrees gets large (>100). The Z(x) and P(x) are internal statistical functions. eps is an optional epsilon() like error term. chrem(r1,m1 [,r2,m2, ...]) chrem(rlist, mlist) Chinese remainder theorem/problem solver. deg(deg, min, sec) deg_add(a, b) deg_neg(a) deg_sub(a, b) deg_mul(a, b) deg_print(a) Calculate in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For a more functional version see dms(deg, min, sec) dms_add(a, b) dms_neg(a) dms_sub(a, b) dms_mul(a, b) dms_print(a) dms_abs(a) dms_norm(a) dms_test(a) dms_int(a) dms_frac(a) dms_rel(a,b) dms_cmp(a,b) dms_inc(a) dms_dec(a) Calculate in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Unlike, increments are on the arc second level. See also dotest(dotest_file [,dotest_code [,dotest_maxcond]]) dotest_file Search along CALCPATH for dotest_file, which contains lines that should evaluate to 1. Comment lines and empty lines are ignored. Comment lines should use ## instead of the multi like /* ... */ because lines are evaluated one line at a time. dotest_code Assign the code number that is to be printed at the start of each non-error line and after **** in each error line. The default code number is 999. dotest_maxcond The maximum number of error conditions that may be detected. An error condition is not a sign of a problem, in some cases a line deliberately forces an error condition. A value of -1, the default, implies a maximum of 2147483647. Global variables and functions must be declared ahead of time because the dotest scope of evaluation is a line at a time. For example: read read dotest("set8700.line"); efactor(iN, ia, B, force) Attempt to factor using the elliptic functions: y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b. Calc's contribution to the Hello World! page: NOTE: This resource produces a lot of output. :-) hms(hour, min, sec) hms_add(a, b) hms_neg(a) hms_sub(a, b) hms_mul(a, b) hms_print(a) hms_abs(a) hms_norm(a) hms_test(a) hms_int(a) hms_frac(a) hms_rel(a,b) hms_cmp(a,b) hms_inc(a) hms_dec(a) Calculate in hours, minutes, and seconds. See also dmscal. file2be(filename) Read filename and return an integer that is built from the octets in that file in Big Endian order. The first octets of the file become the most significant bits of the integer. file2le(filename) Read filename and return an integer that is built from the octets in that file in Little Endian order. The first octets of the file become the most significant bits of the integer. be2file(v, filename) Write the absolute value of v into filename in Big Endian order. The v argument must be on integer. The most significant bits of the integer become the first octets of the file. le2file(v, filename) Write the absolute value of v into filename in Little Endian order. The v argument must be on integer. The least significant bits of the integer become the last octets of the file. linear(x0, y0, x1, y1, x) Returns the value y such that (x,y) in on the line (x0,y0), (x1,y1). Requires x0 != y0. lucas(h, n) Perform a primality test of h*2^n-1, with 1<=h<2*n. lucas_chk(high_n) Test all primes of the form h*2^n-1, with 1<=h<200 and n <= high_n. Requires to be loaded. The highest useful high_n is 1000. Used by during the 2100 test set. Lucasian criteria for primality tables. mersenne(p) Perform a primality test of 2^p-1, for prime p>1. mfactor(n [, start_k=1 [, rept_loop=10000 [, p_elim=17]]]) Return the lowest factor of 2^n-1, for n > 0. Starts looking for factors at 2*start_k*n+1. Skips values that are multiples of primes <= p_elim. By default, start_k == 1, rept_loop = 10000 and p_elim = 17. The p_elim == 17 overhead takes ~3 minutes on an 200 Mhz r4k CPU and requires about ~13 Megs of memory. The p_elim == 13 overhead takes about 3 seconds and requires ~1.5 Megs of memory. The value p_elim == 17 is best for long factorizations. It is the fastest even thought the initial startup overhead is larger than for p_elim == 13. lmod(a) mod_print(a) mod_one() mod_cmp(a, b) mod_rel(a, b) mod_add(a, b) mod_sub(a, b) mod_neg(a) mod_mul(a, b) mod_square(a) mod_inc(a) mod_dec(a) mod_inv(a) mod_div(a, b) mod_pow(a, b) Routines to handle numbers modulo a specified number. isset(a) setbound(n) empty() full() isin(a, b) addmember(a, n) rmmember(a, n) set() mkset(s) primes(a, b) set_max(a) set_min(a) set_not(a) set_cmp(a, b) set_rel(a, b) set_or(a, b) set_and(a, b) set_comp(a) set_setminus(a, b) set_diff(a,b) set_content(a) set_add(a, b) set_sub(a, b) set_mul(a, b) set_square(a) set_pow(a, n) set_sum(a) set_plus(a) interval(a, b) isinterval(a) set_mod(a, b) randset(n, a, b) polyvals(L, A) polyvals2(L, A, B) set_print(a) Demonstration of how the string operators and functions may be used for defining and working with sets of natural numbers not exceeding a user-specified bound. pellx(D) pell(D) Solve Pell's equation; Returns the solution X to: X^2 - D * Y^2 = 1. Type the solution to Pell's equation for a particular D. qpi(epsilon) piforever() The qpi() calculate pi within the specified epsilon using the quartic convergence iteration. The piforever() prints digits of pi, nicely formatted, for as long as your free memory space and system up time allows. The piforever() function (written by Klaus Alexander Seistrup ) was inspired by an algorithm conceived by Lambert Meertens. See also the ABC Programmer's Handbook, by Geurts, Meertens & Pemberton, published by Prentice-Hall (UK) Ltd., 1990. pi_of_x(x) Calculate the number of primes < x using A(n+1)=A(n-1)+A(n-2). This is a SLOW painful method ... the builtin pix(x) is much faster. Still, this method is interesting. pfactor(N, N, ai, af) Factor using Pollard's p-1 method. Calculate with polynomials of one variable. There are many functions. Read the documentation in the resource file. adder() showvalues(str) Demonstration of some uses of prompt() and eval(). psqrt(u, p) Calculate square roots modulo a prime qtime(utc_hr_offset) Print the time as English sentence given the hours offset from UTC. quat(a, b, c, d) quat_print(a) quat_norm(a) quat_abs(a, e) quat_conj(a) quat_add(a, b) quat_sub(a, b) quat_inc(a) quat_dec(a) quat_neg(a) quat_mul(a, b) quat_div(a, b) quat_inv(a) quat_scale(a, b) quat_shift(a, b) Calculate using quaternions of the form: a + bi + cj + dk. In these functions, quaternions are manipulated in the form: s + v, where s is a scalar and v is a vector of size 3. randbitrun([run_cnt]) Using randbit(1) to generate a sequence of random bits, determine if the number and length of identical bits runs match what is expected. By default, run_cnt is to test the next 65536 random values. This tests the a55 generator. randmprime(bits, seed [,dbg]) Find a prime of the form h*2^n-1 >= 2^bits for some given x. The initial search points for 'h' and 'n' are selected by a cryptographic pseudo-random number generator. The optional argument, dbg, if set to 1, 2 or 3 turn on various debugging print statements. randombitrun([run_cnt]) Using randombit(1) to generate a sequence of random bits, determine if the number and length of identical bits runs match what is expected. By default, run_cnt is to test the next 65536 random values. This tests the Blum-Blum-Shub generator. randomrun([run_cnt]) Perform the "G. Run test" (pp. 65-68) as found in Knuth's "Art of Computer Programming - 2nd edition", Volume 2, Section 3.3.2 on the builtin rand() function. This function will generate run_cnt 64 bit values. By default, run_cnt is to test the next 65536 random values. This tests the Blum-Blum-Shub generator. randrun([run_cnt]) Perform the "G. Run test" (pp. 65-68) as found in Knuth's "Art of Computer Programming - 2nd edition", Volume 2, Section 3.3.2 on the builtin rand() function. This function will generate run_cnt 64 bit values. By default, run_cnt is to test the next 65536 random values. This tests the a55 generator. repeat(digit_set, repeat_count) Return the value of the digit_set repeated repeat_count times. Both digit_set and repeat_count must be integers > 0. For example repeat(423,5) returns the value 423423423423423, which is the digit_set 423 repeated 5 times. Test the correct execution of the calculator by reading this resource file. Errors are reported with '****' messages, or worse. :-) up CUU /* same as up */ down = CUD CUD /* same as down */ forward CUF /* same as forward */ back = CUB CUB /* same as back */ save SCP /* same as save */ restore RCP /* same as restore */ cls home eraseline off bold faint italic blink rapidblink reverse concealed /* Lowercase indicates foreground, uppercase background */ black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White Define ANSI control sequences providing (i.e., cursor movement, changing foreground or background color, etc.) for VT100 terminals and terminal window emulators (i.e., xterm, Apple OS/X Terminal, etc.) that support them. For example: read screen print green:"This is green. ":red:"This is red.":black seedrandom(seed1, seed2, bitsize [,trials]) Given: seed1 - a large random value (at least 10^20 and perhaps < 10^93) seed2 - a large random value (at least 10^20 and perhaps < 10^93) size - min Blum modulus as a power of 2 (at least 100, perhaps > 1024) trials - number of ptest() trials (default 25) (optional arg) Returns: the previous random state Seed the cryptographically strong Blum generator. This functions allows one to use the raw srandom() without the burden of finding appropriate Blum primes for the modulus. set8700_getA1() defined set8700_getA2() defined set8700_getvar() defined set8700_f(set8700_x) defined set8700_g(set8700_x) defined Declare globals and define functions needed by dotest() (see to evaluate set8700.line a line at a time. set8700.line A line-by-line evaluation file for