defined, then calc will use calc_strdup() to simulate the real strdup() function. Calc no longer makes use of sys_errlist and sys_nerr. Some systems no longer support these values (even though they should from a legacy prospective). Calc now relies on the fact that strerror() will return NULL of no such system error exists. System errors >= 10000 will be considered calc errors instead. The Makefile symbol ERRNO_DECL has gone away as well as calc_errno.c and calc_errno.h. System errors that are are not known to to the libc strerror() function, will now print (via the strerror() calc builtin function) something such as: Unknown error 9999 Fixed some insure code inspection tool issues that were discovered and investigated by Michel van der List . Made an effort to ensure that the v_subtype of VALUES are initialized to V_NOSUBTYPE thruout the source code. Established a separate calc-bugs address from the calc-tester mailing list. Using anti-spam address forms in order to try and stay under the radar of spammers as much as one can do so. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.0t8 to 2.11.0t8.9: Moved 'wishlist' enhancements from the help/todo file to a new help/wishlist file. Ordered, by priority, help/todo items into Very High, High and Medium priority items. The BUGS file now has a 'bugs' section as well as a 'mis-features' section. Improved how calc internally dealt with reading EOF or '\0' characters. Calc now allows multiple defines to occur on the same line: (Thanks goes to Ernest Bowen ) define f8300(x) = x^2; define g8300(x) = 1 - x; Improved calc's ability to deal with and recover from errors. Added inputlevel() builtin to return the input processing level. In an interact mode, inputlevel() returns 0. When directly reading a calc script, inputlevel() returns 1. When reading a script which in turn reads another script, inputlevel() returns 2. etc... If $CALCRC has more than one file as in file1:file2 and an error occurs in file1, then calc -c will not read file2. Fixed some of the old EMail addresses found in calc documentation. Added HAVE_USTAT, HAVE_GETSID, HAVE_GETPGID, HAVE_GETTIME, HAVE_GETPRID and HAVE_URANDOM symbols to the Makefile. These symbols, along with have_ustat.c, have_getsid.c, have_getpgid.c, have_gettime.c and have_getprid.c form: have_ustat.h, have_getsid.h, have_getpgid.h, have_gettime.h, have_getprid.h and have_urandom.h which in turn are used by pseudo_seed() in seed.c to determine what types of system services can be used to form a pseudo-random seed. Fixed the way calc -c will continue processing $CALCRC when errors are encountered. Unless -d is also given, calc -c will report when calc is unable to open a $CALCRC file. Fixed the lower level make depend rules. Misc cleanup on the have_*.c support source files. Misc source file cleanup for things such as } else { style consistency. Fixed the basis for FNV-1 hashes. Prior to this fix, the hash() builtin produced FNV hash values that did not match the FNV-1 algorithm as specified in: Removed an unused argument in the function getbody() in codegen.c. Encountering of EOF in getbody() will cause a scanerror rather then stop activity. This will now result in a scanerror: echo 'define f(x) { ' > myfile calc -i read myfile A '{' at the start of a command and a later matching '}' surrounding zero or more statements (and possibly newlines) results in a function body to be "evaluated". This permits another command to follow on the same line as the '}' as in: {display(5)} read something; and: {static a = 5} define f(x) = a + x; String constants can now be concatenated. For example: s = "curds" ' and ' "whey"; Added FNV hash to the regression test suite. Added Ernest Bowen's fix for the FNV regression test of the hash() builtin function. Added Ernest Bowen's patch to improve the way config("calc_debug"). Now the lower 4 bits of the config("calc_debug") parameter have the following meaning: n Meaning of bit n of config("calc_debug") 0 Outputs shell commands prior to execution. 1 Outputs currently active functions when a quit instruction is executed. 2 Some details of shs, shs1 and md5 hash states are included in the output when these are printed. 3 When a function constructs a block value, tests are made that the result has the properties required for use of that block, e.g. that the pointer to the start of the block is not NULL, and that its "length" is not negative. A failure will result in a runtime error. Changed the meaning of (config("calc_debug") & 1) from only printing the shell commands (and pausing) while displaying help files into the printing of any shell command prior to execution. Documented the meaning of config("lib_debug"): n Meaning of bit n of config("lib_debug") 0 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined at interactive level, a message saying what has been done is displayed. 1 When a function is defined, redefined or undefined during the reading of a file, a message saying what has been done is displayed. The value for config("lib_debug") in both oldstd and newstd is 3, but if calc is invoked with the -d flag, its initial value is zero. Thus, if calc is started without the -d flag, until config("lib_debug") is changed, a message will be output when a function is defined either interactively or during the reading of a file. Changed the calc lib files to reflect the new config("lib_debug") bit field meaning. Calc lib files that need to print extra information should now do something such as: if (config("lib_debug") & 3) { print "obj xyz defined"; print "funcA([val1 [, val2]]) defined"; print "funcB(size, mass, ...) defined"; } Fixed the help/custom_cal, help/new_custom, and help/copy files so that they contain the correct contents instead of the 'usage' file. Fixed problem with loss of bindings when calc -i args runs into an error while processing 'args' and drops into interactive mode without the terminal bindings being set. Added patch from Ernest Bowen to establish the abort command as well as to clarify the roles of quit and exit. See the help/command file for details. Updated to some extend, the help/statement and help/command help files with new information about SHOW, QUIT, EXIT and ABORT. Added show sizes to Updated calc man page and help/usage file to reflect recent command line changes. Fixed a bug, reported by Michael Somos , which prevented calc -m from being used. Fixed misc compiler warnings. