ghpart' Perform a signed multiplication of operands 1 and 2, which have mode M, and store the most significant half of the product in operand 0. The least significant half of the product is discarded. `umulM3_highpart' Similar, but the multiplication is unsigned. `maddMN4' Multiply operands 1 and 2, sign-extend them to mode N, add operand 3, and store the result in operand 0. Operands 1 and 2 have mode M and operands 0 and 3 have mode N. Both modes must be integer or fixed-point modes and N must be twice the size of M. In other words, `maddMN4' is like `mulMN3' except that it also adds operand 3. These instructions are not allowed to `FAIL'. `umaddMN4' Like `maddMN4', but zero-extend the multiplication operands instead of sign-extending them. `ssmaddMN4' Like `maddMN4', but all involved operations must be signed-saturating. `usmaddMN4' Like `umaddMN4', but all involved operations must be unsigned-saturating. `msubMN4' Multiply operands 1 and 2, sign-extend them to mode N, subtract the result from operand 3, and store the result in operand 0. Operands 1 and 2 have mode M and operands 0 and 3 have mode N. Both modes must be integer or fixed-point modes and N must be twice the size of M. In other words, `msubMN4' is like `mulMN3' except that it also subtracts the result from operand 3. These instructions are not allowed to `FAIL'. `umsubMN4' Like `msubMN4', but zero-extend the multiplication operands instead of sign-extending them. `ssmsubMN4' Like `msubMN4', but all involved operations must be signed-saturating. `usmsubMN4' Like `umsubMN4', but all involved operations must be unsigned-saturating. `divmodM4' Signed division that produces both a quotient and a remainder. Operand 1 is divided by operand 2 to produce a quotient stored in operand 0 and a remainder stored in operand 3. For machines with an instruction that produces both a quotient and a remainder, provide a pattern for `divmodM4' but do not provide patterns for `divM3' and `modM3'. This allows optimization in the relatively common case when both the quotient and remainder are computed. If an instruction that just produces a quotient or just a remainder exists and is more efficient than the instruction that produces both, write the output routine of `divmodM4' to call `find_reg_note' and look for a `REG_UNUSED' note on the quotient or remainder and generate the appropriate instruction. `udivmodM4' Similar, but does unsigned division. `ashlM3', `ssashlM3', `usashlM3' Arithmetic-shift operand 1 left by a number of bits specified by operand 2, and store the result in operand 0. Here M is the mode of operand 0 and operand 1; operand 2's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. The meaning of out-of-range shift counts can optionally be specified by `TARGET_SHIFT_TRUNCATION_MASK'. *Note TARGET_SHIFT_TRUNCATION_MASK::. `ashrM3', `lshrM3', `rotlM3', `rotrM3' Other shift and rotate instructions, analogous to the `ashlM3' instructions. `negM2', `ssnegM2', `usnegM2' Negate operand 1 and store the result in operand 0. `absM2' Store the absolute value of operand 1 into operand 0. `sqrtM2' Store the square root of operand 1 into operand 0. The `sqrt' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `sqrtf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `fmodM3' Store the remainder of dividing operand 1 by operand 2 into operand 0, rounded towards zero to an integer. The `fmod' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `fmodf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `remainderM3' Store the remainder of dividing operand 1 by operand 2 into operand 0, rounded to the nearest integer. The `remainder' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `remainderf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `cosM2' Store the cosine of operand 1 into operand 0. The `cos' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `cosf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `sinM2' Store the sine of operand 1 into operand 0. The `sin' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `sinf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `expM2' Store the exponential of operand 1 into operand 0. The `exp' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `expf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `logM2' Store the natural logarithm of operand 1 into operand 0. The `log' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `logf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `powM3' Store the value of operand 1 raised to the exponent operand 2 into operand 0. The `pow' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `powf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `atan2M3' Store the arc tangent (inverse tangent) of operand 1 divided by operand 2 into operand 0, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the result. The `atan2' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `atan2f' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `floorM2' Store the largest integral value not greater than argument. The `floor' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `floorf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `btruncM2' Store the argument rounded to integer towards zero. The `trunc' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `truncf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `roundM2' Store the argument rounded to integer away from zero. The `round' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `roundf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `ceilM2' Store the argument rounded to integer away from zero. The `ceil' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `ceilf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `nearbyintM2' Store the argument rounded according to the default rounding mode The `nearbyint' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `nearbyintf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `rintM2' Store the argument rounded according to the default rounding mode and raise the inexact exception when the result differs in value from the argument The `rint' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `rintf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `lrintMN2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as a signed number according to the current rounding mode and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `lroundM2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as a signed number rounding to nearest and away from zero and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `lfloorM2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as a signed number rounding down and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `lceilM2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as a signed number rounding up and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `copysignM3' Store a value with the magnitude of operand 1 and the sign of operand 2 into operand 0. The `copysign' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `double' and the `copysignf' built-in function uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `float'. `ffsM2' Store into operand 0 one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit