laration is more drastic in that it ends the scope of any static variable A at the same or higher scope levels.) Unlike a static declaration in which an "initialization" occurs at most once, in the specifier case, "static A = expr" is simply an assignment which may be repeated any number of times. An example of its use is: define np() = static a = nextprime(a); For n not too large, the n-th call to this function will return the n-th prime. The variable a here will be private to the function. Because one can use "global", "local" or "static" to specify a type of variable, there seems little point in restricting the ways identifiers that can be used in more than one of these or as parameters. Obviously, introducing A as a local variable when it is being used as a parameter can lead to confusion and a warning is appropriate, but if it is to be used only occasionally, it might be convenient to be able to refer to it as "local A" rather than introducing another identifier. While it may be silly to use the same identifier for both a parameter and local variable, it should not be illegal. Added warnings for possibly questionable code in function definitions. Added config("redecl_warn", boolean) to control if calc issues warnings about variables being declared. The config("redecl_warn") value is TRUE by default. Added config("dupvar_warn", boolean) to control if calc issues warnings about when variable names collide. The config("dupvar_warn") value is TRUE by default. Examples of variable name collisions include when: * both local and static variables have the same name * both local and global variables have the same name * both function parameter and local variables have the same name * both function parameter and global variables have the same name Fix of a bug which causes some static variables not to be correctly unscoped when their identifiers are used in a global declaration. Change of "undefine" from a command-level keyword to statement level and introduction of an "undefine static A" statement to end the scope of a static variable A at the current file/function levels. Change/restored the syntax rules for "for" and "while" loops to recognize an unescaped newline in top-level command-level statements. Updated help/avg, help/define, help/fprintf, help/gcd, help/hash, help/hmean, help/lcm, help/max, help/min, help/null, help/poly, help/printf, help/ssq, help/strcat, help/strprintf, help/sum, help/xor. Changed the definition of the function ssq() to enable list arguments to be processed in the same way as in sum(). For example: ssq(1,2, list(3,4,list(5,6)), list(), 7, 8) returns the value of 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 8^2 == 204. Added the calc resource, to give the runtimes for various ways of evaluating sums, sums of squares, etc, for large lists and matrices. For example: read sumtimes doalltimes(1e6) Calc now ignores carriage returns (\r), vertical tabs (\v), and form feeds (\f) when token parsing. Thus users on Windoz systems can write files using their \r\n format and users on non-Windoz systems can read them without errors. The quomod() builtin function now takes an optional 5th argument which controls the rounding mode like config("quomod") does, but only for that call. Now quomod() is in line with quo() and mod() in that the final argument is an optional rounding mode. Added a "make uninstall" rule which will attempt to remove everything that was installed by a "make install". Changed the "Copyright" line in the rpm spec file to a "License" line as per new rpm v4.4 syntax. The quomod() builtin function does not allow constants for its 3rd and 4th arguments. Updated the "help quomod" file and added more quomod regression tests. Added patch from Ernest Bowen to add the builtin: estr(). The estr(x) will return a representation of a null, string, real number, complex number, list, matrix, object. block, named block, error as a string. Added patch from Ernest Bowen to add the builtin: fgetfile(). The fgetfile(x) will return the rest of an open file as a string. Improved help files for fgetfield, fputs, name, or quomod. The following are the changes from calc version to 2.11.11: Fixed a bug reported by the sourceforge user: cedars where: ln(exp(6)) == 3 /* WRONG!!! */ incorrectly returned 1. This bug was fixed by Ernest Bowen . The regression test was expanded to cover this issue. Added minor improvements to hash regression testing of pi(). Fixed "help script" and the calc man page regarding the requirement of -f to be the last -flag in shell script mode. Further clarified the meaning and placement of the -f flag. Moved issues with into a "mis-features" section of the BUGS file. See "help bugs" or the BUGS source file for details. Added the bug about: calc 'read ellip; efactor(13*17*19)' to the BUGS file. See "help bugs" or the BUGS source file for details. Anyone want to track down and fix this bug? Fixed typo in the "help mat" example and improved the mat_print example. Renamed most COMPLEX C function names to start with c_ to avoid conflicts with new C standard functions. Note that the calc builtin function names remain the same. The C function names inside the C source that calc is written in changed. This means that code that linked to libcalc.a will need to change in order to call calc's functions instead of the C standard functions. See cmath.h, comfunc.c, and commath.c for details. See also for names of the new C standard functions. Changed the calc man page to note that using -- in the command will separate calc options from arguments as in: calc -p -- -1 - -7 Noted how Apple OS X can make use of readline in the Makefile. In particular: # For Apple OS X: install fink from # and then do a 'fink install readline' and then use: # READLINE_LIB= -L/sw/lib -lreadline -lhistory -lncurses Added as a calc standard resource file. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.10 to 2.11.10: The cygwin config value is correctly tested while doing comparisons between config states. Added config("compile_custom") to determine if calc was compiled with -DCUSTOM. By default, the Makefile uses ALLOW_CUSTOM= -DCUSTOM so by default, config("compile_custom") is TRUE. If, however, calc is compiled without -DCUSTOM, then config("compile_custom") will be FALSE. NOTE: The config("compile_custom") value is only affected by compile flags. The calc -D runtime command line option does not change the config("compile_custom") value. This is a read-only configuration value. Added config("allow_custom") to determine if the use of custom functions are allowed. To allow the use of custom functions, calc must be compiled with -DCUSTOM (which it is by default) AND calc run be run with the -D runtime command line option (which it is not by default). If config("allow_custom") is TRUE, then custom functions are allowed. If config("allow_custom") is FALSE, then custom functions are not allowed. This is a read-only configuration value. Correctly hash config state for windows and cygwin values. The value of config("compile_custom") and config("allow_custom") also affect the hash of the config state. Fixed the custom/ test code to avoid use of a reserved builtin function name. Fixed custom/*.cal scripts to