insn in which the `label_ref' was found. In `code_label' expressions, it is 1 if the label may never be deleted. This is used for labels which are the target of non-local gotos. Such a label that would have been deleted is replaced with a `note' of type `NOTE_INSN_DELETED_LABEL'. In an `insn' during dead-code elimination, 1 means that the insn is dead code. In an `insn' or `jump_insn' during reorg for an insn in the delay slot of a branch, 1 means that this insn is from the target of the branch. In an `insn' during instruction scheduling, 1 means that this insn must be scheduled as part of a group together with the previous insn. In an RTL dump, this flag is represented as `/s'. `return_val' In `reg' expressions, 1 means the register contains the value to be returned by the current function. On machines that pass parameters in registers, the same register number may be used for parameters as well, but this flag is not set on such uses. In `mem' expressions, 1 means the memory reference is to a scalar known not to be a member of a structure, union, or array. In `symbol_ref' expressions, 1 means the referenced symbol is weak. In an RTL dump, this flag is represented as `/i'. `jump' In a `mem' expression, 1 means we should keep the alias set for this mem unchanged when we access a component. In a `set', 1 means it is for a return. In a `call_insn', 1 means it is a sibling call. In an RTL dump, this flag is represented as `/j'. `unchanging' In `reg' and `mem' expressions, 1 means that the value of the expression never changes. In `subreg' expressions, it is 1 if the `subreg' references an unsigned object whose mode has been promoted to a wider mode. In an `insn' or `jump_insn' in the delay slot of a branch instruction, 1 means an annulling branch should be used. In a `symbol_ref' expression, 1 means that this symbol addresses something in the per-function constant pool. In a `call_insn', `note', or an `expr_list' of notes, 1 means that this instruction is a call to a const or pure function. In an RTL dump, this flag is represented as `/u'. `used' This flag is used directly (without an access macro) at the end of RTL generation for a function, to count the number of times an expression appears in insns. Expressions that appear more than once are copied, according to the rules for shared structure (*note Sharing::). For a `reg', it is used directly (without an access macro) by the leaf register renumbering code to ensure that each register is only renumbered once. In a `symbol_ref', it indicates that an external declaration for the symbol has already been written. `volatil' In a `mem', `asm_operands', or `asm_input' expression, it is 1 if the memory reference is volatile. Volatile memory references may not be deleted, reordered or combined. In a `symbol_ref' expression, it is used for machine-specific purposes. In a `reg' expression, it is 1 if the value is a user-level variable. 0 indicates an internal compiler temporary. In an `insn', 1 means the insn has been deleted. In `label_ref' and `reg_label' expressions, 1 means a reference to a non-local label. In an RTL dump, this flag is represented as `/v'.  File:, Node: Machine Modes, Next: Constants, Prev: Flags, Up: RTL 12.6 Machine Modes ================== A machine mode describes a size of data object and the representation used for it. In the C code, machine modes are represented by an enumeration type, `enum machine_mode', defined in `machmode.def'. Each RTL expression has room for a machine mode and so do certain kinds of tree expressions (declarations and types, to be precise). In debugging dumps and machine descriptions, the machine mode of an RTL expression is written after the expression code with a colon to separate them. The letters `mode' which appear at the end of each machine mode name are omitted. For example, `(reg:SI 38)' is a `reg' expression with machine mode `SImode'. If the mode is `VOIDmode', it is not written at all. Here is a table of machine modes. The term "byte" below refers to an object of `BITS_PER_UNIT' bits (*note Storage Layout::). `BImode' "Bit" mode represents a single bit, for predicate registers. `QImode' "Quarter-Integer" mode represents a single byte treated as an integer. `HImode' "Half-Integer" mode represents a two-byte integer. `PSImode' "Partial Single Integer" mode represents an integer which occupies four bytes but which doesn't really use all four. On some machines, this is the right mode to use for pointers. `SImode' "Single Integer" mode represents a four-byte integer. `PDImode' "Partial Double Integer" mode represents an integer which occupies eight bytes but which doesn't really use all eight. On some machines, this is the right mode to use for certain pointers. `DImode' "Double Integer" mode represents an eight-byte integer. `TImode' "Tetra Integer" (?) mode represents a sixteen-byte integer. `OImode' "Octa Integer" (?) mode represents a thirty-two-byte integer. `QFmode' "Quarter-Floating" mode represents a quarter-precision (single byte) floating point number. `HFmode' "Half-Floating" mode represents a half-precision (two byte) floating point number. `TQFmode' "Three-Quarter-Floating" (?) mode represents a three-quarter-precision (three byte) floating point number. `SFmode' "Single Floating" mode represents a four byte floating point number. In the common case, of a processor with IEEE arithmetic and 8-bit bytes, this is a single-precision IEEE floating point number; it can also be used for double-precision (on processors with 16-bit bytes) and single-precision VAX and IBM types. `DFmode' "Double Floating" mode represents an eight byte floating point number. In the common case, of a processor with IEEE arithmetic and 8-bit bytes, this is a double-precision IEEE floating point number. `XFmode' "Extended Floating" mode represents an IEEE extended floating point number. This mode only has 80 meaningful bits (ten bytes). Some processors require such numbers to be padded to twelve bytes, others to sixteen; this