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.0t7 to 2.11.0t7.5: Calc has some new command line flags / command line meaning: (Thanks goes to Ernest Bowen ) -i Go into interactive mode if possible. -c Continue reading command lines even after an execution error has caused the abandonment of a line To understand the -i and -c effects, consider the following file (call it which has deliberate errors in it: print 1; mat A[1] = {2,3}; print 2; epsilon(-1); print 3; calc read myfile Reports an error on the 2nd line and exits; prints 1 only. calc -c read myfile Report errors on the 2nd and 4th lines and exits; prints 1,2 and 3. calc -i read myfile Report errors on the 2nd and gives you a prompt; prints 1 only. calc -i -c read myfile Report errors on the 2nd and 4th and gives you a prompt; prints 1, 2 and 3. cat myfile | calc Reports an error on the 2nd line and exits; prints 1 only. cat myfile | calc -c Report errors on the 2nd and 4th lines and exits; prints 1,2 and 3. Note that continuation refers to command lines, not to statements. So: calc -c 'print "start"; mat A[1] = {2,3}; print "end";' since it contains no newline, the whole string is compiled, but execution is abandoned when the error is encountered and the string ``end'' is not printed. You can use your shell to supply newlines in your command line arguments. For example in sh, ksh, bash: calc -c 'print "start"; mat A[1] = {2,3}; print "end";' will print both ``start'' and ``end''. C-shell users can do: calc -c 'print "start"; \ mat A[1] = {2,3}; \ print "end";' however sh, ksh, bash will not see ``end'' printed because their shell will remove the internal newlines. Added display(n) builtin which does almost the same as config("display",n) except that rather than causing an execution with an out-of-range or bad-type argument type, it simply writes a message to stderr. This also now happens to the errmax() builtin. Added to the standard calc library. Added another command line flag to calc: -d Disable display of the opening title and config("lib_debug",0) The command: calc 'read qtime; qtime(2)' will output something like: qtime(utc_hr_offset) defined It's nearly ten past six. whereas: calc -d 'read qtime; qtime(2)' will just say: It's nearly ten past six. A call of errmax(-1) will prevent errcount from aborting calc. Add the function stoponerror(n) which, as the name implies, controls if calc stop on an error based on the value of n: n > 0 stop on error even if -c was given on the command line n == 0 if -c, continue, without -c, stop n < 0 continue on error, even if -c was given on the command line Calc compilation now stops at the first scanerror. Restored the feature where -p disables the printing of leading tabs as of config("tab",0) had been executed. So using calc in a pipe: calc -p 2+17 | whey will write '19' instead of '\t19' to the whey command. Updated calc man page and help/usage file to reflect recent command line changes. Converted start_done into a general calc run state enum called run_state within the calc source. Removed README.OLD. Added the Makefile variable ${LCC} to invoke the local c compiler. By default, ${CC} also run the ${LCC} compiler. The distinction is useful when using something such as purify. In the case of ${LCC}, only the local C compiler is invoked. In the case of ${CC} a purify compile is invoked. Only the source that must be compiled and run on the local machine use ${LCC}; everything else uses ${CC}. Fixed memory buffer related problem in eatstring() in token.c. Fixed memory leaks related to putenv(). Fixed memory leaks related to srandom(). Fixed compilation warnings and problems on BSDI. Removed ${CCMAIN} as a variable from the Makefile. Now files use either ${CFLAGS} for general C source and ${ICFLAGS} for intermediate C source (e.g., special code for building hsrc files). The main calc URL is now: Misc calc man page fixes. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.0t1 to 2.11.0t6.3: Removed the makefile symbol MAIN. Now forcing all functions to correctly be declared main. To satisfy some old broken compilers, a return 0; (instead of an exit(0);) is used at the end of main(). A few of files that were added to calc used 4 character indentation whereas most of calc uses 8 character indentation. These imported sources have been changed to conform better with the calc style. Added the program calc_errno.c and the Makefile symbol ERRNO_DECL. If ERRNO_DECL is empty, calc_errno.c will try various ways to declare errno, sys_errlist and sys_nerr. On success or when it gives up, calc_errno will output the middle of the calc_errno.h header file. If ERRNO_DECL is -DERRNO_NO_DECL, or -DERRNO_STD_DECL or -DERRNO_OLD_DECL then the Makefile will build the middle of the calc_errno.h header file without calc_errno.c's help. The func.c file now includes the constructed header file calc_errno.h to ensure that errno, sys_errlist and sys_nerr are declared correctly. Changed check.awk to be more 'old awk' friendly. Made some of the source a little more ++ friendly. We are NOT porting calc to C++! We will NOT support C++ compilation of calc. Calc will written ANSI C. We just compiled with a suggestion from Love-Jensen, John to make calc's version of C a little more to C++ compilers. We are simply avoiding symbols such as new or try for example. Renamed README to README.OLD. Renamed README.FIRST to README. Updated README, lib/README and BUGS to reflect new URLs and addresses. Added a HOWTO.INSTALL file. Reordered cc Makefile variable sets in the main Makefile. Fixed a bug in hnrmod() and applied a fix that was reported by Ernest Bowen . Added regression tests 1103 to 1112 to confirm the fix. Fixed a bug in version.c related to MINOR_PATCHs in both the empty and non-empty MINOR_PATCH cases. Fixed malloc and bad storage issues reported by Michel van der List . Fixed some problems related to path processing while opening files. Under extreme cases, an excessively long filename or CALCPATH value could create problems. Placed guards in opensearchfile() function in input.c to catch these cases. Fixed cases were malloc failures were silently ignored in input.c. Eliminated the PATHSIZE limit and the PATHSIZE symbol. Added MAX_CALCRC to limit the length of the $CALCRC environment variable to 1024 chars. Fixed the magic number relating to the initial number of constants declared by initconstants(). It is now related to the length of the initnumbs[] NUMBER array. Added a 'Dec Alpha / Compaq Tru64 cc (non-gnu) compiler set' section to the main Makefile. Fixed a string handling bug discovered by Dr.D.J.Picton in the custom demo code. Fixed a bug in the hnrmod() builtin that was discovered by Ernest Bowen . Added FORCE_STDC symbol. When defined it will force __STDC__ like conditions. Thus for compilers with as the Solaris cc compiler that are ANSI-like but still define __STDC__ as 0, one can use -DFORCE_STDC and make use of ANSI-like features. Removed the CCSHS symbol from the Makefile. The shs.c and shs1.c files are now compiled with full ${CFLAGS}. The custom.c file is now compiled with full ${CFLAGS}. Rewrote command line / argument processing code. Calc is now using getopt(3) argument processing. Fixed a memory leak related to converting strings to numbers in the str2q() function in qio.c. Fixed a problem with reading uninitialized memory in the v_subtype of a VALUE in the copyvalue() function in value.c. Fixed problems in func.c where temporary VALUEs were not having their v_type elements initialized. Fixed a memory leak in qpi() in qtrans.c. Fixed a memory leak in math_getdivertedio() in zio.c. Fixed a problem with points going beyond the end of allocated memory in addstring() in string.c. Fixed a memory leak in zgcdrem(), f_putenv(), zlog() and zlog10() in zfunc.c. Fixed a memory leak in zdiv() and zshift() in zmath.c. Fixed memory leaks in zsrand() in zrand.c. Fixed a memory leak in zsrandom1() in zrandom.c. Fixed memory leaks associated with replacing the internal random state with another random state. Added seed() builtin to return a 64 bit seed for a pseudo-random generator. Added functionality from Ernest Bowen to permit nested "= {...