of operand 1. If operand 1 is zero, store zero. M is the mode of operand 0; operand 1's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. The `ffs' built-in function of C always uses the mode which corresponds to the C data type `int'. `clzM2' Store into operand 0 the number of leading 0-bits in X, starting at the most significant bit position. If X is 0, the `CLZ_DEFINED_VALUE_AT_ZERO' (*note Misc::) macro defines if the result is undefined or has a useful value. M is the mode of operand 0; operand 1's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. `ctzM2' Store into operand 0 the number of trailing 0-bits in X, starting at the least significant bit position. If X is 0, the `CTZ_DEFINED_VALUE_AT_ZERO' (*note Misc::) macro defines if the result is undefined or has a useful value. M is the mode of operand 0; operand 1's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. `popcountM2' Store into operand 0 the number of 1-bits in X. M is the mode of operand 0; operand 1's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. `parityM2' Store into operand 0 the parity of X, i.e. the number of 1-bits in X modulo 2. M is the mode of operand 0; operand 1's mode is specified by the instruction pattern, and the compiler will convert the operand to that mode before generating the instruction. `one_cmplM2' Store the bitwise-complement of operand 1 into operand 0. `cmpM' Compare operand 0 and operand 1, and set the condition codes. The RTL pattern should look like this: (set (cc0) (compare (match_operand:M 0 ...) (match_operand:M 1 ...))) `tstM' Compare operand 0 against zero, and set the condition codes. The RTL pattern should look like this: (set (cc0) (match_operand:M 0 ...)) `tstM' patterns should not be defined for machines that do not use `(cc0)'. Doing so would confuse the optimizer since it would no longer be clear which `set' operations were comparisons. The `cmpM' patterns should be used instead. `movmemM' Block move instruction. The destination and source blocks of memory are the first two operands, and both are `mem:BLK's with an address in mode `Pmode'. The number of bytes to move is the third operand, in mode M. Usually, you specify `word_mode' for M. However, if you can generate better code knowing the range of valid lengths is smaller than those representable in a full word, you should provide a pattern with a mode corresponding to the range of values you can handle efficiently (e.g., `QImode' for values in the range 0-127; note we avoid numbers that appear negative) and also a pattern with `word_mode'. The fourth operand is the known shared alignment of the source and destination, in the form of a `const_int' rtx. Thus, if the compiler knows that both source and destination are word-aligned, it may provide the value 4 for this operand. Optional operands 5 and 6 specify expected alignment and size of block respectively. The expected alignment differs from alignment in operand 4 in a way that the blocks are not required to be aligned according to it in all cases. Expected size, when unknown, is set to `(const_int -1)'. Descriptions of multiple `movmemM' patterns can only be beneficial if the patterns for smaller modes have fewer restrictions on their first, second and fourth operands. Note that the mode M in `movmemM' does not impose any restriction on the mode of individually moved data units in the block. These patterns need not give special consideration to the possibility that the source and destination strings might overlap. `movstr' String copy instruction, with `stpcpy' semantics. Operand 0 is an output operand in mode `Pmode'. The addresses of the destination and source strings are operands 1 and 2, and both are `mem:BLK's with addresses in mode `Pmode'. The execution of the expansion of this pattern should store in operand 0 the address in which the `NUL' terminator was stored in the destination string. `setmemM' Block set instruction. The destination string is the first operand, given as a `mem:BLK' whose address is in mode `Pmode'. The number of bytes to set is the second operand, in mode M. The value to initialize the memory with is the third operand. Targets that only support the clearing of memory should reject any value that is not the constant 0. See `movmemM' for a discussion of the choice of mode. The fourth operand is the known alignment of the destination, in the form of a `const_int' rtx. Thus, if the compiler knows that the destination is word-aligned, it may provide the value 4 for this operand. Optional operands 5 and 6 specify expected alignment and size of block respectively. The expected alignment differs from alignment in operand 4 in a way that the blocks are not required to be aligned according to it in all cases. Expected size, when unknown, is set to `(const_int -1)'. The use for multiple `setmemM' is as for `movmemM'. `cmpstrnM' String compare instruction, with five operands. Operand 0 is the output; it has mode M. The remaining four operands are like the operands of `movmemM'. The two memory blocks specified are compared byte by byte in lexicographic order starting at the beginning of each string. The instruction is not allowed to prefetch more than one byte at a time since either string may end in the first byte and reading past that may access an invalid page or segment and cause a fault. The effect of the instruction is to store a value in operand 0 whose sign indicates the result of the comparison. `cmpstrM' String compare instruction, without known maximum length. Operand 0 is the output; it has mode M. The second and third operand are the blocks of memory to be compared; both are `mem:BLK' with an address in mode `Pmode'. The fourth operand is the known shared alignment of the source and destination, in the form of a `const_int' rtx. Thus, if the compiler knows that both source and destination are word-aligned, it may provide the value 4 for this operand. The two memory blocks specified are compared byte by byte in lexicographic order starting at the beginning of each string. The instruction is not allowed to prefetch more than one byte at a time since either string may end in the first byte and reading past that may access an invalid page or segment and cause a fault. The effect of the instruction is to store a value in operand 0 whose sign indicates the result of the comparison. `cmpmemM' Block compare instruction, with five operands like the operands of `cmpstrM'. The two memory blocks specified are compared byte by byte in lexicographic order starting at the beginning of each block. Unlike `cmpstrM' the instruction can prefetch any bytes in the two memory blocks. The effect of the instruction is to store a value in operand 0 whose sign indicates the result of the comparison. `strlenM' Compute the length of a string, with three operands. Operand 0 is the result (of mode M), operand 1 is a `mem' referring to the first character of the string, operand 2 is the character to search for (normally zero), and operand 3 is a constant describing the known alignment of the beginning of the string. `floatMN2' Convert signed integer operand 1 (valid for fixed point mode M) to floating point mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `floatunsMN2' Convert unsigned integer operand 1 (valid for fixed point mode M) to floating point mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). `fixMN2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as a signed number and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). This instruction's result is defined only when the value of operand 1 is an integer. If the machine description defines this pattern, it also needs to define the `ftrunc' pattern. `fixunsMN2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to fixed point mode N as an unsigned number and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). This instruction's result is defined only when the value of operand 1 is an integer. `ftruncM2' Convert operand 1 (valid for floating point mode M) to an integer value, still represented in floating point mode M, and store it in operand 0 (valid for floating point mode M). `fix_truncMN2' Like `fixMN2' but works for any floating point value of mode M by converting the value to an integer. `fixuns_truncMN2' Like `fixunsMN2' but works for any floating point value of mode M by converting the value to an integer. `truncMN2' Truncate operand 1 (valid for mode M) to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Both modes must be fixed point or both floating point. `extendMN2' Sign-extend operand 1 (valid for mode M) to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Both modes must be fixed point or both floating point. `zero_extendMN2' Zero-extend operand 1 (valid for mode M) to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Both modes must be fixed point. `fractMN2' Convert operand 1 of mode M to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Mode M and mode N could be fixed-point to fixed-point, signed integer to fixed-point, fixed-point to signed integer, floating-point to fixed-point, or fixed-point to floating-point. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are undefined. `satfractMN2' Convert operand 1 of mode M to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Mode M and mode N could be fixed-point to fixed-point, signed integer to fixed-point, or floating-point to fixed-point. When overflows or underflows happen, the instruction saturates the results to the maximum or the minimum. `fractunsMN2' Convert operand 1 of mode M to mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). Mode M and mode N could be unsigned integer to fixed-point, or fixed-point to unsigned integer. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are undefined. `satfractunsMN2' Convert unsigned integer operand 1 of mode M to fixed-point mode N and store in operand 0 (which has mode N). When overflows or underflows happen, the instruction saturates the results to the maximum or the minimum. `extv' Extract a bit-field from operand 1 (a register or memory operand), where operand 2 specifies the width in bits and operand 3 the starting bit, and store it in operand 0. Operand 0 must have mode `word_mode'. Operand 1 may have mode `byte_mode' or `word_mode'; often `word_mode' is allowed only for registers. Operands 2 and 3 must be valid for `word_mode'. The RTL generation pass generates this instruction only with constants for operands 2 and 3 and the constant is never zero for operand 2. The bit-field value is sign-extended to a full word integer before it is stored in operand 0. `extzv' Like `extv' except that the bit-field value is zero-extended. `insv' Store operand 3 (which must be valid for `word_mode') into a bit-field in operand 0, where operand 1 specifies the width in !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¦æĦŦƦǦȦɦʦ˦̦ͦΦϦЦѦҦӦԦզ֦צئ٦ڦۦܦݦަߦ  bits and operand 2 the starting bit. Operand 0 may have mode `byte_mode' or `word_mode'; often `word_mode' is allowed only for registers. Operands 1 and 2 must be valid for `word_mode'. The RTL generation pass generates this instruction only with constants for operands 1 and 2 and the constant is never zero for operand 1. `movMODEcc' Conditionally move operand 2 or operand 3 into operand 0 according to the comparison in operand 1. If the comparison is true, operand 2 is moved into operand 0, otherwise operand 3 is moved. The mode of the operands being compared need not be the same as the operands being moved. Some machines, sparc64 for example, have instructions that conditionally move an integer value based on the floating point condition codes and vice versa. If the machine does not have conditional move instructions, do not define these patterns. `addMODEcc' Similar to `movMODEcc' but for conditional addition. Conditionally move operand 2 or (operands 2 + operand 3) into operand 0 according to the comparison in operand 1. If the comparison is true, operand 2 is moved into operand 0, otherwise (operand 2 + operand 3) is moved. `sCOND' Store zero or nonzero in the operand according to the condition codes. Value stored is nonzero iff the condition COND is true. COND is the name of a comparison operation expression code, such as `eq', `lt' or `leu'. You specify the mode that the operand must have when you write the `match_operand' expression. The compiler automatically sees which mode you have used and supplies an operand of that mode. The value stored for a true condition must have 1 as its low bit, or else must be negative. Otherwise the instruction is not suitable and you should omit it from the machine description. You describe to the compiler exactly which value is stored by defining the macro `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' (*note Misc::). If a description cannot be found that can be used for all the `sCOND' patterns, you should omit those operations from the machine description. These operations may fail, but should do so only in relatively uncommon cases; if they would fail for common cases involving integer comparisons, it is best to omit these patterns. If these operations are omitted, the compiler will usually generate code that copies the constant one to the target and branches around an assignment of zero to the target. If this code is more efficient than the potential instructions used for the `sCOND' pattern followed by those required to convert the result into a 1 or a zero in `SImode', you should omit the `sCOND' operations from the machine description. `bCOND' Conditional branch instruction. Operand 0 is a `label_ref' that refers to the label to jump to. Jump if the condition codes meet condition COND. Some machines do not follow the model assumed here where a comparison instruction is followed by a conditional branch instruction. In that case, the `cmpM' (and `tstM') patterns should simply store the operands away and generate all the required insns in a `define_expand' (*note Expander Definitions::) for the conditional branch operations. All calls to expand `bCOND' patterns are immediately preceded by calls to expand either a `cmpM' pattern or a `tstM' pattern. Machines that use a pseudo register for the condition code value, or where the mode used for the comparison depends on the condition being tested, should also use the above mechanism. *Note Jump Patterns::. The above discussion also applies to the `movMODEcc' and `sCOND' patterns. `cbranchMODE4' Conditional branch instruction combined with a compare instruction. Operand 0 is a comparison operator. Operand 1 and operand 2 are the first and second operands of the comparison, respectively. Operand 3 is a `label_ref' that refers to the label to jump to. `jump' A jump inside a function; an unconditional branch. Operand 0 is the `label_ref' of the label to jump to. This pattern name is mandatory on all machines. `call' Subroutine call instruction returning no value. Operand 0 is the function to call; operand 1 is the number of bytes of arguments pushed as a `const_int'; operand 2 is the number of registers used as operands. On most machines, operand 2 is not actually stored into the RTL pattern. It is supplied for the sake of some RISC machines which need to put this information into the assembler code; they can put it in the RTL instead of operand 1. Operand 0 should be a `mem' RTX whose address is the address of the function. Note, however, that this address can be a `symbol_ref' expression even if it would not be a legitimate memory address on the target machine. If it is also not a valid argument for a call instruction, the pattern for this operation should be a `define_expand' (*note Expander Definitions::) that places the address into a register and uses that register in the call instruction. `call_value' Subroutine call instruction returning a value. Operand 0 is the hard register in which the value is returned. There are three more operands, the same as the three operands of the `call' instruction (but with numbers increased by one). Subroutines that return `BLKmode' objects use the `call' insn. `call_pop', `call_value_pop' Similar to `call' and `call_value', except used if defined and if `RETURN_POPS_ARGS' is nonzero. They should emit a `parallel' that contains both the function call and a `set' to indicate the adjustment made to the frame pointer. For machines where `RETURN_POPS_ARGS' can be nonzero, the use of these patterns increases the number of functions for which the frame pointer can be eliminated, if desired. `untyped_call' Subroutine call instruction returning a value of any type. Operand 0 is the function to call; operand 1 is a memory location where the result of calling the function is to be stored; operand 2 is a `parallel' expression where each element is a `set' expression that indicates the saving of a function return value into the result block. This instruction pattern should be defined to support `__builtin_apply' on machines where special instructions are needed to call a subroutine with arbitrary arguments or to save the value returned. This instruction pattern is required on machines that have multiple registers that can hold a return value (i.e. `FUNCTION_VALUE_REGNO_P' is true for more than one register). `return' Subroutine return instruction. This instruction pattern name should be defined only if a single instruction can do all the work of returning from a function. Like the `movM' patterns, this pattern is also used after the RTL generation phase. In this case it is to support machines where multiple instructions are usually needed to return from a function, but some class of functions only requires one instruction to implement a return. Normally, the applicable functions are those which do not need to save any registers or allocate stack space. For such machines, the condition specified in this pattern should only be true when `reload_completed' is nonzero and the function's epilogue would only be a single instruction. For machines with register windows, the routine `leaf_function_p' may be used to determine if a register window push is required. Machines that have conditional return instructions should define patterns such as (define_insn "" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(cc0) (const_int 0)]) (return) (pc)))] "CONDITION" "...") where CONDITION would normally be the same condition specified on the named `return' pattern. `untyped_return' Untyped subroutine return instruction. This instruction pattern should be defined to support `__builtin_return' on machines where special instructions are needed to return a value of any type. Operand 0 is a memory location where the result of calling a function with `__builtin_apply' is stored; operand 1 is a `parallel' expression where each element is a `set' expression that indicates the restoring of a function return value from the result block. `nop' No-op instruction. This instruction pattern name should always be defined to output a no-op in assembler code. `(const_int 0)' will do as an RTL pattern. `indirect_jump' An instruction to jump to an address which is operand zero. This pattern name is mandatory on all machines. `casesi' Instruction to jump through a dispatch table, including bounds checking. This instruction takes five operands: 1. The index to dispatch on, which has mode `SImode'. 2. The lower bound for indices in the table, an integer constant. 3. The total range of indices in the table--the largest index minus the smallest one (both inclusive). 4. A label that precedes the table itself. 5. A label to jump to if the index has a value outside the bounds. The table is a `addr_vec' or `addr_diff_vec' inside of a `jump_insn'. The number of elements in the table is one plus the difference between the upper bound and the lower bound. `tablejump' Instruction to jump to a variable address. This is a low-level capability which can be used to implement a dispatch table when there is no `casesi' pattern. This pattern requires two operands: the address or offset, and a label which should immediately precede the jump table. If the macro `CASE_VECTOR_PC_RELATIVE' evaluates to a nonzero value then the first operand is an offset which counts from the address of the table; otherwise, it is an absolute address to jump to. In either case, the first operand has mode `Pmode'. The `tablejump' insn is always the last insn before the jump table it uses. Its assembler code normally has no need to use the second operand, but you should incorporate it in the RTL pattern so that the jump optimizer will not delete the table as unreachable code. `decrement_and_branch_until_zero' Conditional branch instruction that decrements a register and jumps if the register is nonzero. Operand 0 is the register to decrement and test; operand 1 is the label to jump to if the register is nonzero. *Note Looping Patterns::. This optional instruction pattern is only used by the combiner, typically for loops reversed by the loop optimizer when strength reduction is enabled. `doloop_end' Conditional branch instruction that decrements a register and jumps if the register is nonzero. This instruction takes five operands: Operand 0 is the register to decrement and test; operand 1 is the number of loop iterations as a `const_int' or `const0_rtx' if this cannot be determined until run-time; operand 2 is the actual or estimated maximum number of iterations as a `const_int'; operand 3 is the number of enclosed loops as a `const_int' (an innermost loop has a value of 1); operand 4 is the label to jump to if the register is nonzero. *Note Looping Patterns::. This optional instruction pattern