eturns 13. When combined with the prompt function, this allows the calculator to read values from the user. For example, x=eval(prompt("Number: ")) sets x to the value input by the user. The digit and bit functions return individual digits of a number, either in base 10 or in base 2, where the lowest digit of a number is at digit position 0. For example, digit(5678, 3) is 5, and bit(0b1000100, 2) is 1. Negative digit positions indicate places to the right of the decimal or binary point, so that for example, digit(3.456, -1) is 4. The ptest builtin is a primality testing function. The 1st argument is the suspected prime to be tested. The absolute value of the 2nd argument is an iteration count. If ptest is called with only 2 args, the 3rd argument is assumed to be 0. If ptest is called with only 1 arg, the 2nd argument is assumed to be 1. Thus, the following calls are equivalent: ptest(a) ptest(a,1) ptest(a,1,0) Normally ptest performs a some checks to determine if the value is divisable by some trivial prime. If the 2nd argument is < 0, then the trivial check is omitted. For example, ptest(a,10) performs the same work as: ptest(a,-3) (7 tests without trivial check) ptest(a,-7,3) (3 more tests without the trivial check) The ptest function returns 0 if the number is definitely not prime, and 1 is the number is probably prime. The chance of a number which is probably prime being actually composite is less than 1/4 raised to the power of the iteration count. For example, for a random number p, ptest(p, 10) incorrectly returns 1 less than once in every million numbers, and you will probably never find a number where ptest(p, 20) gives the wrong answer. The first 3 args of nextcand and prevcand functions are the same arguments as ptest. But unlike ptest, nextcand and prevcand return the next and previous values for which ptest is true. For example, nextcand(2^1000) returns 2^1000+297 because 2^1000+297 is the smallest value x > 2^1000 for which ptest(x,1) is true. And for example, prevcand(2^31-1,10,5) returns 2147483629 (2^31-19) because 2^31-19 is the largest value y < 2^31-1 for which ptest(y,10,5) is true. The nextcand and prevcand functions also have a 5 argument form: nextcand(num, count, skip, modval, modulus) prevcand(num, count, skip, modval, modulus) return the smallest (or largest) value ans > num (or < num) that is also == modval % modulus for which ptest(ans,count,skip) is true. The builtins nextprime(x) and prevprime(x) return the next and previous primes with respect to x respectively. As of this release, x must be < 2^32. With one argument, they will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, they will not generate an error but instead will return y. The builtin function pix(x) returns the number of primes <= x. As of this release, x must be < 2^32. With one argument, pix(x) will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, pix(x,y) will not generate an error but instead will return y. The builtin function factor may be used to search for the smallest factor of a given number. The call factor(x,y) will attempt to find the smallest factor of x < min(x,y). As of this release, y must be < 2^32. If y is omitted, y is assumed to be 2^32-1. If x < 0, factor(x,y) will return -1. If no factor < min(x,y) is found, factor(x,y) will return 1. In all other cases, factor(x,y) will return the smallest prime factor of x. Note except for the case when abs(x) == 1, factor(x,y) will not return x. If factor is called with y that is too large, or if x or y is not an integer, calc will report an error. If a 3rd argument is given, factor will return that value instead. For example, factor(1/2,b,c) will return c instead of issuing an error. The builtin lfactor(x,y) searches a number of primes instead of below a limit. As of this release, y must be <= 203280221 (y <= pix(2^32-1)). In all other cases, lfactor is operates in the same way as factor. If lfactor is called with y that is too large, or if x or y is not an integer, calc will report an error. If a 3rd argument is given, lfactor will return that value instead. For example, lfactor(1/2,b,c) will return c instead of issuing an error. The lfactor function is slower than factor. If possible factor should be used instead of lfactor. The builtin isprime(x) will attempt to determine if x is prime. As of this release, x must be < 2^32. With one argument, isprime(x) will return an error if x is out of range. With two arguments, isprime(x,y) will not generate an error but instead will return y. The functions rcin, rcmul, rcout, rcpow, and rcsq are used to perform modular arithmetic calculations for large odd numbers faster than the usual methods. To do this, you first use the rcin function to convert all input values into numbers which are in a format called REDC format. Then you use rcmul, rcsq, and rcpow to multiply such numbers together to produce results also in REDC format. Finally, you use rcout to convert a number in REDC format back to a normal number. The addition, subtraction, negation, and equality comparison between REDC numbers are done using the normal modular methods. For example, to calculate the value 13 * 17 + 1 (mod 11), you could use: p = 11; t1 = rcin(13, p); t2 = rcin(17, p); t3 = rcin(1, p); t4 = rcmul(t1, t2, p); t5 = (t4 + t3) % p; answer = rcout(t5, p); The swap function exchanges the values of two variables without performing copies. For example, after: x = 17; y = 19; swap(x, y); then x is 19 and y is 17. This function should not be used to swap a value which is contained within another one. If this is done, then some memory will be lost. For example, the following should not be done: mat x[5]; swap(x, x[0]); The hash function returns a relatively small non-negative integer for one or more input values. The hash values should not be used across runs of the calculator, since the algorithms used to generate the hash value may change with different versions of the calculator. The base function allows one to specify how numbers should be printed. The base function provides a numeric shorthand to the config("mode") interface. With no args, base() will return the current mode. With 1 arg, base(val) will set the mode according to the arg and return the previous mode. The following convention is used to declare modes: base config value string 2 "binary" binary fractions 8 "octal" octal fractions 10 "real" decimal floating point 16 "hex" hexadecimal fractions -10 "int" decimal integer 1/3 "frac" decimal fractions 1e20 "exp" decimal exponential For convenience, any non-integer value is assumed to mean "frac", and any integer >= 2^64 is assumed to mean "exp". ## Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.1 $ ## @(#) $Id: builtin.end,v 30.1 2007/03/16 11:10:42 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/help/RCS/builtin.end,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1995/07/10 01:17:53 ## File existed as early as: 1995 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * command ************* Command sequence This is a sequence of any the following command formats, where each command is terminated by a semicolon or newline. Long