conform better with the cal/*.cal resource files. Removed the Makefile variables ${LONGLONG_BITS}, ${HAVE_LONGLONG}, and ${L64_FORMAT}. Removed longlong.c and longlong.h. The use of HAVE_LONGLONG=0 was problematic. The lack of complaints about the HAVE_LONGLONG=0 shows that the 'long long' type is wide spread enough warrent not trying to support compilers without 'long long'. Removed the SVAL and SHVAL macros from zrand.c, zrand.h, and zmath.h as they were causing too many broken C pre-processors and C checkers to become confused. Added a 'make splint' rule to use the splint statically checking tool on the calc source. Removed support of the BSDI platform. The BSDI platform is no longer directly supported and we lost our last BSDI machine on which we could test calc. Best wishes to the former BSDI folk and thanks for breaking important ground in the Open Source Movement! Fixed several typos found in the documentation and buildin function output by C Smith . Fixed -d so that: calc -d 2/3 will print 0.66666666666666666667 without the leading tilde as advertised in the man page. Added a missing help file for the display builtin function as requested by Igor Furlan . Changed the "help environment" file to reflect modern default values of CALCPATH and CALCRC. Added missing variables for printing by the "make env" rule. Added EXT Makefile variable so that Cygwin can install calc as calc.exe. By default, EXT is empty so that calc is calc on most modern operating systems. Thanks goes to Ullal Devappa Kini for helping identify this problem and testing our fix. Added custom function: custom("pmodm127", q) to compute 2^(2^127-1) mod q. While currently slower than just doing pmod(2,2^127-1,q), it is added to give an example of a more complex custom function. Call calc with the -C flag to use custom functions. Made slight changes to the custom/HOW_TO_ADD documentation. Fixed some \ formatting man page problems as reported by Keh-Cheng Chu . Fixed some comparison between signed and unsigned in md5.c that was reported for the PowerMac G5 2GHz MacOS 10.3 by Guillaume VERGNAUD . Fixed a number of pending issues with help files filling in missing LIMITS, LINK LIBRARY, and SEE ALSO information, The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.9 to Fixed calc man page examples to move -f to the end of the line. Thanks goes to Michael Somos for pointing this out. Linux and gcc now compiled with -Wall -W -Wno-comment. Fixed a post increment that was reported by R. Trinler and fixed by Ernest Bowen . Fixed to not depend on the buggy pre-2.11.9 post increment behavior. Added config("cygwin") to determine if calc was compiled under Cygwin. The config("cygwin") is a read-only configuration value that is 1 when calc was compiled under Cygwin and 0 otherwise. Regression tests 949 and 950 are skipped when config("cygwin") is true. The Makefile variable HAVE_NO_IMPLICIT is empty by default so that the Makefile will test if the compiler has a -Wno-implicit flag. Added HAVE_UNUSED Makefile variable. If HAVE_UNUSED is empty, then the Makefile will run the have_unused program to determine if the unused attribute is supported. If HAVE_UNUSED is set to -DHAVE_NO_UNUSED, then the unused attribute will not be used. The Makefile builds have_unused.h which defines, if the unused attribute is supported: #define HAVE_UNUSED /* yes */ #define UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) /* yes */ or defines, if the unused is not supported (or if the Makefile variable is HAVE_UNUSED= -DHAVE_NO_UNUSED): #undef HAVE_UNUSED /* no */ #define UNUSED /* no */ Fixed numerous warnings about comparison between signed and unsigned value warnings and unused parameter warnings in version.c, zrand.c, string.c, shs1.c, shs.c, qtrans.c, qmath.c, qfunc.c, md5.c, matfunc.c, hist.c, file.c, const.c, blkcpy.c, seed.c, opcodes.c, func.c, qio.c, zrandom.c, custom/c_argv.c, custom/c_devnull.c, custom/c_help.c, custom/c_sysinfo.c, addop.c and calc.c. Fixed some typos in this file. By default, compile with -O3 -g3. The Makefile comments on how some distributions might need to use -O2 -g or -O -g. The following are the changes from calc version to Updated HOWTO.INSTALL to reflect the new RPM files. Clarify that the internal hash as well as the hash builtin function used by calc, while based on the Fowler/Noll/Vo hash is NOT an FNV hash. Made slight performance improvements to calc by an optimization of how calc's internal hash is computed. The "make chk" regression test runs about 1.5% faster (when compiled with -O3 on an AMD Athlon) NO_HASH_CPU_OPTIMIZATION is not defined. Calc's internal hash values have not changed. By default, NO_HASH_CPU_OPTIMIZATION is NOT defined and the slightly faster expression is used. A slight modification of what was known as the "calc new standard" configuration (calc -n or config("all", "newstd")) is now the default calc configuration. The flag: calc -O was added to get the old classic calc configuration. The flag command line flag, -n, now does nothing. Use of -n is deprecated and may go away / be used for something else in the future. The following table gives the summary of these changes: pre v2.11.8 v2.11.8 default pre v2.11.8 -O & oldstd v2.11.8 and oldstd -n & newstd classic cfg default -------------------------------------------------------- epsilon 1e-20 1e-10 1e-20 1e-20 quo 2 2 2 2 outround 2 24 2 24 leadzero 0 1 0 1 fullzero 0 1 0 0 prompt > ; > ; more >> ;; >> ;; With the exception of epsilon being 1e-20, and fullzero being unset, the new default calc config is like it was (pre-2.11.8) with calc -n / config("all", "newstd"). The new default config is the old classic config with outround being 24, leadzero being set, and the prompts being ;'s. Fixed a bug in the evaluation of tanh(1e-23) with an epsilon(1e-100). Thanks goes to Dmitry G. Baksheyev for reporting the problem, and thanks goes to Ernest Bowen for the fix. The following are the changes from calc version to Added support to build calc RPMs thanks to Petteri Kettunen . Added rpm rule to Makefile to build rpm set. The rpm rule uses the Makefile and the spec template. The default Makefile is now the Makefile used during rpm creation. This Makefile assumes that system has readline, ncurses (-lreadline -lhistory -lncurses), and less. It compiled with a high gcc optimization level (-O3 -g3). The Makefile used during rpm creation is the Makefile that appears in the calc-src rpm as well. The Makefile shipped with the old style gziped tarball is still the same generic Makefile. The Makefile now uses ${MKDIR} ${MKDIR_ARG} when creating directories during installation. By default, it does a mkdir -p when forming directories. Fixed attributes on include and lib calc-devel files. Adjusted the interaction between, and the Release number now comes from only. Renamed calc and calc-devel RPMs to use .i686 instead of .i386. The following are the changes from calc version to date: Fixed a bug in where fixdms() was being called with the wrong type of argument. Changed the value of digits(1) and digits(0) to be 1. Now digits() returns number of digits in the standard base-b representation when x is truncated to an integer and the sign is ignored. To be more precise: when abs(int(x)) > 