mode is used for either. `SDmode' "Single Decimal Floating" mode represents a four byte decimal floating point number (as distinct from conventional binary floating point). `DDmode' "Double Decimal Floating" mode represents an eight byte decimal floating point number. `TDmode' "Tetra Decimal Floating" mode represents a sixteen byte decimal floating point number all 128 of whose bits are meaningful. `TFmode' "Tetra Floating" mode represents a sixteen byte floating point number all 128 of whose bits are meaningful. One common use is the IEEE quad-precision format. `QQmode' "Quarter-Fractional" mode represents a single byte treated as a signed fractional number. The default format is "s.7". `HQmode' "Half-Fractional" mode represents a two-byte signed fractional number. The default format is "s.15". `SQmode' "Single Fractional" mode represents a four-byte signed fractional number. The default format is "s.31". `DQmode' "Double Fractional" mode represents an eight-byte signed fractional number. The default format is "s.63". `TQmode' "Tetra Fractional" mode represents a sixteen-byte signed fractional number. The default format is "s.127". `UQQmode' "Unsigned Quarter-Fractional" mode represents a single byte treated as an unsigned fractional number. The default format is ".8". `UHQmode' "Unsigned Half-Fractional" mode represents a two-byte unsigned fractional number. The default format is ".16". `USQmode' "Unsigned Single Fractional" mode represents a four-byte unsigned fractional number. The default format is ".32". `UDQmode' "Unsigned Double Fractional" mode represents an eight-byte unsigned fractional number. The default format is ".64". `UTQmode' "Unsigned Tetra Fractional" mode represents a sixteen-byte unsigned fractional number. The default format is ".128". `HAmode' "Half-Accumulator" mode represents a two-byte signed accumulator. The default format is "s8.7". `SAmode' "Single Accumulator" mode represents a four-byte signed accumulator. The default format is "s16.15". `DAmode' "Double Accumulator" mode represents an eight-byte signed accumulator. The default format is "s32.31". `TAmode' "Tetra Accumulator" mode represents a sixteen-byte signed accumulator. The default format is "s64.63". `UHAmode' "Unsigned Half-Accumulator" mode represents a two-byte unsigned accumulator. The default format is "8.8". `USAmode' "Unsigned Single Accumulator" mode represents a four-byte unsigned accumulator. The default format is "16.16". `UDAmode' "Unsigned Double Accumulator" mode represents an eight-byte unsigned accumulator. The default format is "32.32". `UTAmode' "Unsigned Tetra Accumulator" mode represents a sixteen-byte unsigned accumulator. The default format is "64.64". `CCmode' "Condition Code" mode represents the value of a condition code, which is a machine-specific set of bits used to represent the result of a comparison operation. Other machine-specific modes may also be used for the condition code. These modes are not used on machines that use `cc0' (see *note Condition Code::). `BLKmode' "Block" mode represents values that are aggregates to which none of the other modes apply. In RTL, only memory references can have this mode, and only if they appear in string-move or vector instructions. On machines which have no such instructions, `BLKmode' will not appear in RTL. `VOIDmode' Void mode means the absence of a mode or an unspecified mode. For example, RTL expressions of code `const_int' have mode `VOIDmode' because they can be taken to have whatever mode the context requires. In debugging dumps of RTL, `VOIDmode' is expressed by the absence of any mode. `QCmode, HCmode, SCmode, DCmode, XCmode, TCmode' These modes stand for a complex number represented as a pair of floating point values. The floating point values are in `QFmode', `HFmode', `SFmode', `DFmode', `XFmode', and `TFmode', respectively. `CQImode, CHImode, CSImode, CDImode, CTImode, COImode' These modes stand for a complex number represented as a pair of integer values. The integer values are in `QImode', `HImode', `SImode', `DImode', `TImode', and `OImode', respectively. The machine description defines `Pmode' as a C macro which expands into the machine mode used for addresses. Normally this is the mode whose size is `BITS_PER_WORD', `SImode' on 32-bit machines. The only modes which a machine description must support are `QImode', and the modes corresponding to `BITS_PER_WORD', `FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE' and `DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE'. The compiler will attempt to use `DImode' for 8-byte structures and unions, but this can be prevented by overriding the definition of `MAX_FIXED_MODE_SIZE'. Alternatively, you can have the compiler use `TImode' for 16-byte structures and unions. Likewise, you can arrange for the C type `short int' to avoid using `HImode'. Very few explicit references to machine modes remain in the compiler and these few references will soon be removed. Instead, the machine modes are divided into mode classes. These are represented by the enumeration type `enum mode_class' defined in `machmode.h'. The possible mode classes are: `MODE_INT' Integer modes. By default these are `BImode', `QImode', `HImode', `SImode', `DImode', `TImode', and `OImode'. `MODE_PARTIAL_INT' The "partial integer" modes, `PQImode', `PHImode', `PSImode' and `PDImode'. `MODE_FLOAT' Floating point modes. By default these are `QFmode', `HFmode', `TQFmode', `SFmode', `DFmode', `XFmode' and `TFmode'. `MODE_DECIMAL_FLOAT' Decimal floating point modes. By default these are `SDmode', `DDmode' and `TDmode'. `MODE_FRACT' Signed fractional modes. By default these are `QQmode', `HQmode', `SQmode', `DQmode' and `TQmode'. `MODE_UFRACT' Unsigned fractional modes. By default these are `UQQmode', `UHQmode', `USQmode', `UDQmode' and `UTQmode'. `MODE_ACCUM' Signed accumulator modes. By default these are `HAmode', `SAmode', `DAmode' and `TAmode'. `MODE_UACCUM' Unsigned accumulator modes. By default these are `UHAmode', `USAmode', `UDAmode' and `UTAmode'. `MODE_COMPLEX_INT' Complex integer modes. (These are not currently implemented). `MODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT' Complex floating point modes. By default these are `QCmode', `HCmode', `SCmode', `DCmode', `XCmode', and `TCmode'. `MODE_FUNCTION' Algol or Pascal function variables including a static chain. (These are not currently implemented). `MODE_CC' Modes representing condition code values. These are `CCmode' plus any `CC_MODE' modes listed in the `MACHINE-modes.def'. *Note Jump Patterns::, also see *note Condition Code::. `MODE_RANDOM' This is a catchall mode class for modes which don't fit into the above classes. Currently `VOIDmode' and `BLKmode' are in `MODE_RANDOM'. Here are some C macros that relate to machine modes: `GET_MODE (X)' Returns the machine mode of the RTX X. `PUT_MODE (X, NEWMODE)' Alters the machine mode of the RTX X to be NEWMODE. `NUM_MACHINE_MODES' Stands for the number of machine modes available on the target machine. This is one greater than the largest numeric value of any machine mode. `GET_MODE_NAME (M)' Returns the name of mode M as a string. `GET_MODE_CLASS (M)' Returns the mode class of mode M. `GET_MODE_WIDER_MODE (M)' Returns the next wider natural mode. For example, the expression `GET_MODE_WIDER_MODE (QImode)' returns `HImode'. `GET_MODE_SIZE (M)' Returns the size in bytes of a datum of mode M. `GET_MODE_BITSIZE (M)' Returns the size in bits of a datum of mode M. `GET_MODE_IBIT (M)' Returns the number of integral bits of a datum of fixed-point mode M. `GET_MODE_FBIT (M)' Returns the number of fractional bits of a datum of fixed-point mode M. `GET_MODE_MASK (M)' Returns a bitmask containing 1 for all bits in a word that fit within mode M. This macro can only be used for modes whose bitsize is less than or equal to `HOST_BITS_PER_INT'. `GET_MODE_ALIGNMENT (M)' Return the required alignment, in bits, for an object of mode M. `GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE (M)' Returns the size in bytes of the subunits of a datum of mode M. This is the same as `GET_MODE_SIZE' except in the case of complex modes. For them, the unit size is the size of the real or imaginary part. `GET_MODE_NUNITS (M)' Returns the number of units contained in a mode, i.e., `GET_MODE_SIZE' divided by `GET_MODE_UNIT_SIZE'. `GET_CLASS_NARROWEST_MODE (C)' Returns the narrowest mode in mode class C. The global variables `byte_mode' and `word_mode' contain modes whose classes are `MODE_INT' and whose bitsizes are either `BITS_PER_UNIT' or `BITS_PER_WORD', respectively. On 32-bit machines, these are `QImode' and `SImode', respectively.  File:, Node: Constants, Next: Regs and Memory, Prev: Machine Modes, Up: RTL 12.7 Constant Expression Types ============================== The simplest RTL expressions are those that represent constant values. `(const_int I)' This type of expression represents the integer value I. I is customarily accessed with the macro `INTVAL' as in `INTVAL (EXP)', which is equivalent to `XWINT (EXP, 0)'. Constants generated for modes with fewer bits than `HOST_WIDE_INT' must be sign extended to full width (e.g., with `gen_int_mode'). There is only one expression object for the integer value zero; it is the value of the variable `const0_rtx'. Likewise, the only expression for integer value one is found in `const1_rtx', the only expression for integer value two is found in `const2_rtx', and the only expression for integer value negative one is found in `constm1_rtx'. Any attempt to create an expression of code `const_int' and value zero, one, two or negative one will return `const0_rtx', `const1_rtx', `const2_rtx' or `constm1_rtx' as appropriate. Similarly, there is only one object for the integer whose value is `STORE_FLAG_VALUE'. It is found in `const_true_rtx'. If `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' is one, `const_true_rtx' and `const1_rtx' will point to the same object. If `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' is -1, `const_true_rtx' and `constm1_rtx' will point to the same object. `(const_double:M ADDR I0 I1 ...)' Represents either a floating-point constant of mode M or an integer constant too large to fit into `HOST_BITS_PER_WIDE_INT' bits but small enough to fit within twice that number of bits (GCC does not provide a mechanism to represent even larger constants). In the latter case, M will be `VOIDmode'. `(const_fixed:M ADDR)' Represents a fixed-point constant of mode M. The data structure, which contains data with the size of two `HOST_BITS_PER_WIDE_INT' and the associated fixed-point mode, is access with the macro `CONST_FIXED_VALUE'. The high part of data is accessed with `CONST_FIXED_VALUE_HIGH'; the low part is accessed with `CONST_FIXED_VALUE_LOW'. `(const_vector:M [X0 X1 ...])' Represents a vector constant. The square brackets stand for the vector containing the constant elements. X0, X1 and so on are the `const_int' or `const_double' elements. The number of units in a `const_vector' is obtained with the macro `CONST_VECTOR_NUNITS' as in `CONST_VECTOR_NUNITS (V)'. Individual elements in a vector constant are accessed with the macro `CONST_VECTOR_ELT' as in `CONST_VECTOR_ELT (V, N)' where V is the vector constant and N is the element desired. ADDR is used to contain the `mem' expression that corresponds to the location in memory that at which the constant can be found. If it has not been allocated a memory location, but is on the chain of all `const_double' expressions in this compilation (maintained using an undisplayed field), ADDR contains `const0_rtx'. If it is not on the chain, ADDR contains `cc0_rtx'. ADDR is customarily accessed with the macro `CONST_DOUBLE_MEM' and the chain field via `CONST_DOUBLE_CHAIN'. If M is `VOIDmode', the bits of the value are stored in I0 and I1. I0 is customarily accessed with the macro `CONST_DOUBLE_LOW' and I1 with `CONST_DOUBLE_HIGH'. If the constant is floating point (regardless of its precision), then the