command lines can be extended by using a back-slash followed by a newline character. When this is done, the prompt shows a double angle bracket to indicate that the line is still in progress. Certain cases will automatically prompt for more input in a similar manner, even without the back-slash. The most common case for this is when a function is being defined, but is not yet completed. Each command sequence terminates only on an end of file. In addition, commands can consist of expression sequences, which are described in the next section. define a function ----------------- define function(params) { body } define function(params) = expression This first form defines a full function which can consist of declarations followed by many statements which implement the function. The second form defines a simple function which calculates the specified expression value from the specified parameters. The expression cannot be a statement. However, the comma and question mark operators can be useful. Examples of simple functions are: define sumcubes(a, b) = a^3 + b^3 define pimod(a) = a % pi() define printnum(a, n, p) { if (p == 0) { print a: "^": n, "=", a^n; } else { print a: "^": n, "mod", p, "=", pmod(a,n,p); } } read calc commands ------------------ read $var read -once $var read filename read -once filename This reads definitions from the specified calc resource filename. In the 1st and 2nd forms, if var is a global variable string value, then the value of that variable is used as a filename. The following is equivalent to read or read "": global var = ""; read $var; In the 3rd or 4th forms, the filename argument is treated as a literal string, not a variable. In these forms, the name can be quoted if desired. The calculator uses the CALCPATH environment variable to search through the specified directories for the filename, similarly to the use of the PATH environment variable. If CALCPATH is not defined, then a default path which is usually ":/usr/local/lib/calc" is used. The ".cal" extension is defaulted for input files, so that if "filename" is not found, then "" is then searched for. The contents of the filename are command sequences which can consist of expressions to evaluate or functions to define, just like at the top level command level. When -once is given, the read command acts like the regular read expect that it will ignore filename if is has been previously read. The read -once form is particularly useful in a resource file that needs to read a 2nd resource file. By using the READ -once command, one will not reread that 2nd resource file, nor will once risk entering into a infinite READ loop (where that 2nd resource file directly or indirectly does a READ of the first resource file). If the -m mode disallows opening of files for reading, this command will be disabled. write calc commands ------------------- write $var write filename This writes the values of all global variables to the specified filename, in such a way that the file can be later read in order to recreate the variable values. For speed reasons, values are written as hex fractions. This command currently only saves simple types, so that matrices, lists, and objects are not saved. Function definitions are also not saved. In the 1st form, if var is a global variable string value, then the value of that variable is used as a filename. The following is equivalent to write dump.out or write "dump.out": global var = "dump.out"; write $var; In the 2nd form, the filename argument is treated as a literal string, not a variable. In this form, the name can be quoted if desired. If the -m mode disallows opening of files for writing, this command will be disabled. quit or exit ------------ quit quit string exit exit string The action of these commands depends on where they are used. At the interactive level, they will cause calc it edit. This is the normal way to leave the calculator. In any other use, they will stop the current calculation as if an error had occurred. If a string is given, then the string is printed as the reason for quitting, otherwise a general quit message is printed. The routine name and line number which executed the quit is also printed in either case. Exit is an alias for quit. Quit is useful when a routine detects invalid arguments, in order to stop a calculation cleanly. For example, for a square root routine, an error can be given if the supplied parameter was a negative number, as in: define mysqrt(n) { if (! isnum(n)) quit "non-numeric argument"; if (n < 0) quit "Negative argument"; return sqrt(n); } See 'more information about abort and quit' below for more information. abort ----- abort abort string This command behaves like QUIT except that it will attempt to return to the interactive level if permitted, otherwise calc exit. See 'more information about abort and quit' below for more information. change current directory ------------------------ cd cd dir Change the current directory to 'dir'. If 'dir' is ommitted, change the current directory to the home directory, if $HOME is set in the environment. show information ---------------- show item This command displays some information where 'item' is one of the following: blocks unfreed named blocks builtin built in functions config config parameters and values constants cache of numeric constants custom custom functions if calc -C was used errors new error-values created files open files, file position and sizes function user-defined functions globaltypes global variables objfunctions possible object functions objtypes defined objects opcodes func internal opcodes for function `func' sizes size in octets of calc value types realglobals numeric global variables statics unscoped static variables numbers calc number cache redcdata REDC data defined strings calc string cache literals calc literal cache Only the first 4 characters of item are examined, so: show globals show global show glob do the same thing. calc help --------- help $var help name This displays a help related to 'name' or general help of none is given. In the 1st form, if var is a global variable string value, then the value of that variable is used as a name. The following is equivalent to help command or help "command": global var = "command"; help $var; In the 2nd form, the filename argument is treated as a literal string, not a variable. In this form, the name can be quoted if desired. =-= more information about abort and quit ===================================== Consider the following calc file called print "start of"; define q() {quit "quit from q()"; print "end of q()"} define a() {abort "abort from a()"} x = 3; {print "start #1"; if (x > 1) q()} print "after #1"; {print "start #2"; if (x > 1) a()} print "after #2"; {print "start #3"; if (x > 1) quit "quit from 3rd statement"} print "end of"; The command: calc read myfile will produce: q() defined a() defined start statment #1 quit from q() after statment #1 start statment #2 abort from a() The QUIT within the q() function prevented the ``end of q()'' statement from being evaluated. This QUIT command caused control to be returned to just after the place where