names of the functional units separated by commas. Don't use name `nothing', it is reserved for other goals. AUTOMATON-NAME is a string giving the name of the automaton with which the unit is bound. The automaton should be described in construction `define_automaton'. You should give "automaton-name", if there is a defined automaton. The assignment of units to automata are constrained by the uses of the units in insn reservations. The most important constraint is: if a unit reservation is present on a particular cycle of an alternative for an insn reservation, then some unit from the same automaton must be present on the same cycle for the other alternatives of the insn reservation. The rest of the constraints are mentioned in the description of the subsequent constructions. The following construction describes CPU functional units analogously to `define_cpu_unit'. The reservation of such units can be queried for an automaton state. The instruction scheduler never queries reservation of functional units for given automaton state. So as a rule, you don't need this construction. This construction could be used for future code generation goals (e.g. to generate VLIW insn templates). (define_query_cpu_unit UNIT-NAMES [AUTOMATON-NAME]) UNIT-NAMES is a string giving names of the functional units separated by commas. AUTOMATON-NAME is a string giving the name of the automaton with which the unit is bound. The following construction is the major one to describe pipeline characteristics of an instruction. (define_insn_reservation INSN-NAME DEFAULT_LATENCY CONDITION REGEXP) DEFAULT_LATENCY is a number giving latency time of the instruction. There is an important difference between the old description and the automaton based pipeline description. The latency time is used for all dependencies when we use the old description. In the automaton based pipeline description, the given latency time is only used for true dependencies. The cost of anti-dependencies is always zero and the cost of output dependencies is the difference between latency times of the producing and consuming insns (if the difference is negative, the cost is considered to be zero). You can always change the default costs for any description by using the target hook `TARGET_SCHED_ADJUST_COST' (*note Scheduling::). INSN-NAME is a string giving the internal name of the insn. The internal names are used in constructions `define_bypass' and in the automaton description file generated for debugging. The internal name has nothing in common with the names in `define_insn'. It is a good practice to use insn classes described in the processor manual. CONDITION defines what RTL insns are described by this construction. You should remember that you will be in trouble if CONDITION for two or more different `define_insn_reservation' constructions is TRUE for an insn. In this case what reservation will be used for the insn is not defined. Such cases are not checked during generation of the pipeline hazards recognizer because in general recognizing that two conditions may have the same value is quite difficult (especially if the conditions contain `symbol_ref'). It is also not checked during the pipeline hazard recognizer work because it would slow down the recognizer considerably. REGEXP is a string describing the reservation of the cpu's functional units by the instruction. The reservations are described by a regular expression according to the following syntax: regexp = regexp "," oneof | oneof oneof = oneof "|" allof | allof allof = allof "+" repeat | repeat repeat = element "*" number | element element = cpu_function_unit_name | reservation_name | result_name | "nothing" | "(" regexp ")" * `,' is used for describing the start of the next cycle in the reservation. * `|' is used for describing a reservation described by the first regular expression *or* a reservation described by the second regular expression *or* etc. * `+' is used for describing a reservation described by the first regular expression *and* a reservation described by the second regular expression *and* etc. * `*' is used for convenience and simply means a sequence in which the regular expression are repeated NUMBER times with cycle advancing (see `,'). * `cpu_function_unit_name' denotes reservation of the named functional unit. * `reservation_name' -- see description of construction `define_reservation'. * `nothing' denotes no unit reservations. Sometimes unit reservations for different insns contain common parts. In such case, you can simplify the pipeline description by describing the common part by the following construction (define_reservation RESERVATION-NAME REGEXP) RESERVATION-NAME is a string giving name of REGEXP. Functional unit names and reservation names are in the same name space. So the reservation names should be different from the functional unit names and can not be the reserved name `nothing'. The following construction is used to describe exceptions in the latency time for given instruction pair. This is so called bypasses. (define_bypass NUMBER OUT_INSN_NAMES IN_INSN_NAMES [GUARD]) NUMBER defines when the result generated by the instructions given in string OUT_INSN_NAMES will be ready for the instructions given in string IN_INSN_NAMES. The instructions in the string are separated by commas. GUARD is an optional string giving the name of a C function which defines an additional guard for the bypass. The function will get the two insns as parameters. If the function returns zero the bypass will be ignored for this case. The additional guard is necessary to recognize complicated bypasses, e.g. when the consumer is only an address of insn `store' (not a stored value). The following five constructions are usually used to describe VLIW processors, or more precisely, to describe a placement of small instructions into VLIW instruction slots. They can be used for RISC processors, too. (exclusion_set UNIT-NAMES UNIT-NAMES) (presence_set UNIT-NAMES PATTERNS) (final_presence_set UNIT-NAMES PATTERNS) (absence_set UNIT-NAMES PATTERNS) (final_absence_set UNIT-NAMES PATTERNS) UNIT-NAMES is a string giving names of functional units separated by commas. PATTERNS is a string giving patterns of functional units separated by comma. Currently pattern is one unit or units separated by white-spaces. The first construction (`exclusion_set') means that each functional unit in the first string can not be reserved simultaneously with a unit whose name is in the second string and vice versa. For example, the construction is useful for describing processors (e.g. some SPARC processors) with a fully pipelined floating point functional unit which can execute simultaneously only single floating point insns or only double floating point insns. The second construction (`presence_set') means that each functional unit in the first string can not be reserved unless at least one of pattern of units whose names are in the second string is reserved. This is an asymmetric relation. For example, it is useful for description that VLIW `slot1' is reserved after `slot0' reservation. We could describe it by the following construction (presence_set "slot1" "slot0") Or `slot1' is reserved only after `slot0' and unit `b0' reservation. In this case we could write (presence_set "slot1" "slot0 b0") The third construction (`final_presence_set') is analogous to `presence_set'. The difference between them is when checking is done. When an instruction is issued in given automaton state reflecting all current and planned unit reservations, the automaton state is changed. The first state is a source state, the second one is a result state. Checking for `presence_set' is done on the source state reservation, checking for `final_presence_set' is done on the result reservation. This construction is useful to describe a reservation which is actually two subsequent reservations. For example, if we use (presence_set "slot1" "slot0") the following insn will be never issued (because `slot1' requires `slot0' which is absent in the source state). (define_reservation "insn_and_nop" "slot0 + slot1") but it can be issued if we use analogous `final_presence_set'. The forth construction (`absence_set') means that each functional unit in the first string can be reserved only if each pattern of units whose names are in the second string is not reserved. This is an asymmetric relation (actually `exclusion_set' is analogous to this one but it is symmetric). For example it might be useful in a VLIW description to say that `slot0' cannot be reserved after either `slot1' or `slot2' have been reserved. This can be described as: (absence_set "slot0" "slot1, slot2") Or `slot2' can not be reserved if `slot0' and unit `b0' are reserved or `slot1' and unit `b1' are reserved. In this case we could write (absence_set "slot2" "slot0 b0, slot1 b1") All functional units mentioned in a set should belong to the same automaton. The last construction (`final_absence_set') is analogous to `absence_set' but checking is done on the result (state) reservation. See comments for `final_presence_set'. You can control the generator of the pipeline hazard recognizer with the following construction. (automata_option OPTIONS) OPTIONS is a string giving