number of integers used to store the value depends on the size of `REAL_VALUE_TYPE' (*note Floating Point::). The integers represent a floating point number, but not precisely in the target machine's or host machine's floating point format. To convert them to the precise bit pattern used by the target machine, use the macro `REAL_VALUE_TO_TARGET_DOUBLE' and friends (*note Data Output::). The macro `CONST0_RTX (MODE)' refers to an expression with value 0 in mode MODE. If mode MODE is of mode class `MODE_INT', it returns `const0_rtx'. If mode MODE is of mode class `MODE_FLOAT', it returns a `CONST_DOUBLE' expression in mode MODE. Otherwise, it returns a `CONST_VECTOR' expression in mode MODE. Similarly, the macro `CONST1_RTX (MODE)' refers to an expression with value 1 in mode MODE and similarly for `CONST2_RTX'. The `CONST1_RTX' and `CONST2_RTX' macros are undefined for vector modes. `(const_string STR)' Represents a constant string with value STR. Currently this is used only for insn attributes (*note Ins !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¥åĥťƥǥȥɥʥ˥̥ͥΥϥХѥҥӥԥե֥ץإ٥ڥۥܥݥޥߥ n Attributes::) since constant strings in C are placed in memory. `(symbol_ref:MODE SYMBOL)' Represents the value of an assembler label for data. SYMBOL is a string that describes the name of the assembler label. If it starts with a `*', the label is the rest of SYMBOL not including the `*'. Otherwise, the label is SYMBOL, usually prefixed with `_'. The `symbol_ref' contains a mode, which is usually `Pmode'. Usually that is the only mode for which a symbol is directly valid. `(label_ref:MODE LABEL)' Represents the value of an assembler label for code. It contains one operand, an expression, which must be a `code_label' or a `note' of type `NOTE_INSN_DELETED_LABEL' that appears in the instruction sequence to identify the place where the label should go. The reason for using a distinct expression type for code label references is so that jump optimization can distinguish them. The `label_ref' contains a mode, which is usually `Pmode'. Usually that is the only mode for which a label is directly valid. `(const:M EXP)' Represents a constant that is the result of an assembly-time arithmetic computation. The operand, EXP, is an expression that contains only constants (`const_int', `symbol_ref' and `label_ref' expressions) combined with `plus' and `minus'. However, not all combinations are valid, since the assembler cannot do arbitrary arithmetic on relocatable symbols. M should be `Pmode'. `(high:M EXP)' Represents the high-order bits of EXP, usually a `symbol_ref'. The number of bits is machine-dependent and is normally the number of bits specified in an instruction that initializes the high order bits of a register. It is used with `lo_sum' to represent the typical two-instruction sequence used in RISC machines to reference a global memory location. M should be `Pmode'.  File:, Node: Regs and Memory, Next: Arithmetic, Prev: Constants, Up: RTL 12.8 Registers and Memory ========================= Here are the RTL expression types for describing access to machine registers and to main memory. `(reg:M N)' For small values of the integer N (those that are less than `FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER'), this stands for a reference to machine register number N: a "hard register". For larger values of N, it stands for a temporary value or "pseudo register". The compiler's strategy is to generate code assuming an unlimited number of such pseudo registers, and later convert them into hard registers or into memory references. M is the machine mode of the reference. It is necessary because machines can generally refer to each register in more than one mode. For example, a register may contain a full word but there may be instructions to refer to it as a half word or as a single byte, as well as instructions to refer to it as a floating point number of various precisions. Even for a register that the machine can access in only one mode, the mode must always be specified. The symbol `FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER' is defined by the machine description, since the number of hard registers on the machine is an invariant characteristic of the machine. Note, however, that not all of the machine registers must be general registers. All the machine registers that can be used for storage of data are given hard register numbers, even those that can be used only in certain instructions or can hold only certain types of data. A hard register may be accessed in various modes throughout one function, but each pseudo register is given a natural mode and is accessed only in that mode. When it is necessary to describe an access to a pseudo register using a nonnatural mode, a `subreg' expression is used. A `reg' expression with a machine mode that specifies more than one word of data may actually stand for several consecutive registers. If in addition the register number specifies a hardware register, then it actually represents several consecutive hardware registers starting with the specified one. Each pseudo register number used in a function's RTL code is represented by a unique `reg' expression. Some pseudo register numbers, those within the range of `FIRST_VIRTUAL_REGISTER' to `LAST_VIRTUAL_REGISTER' only appear during the RTL generation phase and are eliminated before the optimization phases. These represent locations in the stack frame that cannot be determined until RTL generation for the function has been completed. The following virtual register numbers are defined: `VIRTUAL_INCOMING_ARGS_REGNUM' This points to the first word of the incoming arguments passed on the stack. Normally these arguments are placed there by the caller, but the callee may have pushed some arguments that were previously passed in registers. When RTL generation is complete, this virtual register is replaced by the sum of the register given by `ARG_POINTER_REGNUM' and the value of `FIRST_PARM_OFFSET'. `VIRTUAL_STACK_VARS_REGNUM' If `FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD' is defined to a nonzero value, this points to immediately above the first variable on the stack. Otherwise, it points to the first variable on the stack. `VIRTUAL_STACK_VARS_REGNUM' is replaced with the sum of the register given by `FRAME_POINTER_REGNUM' and the value `STARTING_FRAME_OFFSET'. `VIRTUAL_STACK_DYNAMIC_REGNUM' This points to the location of dynamically allocated memory on the stack immediately after the stack pointer has been adjusted by the amount of memory desired. This virtual register is replaced by the sum of the register given by `STACK_POINTER_REGNUM' and the value `STACK_DYNAMIC_OFFSET'. `VIRTUAL_OUTGOING_ARGS_REGNUM' This points to the location in the stack at which outgoing arguments should be written when the stack is pre-pushed (arguments pushed using push insns should always use `STACK_POINTER_REGNUM'). This virtual register is replaced by the sum of the register given by `STACK_POINTER_REGNUM' and the value `STACK_POINTER_OFFSET'. `(subreg:M REG BYTENUM)' `subreg' expressions are used to refer to a register in a machine mode other than its natural one, or to refer to one register of a multi-part `reg' that actually refers to several registers. Each pseudo-register has a natural mode. If it is necessary to operate on it in a different mode--for example, to perform a fullword move instruction on a pseudo-register that contains a single byte--the pseudo-register must be enclosed in a `subreg'. In such a case, BYTENUM is zero. Usually M is at least as narrow as the mode of REG, in which case it is restricting consideration to only the bits of REG that are in M. Sometimes M is wider than the mode of REG. These `subreg' expressions are often called "paradoxical". They are used in cases where we want to refer to an object in a wider mode but do not care what value the additional bits have. The reload pass ensures that paradoxical references are only made to hard registers. The other use of `subreg' is to extract the individual registers of a multi-register value. Machine modes such as `DImode' and `TImode' can indicate values longer than a word, values which usually require two or more consecutive registers. To access one of the registers, use a `subreg' with mode `SImode' and a BYTENUM offset that says which register. Storing in a non-paradoxical `subreg' has undefined results for bits belonging to the same word as the `subreg'. This laxity makes it easier to generate efficient code for such instructions. To represent an instruction that preserves all the bits outside of those in the `subreg', use `strict_low_part' around the `subreg'. The compilation parameter `WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN', if set to 1, says that byte number zero is part of the most significant word; otherwise, it is part of the least significant word. The compilation parameter `BYTES_BIG_ENDIAN', if set to 1, says that byte number zero is the most significant byte within a word; otherwise, it is the least significant byte within a word. On a few targets, `FLOAT_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN' disagrees with `WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN'. However, most parts of the compiler treat floating point values as if they had the same endianness as integer values. This works because they handle them solely as a collection of integer values, with no particular numerical value. Only real.c and the runtime libraries care about `FLOAT_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN'. Between the combiner pass and the reload pass, it is possible to have a paradoxical `subreg' which contains a `mem' instead of a `reg' as its first operand. After the reload pass, it is also possible to have a non-paradoxical `subreg' which contains a `mem'; this usually occurs when the `mem' is a stack slot which replaced a pseudo register. Note that it is not valid to access a `DFmode' value in `SFmode' using a `subreg'. On some machines the most significant part of a `DFmode' value does not have the same format as a single-precision floating value. It is also not valid to access a single word of a multi-word value in a hard register when less registers can hold the value than would be expected from its size. For example, some 32-bit machines have floating-point registers that can hold an entire `DFmode' value. If register 10 were such a register `(subreg:SI (reg:DF 10) 4)' would be invalid because there is no way to convert that reference to a single machine register. The reload pass prevents `subreg' expressions such as these from being formed. The first operand of a `subreg' expression is customarily accessed with the `SUBREG_REG' macro and the second operand is customarily accessed with the `SUBREG_BYTE' macro. `(scratch:M)' This represents a scratch register that will be required for the execution of a single instruction and not used subsequently. It is converted into a `reg' by either the local register allocator or the reload pass. `scratch' is usually present inside a `clobber' operation (*note Side Effects::). `(cc0)' This refers to the machine's condition code register. It has no operands and may not have a machine mode. There are two ways to use it: * To stand for a complete set of condition code flags. This is best on most machines, where each comparison sets the entire series of flags. With this technique, `(cc0)' may be validly used in only two contexts: as the destination of an assignment (in test and compare instructions) and in comparison operators comparing against zero (`const_int' with value zero; that is to say, `const0_rtx'). * To stand for a single flag that is the result of a single condition. This is useful on machines that have only a single flag bit, and in which comparison instructions must specify the condition to test. With this technique, `(cc0)' may be validly used in only two contexts: as the destination of an assignment (in test and compare instructions) where