}" assignments for lists as well as matrices and objects. Now one can have a list, matrix or object, some of whose elements are lists, matrices or objects, to any depth of recursion, and assign values to any number of particular elements by an appropriate "initialization" expression. For example: A = mat[2] = {list(1,2), list(3,4,list(5,6))}; and then assign values to the 6 number elements by: A = {{7,8}, {9,10,{11,12}}}; Closed files that were previously left open from as executed by and from opening /dev/null by itself. Fixed memory leaks from f_strprintf() and f_putenv() in func.c. The test suite calls freeredc(), freestatics() and freeglobals() at the end of the test suite to free storage consumed during the regression. Added custom function custom("pzasusb8", n) and lib/ based on Ernest Bowen's diagnostic patch. Thanks to the efforts of Ernest Bowen and Dr.D.J.Picton , a nasty endian-ness bug in the sha and sha1 hash functions that showed up on machines such as the Sparc was fixed. Added functionality from Ernest Bowen to give arguments as well as function names after definitions when config("lib_debug") >= 0. Removed if (config("lib_debug") >= 0) { ... } the ends of most of the calc library scripts because it was redundant with the new config("lib_debug") >= 0 functionality. Some of the calc library still has a partial section because some useful additional information was being printed: Fixed so that its defined function does not conflict with the factor() builtin function. Fixed so that a defined function does not conflict with the mod() builtin function. The regression test suite now reads in most calc libs. A few libs are not read because they, by design, produce output when read even when config("lib_debug") is set to -1. Increased the maximum number of object types that one can define from 10 to 128. Added a patch from Ernest Bowen to correctly hash a V_STR value-type that has an \0 byte inside it. A patch from Ernest Bowen now defines special meaning to the first 2 bits of config("lib_debug"): bit 0 set => messages printed when inputisterminal bit 1 set => messages printed when reading from a file The lib/ regression suite does: config("lib_debug", -4); to eliminate lib messages (both bit 0 and bit 1 are not set). Fixed misc compile warnings and notices. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.38 to 2.11.0t0: Fixed a few compile problems found under Red Hat 6.0 Linux. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.38 to 2.11.3t5.46: Fixed a bug discovered by Ernest Bowen related to matrix-to-matrix copies. Bitwise operations on integers have been extended so that negative integers are treated in the same way as the integer types in C. Some changes have been made to lib/ and lib/ Removed V_STRLITERAL and V_STRALLOC string type constants and renumbered the V_protection types. Added popcnt(x, bitval) builtin which counts the number of bits in x that match bitval. Misc compiler warning fixes. Fixed improper use of putchar() and printf() when printing rationals (inside qio.c). Fixed previously reported bug in popcnt() in relation to . values. Calc man page changes per suggestion from Martin Buck . The calc man page is edited with a few more parameters from the Makefile. Misc Makefile changes per Martin Buck . Removed trailing blanks from files. Consolidated in the Makefile, where the debug and check rules are found. Fixed the dependency list. Make chk and check will exit with an error if check.awk detects a problem in the regression output. (Martin Buck) Fixed print line for test #4404. Moved custom.c and custom.h to the upper level to fix unresolved symbols. Moved help function processing into help.c. Moved nearly everything into libcalc.a to allow programs access to higher level calc objects (e.g., list, assoc, matrix, block, ...). Renamed PATCH_LEVEL to MAJOR_PATCH and SUB_PATCH_LEVEL to MINOR_PATCH. Added integers calc_major_ver, calc_minor_ver, calc_major_patch and string calc_minor_patch to libcalc.a. Added CALC_TITLE to hold the "C-style arbitrary precision calculator" string. The function version(), now returns a malloced version string without the title. Consolidated multiple SGI IRIX -n32 sections (for r4k, r5k and r10k) into a single section. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.34 to 2.10.3t5.37: Per request from David I Bell, the README line: I am allowing this calculator to be freely distributed for personal uses to: I am allowing this calculator to be freely distributed for your enjoyment Added help files for: address agd arrow dereference free freeglobals freeredc freestatics gd isptr mattrace oldvalue saveval & * -> and . Fixed blkcpy() and copy() arg order and processing. Now: A = blk() = {1,2,3,4} B = blk() blkcpy(B,A) blkcpy(B,A) will result in B being twice as long as A. Since "make chk" pipes the regression output to awk, we cannot assume that stdout and stderr are ttys. Tests #5985 and #5986 have been removed for this reason. (thanks to Martin Buck for this report) Fixed the order of prints in By convention, a print of a test line happens after the test. This is because function parsed messages occur after the function is parsed. Also the boolean test will verify before any print statements. Therefore a non-test line is tested and printed as follows: y = sha(); print '7125: y = sha()'; The perm(a,b) and comb(a,b) have been extended to arbitrary real a and integer b. Fixed a bug in minv(). Moved string.c into libcalc.a. The NUMBER union was converted back into a flat structure. Changes where 'num' and 'next' symbols were changed to avoid #define conflicts were reverse since the #define's needed to support the union went away. Removed trailing blanks from files. Ernest Bowen sent in the following patch which is described in the next 34 points: (0) In the past: A = B = strcat("abc", "def"); would store "abc" and "def" as literal strings never to be freed, and store "abcdef" once each for both A and B. Now the "abc" and "bcd" are freed immediately after they are concatenated and "abcdef" is stored only once, just as the number 47 would be stored only once for A = B = 47; The new STRING structure that achieves this stores not only the address of the first character in the string, but also the "length" with which the string was created, the current "links" count, and when links == 0 (which indicates the string has been freed) the address of the next freed STRING. Except for the null string "", all string values are "allocated"; the concept of literal string remains for names of variables, object types and elements, etc. (1) strings may now include '\0', as in A = "abc\0def". In normal printing this prints as "abc" and strlen(A) returns 3, but its "real" length of 7 is given by size(A). (As before there is an 8th zero character and sizeof(A) returns 8.) (2) If A is an lvalue whose current value is a string of size n, then for 0 <= i < n, A[i] returns the character with index i as an addressed octet using the same structure as for blocks, i.e. there is no distinction between a string-octet and a block-octet. The same operations and functions can be used for both, and as before, an octet is in some respects a number in [0,256) and in others a one-character string. For example, for A = "abc\0def" one will have both A[0] == "a" and A[0] == 97. Assignments to octets can be used to change characters in the string, e.g. A[0] = "A", A[1] = 0, A[2] -= 32, A[3] = " " will change the above A to "A\0C def". (3) "show strings" now displays the indices, links, length, and some or all of the early and late characters in all unfreed strings which are