should be defined for machines with low-overhead looping instructions as the loop optimizer will try to modify suitable loops to utilize it. If nested low-overhead looping is not supported, use a `define_expand' (*note Expander Definitions::) and make the pattern fail if operand 3 is not `const1_rtx'. Similarly, if the actual or estimated maximum number of iterations is too large for this instruction, make it fail. `doloop_begin' Companion instruction to `doloop_end' required for machines that need to perform some initialization, such as loading special registers used by a low-overhead looping instruction. If initialization insns do not always need to be emitted, use a `define_expand' (*note Expander Definitions::) and make it fail. `canonicalize_funcptr_for_compare' Canonicalize the function pointer in operand 1 and store the result into operand 0. Operand 0 is always a `reg' and has mode `Pmode'; operand 1 may be a `reg', `mem', `symbol_ref', `const_int', etc and also has mode `Pmode'. Canonicalization of a function pointer usually involves computing the address of the function which would be called if the function pointer were used in an indirect call. Only define this pattern if function pointers on the target machine can have different values but still call the same function when used in an indirect call. `save_stack_block' `save_stack_function' `save_stack_nonlocal' `restore_stack_block' `restore_stack_function' `restore_stack_nonlocal' Most machines save and restore the stack pointer by copying it to or from an object of mode `Pmode'. Do not define these patterns on such machines. Some machines require special handling for stack pointer saves and restores. On those machines, define the patterns corresponding to the non-standard cases by using a `define_expand' (*note Expander Definitions::) that produces the required insns. The three types of saves and restores are: 1. `save_stack_block' saves the stack pointer at the start of a block that allocates a variable-sized object, and `restore_stack_block' restores the stack pointer when the block is exited. 2. `save_stack_function' and `restore_stack_function' do a similar job for the outermost block of a function and are used when the function allocates variable-sized objects or calls `alloca'. Only the epilogue uses the restored stack pointer, allowing a simpler save or restore sequence on some machines. 3. `save_stack_nonlocal' is used in functions that contain labels branched to by nested functions. It saves the stack pointer in such a way that the inner function can use `restore_stack_nonlocal' to restore the stack pointer. The compiler generates code to restore the frame and argument pointer registers, but some machines require saving and restoring additional data such as register window information or stack backchains. Place insns in these patterns to save and restore any such required data. When saving the stack pointer, operand 0 is the save area and operand 1 is the stack pointer. The mode used to allocate the save area defaults to `Pmode' but you can override that choice by defining the `STACK_SAVEAREA_MODE' macro (*note Storage Layout::). You must specify an integral mode, or `VOIDmode' if no save area is needed for a particular type of save (either because no save is needed or because a machine-specific save area can be used). Operand 0 is the stack pointer and operand 1 is the save area for restore operations. If `save_stack_block' is defined, operand 0 must not be `VOIDmode' since these saves can be arbitrarily nested. A save area is a `mem' that is at a constant offset from `virtual_stack_vars_rtx' when the stack pointer is saved for use by nonlocal gotos and a `reg' in the other two cases. `allocate_stack' Subtract (or add if `STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD' is undefined) operand 1 from the stack pointer to create space for dynamically allocated data. Store the resultant pointer to this space into operand 0. If you are allocating space from the main stack, do this by emitting a move insn to copy `virtual_stack_dynamic_rtx' to operand 0. If you are allocating the space elsewhere, generate code to copy the location of the space to operand 0. In the latter case, you must ensure this space gets freed when the corresponding space on the main stack is free. Do not define this pattern if all that must be done is the subtraction. Some machines require other operations such as stack probes or maintaining the back chain. Define this pattern to emit those operations in addition to updating the stack pointer. `check_stack' If stack checking cannot be done on your system by probing the stack with a load or store instruction (*note Stack Checking::), define this pattern to perform the needed check and signaling an error if the stack has overflowed. The single operand is the location in the stack furthest from the current stack pointer that you need to validate. Normally, on machines where this pattern is needed, you would obtain the stack limit from a global or thread-specific variable or register. `nonlocal_goto' Emit code to generate a non-local goto, e.g., a jump from one function to a label in an outer function. This pattern has four arguments, each representing a value to be used in the jump. The first argument is to be loaded into the frame pointer, the second is the address to branch to (code to dispatch to the actual label), the third is the address of a location where the stack is saved, and the last is the address of the label, to be placed in the location for the incoming static chain. On most machines you need not define this pattern, since GCC will already generate the correct code, which is to load the frame pointer and static chain, restore the stack (using the `restore_stack_nonlocal' pattern, if defined), and jump indirectly to the dispatcher. You need only define this pattern if this code will not work on your machine. `nonlocal_goto_receiver' This pattern, if defined, contains code needed at the target of a nonlocal goto after the code already generated by GCC. You will not normally need to define this pattern. A typical reason why you might need this pattern is if some value, such as a pointer to a global table, must be restored when the frame pointer is restored. Note that a nonlocal goto only occurs within a unit-of-translation, so a global table pointer that is shared by all functions of a given module need not be restored. There are no arguments. `exception_receiver' This pattern, if defined, contains code needed at the site of an exception handler that isn't needed at the site of a nonlocal goto. You will not normally need to define this pattern. A typical reason why you might need this pattern is if some value, such as a pointer to a global table, must be restored after control flow is branched to the handler of an exception. There are no arguments. `builtin_setjmp_setup' This pattern, if defined, contains additional code needed to initialize the `jmp_buf'. You will not normally need to define this pattern. A typical reason why you might need this pattern is if some value, such as a pointer to a global table, must be restored. Though it is preferred that the pointer value be