0, this function returns the value 1 + ilog(x, b). When abs(int(x)) == 0, then this function returns the value 1. As the result of the above digits() change, the resource file script was modified to remove the special case for repeating a value of 1. Also the regress tests #715, #977 and #978 were changed. Made a minor improvement to the "help places" documentation. Fixed dms_neg(a) in thanks to a bug report by kaa . The following are the changes from calc version to Clarified remark in about use of n mod 2^n == 0. Fixed help typos reported by Marc Mezzarobba . Forced system("") to return 0 under windoz. The direct.h include file is not used when compiling under Cygwin. Fixed bug where random(10,11) caused calc to dump core when issued the 2nd time. Moved the setting of the Makefile variable ${CALC_INCDIR} to the section where things like ${BINDIR} and ${LIBDIR} are set. Idea from Clifford Kite . The Makefile is shipped mode 0644 since a number of folks edit it (to build and check calc) as a non-root user and later on su to root to install. Idea from Clifford Kite . Added base2() builtin function to calc. Normally calc prints values according to base(). Frequently some users want to see a value in two bases. Flipping back and forth between to bases is a bit of a pain. With base2(), calc will output a value twice: ; 234567 234567 ; base2(16), ; 234567 234567 /* 0x39447 */ ; 131072 131072 /* 0x20000 */ ; base2(0), ; 131072 131072 By default, base2() is disabled. Calling base2(0) will also turn off the double base mode. Thanks goes to Erik Anggard for his idea and his initial patch. Added as a calc resource file script: repeat(digit_set, repeat_count) Return the value of the digit_set repeated repeat_count times. Both digit_set and repeat_count must be integers > 0. For example repeat(423,5) returns the value 423423423423423, which is the digit_set 423 repeated 5 times. Makefile no longer makes a direct reference to Red Hat 6.0. Added missing math_setmode2() prototype to zmath.h. Fixed some implicit declarations of functions by either making them explicit or by including the proper system .h files. Makefile no longer uses -Wno-implicit flag, by default, for gcc based compiles on calc source. Makefile now attempts to compile no_implicit.c with an explicit -Wno-implicit arg in an effort to determine of -Wno-implicit is a valid compiler flag. If no_implicit.c is compiled with -Wno-implicit, then the file no_implicit.arg is created with the contents of the -Wno-implicit flag. Otherwise no_implicit.arg is created as an empty file. Added the Makefile variable ${HAVE_NO_IMPLICIT}, which if not set to YES will prevent no_implicit.c from being compiled and prevent the -Wno-implicit flag from being used. If ${HAVE_NO_IMPLICIT} is not YES, then an empty no_implicit.arg file is created and no_implicit.c is not compiled. The seed.c file, because the pseudo_seed() function contains calls to a number of various system functions, attempts to compile with the -Wno-implicit flag (if allowed by the formation of the no_implicit.arg file). Misc make depend fixes and cleanup. Fixed formation of the custom/.all file. Fixed repeat(1, repeat_count) bug. The following are the changes from calc version to Now using version numbers of one of these forms: x.y.z.w x.y.z x.y Changed the READLINE_LIB Makefile variable to not link with -lreadline by default. If you do have readline, we recommend that you use it. If you can install the GNU readline: we recommend it. But if not, you should set the USE_READLINE, READLINE_LIB, and READLINE_INCLUDE Makefile variables to empty. NOTE: See the BUGS file for a Linux issue when compiling calc with -O (or -O2 or -O3) AND with -g (or -g3) AND with readline. Removed an obsolete reference to TOPDIR. This was fixed thanks to a bug report by Clifford Kite . Fixed other inconsistencies related to things like BINDIR. Fixed calc man page so that is refers to -f instead of the old -S flag. Fixed thanks to Clifford Kite for point this out. All for loops end with /dev/null to avoid any problems related to systems that cannot grok empty for loops. Changed the libcalc functions creal and cimag to c_real and c_imag to about conflicts with new libc such as those used by gcc v3. Thanks Eli Zaretskii and Martin Buck for alerting us to this conflict. The Makefile no longer hard code's /usr/include. Instead it uses the ${INCDIR} Makefile variable. Thanks goes to Eli Zaretskii for pointing out this inconsistency. Added mods to support compilation under DJGPP. DJGPP runs on 386 and newer PCs running DOS or dos-compatible operating systems. See Thanks goes to Eli Zaretskii for sending in these mods. Updated README.WINDOWS to include information on building with DJGPP. The pld folks are building RPMs based on our calc distributions. See: or more information. We appreciate their work in this regard. In the next release, we plan to also build and release our own RPMs based on their efforts. Changed the Makefile variable CUSTOMLIBDIR to CUSTOMCALDIR. Changed the Makefile variable CSHAREDIR to CALC_SHAREDIR. Changed the Makefile variable INCDIRCALC to CALC_INCDIR. Removed the Makefile variable SHAREDIR. Updated the HOWTO.INSTALL and README.WINDOWS files. Fixed definition of MAXUFULL. Thanks to a bus report from Jill Poland . The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.5t4.1 to 2.11.5t4.4: Updated dependency rules in Makefiles. NOTE: -DSRC, as used in 2.11.5t4.1 was renamed -DCALC_SRC in a later version. Calc include files use #include "foo.h" to include other calc header files if -DCALC_SRC. Otherwise they use . The -DCALC_SRC symbol is defined by default in calc's Makefile and so it uses the header files from within the calc src tree. If an external non-calc program includes an installed calc header file (from under /usr/include), and it does NOT define CALC_SRC, then it will obtain the calc header files from the correct system location (such as /usr/include/calc/foo.h). Added calc builtin function: version() which returns the calc version string. Added subject requirements for the calc-tester-request and calc-bugs-mail EMail aliases. See: for details. Corrected a bug that incorrectly set the default calc path back in version 2.11.5t4. The default CALCPATH is now: .:./cal:~/.cal:/usr/share/calc:/usr/share/calc/custom and the default CALCRC is now: /usr/share/calc/startup:~/.calcrc:./.calcinit This fixes the missing bindings error and it places the calc resource files into the default path. If you are using the GNU readline then the Makefile recommends that you link with the ncurses library. Applied Makefile, cscript/Makefile and custom/Makefile patches to fix install mode problems, to deal with sorting and dates in I18n environments (such as Japanese), to fix some problems with calc.spec and to fix the cscript #! header lines. Thanks goes to KAWAMURA Masao (kawamura at for the bug report and patch! Fixed headers on fproduct.calc powerterm.calc 4dsphere.calc so that they are correcly changed on installation. Added ${GREP} Makefile variable. The top level Makefile now sets LANG=C and passes it down to lower level Makefiles. Updated URLs in cal/ comments. Now shipping calc.spec, inst_files, spec-template and Makefile.linux with the standard calc source distribution. Note that the standard Makefile has not changed. The Makefile.linux only in minor ways needed to build calc rpms. Added $T Makefile variable. $T is the top level directory under which calc will be installed. The calc install is performed under $T, the calc build is performed under /. The purpose for $T is to allow someone to install calc somewhere other than into the system area. For example when forming the calc rpm, the Makefile is called with T=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT. If $T is empty, calc is installed under /. Removed all echo_XYZ rules except for echo_inst_files from lower level makefile. The calc.spec will use a make install rule with T=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT. Updated LIBRARY file with instructions related to -DCALC_SRC, the new default include file location and -lcustcalc. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.5t3 to 2.11.5t4: The Makefile will now send both stdout and stderr to /dev/null when compiling hsrc intermediates. The config("verbose_quit") value was restored to a default value of FALSE. Added the cscript: powerterm [base_limit] value to write the value as the sum (or difference) of powers <= base_limit where base_limit by default is 10000. Applied a bug fix by Dr.D.J.Picton to have help with no args print the default help file. Renamed lavarand to LavaRnd. Added rules to build a calc rpm. All installed files are first formed as, and then moved into place as foo via a atomic rename. During installation, only files that are different are installed. If the built file and the installed file are the same, no installation is performed. Calc has new default installation locations: Makefile var old location new location ------------ ------------ ------------ TOPDIR /usr/local/lib <> BINDIR /usr/local/bin /usr/bin SHAREDIR <> /usr/share INCDIR /usr/local/include /usr/include LIBDIR /usr/local/lib/calc /usr/lib CSHAREDIR <> /usr/share/calc HELPDIR /usr/local/lib/calc/help /usr/share/calc/help INCDIRCALC /usr/local/include/calc /usr/include/calc CUSTOMLIBDIR /usr/local/lib/calc/custom /usr/share/calc/custom CUSTOMHELPDIR /usr/local/lib/calc/help/custhelp /usr/share/calc/custhelp CUSTOMINCDIR <> /usr/include/calc/custom SCRIPTDIR /usr/local/bin/cscript /usr/bin/cscript MANDIR <> /usr/share/man/man1 CATDIR <> <> The Makefile variable ${TOPDIR} is no longer used. In some places it has been replaced by a new Makefile variable ${SHAREDIR}. Some of the old TOPDIR functionality has been replaced by ${CSHAREDIR}. The install rules no longer remove old obsolete files. We assume that these old files have long since vanished! :-) Reduced the amount of output when doing a make all where nothing needs to be made. Reduced the amount of output when doing a make install where nothing needs to be installed. If you install using the new default locations, you can remove old calc files installed in the old default location by doing: make olduninstall The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.5t2 to 2.11.5t2.1: Fixed a bug, reported by Ernest Bowen that caused command lines to be echoed in interactive mode. Fixed a bug that sometimes left the terminal in a non-echoing state when calc exited. Renamed error codes E_FGETWORD1 and E_FGETWORD2 symbols to E_FGETFIELD1 and E_FGETFIELD2. Made a minor format change to the top of the calc man page. The findid() function in file.c 2nd argument changed. The argument is now mostly a writable flag. This function now finds the file I/O structure for the specified file id, and verifies that it is opened in the required manner (0 for reading or 1 for writing). If the 2nd argument is -1, then no open checks are made at all and NULL is then returned if the id represents a closed file. The calc builtin function, fopen(), now allows one to specify opening files in binary modes. On POSIX / Linux / Un*x-like systems, text file is the same as a binary file and so 'b' to an fopen has no effect and is ignored. However on systems such as MS Windoz the 'b' / binary mode has meaning. See 'help fopen' for details. On systems (such as MS Windoz), calc will produce a different error message when it attempts to open /dev/tty. This will condition will occur in things like calc scripts when they switch from ``batch processing'' commands from and want to start interactive mode. Regression tests fopen in binary mode in a few places where a difference between text and binary string lengths matter. The intfile calc resource file also uses binary mode. Changed the rand() builtin and its related functions srand() and randbit() to use the Subtractive 100 generator instead of the additive 55 generator. This generator as improved random properties. As a result, of this change, the values produced by rand(), rand() and randbit() are now different. Updated regression tests for new rand() and randbit() output. Applied a bug fix from Ernest Bowen dealing with one-line "static" declaration like: static a = 1, b; Added regression test 8310 to test for the static bug fix. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.5t0 to 2.11.5t1.1: Fixed a compile problem with Linux 2.4 / Debian. Thanks goes to Martin Buck for help with this issue. Fixed a bug in how L64_FORMAT (it determined if "%ld" or "%lld" is appropriate for printing of 64 bit long longs) was determined. Thanks goes to Martin Buck for reporting this bug and testing the fix. An effort was made to make calc easier to build under Windoz using the Cygwin project ( Thanks to the work of Thomas Jones-Low (tjoneslo at softstart dot com), a number of #if defined(_WIN32)'s have been added to calc source. These changes should not effect Windoz free system such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, POSIX-like, etc ... Added windll.h to deal with Windoz related DLL issues. Using the convention of 'extern DLL' instead of 'DLL extern' to deal with symbols that export to or import from a DLL. Added HAVE_MALLOC_H, HAVE_STDLIB_H, HAVE_STRING_H, HAVE_TIMES_H, HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H, HAVE_TIME_H, HAVE_SYS_TIME_H, HAVE_UNISTD_H and HAVE_URANDOM to the Makefile. If these symbols are empty, then the Makefile looks for the appropriate system include file. If they are YES, then the Makefile will assume they exist. If they are NO, then the Makefile will assume they do not exist. Changed HAVE_URANDOM to match the empty, YES, NO values. If HAVE_URANDOM is empty, then the Makefile will look for /dev/urandom. If HAVE_URANDOM is YES, then the Makefile will assume /dev/urandom exists. If HAVE_URANDOM is NO, then the Makefile will assume /dev/urandom does not exist. If TERMCONTROL is -DUSE_WIN32, then the Windoz terminal control (no TERMIOS, no TERMIO, no SGTTY) will be assumed. Added a win32_hsrc Makefile rule to create hsrc files appropriate for a Windoz system using Cygwin gcc environment. Added win32.mkdef which is used by the win32_hsrc rule to set the Windoz specific Makefile values to build hsrc files. The hsrc files are built under the win32 directory. Added FPOS_POS_BITS, OFF_T_BITS, DEV_BITS and INODE_BITS Makefile symbols to allow one to force the size of a file position, file offset, dev