dotest() (see The file (and should be read first. solve(low, high, epsilon) Solve the equation f(x) = 0 to within the desired error value for x. The function 'f' must be defined outside of this routine, and the low and high values are guesses which must produce values with opposite signs. ss(p) Determine the unique two positive integers whose squares sum to the specified prime. This is always possible for all primes of the form 4N+1, and always impossible for primes of the form 4N-1. timematsum(N) timelistsum(N) timematsort(N) timelistsort(N) timematreverse(N) timelistreverse(N) timematssq(N) timelistssq(N) timehmean(N,M) doalltimes(N) Give the user CPU time for various ways of evaluating sums, sums of squares, etc, for large lists and matrices. N is the size of the list or matrix to use. The doalltimes() function will run all fo the sumtimes tests. For example: doalltimes(1e6); surd(a, b) surd_print(a) surd_conj(a) surd_norm(a) surd_value(a, xepsilon) surd_add(a, b) surd_sub(a, b) surd_inc(a) surd_dec(a) surd_neg(a) surd_mul(a, b) surd_square(a) surd_scale(a, b) surd_shift(a, b) surd_div(a, b) surd_inv(a) surd_sgn(a) surd_cmp(a, b) surd_rel(a, b) Calculate using quadratic surds of the form: a + b * sqrt(D). value This resource files is used by to test the read and use keywords. global defaultverbose global err testismult(str, n, verbose) testsqrt(str, n, eps, verbose) testexp(str, n, eps, verbose) testln(str, n, eps, verbose) testpower(str, n, b, eps, verbose) testgcd(str, n, verbose) cpow(x, n, eps) cexp(x, eps) cln(x, eps) mkreal() mkcomplex() mkbigreal() mksmallreal() testappr(str, n, verbose) checkappr(x, y, z, verbose) checkresult(x, y, z, a) test2600(verbose, tnum) This resource files is used by to test some of builtin functions in terms of accuracy and roundoff. global defaultverbose mknonnegreal() mkposreal() mkreal_2700() mknonzeroreal() mkposfrac() mkfrac() mksquarereal() mknonsquarereal() mkcomplex_2700() testcsqrt(str, n, verbose) checksqrt(x, y, z, v) checkavrem(A, B, X, eps) checkrounding(s, n, t, u, z) iscomsq(x) test2700(verbose, tnum) This resource files is used by to test sqrt() for real and complex values. obj res global md res_test(a) res_sub(a, b) res_mul(a, b) res_neg(a) res_inv(a) res(x) This resource file is used by to test determinants of a matrix global defaultverbose global err testi(str, n, N, verbose) testr(str, n, N, verbose) test3300(verbose, tnum) This resource file is used by to provide for more determinant tests. global defaultverbose global err test1(str, n, eps, verbose) test2(str, n, eps, verbose) test3(str, n, eps, verbose) test4(str, n, eps, verbose) test5(str, n, eps, verbose) test6(str, n, eps, verbose) test3400(verbose, tnum) This resource file is used by to test trig functions. containing objects. global defaultverbose global err testfrem(x, y, verbose) testgcdrem(x, y, verbose) testf(str, n, verbose) testg(str, n, verbose) testh(str, n, N, verbose) test3500(verbose, n, N) This resource file is used by to test the functions frem, fcnt, gcdrem. global defaultverbose global err global BASEB global BASE global COUNT global SKIP global RESIDUE global MODULUS global K1 global H1 global K2 global H2 global K3 global H3 plen(N) defined rlen(N) defined clen(N) defined ptimes(str, N, n, count, skip, verbose) defined ctimes(str, N, n, count, skip, verbose) defined crtimes(str, a, b, n, count, skip, verbose) defined ntimes(str, N, n, count, skip, residue, mod, verbose) defined testnextcand(str, N, n, cnt, skip, res, mod, verbose) defined testnext1(x, y, count, skip, residue, modulus) defined testprevcand(str, N, n, cnt, skip, res, mod, verbose) defined testprev1(x, y, count, skip, residue, modulus) defined test4000(verbose, tnum) defined This resource file is used by to test ptest, nextcand and prevcand builtins. global defaultverbose global err global K1 global K2 global BASEB global BASE rlen_4100(N) defined olen(N) defined test1(x, y, m, k, z1, z2) defined testall(str, n, N, M, verbose) defined times(str, N, n, verbose) defined powtimes(str, N1, N2, n, verbose) defined inittimes(str, N, n, verbose) defined test4100(verbose, tnum) defined This resource file is used by to test REDC operations. stest(str [, verbose]) defined ttest([m, [n [,verbose]]]) defined sprint(x) defined findline(f,s) defined findlineold(f,s) defined test4600(verbose, tnum) defined This resource file is used by to test searching in files. global a5100 global b5100 test5100(x) defined This resource file is used by to test the new code generator declaration scope and order. global a5200 static a5200 f5200(x) defined g5200(x) defined h5200(x) defined This resource file is used by to test the fix of a global/static bug. test8400() defined This resource file is used by to check for quit-based memory leaks. global err_8500 global L_8500 global ver_8500 global