options which affect the generated code. Currently there are the following options: * "no-minimization" makes no minimization of the automaton. This is only worth to do when we are debugging the description and need to look more accurately at reservations of states. * "time" means printing time statistics about the generation of automata. * "stats" means printing statistics about the generated automata such as the number of DFA states, NDFA states and arcs. * "v" means a generation of the file describing the result automata. The file has suffix `.dfa' and can be used for the description verification and debugging. * "w" means a generation of warning instead of error for non-critical errors. * "ndfa" makes nondeterministic finite state automata. This affects the treatment of operator `|' in the regular expressions. The usual treatment of the operator is to try the first alternative and, if the reservation is not possible, the second alternative. The nondeterministic treatment means trying all alternatives, some of them may be rejected by reservations in the subsequent insns. * "progress" means output of a progress bar showing how many states were generated so far for automaton being processed. This is useful during debugging a DFA description. If you see too many generated states, you could interrupt the generator of the pipeline hazard recognizer and try to figure out a reason for generation of the huge automaton. As an example, consider a superscalar RISC machine which can issue three insns (two integer insns and one floating point insn) on the cycle but can finish only two insns. To describe this, we define the following functional units. (define_cpu_unit "i0_pipeline, i1_pipeline, f_pipeline") (define_cpu_unit "port0, port1") All simple integer insns can be executed in any integer pipeline and their result is ready in two cycles. The simple integer insns are issued into the first pipeline unless it is reserved, otherwise they are issued into the second pipeline. Integer division and multiplication insns can be executed only in the second integer pipeline and their results are ready correspondingly in 8 and 4 cycles. The integer division is not pipelined, i.e. the subsequent integer division insn can not be issued until the current division insn finished. Floating point insns are fully pipelined and their results are ready in 3 cycles. Where the result of a floating point insn is used by an integer insn, an additional delay of one cycle is incurred. To describe all of this we could specify (define_cpu_unit "div") (define_insn_reservation "simple" 2 (eq_attr "type" "int") "(i0_pipeline | i1_pipeline), (port0 | port1)") (define_insn_reservation "mult" 4 (eq_attr "type" "mult") "i1_pipeline, nothing*2, (port0 | port1)") (define_insn_reservation "div" 8 (eq_attr "type" "div") "i1_pipeline, div*7, div + (port0 | port1)") (define_insn_reservation "float" 3 (eq_attr "type" "float") "f_pipeline, nothing, (port0 | port1)) (define_bypass 4 "float" "simple,mult,div") To simplify the description we could describe the following reservation (define_reservation "finish" "port0|port1") and use it in all `define_insn_reservation' as in the following construction (define_insn_reservation "simple" 2 (eq_attr "type" "int") "(i0_pipeline | i1_pipeline), finish") ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) However, the size of the automaton depends on processor complexity. To limit this effect, machine descriptions can split orthogonal parts of the machine description among several automata: but then, since each of these must be stepped independently, this does cause a small decrease in the algorithm's performance.  File:, Node: Conditional Execution, Next: Constant Definitions, Prev: Insn Attributes, Up: Machine Desc 14.20 Conditional Execution =========================== A number of architectures provide for some form of conditional execution, or predication. The hallmark of this feature is the ability to nullify most of the instructions in the instruction set. When the instruction set is large and not entirely symmetric, it can be quite tedious to describe these forms directly in the `.md' file. An alternative is the `define_cond_exec' template. (define_cond_exec [PREDICATE-PATTERN] "CONDITION" "OUTPUT-TEMPLATE") PREDICATE-PATTERN is the condition that must be true for the insn to be executed at runtime and should match a relational operator. One can use `match_operator' to match several relational operators at once. Any `match_operand' operands must have no more than one alternative. CONDITION is a C expression that must be true for the generated