recalculated if possible (given the address of a label for instance). The single argument is a pointer to the `jmp_buf'. Note that the buffer is five words long and that the first three are normally used by the generic mechanism. `builtin_setjmp_receiver' This pattern, if defined, contains code needed at the site of an built-in setjmp that isn't needed at the site of a nonlocal goto. You will not normally need to define this pattern. A typical reason why you might need this pattern is if some value, such as a pointer to a global table, must be restored. It takes one argument, which is the label to which builtin_longjmp transfered control; this pattern may be emitted at a small offset from that label. `builtin_longjmp' This pattern, if defined, performs the entire action of the longjmp. You will not normally need to define this pattern unless you also define `builtin_setjmp_setup'. The single argument is a pointer to the `jmp_buf'. `eh_return' This pattern, if defined, affects the way `__builtin_eh_return', and thence the call frame exception handling library routines, are built. It is intended to handle non-trivial actions needed along the abnormal return path. The address of the exception handler to which the function should return is passed as operand to this pattern. It will normally need to copied by the pattern to some special register or memory location. If the pattern needs to determine the location of the target call frame in order to do so, it may use `EH_RETURN_STACKADJ_RTX', if defined; it will have already been assigned. If this pattern is not defined, the default action will be to simply copy the return address to `EH_RETURN_HANDLER_RTX'. Either that macro or this pattern needs to be defined if call frame exception handling is to be used. `prologue' This pattern, if defined, emits RTL for entry to a function. The function entry is responsible for setting up the stack frame, initializing the frame pointer register, saving callee saved registers, etc. Using a prologue pattern is generally preferred over defining `TARGET_ASM_FUNCTION_PROLOGUE' to emit assembly code for the prologue. The `prologue' pattern is particularly useful for targets which perform instruction scheduling. `epilogue' This pattern emits RTL for exit from a function. The function exit is responsible for deallocating the stack frame, restoring callee saved registers and emitting the return instruction. Using an epilogue pattern is generally preferred over defining `TARGET_ASM_FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' to emit assembly code for the epilogue. The `epilogue' pattern is particularly useful for targets which perform instruction scheduling or which have delay slots for their return instruction. `sibcall_epilogue' This pattern, if defined, emits RTL for exit from a function without the final branch back to the calling function. This pattern will be emitted before any sibling call (aka tail call) sites. The `sibcall_epilogue' pattern must not clobber any arguments used for parameter passing or any stack slots for arguments passed to the current function. `trap' This pattern, if defined, signals an error, typically by causing some kind of signal to be raised. Among other places, it is used by the Java front end to signal `invalid array index' exceptions. `conditional_trap' Conditional trap instruction. Operand 0 is a piece of RTL which performs a comparison. Operand 1 is the trap code, an integer. A typical `conditional_trap' pattern looks like (define_insn "conditional_trap" [(trap_if (match_operator 0 "trap_operator" [(cc0) (const_int 0)]) (match_operand 1 "const_int_operand" "i"))] "" "...") `prefetch' This pattern, if defined, emits code for a non-faulting data prefetch instruction. Operand 0 is the address of the memory to prefetch. Operand 1 is a constant 1 if the prefetch is preparing for a write to the memory address, or a constant 0 otherwise. Operand 2 is the expected degree of temporal locality of the data and is a value between 0 and 3, inclusive; 0 means that the data has no temporal locality, so it need not be left in the cache after the access; 3 means that the data has a high degree of temporal locality and should be left in all levels of cache possible; 1 and 2 mean, respectively, a low or moderate degree of temporal locality. Targets that do not support write prefetches or locality hints can ignore the values of operands 1 and 2. `blockage' This pattern defines a pseudo insn that prevents the instruction scheduler from moving instructions across the boundary defined by the blockage insn. Normally an UNSPEC_VOLATILE pattern. `memory_barrier' If the target memory model is not fully synchronous, then this pattern should be defined to an instruction that orders both loads and stores before the instruction with respect to loads and stores after the instruction. This pattern has no operands. `sync_compare_and_swapMODE' This pattern, if defined, emits code for an atomic compare-and-swap operation. Operand 1 is the memory on which the atomic operation is performed. Operand 2 is the "old" value to be compared against the current contents of the memory location. Operand 3 is the "new" value to store in the memory if the compare succeeds. Operand 0 is the result of the operation; it should contain the contents of the memory before the operation. If the compare succeeds, this should obviously be a copy of operand 2. This pattern must show that both operand 0 and operand 1 are modified. This pattern must issue any memory barrier instructions such that all memory operations before the atomic operation occur before the atomic operation and all memory operations after the atomic operation occur after the atomic operation. `sync_compare_and_swap_ccMODE' This pattern is just like `sync_compare_and_swapMODE', except it should act as if compare part of the compare-and-swap were issued via `cmpM'. This comparison will only be used with `EQ' and `NE' branches and `setcc' operations. Some targets do expose the success or failure of the compare-and-swap operation via the status flags. Ideally we wouldn't need a separate named pattern in order to take advantage of this, but the combine pass does not handle patterns with multiple sets, which is required by definition for `sync_compare_and_swapMODE'. `sync_addMODE', `sync_subMODE' `sync_iorMODE', `sync_andMODE' `sync_xorMODE', `sync_nandMODE' These patterns emit code for an atomic operation on memory. Operand 0 is the memory on which the atomic operation is performed. Operand 1 is the second operand to the binary operator. The "nand" operation is `~op0 & op1'. This pattern must issue any memory barrier instructions such that all memory operations before the atomic operation occur before the atomic operation and all memory operations after the atomic operation occur after the atomic operation. If these patterns are not defined, the operation will be constructed from a compare-and-swap operation, if defined. `sync_old_addMODE', `sync_old_subMODE' `sync_old_iorMODE', `sync_old_andMODE' `sync_old_xorMODE', `sync_old_nandMODE' These patterns are emit code for an atomic operation on memory, and return the value that the memory contained before the