old_seed_8500 global cfg_8500 onetest_8500(a,b,rnd) defined divmod_8500(N, M1, M2, testnum) defined This resource file is used by to the // and % operators. global min_8600 global max_8600 global hash_8600 global hmean_8600 This resource file is used by to test a change of allowing up to 1024 args to be passed to a builtin function. unitfrac(x) Represent a fraction as sum of distinct unit fractions. sc(a, b, ...) Example program to use 'varargs'. Program to sum the cubes of all the specified numbers. is_octet(a) defined list_print(a) defined mat_print (a) defined octet_print(a) defined blk_print(a) defined nblk_print (a) defined strchar(a) defined file_print(a) defined error_print(a) defined Demo for the xx_print object routines. ## Copyright (C) 2000 David I. Bell and Landon Curt Noll ## ## Primary author: Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.2 $ ## @(#) $Id: README,v 30.2 2010/09/02 06:01:39 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/cal/RCS/README,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1990/02/15 01:50:32 ## File existed as early as: before 1990 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * archive ************* Where to get the the latest versions of calc Landon Noll maintains the official calc home page at: See: for information on how to obtain up a recent version of calc. Landon Curt Noll chongo /\../\ ## Copyright (C) 1999 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.1 $ ## @(#) $Id: archive,v 30.1 2007/03/16 11:10:42 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/help/RCS/archive,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1996/06/13 02:51:48 ## File existed as early as: 1996 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * bugs ************* If you notice something wrong, strange or broken, try rereading: README.FIRST HOWTO.INSTALL BUGS (this file) If that does not help, cd to the calc source directory and try: make check Look at the end of the output, it should say something like: 9998: passed all tests /\../\ 9999: Ending regression tests If it does not, then something is really broken! If you made and modifications to calc beyond the simple Makefile configuration, try backing them out and see if things get better. To be sure that your version of calc is up to date, check out: The calc web site is located at: =-= If you have tried all of the above and things still are not right, then it may be time to send in a bug report. You can send bug and bug fixes reports to: calc-bugs at asthe dot com [[ NOTE: Replace 'at' with @, 'dot' is with . and remove the spaces ]] [[ NOTE: The EMail address uses 'asthe', the web site URL uses 'isthe' ]] Your subject must contain the words: calc bug report You may have additional words in your subject line. When you send your report, please include the following information: * a description of the problem * the version of calc you are using (if you cannot get calc to run, then send us the 4 #define lines from version.c) * if you modified calc from an official patch, send me the mods you made * the type of system you were using * the type of compiler you were using * any compiler warnings or errors that you saw * cd to the calc source directory, and type: make debug > debug.out 2>&1 (sh, ksh, bash users) make debug >& debug.out (csh, tcsh users) and send the contents of the 'debug.out' file. Stack traces from core dumps are useful to send as well. Fell free to use the above address to send in big fixes (in the form of a context diff patch). =-= Known bugs: We are sure some more bugs exist. When you find them, please let us know! See the above for details on how to report and were to EMail your bug reports and hopefully patches to fix them. =-= Problems that have known work-a-rounds: * There is a bug in gcc v4.1.0 that causes calc to fail the regression test. The work-a-round is to compile with gcc v4.1.1 or later. This problems was observed on Fedora 5. =-= mis-features in calc: Some problems are not bugs but rarther mis-features / things that could work better. The following is a list of mis-features that should be addressed and improved someday. * When statement is of the form { ... }, the leading { MUST BE ON THE SAME LINE as the if, for, while or do keyword. This works as expected: if (expr) { ... } However this WILL NOT WORK AS EXPECTED: if (expr) { ... } This needs to be changed. See also "help statement", "help unexpected", and "help todo". * The resource file does not work well with odd degrees of freedom. Can someone improve this algorithm? * The resource file reads and writes big or little Endian integers to/from files the hard way. It does NOT use blkcpy. The following code: i = (ord("\n") << 16) | (ord("i") << 8) | ord("H") b = blk() copy(i, b) fd = fopen("file", "w") copy(b, fd); fclose(fd) will write an extra NUL octet to the