q() was called. Notice that unlike QUIT, the ABORT inside function a() halts the processing of statements from the input source ( Because calc was not interactive, ABORT causes calc to exit. The command: calc -i read myfile will produce: q() defined a() defined start statment #1 quit from q() after statment #1 start statment #2 abort from a() ; <==== calc interactive prompt because the '-i' calc causes ABORT to drop into an interactive prompt. However typing a QUIT or ABORT at the interactive prompt level will always calc to exit, even when calc is invoked with '-i'. Also observe that both of these commands: cat | calc cat | calc -i will produce: q() defined a() defined start statment #1 quit from q() after statment #1 start statment #2 abort from a() The ABORT inside function a() halts the processing of statements from the input source (standard input). Because standard input is not a terminal, using '-i' does not force it to drop into an interactive prompt. If one were to type in the contents of interactively, calc will produce: ; print "start of"; start of ; define q() {quit "quit from q()"; print "end of q()"} q() defined ; define a() {abort "abort from a()"} a() defined ; x = 3; ; {print "start #1"; if (x > 1) q()} print "after #1"; start statment #1 quit from q() after statment #1 ; {print "start #2"; if (x > 1) a()} print "after #2"; start statment #2 abort from a() ; {print "start #3"; if (x > 1) quit "quit from 3rd statement"} start #3 quit from 3rd statement The ABORT from within the a() function returned control to the interactive level. The QUIT (after the if (x > 1) ...) will cause calc to exit because it was given at the interactive prompt level. =-= Also see the help topic: statement flow control and declaration statements usage how to invoke the calc command and calc -options ## Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.1 $ ## @(#) $Id: command,v 30.1 2007/03/16 11:10:42 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/help/RCS/command,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1991/07/21 04:37:17 ## File existed as early as: 1991 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * config ************* NAME config - configuration parameters SYNOPSIS config(parameter [,value]) TYPES parameter string value int, string, config state return config state DESCRIPTION The config() builtin affects how the calculator performs certain operations. Among features that are controlled by these parameters are the accuracy of some calculations, the displayed format of results, the choice from possible alternative algorithms, and whether or not debugging information is displayed. The parameters are read or set using the "config" built-in function; they remain in effect until their values are changed by a config or equivalent instruction. The following parameters can be specified: "all" all configuration values listed below "trace" turns tracing features on or off "display" sets number of digits in prints. "epsilon" sets error value for transcendentals. "maxprint" sets maximum number of elements printed. "mode" sets printout mode. "mode2" sets 2nd base printout mode. "mul2" sets size for alternative multiply. "sq2" sets size for alternative squaring. "pow2" sets size for alternate powering. "redc2" sets size for alternate REDC. "tilde" enable/disable printing of the roundoff '~' "tab" enable/disable printing of leading tabs "quomod" sets rounding mode for quomod "quo" sets rounding mode for //, default for quo "mod" sets "rounding" mode for %, default for mod "sqrt" sets rounding mode for sqrt "appr" sets rounding mode for appr "cfappr" sets rounding mode for cfappr "cfsim" sets rounding mode for cfsim "round" sets rounding mode for round and bround "outround" sets rounding mode for printing of numbers "leadzero" enables/disables printing of 0 as in 0.5 "fullzero" enables/disables padding zeros as in .5000 "maxscan" maximum number of scan errors before abort "prompt" default interactive prompt "more" default interactive multi-line input prompt "blkmaxprint" number of block octets to print, 0 means all "blkverbose" TRUE => print all lines, FALSE=>skip duplicates "blkbase" block output base "blkfmt" block output format "calc_debug" controls internal calc debug information "resource_debug" controls resource file debug information "user_debug" for user defined debug information "verbose_quit" TRUE => print message on empty quit or abort "ctrl_d" The interactive meaning of ^D (Control D) "program" Read-only calc program or shell script path "basename" Read-only basename of the program value "windows" Read-only indicator of MS windows "cygwin" TRUE=>calc compiled with cygwin, Read-only "compile_custom" TRUE=>calc was compiled with custom functions "allow_custom" TRUE=>custom functions are enabled "version" Read-only calc version "baseb" bits in calculation base, a read-only value "redecl_warn" TRUE => warn when redeclaring "dupvar_warn" TRUE => warn when variable names collide "hz" Read-only operating system tick rate or 0 The "all" config value allows one to save/restore the configuration set of values. The return of: config("all") is a CONFIG type which may be used as the 2rd arg in a later call. One may save, modify and restore the configuration state as follows: oldstate = config("all") ... config("tab", 0) config("mod", 10) ... config("all", oldstate) This save/restore method is useful within functions. It allows functions to control their configuration without impacting the calling function. There are two configuration state aliases that may be set. To set the backward compatible standard configuration: config("all", "oldstd") The "oldstd" will restore the configuration to the default at startup. A new configuration that some people prefer may be set by: config("all", "newstd") The "newstd" is not backward compatible with the historic configuration. Even so, some people prefer this configuration and place the config("all", "newstd") command in their CALCRC startup files; newstd may also be established by invoking calc with the flag -n. The following are synonyms for true: "on" "true" "t" "yes" "y" "set" "1" any non-zero number The following are synonyms for false: "off" "false" "f" "no" "n" "unset" "0" the number zero (0) Examples of setting some parameters are: config("mode", "exp"); exponential output config("display", 50); 50 digits of output epsilon(epsilon() / 8); 3 bits more accuracy config("tilde", 0) disable roundoff tilde printing config("tab", "off") disable leading tab printing =-= config("trace", bitflag) When nonzero, the "trace" parameter activates one or more features that may be useful for debugging. These features correspond to powers of 2 which contribute additively to config("trace"): 1: opcodes are displayed as functions are evaluated 2: disables the inclusion of debug lines in opcodes for functions whose definitions are introduced with a left-brace. 4: the number of links for real and complex numbers are displayed when the numbers are printed; for real numbers "#" or for complex numbers "##", followed by the number of links, are printed immediately after the number. 