values of lvalues or occur as "constants" in function definitions, using "\n", "\t", "\0", "\252", etc. when appropriate. For example, the string A in (1) would be displayed as in the definition there. Only one line is used for each string. I've also changed the analogous "show numbers" so that only some digits of numbers that would require more than one line are displayed. (4) "show literals" is analogous to "show constants" for number "constants" in that it displays only the strings that have been introduced by literal strings as in A = "abc". There is a major difference between strings and numbers in that there are operations by which characters in any string may be changed. For example, after A = "abc", A[0] = "X" changes A to "Xbc". It follows that if a literal string is to be constant in the sense of never changing, such a character- changing operation should never be applied to that string. In this connection, it should be noted that if B is string-valued, then A = B results in A referring to exactly the same string as B rather than to a copy of what is in B. This is like the use of character-pointers in C, as in char *s1, *s2; s1 = "abc"; s2 = s1; To achieve the effect of s2 = (char *) malloc(4); strcpy(s2, s1); I have extended the str() function to accept a string as argument. Then A = str(B); will create a new string at a different location from that of B but with the same length and characters. One will then have A == B, *A == *B, but &*A != &*B, &A[0] != &B[0]. To assist in analyzing this sort of thing, I have defined a links() function which for number or string valued argument returns the number of links to the occurrence of that argument that is being referred to. For example, supposing "abc" has not been used earlier: ; A = "abc" ; links(A) 2 ; links(A) 1 The two links in the first call are to A and the current "oldvalue"; in the second call, the only link is to A, the oldvalue now being 2. (5) strcat(S1, S2, ...) works as before; contribution of a string stops when '\0' is encountered. E.g. strcat("abc\0def", "ghi") will return "abcghi". (6) For concatenation of full strings I have chosen to follow some other languages (like Java, but not Mathematica which uses "<>") and use "+" so that, e.g. "abc\0def" + "ghi" returns the string "abc\0defghi". This immediately gives obvious meanings to multiplication by positive integers as in 2 * "abc" = "abc" + "abc" = "abcabc", to negation to reverse as string as in - "abc" = "cba", to multiplication by fractions as in 0.5 * "abcd" = "ab", (where the length is int(0.5 * size("abcd")), and finally, by combining these to k * A and A * k for any real number k and any string A. In the case of k == 1, these return a new string rather than A itself. (This differs from "" + A and A + "" which return A.) (7) char(x) has been changed so that it will accept any integer x or octet as argument and return a string of size one with character value x % 256. In the past calc has required 0 <= x < 256; now negative x is acceptable; for example, 1000 * char(-1) will now produce the same as 1000 * "\377" or 1000 * "\xff". (8) For a string s, test(s) now returns zero not only for the null string "" but also for a string all of whose characters are '\0'. (9) Similarly <, <=, etc. now compare all characters including occurrences of '\0' until a difference is encountered or the end of a string is reached. If no difference is encountered but one string is longer than the other, the longer string is considered as greater even if the remaining characters are all '\0'. (10) To retain the C sense of comparison of null-terminated strings I have defined strcmp(S1, S2), and then, for completeness, strncmp(S1, S2, n). For similar reasons, strcpy(S1, S2) and strncpy(S1, S2, n) have been defined. (11) For strings, I have defined | and & as bitwise "or" and "and" functions, with S1 | S2 having the size of the larger of S1 and S2, S1 & S2 having the size of the smaller of S1 and S2. By using, say, 4-character strings, one can simulate a C integral type so far as the | and & operations are concerned. It then seemed appropriate to use the operator ~ for a "bitwise complement" as in C. Thus I have defined ~s for a string s to be the string of the same size as s with each character being complemented by the C ~ operation. (12) For boolean algebra work on strings it is convenient also to have the bitwise xor and setminus binary operations. Using C's '^' for xor would be confusing when this is used elsewhere for powers, so I decided to use ~. For setminus, I adopted the commonly used '\'. Strings of fixed size n can now be used for a boolean algebra structure with 8 * n elements. The zero element is n * char(0), the unity is n * char(-1), and one have all of the usual laws like A & (B | C) == A & B | A * C, A \ B = A & ~B, etc. (13) Having extended the bitwise operations for strings, it was appropriate to do the same for integers. Definitions of the binary ~ and \ operations for non-negative integers are straightforward. For the unary ~ operation, I decided to do what C does with integer types, and defined ~N to be -N - 1. With the appropriate extensions of |, &, \ and the binary ~, one gets in effect the boolean algebra of finite sets of natural numbers and their complements, by identifying the set with distinct integer elements i_1, i_2, ... with the integer 2^i_1 + 2^i_2 + ... For ~N for non-integer real N, I have simply used -N. There is some logic in this and it is certainly better than an error value. I have not defined the binary operations |, &, ~, \ for non-integral arguments. The use of ~N in this way conflicts with calc's method of displaying a number when it has to be rounded to config("display") decimals. To resolve this, my preference would be to replace the printing of "~" as a prefix by a trailing ellipsis "...", the rounding always being towards zero. E.g. with config("display", 5), 1/7 would print as ".14285..." rather than "~.14285". The config("outround") parameter would determine the type of rounding only for the equivalent of config("tilde", 0). (14) For objects, users may create their own definitions for binary |, &, ~ and \ with xx_or, xx_and, xx_xor, xx_setminus functions. For unary ~ and \ operations, I have used the names xx_comp and xx_backslash. (15) For the obviously useful feature corresponding to cardinality of a set, I have defined #S for a string S to be the number of nonzero bits in S. For a degree of consistency, it was then appropriate to define #N for a nonnegative integer N to be the number of nonzero bits in the binary representation of N. I've extended this to arbitrary real N by using in effect #(abs(num(N))). I feel it is better to make this available to users rather than having #N invoke an error message or return an error value. For defining #X for an xx-object X, I have used the name xx_content to suggest that it is appropriate for something which has the sense of a content (like number of members of, area, etc.). (16) Having recognized # as a token, it seemed appropriate to permit its use for a binary operation. For real numbers x and y I have defined x # y to be abs(x - y). (This is often symbolized by x ~ y, but it would be confusing to have x ~ y meaning xor(x,y) for strings and abs(x-y) for numbers.) Because '#' is commonly called the hash symbol, I have used xx_hashop to permit definition of x # y for xx-objects. (17) For