file. Where as: read intfile i = (ord("\n") << 16) | (ord("i") << 8) | ord("H") be2file(i, "file2") will not. ## Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.1 $ ## @(#) $Id: BUGS,v 30.1 2007/03/16 11:09:46 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/RCS/BUGS,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1994/03/18 14:06:13 ## File existed as early as: 1994 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * changes ************* The following are the changes from calc version to date: Fixed a documentation bug for the sgn() builtin. Added the 1<<8/2 evaluation example to "help unexpected". That expression evalutes to 128, not 16 as some C programmers might expect. Fixed a bug in where high was not returned in some situations. Fixed a bug reported by Paul & Karen Tomlinson (paulnkaz at pktomlinson dot fsnet dot co dot uk) where calling log multiple times with different values of epsilon resulted in an incorrect value. Removed cvd rule from Makefiles. The Makefile used in the source rpm (calc-*.src.rpm) no longer uses the -Werror compile flag. This is to help those distributions with compilers that make produce (hopefully) complination warnings. NOTE: For testing and calc build purposes will recommend and will continue to use the -Werror flag. Fixed a typo in the Makefile where the make variable ${SAMPLE_OBJ} was misspelled as ${SAMPLE_OBJS}. Added prep makefile rule to make is easier to compile calc without an optimizer. By doing: make clobber prep one may build a calc binary that is easier to debug. Fixed a bug where an certains typos (e.g., calling an unknown function) would previously cause calc to exit. Updated the COPYING file to reflect the new filenames associated with the SHA1 hash function, and removed mention of files related to the SHA (SHA0, not SHA1) and the MD5 hash functions (which is no longer supported in calc). Fixed a bug where a calling vsnprintf() twice created problems. The thanks for this fix goes to Matthew Miller (mattdm at mattdm dot org) for this patch. Michael Penk (mpenk at wuska dot com) reported success in installs under windoz via Cygwin by making a change to the Cygwin target. These changes have been folded into the main calc Makefile. The old recommendation of using 'make win32_hsrc' is no longer required for Cygwin. See the README.WINDOWS file for details. Added and resource files. The is a more functional version of It is a superset except that increment and decrement is on the arc second level. The is for 24-hour cycle instread of the 360 degree cycle of Changed object name from dms to deg so that the more functional can own the dms object name. Updated 'help obj' to reflect changes to 'show objfunctions' and resource file example list since 1999. Fixed problem where CALC_BYTE_ORDER refering to CALC_BIG_ENDIAN and CALC_LITTLE_ENDIAN instead of BIG_ENDIAN and LITTLE_ENDIAN. The following are the changes from calc version to Fixed the Jacobi function where it returned 1 when it should have returned 0. Thanks goes to Kevin Sopp (baraclese at googlemail dot com) for discovering the problem and suggesting the nature if the fix. Calc versions will always be of the form x.y.z.w even when the MINOR_PATCH (w) is 0. Thus, will be printed as instread of just 2.12.3. Added MINGW32_NT-5.0 compile target based on a patch from Brian L. Angus (angus at eng dot utah dot edu). Removed the use of rpm.release in the Makefile. Mac OS Darwin targets no longer attempt to use ldconfig. Under the Darwin target, the LDCONFIG make variable is redefined to be an empty value. Thanks goes to Ralf Trinler (art at infra dot de) for reporting this problem. The ${CALC_INCDIR}/custom is no longer being removed at install time if it is empty. Now when ${ALLOW_CUSTOM} make variable is empty, an empty ${CALC_INCDIR}/custom may be left hehind. Fixed a problem where a "make clobber" would remove custom/Makefile and fail to rebuilt it. The following are the changes from calc version to Added OpenBSD target. Using the -r test instead of the -e test in Makefiles because some out of date shells still do not have the -e test. The Makefile now avoids the use of if ! command because some out of date shells to not support the ! construct. The following are the changes from calc version to Added an explicit Solaris target. Fixed confusion in Makefile where some uses of ${EXT} were misnamed ${EXE}. Added a "make strip" rule, per suggestion from Igor Furlan , to allow one to strip previously built binary executables and libraries. Under the Darwin / OS X target, ${DARWIN_ARCH} is left empty meaning that calc is compiled for the native CPU type instead of Universal Binary (Intel and PPC). By default, the calc binary that is built for the rpm forces ${LD_SHARE} to be empty. An empty ${LD_SHARE} means that the calc from the rpm does not set