and inode value. Leaving these values blank will Makefile to determine their size. Fixed a bug in the way file offsets, device and inode values are copied. Added for a initial stab as a Chi^2 function. The chi_prob() function does not work well with odd degrees of freedom, however. Added big 3 to config("resource_debug"). Calc resource file scripts check for config("resource_debug") & 8 prior to printing internal debug statements. Thus by default they do not print them. Added as a calc resource file script: file2be(filename) Read filename and return an integer that is built from the octets in that file in Big Endian order. The first octets of the file become the most significant bits of the integer. file2le(filename) Read filename and return an integer that is built from the octets in that file in Little Endian order. The first octets of the file become the most significant bits of the integer. be2file(v, filename) Write the absolute value of v into filename in Big Endian order. The v argument must be on integer. The most significant bits of the integer become the first octets of the file. le2file(v, filename) Write the absolute value of v into filename in Little Endian order. The v argument must be on integer. The least significant bits of the integer become the last octets of the file. Added the following help aliases: copy blkcpy read command write command quit command exit command abort command cd command show command Added the cscript: fproduct filename term ... to write the big Endian product of terms to a filename. Use - for stdout. Fixed calc path in help/script. Added read-only parameter, config("windows") to indicate if the system is MS windowz WIN32 like system. Configuration values that used to return "true" or "false" now return 1 (a true value) or 0 (a false value). Thus one can do: if (config("tab")) { ... } else { ... } The configuration values that now return 1 or 0 are: config("tilde") config("tab") config("leadzero") config("blkverbose") config("verbose_quit") config("windows") Now shipping a win32 sub-directory that contains hsrc .h files that have been attempted to be built for windoz. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.4t1 to 2.11.4t2: Added missing test file. Fixes cscript files to deal with the -S flag being replaced by -f and possibly other flags. Added regression tests for builtin functions bernoulli, catalan, euler, freeeuler, and sleep. Added non-base 10 regression tests for digit, digits and places. The script now just calls the bernoulli() builtin function. It remains for backward compatibility. The Makefile now builds have_fpos_pos.h to determine if the a non-scalar FILEPOS has a __pos stucture element. If it does, the FILEPOS_BITS is taken to be the size of just the __pos element. Misc fixes related to non-scalar (e.g., structure) FILEPOS. Fixed a compile problems where non-scalar FILEPOS were incorrectly assigned. Fixed make depend rule. Return an error on malloc / realloc failures for bernoulli and euler functions. Added MAKEFILE_REV make variable to help determine Makefile version. Fixed the way the env rule reports Makefile values. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.3t0 to 2.11.4: Increased the maximum number of args for functions from 100 to 1024. Increased calc's internal evaluation stack from 1024 to 2048 args. Added to the regression suite to test these new limits. Updated and fixed misc typos in calc/README. Clarified in the COPYING file that ALL calc source files, both LGPL covered and exceptions to the LGPL files may be freely used and distributed. Added help files or updated for: bernoulli, calc_tty, catalan, digit, digits, euler, freeeuler, places and sleep. A collection of 18 patches from Ernest Bowen : (1) A new flag -f has been defined which has the effect of a read command without the need to terminate the file name with a semicolon or newline. Thus: calc "read alpha; read beta;" may be replaced by: calc -f alpha -f beta Quotations marks are recognized in a command like calc -f 'alpha beta' in which the name of the file to be read includes a space. (2) Flags are interpreted even if they are in a string, as in: calc "-q -i define f(x) = x^2;" which has the effect of: calc -q -i "define f(x) = x^2;" To achieve this, the use of getopts() in calc.c has been dropped in favor of direct reading of the arguments produced by the shell. In effect, until a "--" or "-s" or a calc command (recognized by not starting with '-') is encountered, the quotation signs in command lines like the above example are ignored. Dropping getopts() permits calc to specify completely the syntax rules calc will apply to whatever it is given by the shell being used. (3) For executable script (also called interpreter) files with first line starting with "#!", the starting of options with -S has been replaced by ending the options with -f. For example, the first line: #! full_pathname_for_calc -S -q -i is to be replaced by: #! full_pathname_for_calc -q -i -f Thus, if the pathname is /usr/bin/calc and myfile contains: #!/usr/bin/calc -q -i -f global deg = pi()/180; define Sin(x) = sin(x * deg); and has been made executable by: chmod u+x myfile myfile would be like a version of calc that ignored any startup files and had an already defined global variable deg and a function Sin(x) which will return an approximation to the sine of x degrees. The invocation of myfile may be followed by other options (since the first line in the script has only flagged options) and/or calc commands as in: ./myfile -c read alpha '; define f(x) = Sin(x)^2' (The quotation marks avoid shell interpretation of the semicolon and parentheses.) (4) The old -S syntax for executable scripts implied the -s flag so that arguments in an invocation like ./myfile alpha beta are passed to calc; in this example argv(0) = 'alpha', argv(1) = 'beta'. This has been changed in two ways: an explicit -s is required in the first line of the script and then the arguments passed in the above example are argv(0) = 'myfile', argv(1) = 'alpha', argv(1) = 'beta'. In an ordinary command line, "-s" indicates that the shell words after the one in which "-s" occurred are to be passed as arguments rather than commands or options. For example: calc "-q -s A = 27;" alpha beta invokes calc with the q-flag set, one command "A = 27;", and two arguments. (5) Piping to calc may be followed by calc becoming interactive. This should occur if there is no -p flag but -i is specified, e.g.: cat beta | calc -i -f alpha which will do essentially the same as: calc -i -f alpha -f beta (6) The read and help commands have been changed so that several files may be referred to in succession by separating their names by whitespace. For example: ; read alpha beta gamma; does essentially the same as: ; read alpha; read beta; read gamma; This is convenient for commands like: calc read file?.cal when file?.cal expands to something like myfiles='alpha beta gamma' calc read $myfiles or for C-shell users: set myfiles=(alpha beta gamma) calc read $myfiles (7) The -once option for read has been extended to -f. For example, calc -f -once alpha will ignore alpha if alpha has been read in the startup files. In a multiple read statement, -once