a similar reason I've added one line of code to codegen.c so that /A returns the inverse of A. (18) Also for a list L, +L now returns the sum of the elements of L. For an xx object A, +A requires and uses the definition of xx_plus. (19) I have given the unary operators ~, #, /, \, and except at the beginning of an expression + and -, the same precedence with right-to-left associativity. This precedence is now weaker than unary * and &, but stronger than binary & and the shift and power operators. One difference from before is that now a ^ - b ^ c evaluates as a ^ (- (b ^ c)) rather than a ^ ((- b) ^ c). (20) For octets o1, o2, I've defined o1 | o2, o1 & o2, o1 ~ o2, ~o1 so that they return 1-character strings. #o for an octet o returns the number of nonzero bits in o. (21) For substrings I've left substr() essentially as before, but for consistency with the normal block/matrix indexing, I've extended the segment function to accept a string as first argument. Then segment(A, m, n) returns essentially the string formed from the character with index m to the character with index n, ignoring indices < 0 and indices >= len(A); thus, if m and n are both in [0, size(A)) the string is of length abs(m - n) + 1, the order of the characters being reversed if n < m. Here the indices for a list of size len are 0, 1, ..., len - 1. As it makes some sense, if 0 <= n < size(A), segment(A, n) now returns the one-character string with its character being that with index n in A. (I've made a corresponding modification to the segment function for lists.) Some examples, if A = "abcdef", segment(A,2,4) = "cde", segment(A,4,2) = "edc", segment(A,3) = "d", segment(A, -2, 8) = "abcdef", segment(A,7,8) = "". (22) As essentially particular cases of segment(), I've defined head(A, n) and tail(A, n) to be the strings formed by the first or last abs(n) characters of A, the strings being4]5O~? reversed ' if n is negative. I've changed the definitions of head and tail for lists to be consistent with this interpretation of negative n. (23) Similarly I've left strpos essentially as at present, but search and rsearch have been extended to strings. For example, search(A, B, m, n) returns the index i of the first occurrence of the string B in A if m <= i < n, or the null value if there is no such occurrence. As for other uses of search, negative m is interpreted as size(A) + m, negative n as size(A) + n. For a match in this search, all size(B) characters, including occurrences of '\0', in B must match successive characters in A. The function rsearch() behaves similarly but searches in reverse order of the indices. (24) A string A of length N determines in obvious ways arrays of M = 8 * N bits. If the characters in increasing index order are c_0, c_1, ... and the bits in increasing order in c_i are b_j, b_j+1, ..., b_j+7 where j = 8 * i, I've taken the array of bits determined by A to be b_0, b_1, ..., b_M-1 For example, since "a" = char(97) and 97 = 0b01100001, and "b" = char(98) = 0b01100010, the string "ab" determines the 16-bit array 1000011001000110 in which the bits in the binary representations of "a" and "b" have been reversed. bit with index n in this array. This is consistent with the use of bit for a number ch in [0,256), i.e. bit(char(ch), n) = bit(ch, n). For n < 0 or n >= size(A), bit(A,n) returns the null value. (25) For assigning values to specified bits in a string, I've defined setbit(A, n) and setbit(A, n, v). The first assigns the value 1 to bit(A, n), the second assigns test(v) to bit(A, n). (26) For consistency with the corresponding number operations, the shift operations A << n and A >> n have been defined to give what look like right- and left-shifts, respectively. For example, "ab" << 2 returns the 16-bit array 0010000110010001 in which the array for "ab" has been moved 2 bits to the right. (27) To achieve much the same as the C strcpy and strncpy functions for null-terminated strings, strcpy(S1, S2) and strncpy(S1, S2, n) have been defined. Unlike the blkcpy() and copy() functions, the copying for these is only from the beginning of the strings. Also, unlike C, no memory overflow can occur as the copying ceases when size(S1) is reached. Note that these overwrite the content of S1 (which affects all strings linked to it) as well as returning S1. Examples: S = strcpy(6 * "x", "abc") <=> S = "abc\0xx" S = strcpy(3 * "x", "abcdef") <=> S = "abc" S = strncpy(6 * "x", "abcd", 2) <=> S = "ab\0xxx" S = strncpy(6 * "x", "ab", 4) <=> S = "ab\0\0xx" S = strncpy(6 * "x", "ab", 20) <=> S = "ab\0\0\0\0" If a new string S not linked to S1 is to be created, this can be achieved by using str(S1) in place of S1. For example, the strcpy in A = "xxxxxx" S = strcpy(str("xxxxxx"), "abc") would not change the value of A. (28) I've extended the definitions of copy(A, B, ssi, num, dsi) and blkcpy(B, A, num, ssi, dsi) to allow for string-to-string copying and block-to-string copying, but num is now an upper bound for the number of characters to be copied - copying will cease before num characters are copied if the end of the data in the source A or the end of the destination B is reached. As with other character-changing operations, copying to a string B will not change the locations of B[0], B[1], ... or the size of B. In the case of copying a string to itself, characters are copied in order of increasing index, which is different from block-to-block copying where a memmove is used. This affects only copy from a string to itself. For example, A = "abcdefg"; copy(A, A, , , 2); will result in A == "abababa". If the overwriting that occurs here is not wanted, one may use A = "abcdefg"; copy(str(A), A, , , 2); which results in A == "ababcde". (29) perm(a,b) and comb(a,b) have been extended to accept any real a and any integer b except for perm(a, b) with integer a such that b <= a < 0 which gives a "division by zero" error. For positive b, both functions are polynomials in a of degree b; for negative b, perm(a,b) is a rational function (1/((a + 1) * (a+2) ...) with abs(b) factors in the denominator), and comb(a,b) = 0. (An obvious "todo" is to extend this to complex or other types of a.) (30) Although it is not illegal, it seems pointless to use a comma operator with a constant or simple variable as in ; 2 * 3,14159 14159 ; a = 4; b = 5; ; A = (a , b + 2); ; A 7 I have added a few lines to addop.c so that when this occurs a "unused value ignored" message and the relevant line number are displayed. I have found this useful as I occasionally type ',' when I mean '.'