rpath. This in turn causes the default system path to be searched when looking for libcalc and libcustcalc. The Makefile shipped with calc still sets ${LD_SHARE} for host targets. By default, the dynamic shared library search path for all targets starts with the source directory. Starting the search in the source directory is convenient for testing and debugging but is not appropriate for installation on a production system. To get the same effect as the calc binary in the calc rpm, try: make clobber make calc-dynamic-only BLD_TYPE=calc-dynamic-only LD_SHARE= make install The libcalc and libcustcalc shared libraries are now tied to the 4 level calc version instead of just 3 levels. For example, under Linux calc version uses /usr/lib/ instead of just the /usr/lib/ file. This change was made so that calc produced by 'make clobber; make all install' is consistent with the calc rpm. Calc is now releasing the calc-debuginfo rpm for those RPM users who which to use non-stripped libraries and binaries for debugging purposes. By default, the calc rpm installed stripped binaries and libraries. Added this high priority item to the calc help/todo list: It is overkill to have nearly everything wind up in libcalc. Form a libcalcmath and a libcalclang so that an application that just wants to link with the calc math libs can use them without dragging in all of the other calc language, I/O, and builtin functions. Fixed the wording for the -i flag in the calc man page. Added some notes to the help/unexpected file regarding calc and interactice shells. Fixed bug where a FILEPOS was copied FPOS_POS_BITS octets instead of FPOS_POS_LEN octets. Split out ${READLINE_EXTRAS} Makefile variables from ${READLINE_LIB} to better deal with Fedora rpm requirements. Bit 8 (0x80) of calc_debug is reserved for custom debugging. See help/config and custom/HOW_TO_ADD for details. When the Makefile variable ${ALLOW_CUSTOM} is not defined or empty, the libcustcalc library is not built or linked against, certain make rules skip going into the custom sub-directory, the install rule skips certain custom installation actions, and the common C flags (${COMMON_CFLAGS}) is given -UCUSTOM. Other make rules such as "make clean" and "make clobber" still work as before. Also the Makefile.simple assumes that the Makefile variable ${ALLOW_CUSTOM} is -DCUSTOM. Clarified that the calc builtin functions rand() and random() operate over a half closed interval. The help/rand and help/random refer to the top of the interval as "beyond" instead of "max". Releaseing source tar balls using bzip2 instead of with gzip. So what was calc-something.tar.gz is now calc-something.tar.bz2. To "uncompress" use: bunzip2 calc-something.tar.bz2 On some systems, one may untar directly by: tar -jxvf calc-something.tar.bz2 The Makefile variable ${BYTE_ORDER} was replaced by ${CALC_BYTE_ORDER}. Changed the way the Makefile can force the calc byte order. If you set the Makefile variable ${CALC_BYTE_ORDER} to be -DCALC_BIG_ENDIAN then endian.h will force the CPP symbol CALC_BYTE_ORDER to be BIG_ENDIAN. If you set ${CALC_BYTE_ORDER} to be -DCALC_LITTLE_ENDIAN then endian.h will force the CPP symbol CALC_BYTE_ORDER to be LITTLE_ENDIAN. If the Makefile variable ${CALC_BYTE_ORDER} is empty, then the CPP symbol CALC_BYTE_ORDER will set to the CPP symbol BYTE_ORDER as defined by some system include file (if the Makefile can find such an include file), or the Makefile compiling endian.c and hopefully using that result to set CPP symbol CALC_BYTE_ORDER. Regardless of how it happens, the CPP symbol CALC_BYTE_ORDER should end up set in endian_calc.h include file. The following are the changes from calc version to 2.12.2: Put back the missing -s flags on the cscripts: mersenne, 4dsphere, fprodcut, plus, and powerterm. Thanks goes to Bradley Reed for discovering this problem. All static variables are now declared with the symbol STATIC. All extern variables are now declared with the symbol EXTERN. All static functions are now declared with the symbol S_FUNC. All extern functions are now declared with the symbol E_FUNC. The include file decl.h defines these 4 symbols by default to static, extern, static, and extern respectively. Under Windoz, DLL is also defined according to the _EXPORTING symbol and is prepended to the EXTERN and E_FUNC symbols. The decl.h file has replaced the win32dll.h file. When WITH_TLS is defined, calc attempts to compile with Thread Local Storage. As of version this mode is extremely experimental. Calc may not compile when WITH_TLS defined. Fixed E_FUNC vs EXTERN issues discovered by Mirko Viviani . Removed include of . The building of the include file "have_malloc.h" has been removed from the Makefile. One some systems such as FreeBSD, the file /usr/include/malloc.h exists and contains an forced error saying that stdlib.h should