8: the opcodes for a new functions are displayed when the function is successfully defined. See also resource_debug, calc_debug and user_debug below for more debug levels. =-= config("display", int) The "display" parameter specifies the maximum number of digits after the decimal point to be printed in real or exponential mode in normal unformatted printing (print, strprint, fprint) or in formatted printing (printf, strprintf, fprintf) when precision is not specified. The initial value for oldstd is 20, for newstd 10. The parameter may be changed to the value d by either config("display", d) or by display (d). This parameter does not change the stored value of a number. Where rounding is necessary to display up to d decimal places, the type of rounding to be used is controlled by config("outround"). =-= config("epsilon", real) epsilon(real) The "epsilon" parameter specifies the default accuracy for the calculation of functions for which exact values are not possible or not desired. For most functions, the remainder = exact value - calculated value has absolute value less than epsilon, but, except when the sign of the remainder is controlled by an appropriate parameter, the absolute value of the remainder usually does not exceed epsilon/2. Functions which require an epsilon value accept an optional argument which overrides this default epsilon value for that single call. The value v can be assigned to the "epsilon" parameter by either config("epsilon", v) or epsilon(v); each of these functions return the current epsilon value; config("epsilon") or epsilon() returns but does not change the epsilon value. For the transcendental functions and the functions sqrt() and appr(), the calculated value is always a multiple of epsilon. =-= config("mode", "mode_string") config("mode2", "mode_string") The "mode" parameter is a string specifying the mode for printing of numbers by the unformatted print functions, and the default ("%d" specifier) for formatted print functions. The initial mode is "real". The available modes are: config("mode") meaning equivalent string base() call "binary" base 2 fractions base(2) "bin" "octal" base 8 fractions base(8) "oct" "real" base 10 floating point base(10) "float" "default" "integer" base 10 integer base(-10) "int" "hexadecimal" base 16 fractions base(16) "hex" "fraction" base 10 fractions base(1/3) "frac" "scientific" base 10 scientific notation base(1e20) "sci" "exp" Where multiple strings are given, the first string listed is what config("mode") will return. The "mode2" controls the double base output. When set to a value other than "off", calc outputs files in both the "base" mode as well as the "base2" mode. The "mode2" value may be any of the "mode" values with the addition of: "off" disable 2nd base output mode base2(0) The base() builtin function sets and returns the "mode" value. The base2() builtin function sets and returns the "mode2" value. The default "mode" is "real". The default "mode2" is "off". =-= config("maxprint", int) The "maxprint" parameter specifies the maximum number of elements to be displayed when a matrix or list is printed. The initial value is 16. =-= config("mul2", int) config("sq2", int) Mul2 and sq2 specify the sizes of numbers at which calc switches from its first to its second algorithm for multiplying and squaring. The first algorithm is the usual method of cross multiplying, which runs in a time of O(N^2). The second method is a recursive and complicated method which runs in a time of O(N^1.585). The argument for these parameters is the number of binary words at which the second algorithm begins to be used. The minimum value is 2, and the maximum value is very large. If 2 is used, then the recursive algorithm is used all the way down to single digits, which becomes slow since the recursion overhead is high. If a number such as 1000000 is used, then the recursive algorithm is almost never used, causing calculations for large numbers to slow down. Units refer to internal calculation digits where each digit is BASEB bits in length. The value of BASEB is returned by config("baseb"). The default value for config("sq2") is 3388. This default was established on a 1.8GHz AMD 32-bit CPU of ~3406 BogoMIPS when the two algorithms are about equal in speed. For that CPU test, config("baseb") was 32. This means that by default numbers up to (3388*32)+31 = 108447 bits in length (< 32645 decimal digits) use the 1st algorithm, for squaring. The default value for config("mul2") is 1780. This default was established on a 1.8GHz AMD 32-bit CPU of ~3406 BogoMIPS when the two algorithms are about equal in speed. For that CPU test, config("baseb") was 32. This means that by default numbers up to (1779*32)+31 = 56927 bits in length (< 17137 decimal digits) use the 1st algorithm, for multiplication. A value of zero resets the parameter back to their default values. The value of 1 and values < 0 are reserved for future use. Usually there is no need to change these parameters. =-= config("pow2", int) Pow2 specifies the sizes of numbers at which calc switches from its first to its second algorithm for calculating powers modulo another number. The first algorithm for calculating modular powers is by repeated squaring and multiplying and dividing by the modulus. The second method uses the REDC algorithm given by Peter Montgomery which avoids divisions. The argument for pow2 is the size of the modulus at which the second algorithm begins to be used. Units refer to internal calculation digits where each digit is BASEB bits in length. The value of BASEB is returned by config("baseb"). The default value for config("pow2") is 176. This default was established on a 1.8GHz AMD 32-bit CPU of ~3406 BogoMIPS when the two algorithms are about equal in speed. For that CPU test, config("baseb") was 32. This means that by default numbers up to (176*32)+31 = 5663 bits in length (< 1704 decimal digits) use the 1st algorithm, for calculating powers modulo another number. A value of zero resets the parameter back to their default values. The value of 1 and values < 0 are reserved for future use. Usually there is no need to change these parameters. =-= config("redc2", int) Redc2 specifies the sizes of numbers at which calc switches from its first to its second algorithm when using the REDC algorithm. The first algorithm performs a multiply and a modular reduction together in one loop which runs in O(N^2). The second algorithm does the REDC calculation using three multiplies, and runs in O(N^1.585). The argument for redc2 is the size of the modulus at which the second algorithm begins to be used. Units refer to internal calculation digits where each digit is BASEB bits in length. The value of BASEB is returned by config("baseb"). The default value for config("redc2") is 220. This default was established as 5/4 (the historical ratio of config("pow2") to config("pow2")) of the config("pow2") value. This means that if config("baseb") is 32, then by default numbers up to (220*32)+31 = 7071 bits in length (< 2128 decimal digits) use the REDC algorithm, for calculating powers modulo another number. A value of zero resets the parameter back