. There may be one or two other changes resulting from the way I have rewritten the optimization code in addop.c. I think there was a bug that assumed that PTR_SIZE would be the same as sizeof(long). By the way, the new OP_STRING is now of index rather than pointer type. It follows that pointers are now used in opcodes only for global variables. By introducing a table of addresses of global variables like those used for "constants" and "literal strings", the use of pointers in opcodes could be eliminated. (31) When calc has executed a quit (or exit) statement in a function or eval evaluation, it has invoked a call to math_error() which causes a long jump to an initial state without freeing any data on the stack, etc. Maybe more detail should be added to math_error(), but to achieve the freeing of memory for a quit statement and at the same time give more information about its occurrence I have changed the way opcodes.c handles OP_QUIT. Now it should free the local variables and whatever is on the stack, and display the name and line-number, for each of the functions currently being evaluated. The last function listed should be the "top-level" one with name "*". Strings being eval-ed will have name "**". Here is a demo: ; global a; ; ; define f(x) {local i = x^2; a++; ;; if (x > 5) quit "Too large!"; return i;} f() defined ; define g(x) = f(x) + f(2*x); g() defined ; g(2) 20 ; g(3) Too large! "f": line 3 "g": line 0 "*": line 6 ; eval("g(3)") Too large! "f": line 3 "g": line 0 "**": line 1 "*": line 7 ; a 6 (32) I've made several small changes like removing if (vp->v_type == V_NUM) { q = qinv(vp->v_num); if (stack->v_type == V_NUM) qfree(stack->v_num); stack->v_num = q; stack->v_type = V_NUM; return; } from the definition of o_invert. Presumably these lines were intended to speed up execution for the common case of numerical argument. Comparing the runtimes with and without these lines for inverting thousands of large random numbers in a matrix suggest that execution for real numbers is slightly faster without these lines. Maybe this and other similar treatment of "special cases" should be looked at more closely. (33) The new lib script lib/ demonstrates how the new string operators and functions may be used for defining and working with sets of natural numbers not exceeding a user-specified bound. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.28 to 2.10.3t5.33: Added hnrmod(v, h, n, r) builtin to compute: v % (h * 2^n + r), h>0, n>0, r = -1, 0 or 1 Changed and to make use of hnrmod(). A number of changes from Ernest Bowen: (1) introduction of unary & and * analogous to those in C; For an lvalue var, &var returns what I call a value-pointer; this is a constant which may be assigned to a variable as in p = &var, and then *p in expressions has the same effect as var. Here is a simple example of their use: ; define s(L) {local v=0; while (size(L)) v+= *pop(L);return v;} s() defined ; global a = 1, b = 2; ; L = list(&a, &b); ; print s(L) 3 ; b = 3; ; print s(L) 4 Octet-pointers, number-pointers, and string-pointers in much the same way, but have not attempted to do much with the latter two. To print a pointer, use the "%p" specifier. Some arithmetic operations has been defined for corresponding C operations. For example: ; A = mat[4]; ; p = &A[0]; ; *(p+2) == A[2] ; ++p ; *p == A[1] There is at present no protection against "illegal" use of & and *, e.g. if one attempts here to assign a value to *(p+5), or to use p after assigning another value to A. NOTE: Unlike C, in calc &A[0] and A are quite different things. NOTE: If the current value of a variable X is an octet, number or string, *X may be used to to return the value of X; in effect X is an address and *X is the value at X. Added isptr(p) builtin to return 0 is p is not a pointer, and >0 if it is a pointer. The value of isptr(p) comes from the V_XYZ #define (see the top of value.h) of the value to which p points. To allow & to be used as a C-like address operator, use of it has been dropped in calls to user-defined functions. For the time being I have replaced it by the back-quote `. For example: ; global a ; define f(a,b) = a = b ; f(&a,5) ; print a 0 ; f(`a,5) ; print a 5 However, one may use & in a similar way as in: ; define g(a,b) = *a = b ; g(&a, 7) ; print a 7 There is no hashvalue for pointers. Thus, like error values, they cannot be used as indices in an association. The -> also works in calc. For example: ; obj xy {x,y} ; obj uvw {u, v, w} ; obj xy A = {1,2} ; obj uvw B = {3,4,5} ; p = &A ; q = &B ; p->x 1 ; p->y = 6 ; A obj xy {1, 6} ; q -> u 3 ; p->y = q ; A obj xy {1, v-ptr: 1400474c0} ; p->y->u 3 ; p->y->u = 7 ; B obj uvw {7, 4, 5} ; p -> y = p ; A obj xy {1, v-ptr: 140047490} ; p -> y -> x 1 ; p->y->y v-ptr: 140047490 ; p->y->y-> x 1 ; p->y->y->x = 8 ; A obj xy {8, v-ptr: 140047490} (2) a method of "protecting" variables; For the various kinds of "protection", of an l_value var, bits of var->v_subtype, of which only bits 0 and 1 have been used in the past to indicate literal and allocated strings. This has meant initialization of var->v_subtype when a new var is introduced, and for assignments, etc., examination of the appropriate bits to confirm that the operation is to be permitted. See help/protect for details. (3) automatic "freeing" of constants that are no longer required. For the "freeing" of constants, the definition of a NUMBER structure so that a NUMBER * q could be regarded as a pointing to a "freed number" if q->links = 0. The old q->num was changed to a union q->nu which had a pointer to the old q->num if q->links > 0 and to the next freed number if q->links = 0. The old "num" is #defined to "nu->n_num". The prior method calc has used for handling "constants" amounted to leakage. After: ; define f(x) = 27 + x; ; a = 27; It is of course necessary for the constant 27 to be stored, but if one now redefines f and a by: ; define f(x) = 45 + x; ; a = 45; There seems little point in retaining 27 as a constant and therefore using up memory. If this example seems trivial, replace 27 with a few larger numbers like 2e12345, or better, -2e12345, for which calc needs memory for both 2e12345 and -2e12345! Constants are automatically freed a definition when a function is re- or un-defined. The qalloc(q) and qfree(q) functions have been changed so that that q->links = 0 is permitted and indicates that q has been freed. If a number has been introduced as a constant, i.e. by a literal numeral as in the above examples, its links becoming zero indicates that it is no longer required and its position in the table of constants becomes available for a later new constant. (4) extension of transcendental functions like tan, tanh, etc. to complex arguments (5) definition of gd(z) and agd(z), i.e. the gudermannian and inverse gudermannian (6) introduction of show options for displaying information about current constants, global variables, static variables, and cached redc moduli. To help you follow what is going on, the following show items have been introduced: show constants ==> display the currently stored constants show numbers ==> display the currently stored numbers show redcdata ==> display the currently stored redc moduli show statics ==> display info about static variables show real ==> display only real-valued variables The constants are automatically initialized as constants and should always appear, with links >= 1, in in the list of constants. The show command: show globals has been redefined so that it gives information about all current global and still active static variables. (7) definition of functions for freeing globals, statics, redc values To free memory used by different kinds of variable, the following builtins have been added: freeglobals(); /* free all globals */ freestatics(); /* free all statics */ freeredc(); /* free redc moduli */ free(a, b, ...); /* free specific variables */ NOTE: These functions do not "undefine" the variables, but have the effect of assigning the null value to them, and so frees the memory used for elements of a list, matrix or object. See 10) below for info about "undefine *". (8) enhancement of handling of "old value": having it return an lvalue and giving option of disabling updating. Now, by default, "." return an lvalue with the appropriate value instead of copying the old value. So that a string of commands may be given without changing the "oldvalue", the new builtin: saveval(0) function simply disables the updating of the "." value. The default updating can be resumed by calling: saveval(1) The "." value: ; 2 + 2 4 ; . 