be used instead. The Makefile symbol HAVE_MALLOC has been removed. Moved the sample code in the sample sub-directory up into the main source level. The sample/many_random.c source file is now sample_many.c. The sample/test_random.c source file is now sample_rand.c. The sample Makefile and the sub-directory is no more. Renamed the following source files: math_error.h ==> lib_calc.h string.c ==> str.c string.h ==> str.h Renamed the following variables related to calc error processing: int calc_jmp ==> int calc_use_matherr_jmpbuf jmp_buf calc_jmp_buf ==> jmp_buf calc_matherr_jmpbuf int post_init ==> int calc_use_scanerr_jmpbuf jmp_buf jmpbuf ==> jmpbuf calc_scanerr_jmpbuf char *calc_error ==> char calc_err_msg[MAXERROR+1] These values are now declared in the lib_calc.h include file. The value MAXERROR is now defined in lib_calc.h instead of calc.h. The calc_err_msg[] buffer is now used for math errors as well as scan and parse errors. Parse/scan errors will not be printed if calc_print_scanerr_msg is zero. By default: int calc_print_scanerr_msg = 1; This variable is declared in the lib_calc.h include file. Storage comes from libcalc. Parse/scan warnings will not be printed if calc_print_scanwarn_msg is zero. By default: int calc_print_scanwarn_msg = 1; This variable is declared in the lib_calc.h include file. Storage comes from libcalc. The last parse/scan error message is stored in the calc_err_msg[] buffer. This happens even when calc_print_scanerr_msg is zero. The last parse/scan warning message is stored in the calc_warn_msg[] buffer. After each parse/scan warning condition is detected, the value calc_warn_cnt is incremented. This happens even when calc_print_scanwarn_msg is zero. The calc_warn_msg[] buffer and calc_warn_cnt variables are declared in the lib_calc.h include file. Storage comes from libcalc. See the file, LIBRARY or use the calc command "help libcalc" for more information on calc error processing. This file has been updated to reflect the changes noted above in this section. The make install rule removes std_arg.h, have_malloc.h, math_error.h, string.h, and win32dll.h from ${INCDIR} if they exist. These calc include files are no longer supported. Do reduce the number of special case .o build rules, the ${ALLOW_CUSTOM} make flag is added to ${CFLAGS} by default. This means that if ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM, then -DCUSTOM is given to the compile line of most .c files. Calc -v reports "w/custom functions" or "w/o custom functions" on the version string depending on if calc was compiled with the ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM or not. Replaced the concept of compiler sets in the Makefile with host target section in the Makefile. Initial host targets are: Linux Darwin FreeBSD (default) <<== Target does not match any previous target name Simple NOTE: If your target is not supported below and the default target is not suitable for your needs, please send to the: calc-contrib at asthe dot com EMail address an "ifeq ($(target),YOUR_TARGET_NAME)" ... "endif" set of lines from the Makefile so that we can consider them for the next release. The custom/Makefile is now constructed from 3 parts: custom/Makefile.head, the host target section in Makefile, and the custom/Makefile.tail. The top level Makefile and the custom/Makefile require a GNU Make (such as gmake) or an equivalently advanced make. On many targets, the default make is sufficient. On FreeBSD for example, one must use gmake instead of make. If your target system does not have GNU Make (or equivalent), then you should try using the Makefile.simple and custom/Makefile.simple files: mv Makefile Makefile.gmake cp Makefile.simple Makefile mv custom/Makefile custom/Makefile.gmake cp custom/Makefile.simple custom/Makefile make all Added the ability to build calc with dynamic libraries, static libraries or both. Many thanks goes to Matthew Miller (mattdm at mattdm dot org) and Mirko Viviani (mirko at objectlab dot org) for this help, encouragement, and testing of this major change! Added BLD_TYPE Makefile variable to control how calc is built. The BLD_TYPE value may be one of: BLD_TYPE= calc-dynamic-only BLD_TYPE= calc-static-only Each host target establishes a default BLD_TYPE value. Of course one can override the host target BLD_TYPE on the make command line: make clobber make calc-dynamic-only BLD_TYPE=calc-dynamic-only make clobber make calc-static-only BLD_TYPE=calc-static-only NOTE: It is a very good idea to first clobber (remove) any previously built .o, libs and executables before switching the build between static and dynamic. which have the same effect as make all with a given build phase set. For Linux and Darwin, the default BLD_TYPE is calc-dynamic-only. For the simple case, BLD_TYPE is calc-static-only. For the default target (the