to their default values. The value of 1 and values < 0 are reserved for future use. Usually there is no need to change these parameters. =-= config("tilde", boolean) Config("tilde") controls whether or not a leading tilde ('~') is printed to indicate that a number has not been printed exactly because the number of decimal digits required would exceed the specified maximum number. The initial "tilde" value is 1. =-= config("tab", boolean) Config ("tab") controls the printing of a tab before results automatically displayed when working interactively. It does not affect the printing by the functions print, printf, etc. The initial "tab" value is 1. =-= config("quomod", bitflag) config("quo", bitflag) config("mod", bitflag) config("sqrt", bitflag) config("appr", bitflag) config("cfappr", bitflag) config("cfsim", bitflag) config("outround", bitflag) config("round", bitflag) The "quomod", "quo", "mod", "sqrt", "appr", "cfappr", "cfsim", and "round" control the way in which any necessary rounding occurs. Rounding occurs when for some reason, a calculated or displayed value (the "approximation") has to differ from the "true value", e.g. for quomod and quo, the quotient is to be an integer, for sqrt and appr, the approximation is to be a multiple of an explicit or implicit "epsilon", for round and bround (both controlled by config("round")) the number of decimal places or fractional bits in the approximation is limited. Zero value for any of these parameters indicates that the true value is greater than the approximation, i.e. the rounding is "down", or in the case of mod, that the residue has the same sign as the divisor. If bit 4 of the parameter is set, the rounding of to the nearest acceptable candidate when this is uniquely determined; in the remaining ambiguous cases, the type of rounding is determined by the lower bits of the parameter value. If bit 3 is set, the rounding for quo, appr and sqrt, is to the nearest even integer or the nearest even multiple of epsilon, and for round to the nearest even "last decimal place". The effects of the 3 lowest bits of the parameter value are as follows: Bit 0: Unconditional reversal (down to up, even to odd, etc.) Bit 1: Reversal if the exact value is negative Bit 2: Reversal if the divisor or epsilon is negative (Bit 2 is irrelevant for the functions round and bround since the equivalent epsilon (a power of 1/10 or 1/2) is always positive.) For quomod, the quotient is rounded to an integer value as if evaluating quo with config("quo") == config("quomod"). Similarly, quomod and mod give the same residues if config("mod") == config("quomod"). For the sqrt function, if bit 5 of config("sqrt") is set, the exact square-root is returned when this is possible; otherwise the result is rounded to a multiple of epsilon as determined by the five lower order bits. Bit 6 of config("sqrt") controls whether the principal or non-principal square-root is returned. For the functions cfappr and cfsim, whether the "rounding" is down or up, etc. is controlled by the appropriate bits of config("cfappr") and config("cfsim") as for quomod, quo, etc. The "outround" parameter determines the type of rounding to be used by the various kinds of printing to the output: bits 0, 1, 3 and 4 are used in the same way as for the functions round and bround. The C language method of modulus and integer division is: config("quomod", 2) config("quo", 2) config("mod", 2) =-= config("leadzero", boolean) The "leadzero" parameter controls whether or not a 0 is printed before the decimal point in non-zero fractions with absolute value less than 1, e.g. whether 1/2 is printed as 0.5 or .5. The initial value is 0, corresponding to the printing .5. =-= config("fullzero", boolean) The "fullzero" parameter controls whether or not in decimal floating- point printing, the digits are padded with zeros to reach the number of digits specified by config("display") or by a precision specification in formatted printing. The initial value for this parameter is 0, so that, for example, if config("display") >= 2, 5/4 will print in "real" mode as 1.25. =-= config("maxscan", int) The maxscan value controls how many scan errors are allowed before the compiling phase of a computation is aborted. The initial value of "maxscan" is 20. Setting maxscan to 0 disables this feature. =-= config("prompt", str) The default prompt when in interactive mode is "> ". One may change this prompt to a more cut-and-paste friendly prompt by: config("prompt", "; ") On windowing systems that support cut/paste of a line, one may cut/copy an input line and paste it directly into input. The leading ';' will be ignored. =-= config("more", str) When inside multi-line input, the more prompt is used. One may change it by: config("more", ";; ") =-= config("blkmaxprint", int) The "blkmaxprint" config value limits the number of octets to print for a block. A "blkmaxprint" of 0 means to print all octets of a block, regardless of size. The default is to print only the first 256 octets. =-= config("blkverbose", boolean) The "blkverbose" determines if all lines, including duplicates should be printed. If TRUE, then all lines are printed. If false, duplicate lines are skipped and only a "*" is printed in a style similar to od. This config value has not meaning if "blkfmt" is "str". The default value for "blkverbose" is FALSE: duplicate lines are not printed. =-= config("blkbase", "blkbase_string") The "blkbase" determines the base in which octets of a block are printed. Possible values are: "hexadecimal" Octets printed in 2 digit hex "hex" "default" "octal" Octets printed in 3 digit octal "oct" "character" Octets printed as chars with non-printing "char" chars as \123 or \n, \t, \r "binary" Octets printed as 0 or 1 chars "bin" "raw" Octets printed as is, i.e. raw binary "none" Where multiple strings are given, the first string listed is what config("blkbase") will return. The default "blkbase" is "hexadecimal". =-= config("blkfmt", "blkfmt_string") The "blkfmt" determines for format of how block are printed: "lines" print in lines of up to 79 chars + newline "line" "strings" print as one long string "string" "str" "od_style" print in od-like format, with leading offset, "odstyle" followed by octets in the given base "od" "hd_style" print in hex dump format, with leading offset, "hdstyle" followed by octets in the given base, followed "hd" by chars or '.' if no-printable or blank "default" Where multiple strings are given, the first string listed is what config("blkfmt") will return. The default "blkfmt" is "hd_style". =-= config("calc_debug", bitflag) The "calc_debug" is intended for controlling internal calc routines that test its operation, or collect or display information that might be useful for debug purposes. Much of the output from these will make sense only to calc wizards. Zero value (the default for both oldstd and newstd) of config("resource_debug") corresponds to switching off all these routines. For nonzero value, particular bits currently have the following meanings: n Meaning of bit n of config("calc_debug") 0 outputs shell commands prior to execution 1 outputs currently active functions when a quit instruction is executed 2 some details of hash states are included in the output when these are printed 3 when a function constructs a block value, tests are made that the result has the properties required for use of that block, e.g. that the pointer to the start of the block is not NULL, and that its "length" is not negative. A failure will result in a runtime error. 