pattern to match. OUTPUT-TEMPLATE is a string similar to the `define_insn' output template (*note Output Template::), except that the `*' and `@' special cases do not apply. This is only useful if the assembly text for the predicate is a simple prefix to the main insn. In order to handle the general case, there is a global variable `current_insn_predicate' that will contain the entire predicate if the current insn is predicated, and will otherwise be `NULL'. When `define_cond_exec' is used, an implicit reference to the `predicable' instruction attribute is made. *Note Insn Attributes::. This attribute must be boolean (i.e. have exactly two elements in its LIST-OF-VALUES). Further, it must not be used with complex expressions. That is, the default and all uses in the insns must be a simple constant, not dependent on the alternative or anything else. For each `define_insn' for which the `predicable' attribute is true, a new `define_insn' pattern will be generated that matches a predicated version of the instruction. For example, (define_insn "addsi" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "r") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "r") (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "r")))] "TEST1" "add %2,%1,%0") (define_cond_exec [(ne (match_operand:CC 0 "register_operand" "c") (const_int 0))] "TEST2" "(%0)") generates a new pattern (define_insn "" [(cond_exec (ne (match_operand:CC 3 "register_operand" "c") (const_int 0)) (set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "r") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "r") (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "r"))))] "(TEST2) && (TEST1)" "(%3) add %2,%1,%0")  File:, Node: Constant Definitions, Next: Iterators, Prev: Conditional Execution, Up: Machine Desc 14.21 Constant Definitions ========================== Using literal constants inside instruction patterns reduces legibility and can be a maintenance problem. To overcome this problem, you may use the `define_constants' expression. It contains a vector of name-value pairs. From that point on, wherever any of the names appears in the MD file, it is as if the corresponding value had been written instead. You may use `define_constants' multiple times; each appearance adds more constants to the table. It is an error to redefine a constant with a different value. To come back to the a29k load multiple example, instead of (define_insn "" [(match_parallel 0 "load_multiple_operation" [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r") (match_operand:SI 2 "memory_operand" "m")) (use (reg:SI 179)) (clobber (reg:SI 179))])] "" "loadm 0,0,%1,%2") You could write: (define_constants [ (R_BP 177) (R_FC 178) (R_CR 179) (R_Q 180) ]) (define_insn "" [(match_parallel 0 "load_multiple_operation" [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r") (match_operand:SI 2 "memory_operand" "m")) (use (reg:SI R_CR)) (clobber (reg:SI R_CR))])] "" "loadm 0,0,%1,%2") The constants that are defined with a define_constant are also output in the insn-codes.h header file as #defines.  File:, Node: Iterators, Prev: Constant Definitions, Up: Machine Desc 14.22 Iterators =============== Ports often need to define similar patterns for more than one machine mode or for more than one rtx code. GCC provides some simple iterator facilities to make this process easier. * Menu: * Mode Iterators:: Generating variations of patterns for different modes. * Code Iterators:: Doing the same for codes.  File:, Node: Mode Iterators, Next: Code Iterators, Up: Iterators 14.22.1 Mode Iterators ---------------------- Ports often need to define similar patterns for two or more different modes. For example: * If a processor has hardware support for both single and double floating-point arithmetic, the `SFmode' patterns tend to be very similar to the `DFmode' ones. * If a port uses `SImode' pointers in one configuration and `DImode' pointers in another, it will usually have very similar `SImode' and `DImode' patterns for manipulating pointers. Mode iterators allow several patterns to be instantiated from one `.md' file template. They can be used with any type of rtx-based construct, such as a `define_insn', `define_split', or `define_peephole2'. * Menu: * Defining Mode Iterators:: Defining a new mode iterator. * Substitutions:: Combining mode iterators with substitutions * Examples:: Examples  File:, Node: Defining Mode Iterators, Next: Substitutions, Up: Mode Iterators Defining Mode Iterators ................................. The syntax for defining a mode iterator is: (define_mode_iterator NAME [(MODE1 "COND1") ... (MODEN "CONDN")]) This allows subsequent `.md' file constructs to use the mode suffix `:NAME'. Every construct that does so will be expanded N times, once with every use of `:NAME' replaced by `:MODE1', once with every use replaced by `:MODE2', and so on. In the expansion for a particular MODEI, every C condition will also require that CONDI be true. For example: (define_mode_iterator P [(SI "Pmode == SImode") (DI "Pmode == DImode")]) defines a new mode suffix `:P'. Every construct that uses `:P' will be expanded twice, once with every `:P' replaced by `:SI' and once with every `:P' replaced by `:DI'. The `:SI' version will only apply if `Pmode == SImode' and the `:DI' version will only apply if `Pmode == DImode'. As with other `.md' conditions, an empty string is treated as "always true". `(MODE "")' can also be abbreviated to `MODE'. For example: (define_mode_iterator GPR [SI (DI "TARGET_64BIT")]) means that the `:DI' expansion only applies if `TARGET_64BIT' but that the `:SI' expansion has no such constraint. Iterators are applied in the order they are defined. This can be significant if two iterators are used in a construct that requires substitutions. *Note Substitutions::.  File:, Node: Substitutions, Next: Examples, Prev: Defining Mode Iterators, Up: Mode Iterators Substitution in Mode Iterators ........................................ If an `.md' file construct uses mode iterators, each version of the construct will often need slightly different strings or modes. For example: * When a `define_expand' defines several `addM3' patterns (*note Standard Names::), each expander will need to use the appropriate mode name for M. * When a `define_insn' defines several instruction patterns, each instruction will often use a different assembler mnemonic. * When a `define_insn' requires operands with different modes, using an iterator for one of the operand modes usually requires a specific mode for the other operand(s). GCC supports such variations through a system of "mode attributes". There are two standard attributes: `mode', which is the name of the mode in lower case, and `MODE', which is the same thing in upper case. You can define other attributes using: (define_mode_attr NAME [(MODE1 "VALUE1") ... (MODEN "VALUEN")]) where NAME is the name of the attribute and VALUEI is the value associated with MODEI. When GCC replaces some :ITERATOR with :MODE, it will scan each string and mode in the pattern for sequences of the form `', where ATTR is the name of a mode attribute. If the attribute is defined for MODE, the whole `<...>' sequence will be replaced by the appropriate attribute value. For example, suppose an `.md' file has: (define_mode_iterator P [(SI "Pmode == SImode") (DI "Pmode == DImode")]) (define_mode_attr load [(SI "lw") (DI "ld")]) If one of the patterns that uses `:P' contains the string `"\t%0,%1"', the `SI' version of that pattern will use `"lw\t%0,%1"' and the `DI' version will use `"ld\t%0,%1"'. Here is an example of using an attribute for a mode: (define_mode_iterator LONG [SI DI]) (define_mode_attr SHORT [(SI "HI") (DI "SI")]) (define_insn ... (sign_extend:LONG (match_operand: ...)) ...) The `ITERATOR:' prefix may be omitted, in which case the substitution will be attempted for every iterator expansion.  File:, Node: Examples, Prev: Substitutions, Up: Mode Iterators Mode Iterator Examples ................................ Here is an example from the MIPS port. It defines the following modes and attributes (among others): (define_mode_iterator GPR [SI (DI "TARGET_64BIT")]) (define_mode_attr d [(SI "") (DI "d")]) and uses the following template to define both `subsi3' and `subdi3': (define_insn "sub3" [(set (match_operand:GPR 0 "register_operand" "=d") (minus:GPR (match_operand:GPR 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:GPR 2 "register_operand" "d")))] "" "subu\t%0,%1,%2" [(set_attr "type" "arith") (set_attr "mode" "")]) This is exactly equivalent to: (define_insn "subsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "d")))] "" "subu\t%0,%1,%2" [(set_attr "type" "arith") (set_attr "mode" "SI")]) (define_insn "subdi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (minus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:DI 2 "register_operand" "d")))] "" "dsubu\t%0,%1,%2" [(set_attr "type" "arith") (set_attr "mode" "DI")])  File:, Node: Code Iterators, Prev: Mode Iterators, Up: Iterators 14.22.2 Code Iterators ---------------------- Code iterators operate in a similar way to mode iterators. *Note Mode Iterators::. The construct: (define_code_iterator NAME [(CODE1 "COND1") ... (CODEN "CONDN")]) defines a pseudo