operation. Operand 0 is the result value, operand 1 is the memory on which the atomic operation is performed, and operand 2 is the second operand to the binary operator. This pattern must issue any memory barrier instructions such that all memory operations before the atomic operation occur before the atomic operation and all memory operations after the atomic operation occur after the atomic operation. If these patterns are not defined, the operation will be constructed from a compare-and-swap operation, if defined. `sync_new_addMODE', `sync_new_subMODE' `sync_new_iorMODE', `sync_new_andMODE' `sync_new_xorMODE', `sync_new_nandMODE' These patterns are like their `sync_old_OP' counterparts, except that they return the value that exists in the memory location after the operation, rather than before the operation. `sync_lock_test_and_setMODE' This pattern takes two forms, based on the capabilities of the target. In either case, operand 0 is the result of the operand, operand 1 is the memory on which the atomic operation is performed, and operand 2 is the value to set in the lock. In the ideal case, this operation is an atomic exchange operation, in which the previous value in memory operand is copied into the result operand, and the value operand is stored in the memory operand. For less capable targets, any value operand that is not the constant 1 should be rejected with `FAIL'. In this case the target may use an atomic test-and-set bit operation. The result operand should contain 1 if the bit was previously set and 0 if the bit was previously clear. The true contents of the memory operand are implementation defined. This pattern must issue any memory barrier instructions such that the pattern as a whole acts as an acquire barrier, that is all memory operations after the pattern do not occur until the lock is acquired. If this pattern is not defined, the operation will be constructed from a compare-and-swap operation, if defined. `sync_lock_releaseMODE' This pattern, if defined, releases a lock set by `sync_lock_test_and_setMODE'. Operand 0 is the memory that contains the lock; operand 1 is the value to store in the lock. If the target doesn't implement full semantics for `sync_lock_test_and_setMODE', any value operand which is not the constant 0 should be rejected with `FAIL', and the true contents of the memory operand are implementation defined. This pattern must issue any memory barrier instructions such that the pattern as a whole acts as a release barrier, that is the lock is released only after all previous memory operations have completed. If this pattern is not defined, then a `memory_barrier' pattern will be emitted, followed by a store of the value to the memory operand. `stack_protect_set' This pattern, if defined, moves a `Pmode' value from the memory in operand 1 to the memory in operand 0 without leaving the value in a register afterward. This is to avoid leaking the value some place that an attacker might use to rewrite the stack guard slot after having clobbered it. If this pattern is not defined, then a plain move pattern is generated. `stack_protect_test' This pattern, if defined, compares a `Pmode' value from the memory in operand 1 with the memory in operand 0 without leaving the value in a register afterward and branches to operand 2 if the values weren't equal. If this pattern is not defined, then a plain compare pattern and conditional branch pattern is used. `clear_cache' This pattern, if defined, flushes the instruction cache for a region of memory. The region is bounded to by the Pmode pointers in operand 0 inclusive and operand 1 exclusive. If this pattern is not defined, a call to the library function `__clear_cache' is used.  File:, Node: Pattern Ordering, Next: Dependent Patterns, Prev: Standard Names, Up: Machine Desc 14.10 When the Order of Patterns Matters ======================================== Sometimes an insn can match more than one instruction pattern. Then the pattern that appears first in the machine description is the one used. Therefore, more specific patterns (patterns that will match fewer things) and faster instructions (those that will produce better code when they do match) should usually go first in the description. In some cases the effect of ordering the patterns can be used to hide a pattern when it is not valid. For example, the 68000 has an instruction for converting a fullword to floating point and another for converting a byte to floating point. An instruction converting an integer to floating point could match either one. We put the pattern to convert the fullword first to make sure that one will be used rather than the other. (Otherwise a large integer might be generated as a single-byte immediate quantity, which would not work.) Instead of using this pattern ordering it would be possible to make the pattern for convert-a-byte smart enough to deal properly with any constant value.  File:, Node: Dependent Patterns, Next: Jump Patterns, Prev: Pattern Ordering, Up: Machine Desc 14.11 Interdependence of Patterns ================================= Every machine description must have a named pattern for each of the conditional branch names `bCOND'. The recognition template must always have the form (set (pc) (if_then_else (COND (cc0) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "" "")) (pc))) In addition, every machine description must have an anonymous pattern for each of the possible reverse-conditional branches. Their templates look like (set (pc) (if_then_else (COND (cc0) (const_int 0)) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "" "")))) They are necessary because jump optimization can turn direct-conditional branches into reverse-conditional branches. It is often convenient to use the `match_operator' construct to reduce the number of patterns that must be specified for branches. For example, (define_insn "" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(cc0) (const_int 0)]) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" ""))))] "CONDITION" "...") In some cases machines support instructions identical except for the machine mode of one or more operands. For example, there may be "sign-extend halfword" and "sign-extend byte" instructions whose patterns are (set (match_operand:SI 0 ...) (extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 ...))) (set (match_operand:SI 0 ...) (extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 ...))) Constant integers do not specify a machine mode, so an instruction to extend a constant value could match either pattern. The pattern it actually will match is the one that appears first in the file. For correct results, this must be the one for the widest possible mode (`HImode', here). If the pattern matches the `QImode' instruction, the results will be incorrect if the constant value does not actually fit that mode. Such instructions to extend constants are rarely generated because they are optimized away, but they do occasionally happen in nonoptimized compilations. If a constraint in a pattern allows a constant, the reload pass may replace a register with a constant permitted by the constraint in some cases. Similarly for memory references. Because of this substitution, you should not provide separate patterns for increment and decrement instructions. Instead, they should be generated from the same pattern that supports register-register add insns by examining the operands and generating the appropriate machine instruction.  