4 Report on changes to the state of stdin as well as changes to internal variables that control the setting and restoring of stdin. 5 Report on changes to the run state of calc. 6 Report on rand() subtractive 100 shuffle generator issues. 7 Report on custom function issues. Bits >= 8 are reserved for future use and should not be used at this time. By default, "calc_debug" is 0. The initial value may be overridden by the -D command line option. =-= config("resource_debug", bitflag) config("lib_debug", bitflag) The "resource_debug" parameter is intended for controlling the possible display of special information relating to functions, objects, and other structures created by instructions in calc scripts. Zero value of config("resource_debug") means that no such information is displayed. For other values, the non-zero bits which currently have meanings are as follows: n Meaning of bit n of config("resource_debug") 0 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined at interactive level, a message saying what has been done is displayed. 1 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined during the reading of a file, a message saying what has been done is displayed. 2 Show func will display more information about a functions arguments and argument summary information. 3 During execution, allow calc standard resource files to output additional debugging information. The value for config("resource_debug") in both oldstd and newstd is 3, but if calc is invoked with the -d flag, its initial value is zero. Thus, if calc is started without the -d flag, until config("resource_debug") is changed, a message will be output when a function is defined either interactively or during the reading of a file. The name config("lib_debug") is equivalent to config("resource_debug") and is included for backward compatibility. By default, "resource_debug" is 3. The -d flag changes this default to 0. The initial value may be overridden by the -D command line option. =-= config("user_debug", int) The "user_debug" is provided for use by users. Calc ignores this value other than to set it to 0 by default (for both "oldstd" and "newstd"). No calc code or standard resource should change this value. Users should feel free to use it in any way. In particular they may use particular bits for special purposes as with "calc_debug", or they may use it to indicate a debug level with larger values indicating more stringent and more informative tests with presumably slower operation or more memory usage, and a particular value (like -1 or 0) corresponding to "no tests". By default, "user_debug" is 0. The initial value may be overridden by the -D command line option. =-= config("verbose_quit", boolean) The "verbose_quit" controls the print of the message: quit or abort executed when a non-interactive quit or abort without an argument is encountered. A quit of abort without an argument does not display a message when invoked at the interactive level. By default, "verbose_quit" is false. =-= config("ctrl_d", "ctrl_d_string") For calc that is using the calc binding (not GNU-readline) facility: The "ctrl_d" controls the interactive meaning of ^D (Control D): "virgin_eof" If ^D is the only character that has been typed "virgineof" on a line, then calc will exit. Otherwise ^D "virgin" will act according to the calc binding, which "default" by default is a Emacs-style delete-char. "never_eof" The ^D never exits calc and only acts according "nevereof" calc binding, which by default is a Emacs-style "never" delete-char. "empty_eof" The ^D always exits calc if typed on an empty line. "emptyeof" This condition occurs when ^D either the first "empty" character typed, or when all other characters on the line have been removed (say by deleting them). Where multiple strings are given, the first string listed is what config("ctrl_d") will return. Note that config("ctrl_d") actually controls each and every character that is bound to ``delete_char''. By default, ``delete_char'' is Control D. Any character(s) bound to ``delete_char'' will cause calc to exit (or not exit) as directed by config("ctrl_d"). See the ``binding'' help for information on the default calc bindings. The default "ctrl_d", without GNU-readline is "virgin_eof". For calc that was compiled with the GNU-readline facility: The "ctrl_d" controls the interactive meaning of ^D (Control D): "virgin_eof" Same as "empty_eof" "virgineof" "virgin" "default" "never_eof" The ^D never exits calc and only acts according "nevereof" calc binding, which by default is a Emacs-style "never" delete-char. "empty_eof" The ^D always exits calc if typed on an empty line. "emptyeof" This condition occurs when ^D either the first "empty" character typed, or when all other characters on Where multiple strings are given, the first string listed is what config("ctrl_d") will return. The default "ctrl_d", with GNU-readline is effectively "empty_eof". Literally it is "virgin_eof", but since "virgin_eof" is the same as "empty_eof", the default is effectively "empty_eof". Emacs users may find the default behavior objectionable, particularly when using the GNU-readline facility. Such users may want to add the line: config("ctrl_d", "never_eof"),; to their ~/.calcrc startup file to prevent ^D from causing calc to exit. =-= config("program") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value The full path to the calc program, or the calc shell script can be obtained by: config("program") This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("basename") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value The calc program, or the calc shell script basename can be obtained by: config("basename") The config("basename") is the config("program") without any leading path. If config("program") has a / in it, config("basename") is everything after the last /, otherwise config("basename") is the same as config("program"). This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("windows") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns TRUE if you are running on a MS windows system, false if you are running on an operating system that does not hate you. This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("cygwin") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns TRUE if you calc was compiled with cygwin, false otherwise. This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("compile_custom") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns TRUE if you calc was compiled with -DCUSTOM. By default, the calc Makefile uses ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM so by default config("compile_custom") is TRUE. If, however, calc is compiled without -DCUSTOM, then config("compile_custom") will be FALSE. The