rtx code NAME that can be instantiated as CODEI if condition CONDI is true. Each CODEI must have the same rtx format. *Note RTL Classes::. As with mode iterators, each pattern that uses NAME will be expanded N times, once with all uses of NAME replaced by CODE1, once with all uses replaced by CODE2, and so on. *Note Defining Mode Iterators::. It is possible to define attributes for codes as well as for modes. There are two standard code attributes: `code', the name of the code in lower case, and `CODE', the name of the code in upper case. Other attributes are defined using: (define_code_attr NAME [(CODE1 "VALUE1") ... (CODEN "VALUEN")]) Here's an example of code iterators in action, taken from the MIPS port: (define_code_iterator any_cond [unordered ordered unlt unge uneq ltgt unle ungt eq ne gt ge lt le gtu geu ltu leu]) (define_expand "b" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (any_cond:CC (cc0) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "")) (pc)))] "" { gen_conditional_branch (operands, ); DONE; }) This is equivalent to: (define_expand "bunordered" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (unordered:CC (cc0) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "")) (pc)))] "" { gen_conditional_branch (operands, UNORDERED); DONE; }) (define_expand "bordered" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ordered:CC (cc0) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "")) (pc)))] "" { gen_conditional_branch (operands, ORDERED); DONE; }) ...  File:, Node: Target Macros, Next: Host Config, Prev: Machine Desc, Up: Top 15 Target Description Macros and Functions ****************************************** In addition to the file `', a machine description includes a C header file conventionally given the name `MACHINE.h' and a C source file named `MACHINE.c'. The header file defines numerous macros that convey the information about the target machine that does not fit into the scheme of the `.md' file. The file `tm.h' should be a link to `MACHINE.h'. The header file `config.h' includes `tm.h' and most compiler source files include `config.h'. The source file defines a variable `targetm', which is a structure containing pointers to functions and data relating to the target machine. `MACHINE.c' should also contain their definitions, if they are not defined elsewhere in GCC, and other functions called through the macros defined in the `.h' file. * Menu: * Target Structure:: The `targetm' variable. * Driver:: Controlling how the driver runs the compilation passes. * Run-time Target:: Defining `-m' options like `-m68000' and `-m68020'. * Per-Function Data:: Defining data structures for per-function information. * Storage Layout:: Defining sizes and alignments of data. * Type Layout:: Defining sizes and properties of basic user data types. * Registers:: Naming and describing the hardware registers. * Register Classes:: Defining the classes of hardware registers. * Old Constraints:: The old way to define machine-specific constraints. * Stack and Calling:: Defining which way the stack grows and by how much. * Varargs:: Defining the varargs macros. * Trampolines:: Code set up at run time to enter a nested function. * Library Calls:: Controlling how library routines are implicitly called. * Addressing Modes:: Defining addressing modes valid for memory operands. * Anchored Addresses:: Defining how `-fsection-anchors' should work. * Condition Code:: Defining how insns update the condition code. * Costs:: Defining relative costs of different operations. * Scheduling:: Adjusting the behavior of the instruction scheduler. * Sections:: Dividing storage into text, data, and other sections. * PIC:: Macros for position independent code. * Assembler Format:: Defining how to write insns and pseudo-ops to output. * Debugging Info:: Defining the format of debugging output. * Floating Point:: Handling floating point for cross-compilers. * Mode Switching:: Insertion of mode-switching instructions. * Target Attributes:: Defining target-specific uses of `__attribute__'. * MIPS Coprocessors:: MIPS coprocessor support and how to customize it. * PCH Target:: Validity checking for precompiled headers. * C++ ABI:: Controlling C++ ABI changes. * Misc:: Everything else.  