4 can now be treated as an unnamed variable. For example: ; mat x[3,3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ; x ; print .[1,2] 6 (9) for a list L defining L[i] to be same as L[[i]] (10) extending undefine to permit its application to all user-defined functions by using "undefine *". The command: undefine * undefines all current user-defined functions. After executing all the above freeing functions (and if necessary free(.) to free the current "old value"), the only remaining numbers as displayed by: show numbers should be those associated with epsilon(), and if it has been called, qpi(). (11) storing the most recently calculated value of qpi(epsilon)i and epsilon so that when called again with the same epsilon it is copied rather than recalculated. (12) defining trace() for square matrices (13) expression in parentheses may now be followed by a qualifier computable with its type When an expression in parentheses evaluates to an lvalue whose current value is a matrix, list or object, it may now be followed by a qualifier compatible with its type. For example: ; A = list(1,2,4); ; B = mat[2,2] = {5,6,7,8}; ; define f(x) = (x ? A : B)[[1]]; ; print f(1), f(0) 2 6 ; obj xy {x,y} ; C = obj xy = {4,5} ; p = &C ; *p.x Not indexing matrix or object ; (*p).x 4 (14) swap(a,b) now permits swapping of octets in the same or different blocks. For example: ; A = blk() = {1,2,3} ; B = blk() = {4,5,6} ; swap(A[0], B[2]) ; A chunksize = 256, maxsize = 256, datalen = 3 060203 A few bug fixes from Ernest Bowen: B1: qcmpi(q, n) in qmath.c sometimes gave the wrong result if LONG_BITS > BASEB, len = 1 and nf = 0, since it then reduces to the value of (nf != q->num.v[1]) in which q->num.v[1] is not part of the size-1 array of HALFs for q->num. At present this is used only for changing opcodes for ^2 and ^4 from sequences involving OP_POWER to sequences using OP_SQUARE, which has no effect on the results of calculations. B2: in matdet(m) in matfunc.c, a copy of the matrix m was not freed when the determinant turned out have zero value. B3: in f_search() in func.c, a qlinking of the NUMBER * storing the the size of a file was not qfreed. B4: in comalloc() in commath.c the initial zero values for real and imag parts are qlinked but not qfreed when nonzero values are assigned to them. Rather than changing the definition of comalloc(), I have included any relevant qfrees with the calls to comalloc() as in c = comalloc(); qfree(c->real); c->real = ... B5: in calls to matsum(), zeros are qlinked but not qfreed. Rather than changing addnumeric(), I have changed the definition of matsum(m) so that it simply adds the components of m, which requires only that the relevant additions be defined, not that all components of m be numbers. Simple arithmetic expressions with literal numbers are evaluated during compilation rather than execution. So: define f(x) = 2 + 3 + x; will be stored as if defined by: define f(x) = 5 + x; Fixed bug with lowhex2bin conversation in lib_util.c. It did not correctly convert from hex ASCII to binary values due to a table loading error. Fixed porting problem for NetBSD and FreeBSD by renaming the qdiv() function in qmath.c to qqdiv(). Improved the speed of mfactor (from library) for long Mersenne factorizations. The default reporting loop is now 10000 cycles. SGI Mips r10k compile set is speced for IRIX6.5 with v7.2 compilers. A note for pre-IRIX6.5 and/or pre-v7.2 compilers is given in the compile set. Added regression tests related to saveval(), dot and pointers. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.11 to 2.10.3t5.27: The todo help file as been updated with the in-progress items: xxx - block print function is not written yet ... Expanded the role of blk() to produce unnamed blocks as in: B = blk(len, chunk) and named blocks as in: B = blk(str, len, chunk) A block may be changed (with possible loss of data only if len is less than the old len) by: C = blk(B, len, chunk) For an unnamed block B, this creates a new block C and copies min(len, oldlen) octets to it, B remaining unchanged. For a named block, the block B is changed and C refers to the same block as B, so that for example, C[i] = x will result in B[i] == x. Thus, for a named block, "B = " does nothing (other than B = B) in: B = blk(B, len, chunk) but is necessary for changing an unnamed block. Renamed rmblk() to blkfree(). The builtin function blkfree(val) will free memory allocated to block. If val is a named block, or the name of a named block, or the identifying index for a named block, blkfree(val) frees the memory block allocated to this named block. The block remains in existence with the same name, identifying index, and chunksize, but its size and maxsize becomes zero and the pointer for the start of its data block null. The builtin function blocks() returns the number of blocks that have been created but not freed by the blkfree() function. When called as blocks(id) and the argument id less than the number of named blocks that have been created, blocks(id) returns the named block with identifying index id. Removed the artificial limit of 20 named blocks. Added name() builtin to return the name of a type of value as a string. Added isdefined() to determine of a value is defined. Added isobjtype() to determine the type of an object. The isatty(v) builtin will return 1 if v is a file that associated with a tty (terminal, xterm, etc.) and 0 otherwise. The isatty(v) builtin will no longer return an error if v is not a file or is a closed file. The isident(m) builtin will return 1 if m is a identity matrix and 0 otherwise. The isident(m) builtin will no longer return an error if m is not a matrix. Added extensive testing of isxxx() builtins and their operations on various types. Added md5() builtin to perform the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. Renamed isset() to bit(). Blocks will expand when required by the copy() builtin function: ; f = fopen("help/full", "r") ; B = blk() ; B chunksize = 256, maxsize = 256, datalen = 0 ; copy(B, f) ; B chunksize = 256, maxsize = 310272, datalen = 310084 2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a0a2a20696e74726f0a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a... NOTE: Your results will differ because changes to help/full. The blkcpy() builtin args now more closely match that of memcpy(), strncpy: blkcpy(dst, src [, num [, dsi [, ssi]]]) The copy() builtin args now more closely match that the cp command: copy(src, dst [, num [, ssi [, dsi]]]) but otherwise does the same thing as blkcpy. Fixed lint problems for SunOS. Added have_memmv.c and HAVE_MEMMOVE Makefile variable to control use of memmove(). If empty, then memmove() is tested for and if not found, or if HAVE_MEMMOVE= -DHAVE_NO_MEMMOVE then an internal version of memmove() is used instead. Added regression tests for sha, sha1 and md5 builtin hash functions. Added xx_print to to the list of object routines are definable. Added to the library to demo this feature. Moved blkcpy() routines have been moved to blkcpy.