config("compile_custom") value is only affected by compile flags. The calc -D runtime command line option does not change the config("compile_custom") value. See also config("allow_custom"). This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("allow_custom") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns TRUE if you custom functions are enabled. To allow the use of custom functions, calc must be compiled with -DCUSTOM (which it is by default) AND calc run be run with the -D runtime command line option (which it is not by default). If config("allow_custom") is TRUE, then custom functions are allowed. If config("allow_custom") is FALSE, then custom functions are not allowed. See also config("compile_custom"). This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("version") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value The version string of the calc program can be obtained by: config("version") This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("baseb") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns the number of bits in the fundamental base in which internal calculations are performed. For example, a value of 32 means that calc will perform many internal calculations in base 2^32 with digits that are 32 bits in length. For libcalc programmers, this is the value of BASEB as defined in the zmath.h header file. This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. =-= config("redecl_warn", boolean) Config("redecl_warn") controls whether or not a warning is issued when redeclaring variables. The initial "redecl_warn" value is 1. =-= config("dupvar_warn", boolean) Config("dupvar_warn") controls whether or not a warning is issued when a variable name collides with an exist name of a higher scope. Examples of collisions are when: * both local and static variables have the same name * both local and global variables have the same name * both function parameter and local variables have the same name * both function parameter and global variables have the same name The initial "redecl_warn" value is 1. =-= config("hz") <== NOTE: This is a read-only config value Returns the rate at which the operating system advances the clock on POSIX based systems. Returns 0 on non-POSIX based systems. The non-zero value returned is in Hetrz. This config parameter is read-only and cannot be set. EXAMPLE ; current_cfg = config("all"); ; config("tilde", off),; ; config("calc_debug", 15),; ; config("all") == current_cfg 0 ; config("all", current_cfg),; ; config("all") == current_cfg 1 ; config("version") "2.12.0" ; config("all") mode "real" mode2 "off" display 20 epsilon 0.00000000000000000001 trace 0 maxprint 16 mul2 20 sq2 20 pow2 40 redc2 50 tilde 1 tab 1 quomod 0 quo 2 mod 0 sqrt 24 appr 24 cfappr 0 cfsim 8 outround 24 round 24 leadzero 1 fullzero 0 maxscan 20 prompt "; " more ";; " blkmaxprint 256 blkverbose 0 blkbase "hexadecimal" blkfmt "hd_style" resource_debug 3 lib_debug 3 calc_debug 0 user_debug 0 verbose_quit 0 ctrl_d "virgin_eof" program "calc" basename "calc" windows 0 cygwin 0 compile_custom 1 allow_custom 0 version "2.12.0" baseb 32 redecl_warn 1 dupvar_warn 1 hz 100 ; display() 20 ; config("display", 50),; ; display() 50 LIMITS none LINK LIBRARY n/a SEE ALSO usage, custom, custom_cal, usage, epsilon, display ## Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.3 $ ## @(#) $Id: config,v 30.3 2007/09/21 01:27:27 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/help/RCS/config,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1991/07/21 04:37:17 ## File existed as early as: 1991 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * custom ************* NAME custom - custom builtin interface SYNOPSIS custom([custname [, arg ...]]) TYPES custname string arg any return any DESCRIPTION This function will invoke the custom function interface. Custom functions are accessed by the custname argument. The remainder of the args, if any, are passed to the custom function. The custom function may return any value, including null. Calling custom with no args is equivalent to the command 'show custom'. In order to use the custom interface, two things must happen: 1) Calc must be built to allow custom functions. By default, the master Makefile is shipped with ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM which causes custom functions to be compiled in. 2) Calc must be invoked with an argument of -C as in: calc -C In other words, explicit action must be taken in order to enable the use of custom functions. By default (no -C arg) custom functions are compiled in but disabled so that only portable calc scripts may be used. The main focus for calc is to provide a portable platform for multi-precision calculations in a C-like environment. You should consider implementing algorithms in the calc language as a first choice. Sometimes an algorithm requires use of special hardware, a non-portable OS or pre-compiled C library. In these cases a custom interface may be needed. The custom function interface is intended to make is easy for programmers to add functionality that would be otherwise un-suitable for general distribution. Functions that are non-portable (machine, hardware or OS dependent) or highly specialized are possible candidates for custom functions. To add a new custom function requires access to calc source. For information on how to add a new custom function, try: help new_custom To serve as examples, calc is shipped with a few custom functions. If calc if invoked with -C, then either of the following will display information about the custom functions that are available: show custom or: custom() A few resource files that uses these function are also provided to serve as usage examples. We welcome submissions for new custom functions. For information on how to submit new custom functions for general distribution, see: help contrib EXAMPLE If calc compiled with ALLOW_CUSTOM= (custom disabled): ; print custom("sysinfo", "baseb") Calc was built with custom functions disabled Error 10195 If calc compiled with ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM and is invoked without -C: ; print custom("sysinfo", "baseb") Calc must be run with a -C argument to use custom function Error 10194 If calc compiled with ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM and is invoked with -C: ; print custom("sysinfo", "baseb") 32 LIMITS By default, custom is limited to 100 args. LINK LIBRARY none SEE ALSO custom_cal, new_custom, contrib ## Copyright (C) 1999 Landon Curt Noll ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation. ## ## Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ## Public License for more details. ## ## A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is ## distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL. You should have ## received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ## ## @(#) $Revision: 30.1 $ ## @(#) $Id: custom,v 30.1 2007/03/16 11:10:42 chongo Exp $ ## @(#) $Source: /usr/local/src/cmd/calc/help/RCS/custom,v $ ## ## Under source code control: 1997/03/09 16:33:22 ## File existed as early as: 1997 ## ## chongo /\oo/\ ## Share