the source is a comparison operator, and as the first operand of `if_then_else' (in a conditional branch). There is only one expression object of code `cc0'; it is the value of the variable `cc0_rtx'. Any attempt to create an expression of code `cc0' will return `cc0_rtx'. Instructions can set the condition code implicitly. On many machines, nearly all instructions set the condition code based on the value that they compute or store. It is not necessary to record these actions explicitly in the RTL because the machine description includes a prescription for recognizing the instructions that do so (by means of the macro `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC'). *Note Condition Code::. Only instructions whose sole purpose is to set the condition code, and instructions that use the condition code, need mention `(cc0)'. On some machines, the condition code register is given a register number and a `reg' is used instead of `(cc0)'. This is usually the preferable approach if only a small subset of instructions modify the condition code. Other machines store condition codes in general registers; in such cases a pseudo register should be used. Some machines, such as the SPARC and RS/6000, have two sets of arithmetic instructions, one that sets and one that does not set the condition code. This is best handled by normally generating the instruction that does not set the condition code, and making a pattern that both performs the arithmetic and sets the condition code register (which would not be `(cc0)' in this case). For examples, search for `addcc' and `andcc' in `'. `(pc)' This represents the machine's program counter. It has no operands and may not have a machine mode. `(pc)' may be validly used only in certain specific contexts in jump instructions. There is only one expression object of code `pc'; it is the value of the variable `pc_rtx'. Any attempt to create an expression of code `pc' will return `pc_rtx'. All instructions that do not jump alter the program counter implicitly by incrementing it, but there is no need to mention this in the RTL. `(mem:M ADDR ALIAS)' This RTX represents a reference to main memory at an address represented by the expression ADDR. M specifies how large a unit of memory is accessed. ALIAS specifies an alias set for the reference. In general two items are in different alias sets if they cannot reference the same memory address. The construct `(mem:BLK (scratch))' is considered to alias all other memories. Thus it may be used as a memory barrier in epilogue stack deallocation patterns. `(addressof:M REG)' This RTX represents a request for the address of register REG. Its mode is always `Pmode'. If there are any `addressof' expressions left in the function after CSE, REG is forced into the stack and the `addressof' expression is replaced with a `plus' expression for the address of its stack slot. `(concatM RTX RTX)' This RTX represents the concatenation of two other RTXs. This is used for complex values. It should only appear in the RTL attached to declarations and during RTL generation. It should not appear in the ordinary insn chain. `(concatnM [RTX ...])' This RTX represents the concatenation of all the RTX to make a single value. Like `concat', this should only appear in declarations, and not in the insn chain.  File:, Node: Arithmetic, Next: Comparisons, Prev: Regs and Memory, Up: RTL 12.9 RTL Expressions for Arithmetic =================================== Unless otherwise specified, all the operands of arithmetic expressions must be valid for mode M. An operand is valid for mode M if it has mode M, or if it is a `const_int' or `const_double' and M is a mode of class `MODE_INT'. For commutative binary operations, constants should be placed in the second operand. `(plus:M X Y)' `(ss_plus:M X Y)' `(us_plus:M X Y)' These three expressions all represent the sum of the values represented by X and Y carried out in machine mode M. They differ in their behavior on overflow of integer modes. `plus' wraps round modulo the width of M; `ss_plus' saturates at the maximum signed value representable in M; `us_plus' saturates at the maximum unsigned value. `(lo_sum:M X Y)' This expression represents the sum of X and the low-order bits of Y. It is used with `high' (*note Constants::) to represent the typical two-instruction sequence used in RISC machines to reference a global memory location. The number of low order bits is machine-dependent but is normally the number of bits in a `Pmode' item minus the number of bits set by `high'. M should be `Pmode'. `(minus:M X Y)' `(ss_minus:M X Y)' `(us_minus:M X Y)' These three expressions represent the result of subtracting Y from X, carried out in mode M. Behavior on overflow is the same as for the three variants of `plus' (see above). `(compare:M X Y)' Represents the result of subtracting Y from X for purposes of comparison. The result is computed without overflow, as if with infinite precision. Of course, machines can't really subtract with infinite precision. However, they can pretend to do so when only the sign of the result will be used, which is the case when the result is stored in the condition code. And that is the _only_ way this kind of expression may validly be used: as a value to be stored in the condition codes, either `(cc0)' or a register. *Note Comparisons::. The mode M is not related to the modes of X and Y, but instead is the mode of the condition code value. If `(cc0)' is used, it is `VOIDmode'. Otherwise it is some mode in class `MODE_CC', often `CCmode'. *Note Condition Code::. If M is `VOIDmode' or `CCmode', the operation returns sufficient information (in an unspecified format) so that any comparison operator can be applied to the result of the `COMPARE' operation. For other modes in class `MODE_CC', the operation only returns a subset of this information. Normally, X and Y must have the same mode. Otherwise, `compare' is valid only if the mode of X is in class `MODE_INT' and Y is a `const_int' or `const_double' with mode `VOIDmode'. The mode of X determines what mode the comparison is to be done in; thus it must not be `VOIDmode'. If one of the operands is a constant, it should be placed in the second operand and the comparison code adjusted as appropriate. A `compare' specifying two `VOIDmode' constants is not valid since there is no way to know in what mode the comparison is to be performed; the comparison must either be folded during the compilation or the first operand must be loaded into a register while its mode is still known. `(neg:M X)' `(ss_neg:M X)' `(us_neg:M X)' These two expressions represent the negation (subtraction from zero) of the value represented by X, carried out in mode M. They differ in the behavior on overflow of integer modes. In the case of `neg', the negation of the operand may be a number not representable in mode M, in which case it is truncated to M. `ss_neg' and `us_neg' ensure that an out-of-bounds result saturates to the maximum or minimum signed or unsigned value. `(mult:M X Y)' `(ss_mult:M X Y)' `(us_mult:M X Y)' Represents the signed product of the values represented by X and Y carried out in machine mode M. `ss_mult' and `us_mult' ensure that an out-of-bounds result saturates to the maximum or minimum signed or unsigned value. Some machines support a multiplication that generates a product wider than the operands. Write the pattern for this as (mult:M (sign_extend:M X) (sign_extend:M Y)) where M is wider than the modes of X and Y, which need not be the same. For unsigned widening multiplication, use the same idiom, but with `zero_extend' instead of `sign_extend'. `(div:M X Y)' `(ss_div:M X Y)' Represents the quotient in signed division of X by Y, carried out in machine mode M. If M is a floating point mode, it represents the exact quotient; otherwise, the integerized quotient. `ss_div' ensures that an out-of-bounds result saturates to the maximum or minimum signed value. Some machines have division instructions in which the operands and quotient widths are not all the same; you should represent such instructions using `truncate' and `sign_extend' as in, (truncate:M1 (div:M2 X (sign_extend:M2 Y))) `(udiv:M X Y)' `(us_div:M X Y)' Like `div' but represents unsigned division. `us_div' ensures that an out-of-bounds result saturates to the maximum or minimum unsigned value. `(mod:M X Y)' `(umod:M X Y)' Like `div' and `udiv' but represent the remainder instead of the quotient. `(smin:M X Y)' `(smax:M X Y)' Represents the smaller (for `smin') or larger (for `smax') of X and Y, interpreted as signed values in mode M. When used with floating point, if both operands are zeros, or if either operand is `NaN', then it is unspecified which of the two operands is returned as the result. `(umin:M X Y)' `(umax:M X Y)' Like `smin' and `smax', but the values are interpreted as unsigned integers. `(not:M X)' Represents the bitwise complement of the value represented by X, carried out in mode M, which must be a fixed-point machine mode. `(and:M X Y)' Represents the bitwise logical-and of the values represented by X and Y, carried out in machine mode M, which must be a fixed-point machine mode. `(ior:M X Y)' Represents the bitwise inclusive-or of the values represented by X and Y, carried out in machine mode M, which must be a fixed-point mode. `(xor:M X Y)' Represents the bitwise exclusive-or of the values represented by X and Y, carried out in machine mode M, which must be a fixed-point mode. `(ashift:M X C)' `(ss_ashift:M X C)' `(us_ashift:M X C)' These three expressions represent the result of arithmetically shifting X left by C places. They differ in their behavior on overflow of integer modes. An `ashift' operation is a plain shift with no special behavior in case of a change in the sign bit; `ss_ashift' and `us_ashift' saturates to the minimum or maximum representable value if any of the bits shifted out differs from the final sign bit. X have mode M, a fixed-point machine mode. C be a fixed-point mode or be a constant with mode `VOIDmode'; which mode is determined by the mode called for in the machine description entry for the left-shift instruction. For example, on the VAX, the mode of C is `QImode' regardless of M. `(lshiftrt:M X C)' `(ashiftrt:M X C)' Like `ashift' but for right shift. Unlike the case for left shift, these two operations are distinct. `(rotate:M X C)' `(rotatert:M X C)' Similar but represent left and right rotate. If C is a constant, use `rotate'. `(abs:M X)' Represents the absolute value of X, computed in mode M. `(sqrt:M X)' Represents the square root of X, computed in mode M. Most often M will be a floating point mode. `(ffs:M X)' Represents one plus the index of the least significant 1-bit in X, represented as an integer of mode M. (The value is zero if X is zero.) The mode of X need not be M; depending on the target machine, various mode combinations may be valid. `(clz:M X)' Represents the number of leading 0-bits in X, represented as an integer of mode M, starting at the most significant bit position. If X is zero, the value is determined by `CLZ_DEFINED_VALUE_AT_ZERO' (*note Misc::). Note that this is one of the few expressions that is not invariant under widening. The mode of X will usually be an integer mode. `(ctz:M X)' Represents the number of trailing 0-bits in X, represented as an integer of mode M, starting at the least significant bit position. If X is zero, the value is determined by `CTZ_DEFINED_VALUE_AT_ZERO' (*note Misc::). Except for this case, `ctz(x)' is equivalent to `ffs(X) - 1'. The mode of X will usually be an integer mode. `(popcount:M X)' Represents the number of 1-bits in X, represented as an integer of mode M. The mode of X will usually be an integer mode. `(parity:M X)' Represents the number of 1-bits modulo 2 in X, represented as an integer of mode M. The mode of X will usually be an integer mode. `(bswap:M X)' Represents the value X with the order of bytes reversed, carried out in mode M, which must be a fixed-point machine mode.  