File:, Node: Jump Patterns, Next: Looping Patterns, Prev: Dependent Patterns, Up: Machine Desc 14.12 Defining Jump Instruction Patterns ======================================== For most machines, GCC assumes that the machine has a condition code. A comparison insn sets the condition code, recording the results of both signed and unsigned comparison of the given operands. A separate branch insn tests the condition code and branches or not according its value. The branch insns come in distinct signed and unsigned flavors. Many common machines, such as the VAX, the 68000 and the 32000, work this way. Some machines have distinct signed and unsigned compare instructions, and only one set of conditional branch instructions. The easiest way to handle these machines is to treat them just like the others until the final stage where assembly code is written. At this time, when outputting code for the compare instruction, peek ahead at the following branch using `next_cc0_user (insn)'. (The variable `insn' refers to the insn being output, in the output-writing code in an instruction pattern.) If the RTL says that is an unsigned branch, output an unsigned compare; otherwise output a signed compare. When the branch itself is output, you can treat signed and unsigned branches identically. The reason you can do this is that GCC always generates a pair of consecutive RTL insns, possibly separated by `note' insns, one to set the condition code and one to test it, and keeps the pair inviolate until the end. To go with this technique, you must define the machine-description macro `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC' to do `CC_STATUS_INIT'; in other words, no compare instruction is superfluous. Some machines have compare-and-branch instructions and no condition code. A similar technique works for them. When it is time to "output" a compare instruction, record its operands in two static variables. When outputting the branch-on-condition-code instruction that follows, actually output a compare-and-branch instruction that uses the remembered operands. It also works to define patterns for compare-and-branch instructions. In optimizing compilation, the pair of compare and branch instructions will be combined according to these patterns. But this does not happen if optimization is not requested. So you must use one of the solutions above in addition to any special patterns you define. In many RISC machines, most instructions do not affect the condition code and there may not even be a separate condition code register. On these machines, the restriction that the definition and use of the condition code be adjacent insns is not necessary and can prevent important optimizations. For example, on the IBM RS/6000, there is a delay for taken branches unless the condition code register is set three instructions earlier than the conditional branch. The instruction scheduler cannot perform this optimization if it is not permitted to separate the definition and use of the condition code register. On these machines, do not use `(cc0)', but instead use a register to represent the condition code. If there is a specific condition code register in the machine, use a hard register. If the condition code or comparison result can be placed in any general register, or if there are multiple condition registers, use a pseudo register. On some machines, the type of branch instruction generated may depend on the way the condition code was produced; for example, on the 68k and SPARC, setting the condition code directly from an add or subtract instruction does not clear the overflow bit the way that a test instruction does, so a different branch instruction must be used for some conditional branches. For machines that use `(cc0)', the set and use of the condition code must be adjacent (separated only by `note' insns) allowing flags in `cc_status' to be used. (*Note Condition Code::.) Also, the comparison and branch insns can be located from each other by using the functions `prev_cc0_setter' and `next_cc0_user'. However, this is not true on machines that do not use `(cc0)'. On those machines, no assumptions can be made about the adjacency of the compare and branch insns and the above methods cannot be used. Instead, we use the machine mode of the condition code register to record different formats of the condition code register. Registers used to store the condition code value should have a mode that is in class `MODE_CC'. Normally, it will be `CCmode'. If additional modes are required (as for the add example mentioned above in the SPARC), define them in `MACHINE-modes.def' (*note Condition Code::). Also define `SELECT_CC_MODE' to choose a mode given an operand of a compare. If it is known during RTL generation that a different mode will be required (for example, if the machine has separate compare instructions for signed and unsigned quantities, like most IBM processors), they can be specified at that time. If the cases that require different modes would be made by instruction combination, the macro `SELECT_CC_MODE' determines which machine mode should be used for the comparison result. The patterns should be written using that mode. To support the case of the add on the SPARC discussed above, we have the pattern (define_insn "" [(set (reg:CC_NOOV 0) (compare:CC_NOOV (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "%r") (match_operand:SI 1 "arith_operand" "rI")) (const_int 0)))] "" "...") The `SELECT_CC_MODE' macro on the SPARC returns `CC_NOOVmode' for comparisons whose argument is a `plus'.  File:, Node: Looping Patterns, Next: Insn Canonicalizations, Prev: Jump Patterns, Up: Machine Desc 14.13 Defining Looping Instruction Patterns =========================================== Some machines have special jump instructions that can be utilized to make loops more efficient. A common example is the 68000 `dbra' instruction which performs a decrement of a register and a branch if the result was greater than zero. Other machines, in particular digital signal processors (DSPs), have special block repeat instructions to provide low-overhead loop support. For example, the TI TMS320C3x/C4x DSPs have a block repeat instruction that loads special registers to mark the top and end of a loop and to count the number of loop iterations. This avoids the need for fetching and executing a `dbra'-like instruction and avoids pipeline stalls associated with the jump. GCC has three special named patterns to support low overhead looping. They are `decrement_and_branch_until_zero', `doloop_begin', and `doloop_end'. The first pattern, `decrement_and_branch_until_zero', is not emitted during RTL generation but may be emitted during the instruction combination phase. This requires the assistance of the loop optimizer, using information collected during strength reduction, to reverse a loop to count down to zero. Some targets also require the loop optimizer to add a