target does not match any of the previous defined targets), BLD_TYPE is calc-static-only. Added ${CSFLAGS} make variable to hold the {$CC} flags for compiling without shared library. By default, ${CFLAGS} is ${CSFLAGS} with ${CC_SHARE} added to it. Added ${CC_SHARE}, ${LIBCALC_SHLIB}, ${LIBCUSTCALC_SHLIB}, and ${LD_SHARE} to the remaining compiler sets. Fixed make depend and make uninstall rules. Performed various makefile syntax cleanups. Removed ${PROGS} and ${STATIC_PROGS} Makefile variables due to the new BLD_TYPE system (see above). Added missing help for cp, calcpath, and stoponerror. Noted that calc fails the regression test (and will crash at various times) when compiled with gcc v4.1.0. This problem was first reported under Fedora Core 5 by Christian Siebert. Set the LESSCHARSET to iso8859 so that less will not confuse or upset the col utility with Invalid or incomplete multi-byte or wide characters. Updated the Free Software Foundation postal address and updated the COPYING-LGPL from on 2007-Mar-14. Calc is using the same Version 2.1 of the LGPL, only the postal address of the Free Software Foundation has been updated. All source files were updated to RCS level 30. Thanks goes to Martin Buck (m at rtin-buck dor de) for this patch. Added printf arg checking for GNU C compilers that helps check printf-style functions in calc. Thanks goes to Martin Buck (m at rtin-buck dor de) for this patch. Fixed issues where the argument of a printf-like did not match the format type. Removed build function md5(). The MD5 hash has been compromised to such a degree that is it no longer advisable to use this function. Removed build function sha(). The SHA hash has been compromised to such a degree that is it no longer advisable to use this function. Note that the SHA-1 hash has not been compromised to the same degree and so this hash function remains. Renamed shs1.c to sha1.c. Renamed shs1.h to sha1.h. Added custom registers. The custom register function: custom("register", 3) returns the value of custom register 3. Custom registers, initialized with 0, may take on any calc value: custom("register", regnum, value) Added REGNUM_MAX to the sysinfo custom function to return the maximum register number: custom("sysinfo", "REGNUM_MAX") which defaults to 31. The first custom register is 0 and thus the default number of custom registers is 32. Added E_OK #define in calc.h to indicate no error (0). Renamed C function powivalue() in value.c to powvalue() because it now handles raising NUMBER or COMPLEX to a NUMBER or COMPLEX power. The powervalue() function in value.c may be given a NULL epsilon which will cause to the builtin epsilon value to be used. Calc supports both real and complex exponentiation bases and exponents. For a ^ b and a ** b, "a" and "b" can be a real value or a complex value: 2^3 3i^4 2.5 ^ 3.5 0.5i ^ 0.25 2.5 ^ 2.718i 3.13145i ^ 0.30103i Fixed typos in the calc man page thanks to a Debian bug report by A. Costa that wsa kindly forwarded to us by Martin Buck . The following are the changes from calc version to Fixed calc cscripts that contained comments that were not valid calc comments. Improved calc comment documentation in "help unexpected" to help other avoid similar mistakes. Calc comments are of the form: /* c style comments */ /* * multi-line * comments */ ## two or more #-signs ### in a row ### Note that # along is a calc unary and binary operator Added "help pound" or "help #' to document the # operator, comments, and the first line of cscript files. Documented these help commands in "help help": help -> help * help . help % help // help # The usage help file is now formed from the contents of the calc man page. So "help usage" prints the version of the calc man page. Added ${COL} makefile symbol to support the formation of the calc.usage file from calc.1 via the CALCPAGER (less) or NROFF (if NROFF is non-empty). The "help calc" command is now equivalent to "help help". The "help define" command is now equivalent to "help command". Fixed calc command line usage message. Fixed missing README.src file in RPM src and tgz src tarball. Removed HAVE_SNPRINTF test in version.c. We now assume that all systems come with the standard snprintf() library function. Make does not assume that DONT_HAVE_VSPRINTF must be defined in order to test for varargs (via have_varvs.c). Instead it uses the ${HAVE_VSPRINTF} to determine if the vsprintf() and vsnprintf() should be tested to assumed to exist or not exist. Tests for the existence of vsprintf() now also require the existence of vsnprintf(). Test for the existence of vsnprintf() now also require the existence of vsprintf(). The #define CALC_SIZE_T was never used except when memmove() was not found. This symbol was renamed to MEMMOVE_SIZE_T. Calc requires that size_t must be a known type. Calc and cscripts are instal