applies only to the next named file. For example ; read -once alpha beta -once gamma; will read alpha and gamma only if they have not already been read, but in any case, will read beta. (8) A fault in the programming for the cd command has been corrected so that specifying a directory by a string constant will work. E.g: ; cd "my work" should work if the current directory has a directory with name "my work". (9) new functions bernoulli(n) and euler(n) have been defined to return the Bernoulli number and the Euler number with index n. After evaluation for an even positive n, this value and these for smaller positive even n are stored in a table from which the values can be reread when required. The memory used for the stored values can be freed by calling the function freebernoulli() or freeeuler(). The function catalan(n) returns the catalan number with index n. This is evaluated using essentially comb(2*n, n)/(n+1). (10) A function sleep(n) has been defined which for positive n calls the system function sleep(n) if n is an integer, usleep(n) for other real n. This suspends operation for n seconds and returns the null value except when n is integral and the sleep is interrupted by a SIGINT, in which case the remaining number of seconds is returned. (11) The effect of config("trace", 8) which displays opcodes of functions as they are successfully defined has been restricted to functions defined with explicit use of "define". Thus, it has been deactivated for the ephemeral functions used for evaluation of calc command lines or eval() functions. (12) The functions digit(), digits(), places() have been extended to admit an optional additional argument for an integral greater-than-one base which defaults to 10. There is now no builtin limit on the size of n in digit(x, n, b), for example, digit(1/7, -1e100) which would not work before can now be handled. (13) The function, digits(x), which returns the number of decimal digits in the integer part of x has been changed so that if abs(x) < 1, it returns 0 rather than 1. This also now applies to digits(x,b). (14) Some programming in value.c has been improved. In particular, several occurrences of: vres->v_type = v1->v_type; ... if (v1->v_type < 0) { copyvalue(v1, vres); return; } have been replaced by code that achieves exactly the same result: vres->v_type = v1->v_type; ... if (v1->v_type < 0) return; (15) Some operations and functions involving null-valued arguments have been changed so that they return null-value rather than "bad argument-type" error-value. E.g. null() << 2 is now null-valued rather than a "bad argument for <<" error-value. (16) "global" and "local" may now be used in expressions. For example: ; for (local i = 0; i < 5; i++) print i^2; is now acceptable, as is: ; define f(x = global x) = (global x = x)^2; which breaks wise programming rules and would probably better be handled by something like: ; global x ; define f(t = x) = (x = t)^2; Both definitions produce the same code for f. For non-null t, f(t) returns t^2 and assigns the value of t to x; f() and f(t) with null t return x^2. Within expressions, "global" and "local" are to be followed by just one identifier. In "(global a = 2, b)" the comma is a comma-operator; the global variable a is created if necessary and assigned the value 2, the variable b has to already exist. The statement "global a = 2, b" is a declaration of global variables and creates both a and b if they don't already exist. (18) In a config object, several components have been changed from long to LEN so that they will now be 32 bit integers for machines with either 32 or 64-bit longs. In setting such components, the arguments are now to less than 2^31. Before this change: ; config("mul2", 2^32 + 3) would be accepted on a 64-bit machine but result in the same as: ; config("mul2", 3) The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.2t0 to 2.11.2t1.0: Fixed a bug whereby help files are not displayed correctly on systems such as NetBSD 1.4.1. Thanks to a fix from Jakob Naumann. Changed EMail addresses to use Changed URLs to use NOTE: The EMail address uses 'asthe' and the web site URL uses 'isthe'. Using calc-bugs at asthe dot com for calc bug reports, calc-contrib at asthe dot com for calc contributions, calc-tester-request at asthe dot com for requests to join calc-tester and calc-tester at asthe dot com for the calc tester mailing list. Replaced explicit EMail addresses found this file with the notation to reduce the potential for those folks to be spammed. The Makefile attempts to detect the existence of /dev/urandom with -e instead of the less portable -c. Misc Makefile fixes. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.1t3 to 2.11.1t4: Removed non-portable strerror() tests (3715, 3724 and 3728) from calc/ Fixed missing strdup() from func.c problem. Fixed a problem that would have come up on a very long #! command line if the system permitted it. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.1 to 2.11.1t2.2: Placed calc under version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License. The calc commands: help copyright help copying help copying-lgpl should display the generic calc copyright as well as the contents of the COPYING and COPYING-LGPL files. Those files contain information about the calc's GNU Lesser General Public License, and in particular the conditions under which you are allowed to change it and/or distribute copies of it. Removed the lint facility from the Makefile. Eliminated Makefile variables: ${LCFLAGS}, ${LINT}, ${LINTLIB} and ${LINTFLAGS}. Removed the lint.sed file. Cleaned up help display system. Help file lines that begin with '##' are not displayed. Calc source and documentation now uses the the these terms: *.cal files calc resource file *.a files calc binary link library #! files calc shell script Renamed 'help stdlib' to 'help resource'. The 'help stdlib' is aliased to 'help resource' for arg compatibility. Renamed config("lib_debug") to config("resource_debug"). The config("lib_debug") will have the same effect as config("resource_debug") for backward compatibility. Renamed the source sub-directory lib to cal. The default $CALCPATH now uses ./cal:~/cal (instead of ./lib:~/lib). Changed LIB_PASSDOWN Makefile variable to CAL_PASSDOWN. Fixed misc compile warnings and bugs. Fixed problem of incorrect paths in the formation of installed calc shell scripts. Changed the recommended Comqaq cc compile to be -std0 -fast -O4 -static. Fixed a problem related to asking for help for a non-existent file. Added ./.calcinit to the default calcrc. Added cscript/README and help cscript to document the calc shell script supplied with calc. The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.0t10 to 2.11.0t11: Misc code cleanup. Removed dead code. Removed trailing whitespace. Fixed whitespace to make the best use of 8 character tabs. Fixed some bugs relating to '// and %' in combination with some of the the rounding modes based on a patch from Ernest Bowen . A patch from Klaus Alexander Seistrup , when used in combination with the GNU-readline facility, will prevent it from saving empty lines. Minor typos fixed in Added 8500 test series and to perform more extensive tests on // and % with various rounding modes. The 'unused value ignored' messages now start with Line 999: instead of just 999:. Fixed the long standing issue first reported by Saber-C in the domul() function in zmil.c thanks to a patch by Ernest Bowen . Added zero dimensional matrices. A zero dimensional matrix is defined as: mat A[] or A = mat[] Updated the help/mat file to reflect the current status of matrices including zero dimensional matrices. Added indices() builtin function as written by Ernest Bowen developed from an idea of Klaus Seistrup . See help/indices for details. Fixed a number of insure warnings as reported by Michel van der List . Fixed a number of help file typos discovered by Klaus Alexander Seistrup . Removed REGRESS_CAL as a Makefile variable. Added calcliblist and calcliblistfmt utility Makefile rules to allow one to print the list of distribution files that are used (but not built) to form either the libcalc.a or the libcustcalc.a library. Added a patch from to make ^D terminate, but *only* if the line it is on is completely empty. Removed lib/altbind and removed the CALCBINDINGS Makefile variable. A new config("ctrl_d") value controls how the ``delete_char'', which by default is bound to ^D (Control D), will or will not exit calc: config("ctrl_d", "virgin_eof") If ^D is the only character that has been typed on a line, then calc will exit. Otherwise ^D will act according to the calc binding, which by default is a Emacs-style delete-char. This is the default mode. config("ctrl_d", "never_eof") The ^D never exits calc and only acts according calc binding, which by default is a Emacs-style delete-char. Emacs purists may want to set this in their ~/.calcrc startup file. config("ctrl_d", "empty_eof") The ^D always exits calc if typed on an empty line. This condition occurs when ^D either the first character typed, or when all other characters on the line have been removed (say by deleting them). Users who always want to exit when ^D is typed at the beginning of a line may want to set this in their ~/.calcrc startup file. Note that config("ctrl_d") apples to the character bound to each and every ``delete_char''. So if an alternate binding it setup, then those char(s) will have this functionality. Updated help/config and help/mode, improved the readability and fixed a few typos. Documented modes, block formats and block bases ("mode", "blkfmt" & "blkbase") that were previously left off out of the documentation. The config("blkbase") and config("blkfmt") values return strings instead of returning integers. One cannot use integers to set these values, so returning integers was useless. Applied the dangling name fix from Ernest Bowen . Show func prints function on order of their indices, and with config("lib_debug") & 4 == 4 some more details about the functions are displayed. Fixed another ``dangling name'' bug for when the object types list exceeded 2000. Fixed a bug related to opening to a calc session: define res_add(a,b) = obj res {r} = {a.r + b.r}; ... obj res A = {1,2}. obj res B = {3,4} A hash of an object takes into account the object type. If X and Y are different kinds of objects but have the same component values, they will probably return different rather than the same values for hash(X) and hash(Y). Added support for config("ctrl_d") to the GNU-readline interface as written by Klaus Alexander Seistrup . Currently, the config("ctrl_d", "virgin_eof") is not fully supported. Under GNU-readline, it acts the same way as config("ctrl_d", "empty_eof"). Emacs users may find this objectionable as ``hi^A^D^D^D'' will cause calc to exit due to the issuing of one too many ^D's. Emacs users may want to put: config("ctrl_d", "never_eof"),; into their ~/.calcrc startup files to avoid this problem. Made misc documentation fixes. Fixed the make depend rule. Applied Ernest Bowen's complex function power(), exp() and transcendental function patch: Calc will return a "too-large argument" error-value for exp(x, epsilon) if re(x) >= 2^30 or if an estimate indicates that the result will have absolute value greater than 2^2^30 * epsilon. Otherwise the evaluation will be attempted but may fail due to shortage of memory or may require a long runtime if the result will be very large. The power(a, b, epsilon) builtin will return a "too-large result" if an estimate indicates that the result will have absolute value that is > 2^2^30 * epsilon. Otherwise the evaluation will be attempted but may fail due to shortage of memory or may require a long runtime if the result will be very large. Changes have been made to the algorithms used for some special functions sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), sin(), cos(), etc., that make use of exp(). In particular tanh(x) is now much faster and doesn't run out of memory when x is very large - the value to be returned is then 1 to a high degree of accuracy. When the true value of a transcendental function is 1, as is cos(x) for x == 0, calc's version of the function will now return 1 rather than the nearest multiple of epsilon. E.g. cos(0, 3/8) no longer returns 9/8. The restriction of abs(n) < 1000000 on scale(x, n) has been removed. The only condition n now has to satisfy for calc to attempt the operation is n < 2^31, the same as for calc to attempt x << n and x^n. Changed root(x,n) so that when x is negative and n is odd it returns the principal complex n-th root of x rather than -1, e.g. root(-1,3) now returns -.5+.8660...i. Changed power(a,b) to permit a to be negative when b is real. E.g. power(-2,3) will now return 8 rather than cause a "negative base" error. Fixed several improper free and link problems in the comfunc.c code. Removed BOOL_B64 symbol from Makefile. The following config values return "true" or "false" strings: tilde tab leadzero fullzero blkverbose verbose_quit These config values can still be set with same boolean strings ("on", "off", "true", "false", "t", ...) as well as via the numerical values 0 (for "false") and non-0 (for "true"), however. Added -s to the calc command line. The -s flag will cause unused args (args after all of the -options on the command line) to remain as unevaluated strings. If calc is called with -s, then the new function argv() will return the number of strings on the command line. Also argv(n) will return the n-th such string or null is no such string exists. Calc now handles calc shell scripts. A calc shell script is an executable file that starts with: #!/usr/local/bin/calc -S Where ``/usr/local/bin/calc'' is the path to the calc binary. Additional -options may be added to the line, but it MUST start with -S. For example, the the executable file ``plus'' contain the following: #!