File:, Node: Target Structure, Next: Driver, Up: Target Macros 15.1 The Global `targetm' Variable ================================== -- Variable: struct gcc_target targetm The target `.c' file must define the global `targetm' variable which contains pointers to functions and data relating to the target machine. The variable is declared in `target.h'; `target-def.h' defines the macro `TARGET_INITIALIZER' which is used to initialize the variable, and macros for the default initializers for elements of the structure. The `.c' file should override those macros for which the default definition is inappropriate. For example: #include "target.h" #include "target-def.h" /* Initialize the GCC target structure. */ #undef TARGET_COMP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES #define TARGET_COMP_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES MACHINE_comp_type_attributes struct gcc_target targetm = TARGET_INITIALIZER; Where a macro should be defined in the `.c' file in this manner to form part of the `targetm' structure, it is documented below as a "Target Hook" with a prototype. Many macros will change in future from being defined in the `.h' file to being part of the `targetm' structure.  File:, Node: Driver, Next: Run-time Target, Prev: Target Structure, Up: Target Macros 15.2 Controlling the Compilation Driver, `gcc' ============================================== You can control the compilation driver. -- Macro: SWITCH_TAKES_ARG (CHAR) A C expression which determines whether the option `-CHAR' takes arguments. The value should be the number of arguments that option takes-zero, for many options. By default, this macro is defined as `DEFAULT_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG', which handles the standard options properly. You need not define `SWITCH_TAKES_ARG' unless you wish to add additional options which take arguments. Any redefinition should call `DEFAULT_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG' and then check for additional options. -- Macro: WORD_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG (NAME) A C expression which determines whether the option `-NAME' takes arguments. The value should be the number of arguments that option takes-zero, for many options. This macro rather than `SWITCH_TAKES_ARG' is used for multi-character option names. By default, this macro is defined as `DEFAULT_WORD_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG', which handles the standard options properly. You need not define `WORD_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG' unless you wish to add additional options which take arguments. Any redefinition should call `DEFAULT_WORD_SWITCH_TAKES_ARG' and then check for additional options. -- Macro: SWITCH_CURTAILS_COMPILATION (CHAR) A C expression which determines whether the option `-CHAR' stops compilation before the generation of an executable. The value is boolean, nonzero if the option does stop an executable from being generated, zero otherwise. By default, this macro is defined as `DEFAULT_SWITCH_CURTAILS_COMPILATION', which handles the standard options properly. You need not define `SWITCH_CURTAILS_COMPILATION' unless you wish to add additional options which affect the generation of an executable. Any redefinition should call `DEFAULT_SWITCH_CURTAILS_COMPILATION' and then check for additional options. -- Macro: SWITCHES_NEED_SPACES A string-valued C expression which enumerates the options for which the linker needs a space between the option and its argument. If this macro is not defined, the default value is `""'. -- Macro: TARGET_OPTION_TRANSLATE_TABLE If defined, a list of pairs of strings, the first of which is a potential command line target to the `gcc' driver program, and the second of which is a space-separated (tabs and other whitespace are not supported) list of options with which to replace the first option. The target defining this list is responsible for assuring that the results are valid. Replacement options may not be the `--opt' style, they must be the `-opt' style. It is the intention of this macro to provide a mechanism for substitution that affects the multilibs chosen, such as one option that enables many options, some of which select multilibs. Example nonsensical definition, where `-malt-abi', `-EB', and `-mspoo' cause different multilibs to be chosen: #define TARGET_OPTION_TRANSLATE_TABLE \ { "-fast", "-march=fast-foo -malt-abi -I/usr/fast-foo" }, \ { "-compat", "-EB -malign=4 -mspoo" } -- Macro: DRIVER_SELF_SPECS A list of specs for the driver itself. It should be a suitable initializer for an array of strings, with no surrounding braces. The driver applies these specs to its own command line between loading default `specs' files (but not command-line specified ones) and choosing the multilib directory or running any subcommands. It applies them in the order given, so each spec can depend on the options added by earlier ones. It is also possible to remove options using `%