and enjoy! :-) ************* * define ************* NAME define - command keyword to start a function definition SYNTAX define fname([param_1 [= default_1], ...]) = [expr] define fname([param_1 [= default_1], ...]) { [statement_1 ... ] } TYPES fname identifier, not a builtin function name param_1, ... identifiers, no two the same default_1, ... expressions expr expression statement_1, ... statements DESCRIPTION The intention of a function definition is that the identifier fname becomes the name of a function which may be called by an expression of the form fname(arg_1, arg_2, ...), where arg_1, arg_2, ... are expressions (including possibly blanks, which are treated as null values). Evaluation of the function begins with evaluation of arg_1, arg_2, ...; then, in increasing order of i, if arg_i is null-valued and "= default_i" has been included in the definition, default_i is evaluated and its value becomes the value of arg_i. The instructions in expr or the listed statements are then executed with each occurrence of param_i replaced by the value obtained for arg_i. In a call, arg_i may be preceded by a backquote (`) to indicate that evaluation of arg_i is not to include a final evaluation of an lvalue. For example, suppose a function f and a global variable A have been defined by: ; define f(x) = (x = 3); ; global mat A[3]; If g() is a function that evaluates to 2: ; f(A[g()]); assigns the value of A[2] to the parameter x and then assigns the value 3 to x: ; f(`A[g()]); has essentially the effect of assigning A[2] as an lvalue to x and then assigning the value 3 to A[2]. (Very old versions of calc achieved the same result by using '&' as in f(&A[g()]).) The number of arguments arg_1, arg_2, ... in a call need not equal the number of parameters. If there are fewer arguments than parameters, the "missing" values are assigned the null value. In the definition of a function, the builtin function param(n) provides a way of referring to the parameters. If n (which may result from evaluating an expreession) is zero, it returns the number of arguments in a call to the function, and if 1 <= n <= param(0), param(n) refers to the parameter with index n. If no error occurs and no quit statement or abort statement is encountered during evaluation of the expression or the statements, the function call returns a value. In the expression form, this is simply the value of the expression. In the statement form, if a return statement is encountered, the "return" keyword is to be either immediately followed by an expression or by a statement terminator (semicolon or rightbrace); in the former case, the expression is evaluated, evaluation of the function ceases, and the value obtained for the expression is returned as the "value of the function"; in the no-expression case, evaluation ceases immediately and the null-value is returned. In the expression form of definition, the end of the expression expr is to be indicated by either a semicolon or a newline not within a part enclosed by parentheses; the definition may extend over several physical lines by ending each line with a '\' character or by enclosing the expression in parentheses. In interactive mode, that a definition has not been completed is indicated by the continuation prompt. A ctrl-C interrupt at this stage will abort the definition. If the expr is omitted from an expression definition, as in: ; define h() = ; any call to the function will evaluate the arguments and return the null value. In the statement form, the definition ends when a matching right brace completes the "block" started by the initial left brace. Newlines within the block are treated as white space; statements within the block end with a ';' or a '}' matching an earlier '{'. If a function with name fname had been defined earlier, the old definition has no effect on the new definition, but if the definition is completed successfully, the new definition replaces the old one; otherwise the old definition is retained. The number of parameters and their names in the new definiton may be quite different from those in the old definition. An attempt at a definition may fail because of scanerrors as the definition is compiled. Common causes of these are: bad syntax, using identifiers as names of variables not yet defined. It is not a fault to have in the definition a call to a function that has not yet been defined; it is sufficient that the function has been defined when a call is made to the function. After fname has been defined, the definition may be removed by the command: ; undefine fname The definitions of all user-defined functions may be removed by: ; undefine * If bit 0 of config("resource_debug") is set and the define command is at interactive level, a message saying that fname has been defined or redefined is displayed. The same message is displayed if bit 1 of config("resource_debug") is set and the define command is read from a file. The identifiers used for the parameters in a function definition do not form part of the completed definition. For example, ; define f(a,b) = a + b; ; define g(alpha, beta) = alpha + beta; result in identical code for the functions f, g. If config("trace") & 8 is nonzero, the opcodes of a newly defined function are displayed on completion of its definition, parameters being specified by names used in the definition. For example: ; config("trace", 8), ; define f(a,b) = a + b 0: PARAMADDR a 2: PARAMADDR b 4: ADD 5: RETURN f(a,b) defined The opcodes may also be displayed later using the show opcodes command; parameters will be specified by indices instead of by names. For example: ; show opco f 0: PARAMADDR 0 2: PARAMADDR 1 4: ADD 5: RETURN When a function is defined by the statement mode, the opcodes normally include DEBUG opcodes which specify statement boundaries at which SIGINT interruptions are likely to be least risky. Inclusion of the DEBUG opcodes is disabled if config("trace") & 2 is nonzero. For details, see help interrupt. While config("trace") & 1 is nonzero, the opcodes are displayed as they are being evaluated. The current function is identified by its name, or "*" in the case of a command-line and "**" in the case of an eval(str) evaluation. When a function is called, argument values may be of any type for which the operations and any functions used within the body of the definition can be executed. For example, whatever the intention at the time they were defined, the functions f1(), f2() defined above may be called with integer, fractional, or complex-number values, or with both arguments strings, or under some compatibility conditions, matrices or objects. EXAMPLE ; define f(a,b) = 2*a + b; ; define g(alpha, beta) ;; { ;; local a, pi2; ;; ;; pi2 = 2 * pi(); ;; a = sin(alpha % pi2); ;; if (a > 0.0) { ;; return a*beta; ;; } ;; if (beta > 0.0) { ;; a *= cos(-beta % pi2); ;; } ;; return a; ;; } LIMITS The number of arguments in a function-call cannot exceed 1024. LIBRARY none SEE ALSO param, variable, undefine, show ## Copyright (C) 2000-2006 David I. Bell, Landon Curt Noll and Ernest Bowen ## ## Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License ## as publishe