/usr/local/bin/calc -S -e /* * This is a simple calc shell script to add two values */ print eval(argv(0)) + eval(argv(1)); then the following command: ./plus 23 'pi(1e-5)' will print: 26.14159 If calc is called with -S as the first arg, then calc will assume that it is being called from a #! calc shell script file. The -S implies the -s flag. If -i is not given, -S also implies -d and -p. Fixed the problem with non-literal string type checking for the C printf-like functions. Able to determine if "%ld" or "%lld" is appropriate for printing of 64 bit long longs by way of the C symbol L64_FORMAT in the longlong.h header file. The following lines are treated as comments by calc: #! this is a comment # this is a comment # this is a comment # # The lone # above was also a comment ## is also a comment Improved how calc makes changes to file descriptor interactive state. Moved state changing code to calc_tty() and orig_tty() in lib_calc.c. The libcalc_call_me_last() function will restore all changed descriptor states that have not already been restored. Added the following read-only config values: config("program") path to calc program or calc shell script config("basename") basename of config("program") config("version") calc version string The following are the changes from calc version 2.11.0t8.9.1 to 2.11.0t9.4.5: The config("verbose_quit") will control the printing of the message: Quit or abort executed when a non-interactive ABORT, QUIT or EXIT is encountered. By default, config("verbose_quit") is TRUE and the message is printed. If one does: config("verbose_quit", 0) the message is disabled. Added 8400 regression test set and to test the new quit and config("verbose_quit") functionality. Fixed the BigEndian BASEB==16 regression bugs by correctly swapping 16 bit HALFs in a 64 bit value (such as a 64 bit file pointer). Added calclevel() builtin to calculation level at which it is called. Added help/calclevel and help/inputlevel help files. Removed regression tests 951 and 5984 so that the regress test will run in non-interactively / without a TTY such as under Debian's build daemon. The eval(str) builtin will return an error-value rather than cause an execution error str has a scan-error. Declarations are permitted to end with EOF as well as a newline or ';'. When prompt() occurs while reading a file, it will take input from the terminal rather than taking it from a file. For example: /* This demonstrates the use of prompt() and some other things */ config("verbose_quit", 0); define getnumber() { local x; for (;;) { x = eval(prompt(">>> ")); if (isnum(x)) return x; print "Not a number! Try again"; } } print "This will display the sqrt of each number you enter"; print "Enter quit to stop"; for (;;) { print sqrt(getnumber()); } print "Good bye"; Comments entered at input terminal level may be spread over several lines. For example: /* * Assume that this calc script is called: * Then these commands now work: * cat | calc * calc < */ print "Hello"; Added: -D calc_debug[:lib_debug:[user_debug]] to set the initial value of config("calc_debug"), config("lib_debug") and config("user_debug"). The : separated strings of -D are interpreted as signed 32 bit values. After an optional leading sign a leading zero indicates octal conversion, and a leading ``0x'' or ``0X'' hexadecimal conversion. Otherwise, decimal conversion is assumed. Reordered the config structure moving calc_debug ahead of lib_debug. Added bits 4 and 5 to config("calc_debug"): 4 Report on changes to the state of stdin as well as changes to internal variables that control the setting and restoring of stdin. 5 Report on changes to the run state of calc. Fixed portability issue in seed.c relating to /dev/urandom and ustat. Added a fix from Martin Buck to detect when calc aborts early instead of completing the regression test. Now 'make chk' will require the last line of calc output to end in the string ``Ending regression tests''. Added a patch from Martin Buck to allow use of GNU-readline. Note that GNU-readline is not shipped with calc. His patch only provides the hooks to use it. One must comment out: USE_READLINE= READLINE_LIB= READLINE_INCLUDE= and comment in: USE_READLINE= -DUSE_READLINE READLINE_LIB= -lreadline -lhistory READLINE_INCLUDE= -I/usr/include/readline in addition to pre-installing GNU-readline in your system to use this facility. Changed the "object already defined" math_error to a scanerror message. Removed the limit on the number of object types. Calc tarballs are now named calc-version.tar.gz and untar into a sub-directory called calc-version. Made a small change to declarations of static variables to reduce the internal opcodes needed to declare them. Fixed a permission problem on ranlib-ed *.a files that was reported by Michael Somos . Added patch by Klaus Alexander Seistrup related to GNU-readline: + enable calc specific bindings in ~/.inputrc + save a copy of your session to disk and reload them next time you're using calc + only add a line to the history if it is different from the previous line Added the Makefile symbol HAVE_GETRUSAGE to determine if the system supports the getrusage() system call. Fixed the make depend code in the custom and sample Makefiles. Fixed how the help/builtin file is formed. The help/Makefile is now given the name of the native C compiler by the top level Makefile. The include files are installed under INCDIRCALC (a new Makefile variable) which by default is ${INCDIR}/calc. The INCDIR (also a new Makefile var) by default is /usr/local/include. Include files previously installed directly under ${LIBDIR} will be removed. Added the piforever() function to lib/ It was written by Klaus Alexander Seistrup and was inspired by an algorithm conceived by Lambert Meertens. (See also the ABC Programmer's Handbook, by Geurts, Meertens & Pemberton, published by Prentice-Hall (UK) Ltd., 1990.) The piforever() function prints digits of pi for as long as your memory and system uptime allows. :-) Fixed the URLs found thruout the source and documentation which did not and in /, but should for performance and server load reasons. Cleaned up and improved handling of "mat" and "obj". The comma in: mat A[2], B[3]; is changed to whatever is appropriate in the context: + comma operator + separator of arguments in a function call + separator of arguments in a definition etc. The expression (mat A[2]), B[3] returns B[3], assuming B already exists as something created by a statement like: global mat B[4]. What used to be done by the expression: mat A[2], B[3] will now require something like: mat A[2], mat B[3] or A = mat[2], B = mat[3] For example, if obj point and obj pair are known types, the following is now allowed: L = list(mat[2], mat[3], obj point, obj pair) As another example, the following is allowed: define f(a = mat[2] = {3,4}) = 5 * a; as well as the following: obj point {x,y}, PP = obj pair {A,B} = {obj point, obj point} which creates two object types at compile time and when executed, assigns a pair-object value to a variable PP. Fixed a bug whereby a for loop would behave incorrectly. For example: config("trace", 2), global x; define f() {for ( ; x > 0; x--) {print x;}} x = 5, f() will stop after printing 1 instead of looping forever. Added values l_format, which when CHECK_L_FORMAT is defined ahead of including longlong.h will help detect when a system can deal with 'long long' but not '%lld' in printf. If a system with 'long long' uses '%ld' to print a 64 bit value, then l_format will be > 0; otherwise if "%lld" is required, l_format will be < 0. Added HAVE_STRDUP Makefile variable as well as the have_strdup.c program that forms the have_strdup.h file. The have_strdup.h file will define HAVE_STRDUP is the system has strdup(). If HAVE_STRDUP is not