[ch]. The blkcpy() & copy() builtins can not copy to/from numbers. For purposes of the copy, only the numerator is ignored. Resolved a number of missing symbols for libcalc users. Added lib_util.{c,h} to the calc source to support users of libcalc.a. These utility routines are not directly used by calc but are otherwise have utility to those programmers who directly use libcalc.a instead. Added sample sub-directory. This sub-directory contains a few sample programs that use libcalc.a. These sample programs are built via the all rule because they will help check to see that libcalc.a library does not contain external references that cannot be resolved. At the current time none of these sample programs are installed. Added a libcalc_call_me_last() call to return storage created by the libcalc_call_me_first() call. This allows users of libcalc.a to free up a small amount of storage. Fixed some memory leaks associated with the random() Blum generator. Fixed fseek() file operations for SunOS. Fixed convz2hex() fencepost error. It also removes leading 0's. Plugged a memory leak relating to pmod. The following calculation: pmod(2, x, something) where x was not 2^n-1 would leak memory. This has been fixed. The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t5.1 to 2.10.3t5.10: Misc printf warning bug fixes. Calc now permits chains of initializations as in: obj point {x,y} P = {1,2} = {3,4} = {5,6} Here the initializations are applied from left to right. It may look silly, but the 1, 2, ... could be replaced by expressions with side effects. As an example of its use suppose A and B are expressions with side effects: P = {A, B} has the effect of P.x = A; P.y = B. Sometimes one might want these in the reverse order: P.y = B; P.x = A. This is achieved by: P = { , B} = {A} Another example of its use: obj point Q = {P, P} = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} which results in Q having Q.x.x = 1, Q.x.y = 2, etc. The role of the comma in has been changed. Expressions such as: mat A[2], B[3] are equivalent to: (mat A[2]), (mat B[3]) Now, expr1, expr2 returns type of expr2 rather than EXPR_RVALUE. This permits expressions such as: (a = 2, b) = 3 Also, expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 returns type(expr2) | type(expr3). This will make the result an lvalue (i.e. EXPR_RVALUE bit not set) For example, if both expr2 and expr3 are lvalues. Then: a ? b : c = d has the effect of b = d if a is "nonzero", otherwise c = d. This may be compared with d = a ? b : c which does d = b if a is "nonzero", otherwise d = c. And now, expr1 || expr2 and expr1 && expr2 each return htype(expr1)| type(expr2). So for example: a || b = c has the effect of a = c if a is "nonzero", otherwise b = c. And for example: a && b = c has the effect of a = c if a is "zero", otherwise b = c. At top level, newlines are neglected between '(' and the matching ')' in expressions and function calls. For example, if f() has been already defined, then: a = ( 2 + f ( 3 ) ) and b = sqrt ( 20 , 1 ) will be accepted, and in interactive mode the continue-line prompt will be displayed. When calc sees a "for", "while", "do", or "switch", newlines will be ignored (and the line-continuation prompt displayed in interactive mode) until the expected conditions and statements are completed. For example: s = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { s += i; } print s; Now 's' will print '10' instead of '5'. Added more regression tests to Changed the error counter from 'err' to 'prob'. The errmax() is set very high and the expected value of errcount() is kept in ecnt. Added the 'unexpected' help file which gives some unexpected surprises that C programmers may encounter. Updated the 'help', 'intro' and 'overview' to reflect the full list of non-builtin function help files. Reorered the 'full' help file. The blkalloc() builtin has been renamed blk(). Only a "fixed" type of BLOCK will be used. Other types of blocks in the future will be different VALUE types. Introduced an undefine command so that undefine f, g, ... frees the memory used to store code for user-defined functions f, g, ..., effectively removing them from the list of defined functions. When working from a terminal or when config("lib_debug") > 0 advice that a function has been defined, undefined, or redefined is displayed in format "f() defined". Some experimental changes to block and octet handling, so that after: B = blk(N) B[i] for 0 <= i < N behaves for some operations like an lvalue for a USB8 in B. xx_assign added to object functions to permit the possibility of specifying what A = B will do if A is an xx-object. Normal assignment use of = is restored by the command: undefine xx_assign. For error-value err, errno(err) returns the error-code for err and stores this in calc_errno; error(err) returns err as if error(errno(err)) were called. Anticipating probable future use, names have been introduced for the four characters @, #, $, `. This completes the coverage of printable characters on a standard keyboard. Added sha() builtin to perform the old Secure Hash Algorithm (SHS FIPS Pub 180). Added sha1() builtin to perform the new Secure Hash Standard-1 (SHS-1 FIPS Pub 180-1). Added ${LD_DEBUG} Makefile variable to allow for additional libraries to be compiled into calc ... for debugging purposes. In most cases, LD_DEBUG= is sufficient. Added ${CALC_ENV} makefile variable to allow for particular environment variables to be supplied for make {check,chk,debug}. In most cases, CALC_ENV= CALCPATH=./lib is sufficient. Added ${CALC_LIBS} to list the libraries created and used to build calc. The CALC_LIBS= custom/libcustcalc.a libcalc.a is standard for everyone. Improved how 'make calc' and 'make all' rules work with respect to building .h files. Added 'make run' to only run calc interactively with the ${CALC_ENV} calc environment. Added 'make cvd', 'make dbx' and 'make gdb' rules to run debug calc with the respective debugger with the ${CALC_ENV} calc environment. Added cvmalloc_error() function to lib_calc.c as a hook for users of the SGI Workshop malloc debugging library. Cut down on places where *.h files include system files. The *.c should do that instead where it is reasonable. To avoid symbol conflicts, *.h files produced and shipped with calc are enclosed that as similar to the following: #if !defined(__CALC_H__) #define __CALC_H__ .. #endif /* !__CALC_H__ */ Added memsize(x) builtin to print the best approximation of the size of 'x' including overhead. The sizeof(x) builtin attempts to cover just the storage of the value and not the overhead. Because -1, 0 and 1 ZVALUES are static common values, sizeof(x) ignores their storage. Also sizeof(x) ignores the denominator of integers, and the imaginary parts of pure real numbers. Added regression tests for memsize(), sizeof() and size(). The following are the changes from calc version 2.10.3t4.16 to 2.10.3t5.0: The calc source now comes with a custom sub-directory which contains the custom interface code. The main Makefile now drives the building and installing of this code in a similar way that it drives the lib and help sub-directories. (see below) Made minor edits to most help files beginning with a thru e. The errno(n) sets a C-like errno to the value n; errno() returns the current errno value. The argument for strerror() and error() defaults to this errno. Added more error() and errno() regression tests. The convention of usin