File:, Node: Comparisons, Next: Bit-Fields, Prev: Arithmetic, Up: RTL 12.10 Comparison Operations =========================== Comparison operators test a relation on two operands and are considered to represent a machine-dependent nonzero value described by, but not necessarily equal to, `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' (*note Misc::) if the relation holds, or zero if it does not, for comparison operators whose results have a `MODE_INT' mode, `FLOAT_STORE_FLAG_VALUE' (*note Misc::) if the relation holds, or zero if it does not, for comparison operators that return floating-point values, and a vector of either `VECTOR_STORE_FLAG_VALUE' (*note Misc::) if the relation holds, or of zeros if it does not, for comparison operators that return vector results. The mode of the comparison operation is independent of the mode of the data being compared. If the comparison operation is being tested (e.g., the first operand of an `if_then_else'), the mode must be `VOIDmode'. There are two ways that comparison operations may be used. The comparison operators may be used to compare the condition codes `(cc0)' against zero, as in `(eq (cc0) (const_int 0))'. Such a construct actually refers to the result of the preceding instruction in which the condition codes were set. The instruction setting the condition code must be adjacent to the instruction using the condition code; only `note' insns may separate them. Alternatively, a comparison operation may directly compare two data objects. The mode of the comparison is determined by the operands; they must both be valid for a common machine mode. A comparison with both operands constant would be invalid as the machine mode could not be deduced from it, but such a comparison should never exist in RTL due to constant folding. In the example above, if `(cc0)' were last set to `(compare X Y)', the comparison operation is identical to `(eq X Y)'. Usually only one style of comparisons is supported on a particular machine, but the combine pass will try to merge the operations to produce the `eq' shown in case it exists in the context of the particular insn involved. Inequality comparisons come in two flavors, signed and unsigned. Thus, there are distinct expression codes `gt' and `gtu' for signed and unsigned greater-than. These can produce different results for the same pair of integer values: for example, 1 is signed greater-than -1 but not unsigned greater-than, because -1 when regarded as unsigned is actually `0xffffffff' which is greater than 1. The signed comparisons are also used for floating point values. Floating point comparisons are distinguished by the machine modes of the operands. `(eq:M X Y)' `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' if the values represented by X and Y are equal, otherwise 0. `(ne:M X Y)' `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' if the values represented by X and Y are not equal, otherwise 0. `(gt:M X Y)' `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' if the X is greater than Y. If they are fixed-point, the comparison is done in a signed sense. `(gtu:M X Y)' Like `gt' but does unsigned comparison, on fixed-point numbers only. `(lt:M X Y)' `(ltu:M X Y)' Like `gt' and `gtu' but test for "less than". `(ge:M X Y)' `(geu:M X Y)' Like `gt' and `gtu' but test for "greater than or equal". `(le:M X Y)' `(leu:M X Y)' Like `gt' and `gtu' but test for "less than or equal". `(if_then_else COND THEN ELSE)' This is not a comparison operation but is listed here because it is always used in conjunction with a comparison operation. To be precise, COND is a comparison expression. This expression represents a choice, according to COND, between the value represented by THEN and the one represented by ELSE. On most machines, `if_then_else' expressions are valid only to express conditional jumps. `(cond [TEST1 VALUE1 TEST2 VALUE2 ...] DEFAULT)' Similar to `if_then_else', but more general. Each of TEST1, TEST2, ... is performed in turn. The result of this expression is the VALUE corresponding to the first nonzero test, or DEFAULT if none of the tests are nonzero expressions. This is currently not valid for instruction patterns and is supported only for insn attributes. *Note Insn Attributes::.  File:, Node: Bit-Fields, Next: Vector Operations, Prev: Comparisons, Up: RTL 12.11 Bit-Fields ================ Special expression codes exist to represent bit-field instructions. `(sign_extract:M LOC SIZE POS)' This represents a reference to a sign-extended bit-field contained or starting in LOC (a memory or register reference). The bit-field is SIZE bits wide and starts at bit POS. The compilation option `BITS_BIG_ENDIAN' says which end of the memory unit POS counts from. If LOC is in memory, its mode must be a single-byte integer mode. If LOC is in a register, the mode to use is specified by the operand of the `insv' or `extv' pattern (*note Standard Names::) and is usually a full-word integer mode, which is the default if none is specified. The mode of POS is machine-specific and is also specified in the `insv' or `extv' pattern. The mode M is the same as the mode that would be used for LOC if it were a register. A `sign_extract' can not appear as an lvalue, or part thereof, in RTL. `(zero_extract:M LOC SIZE POS)' Like `sign_extract' but refers to an unsigned or zero-extended bit-field. The same sequence of bits are extracted, but they are filled to an entire word with zeros instead of by sign-extension. Unlike `sign_extract', this type of expressions can be lvalues in RTL; they may appear on the left side of an assignment, indicating insertion of a value into the specified bit-field.  File:, Node: Vector Operations, Next: Conversions, Prev: Bit-Fields, Up: RTL 12.12 Vector Operations ======================= All normal RTL expressions can be used with vector modes; they are interpreted as operating on each part of the vector independently. Additionally, there are a few new expressions to describe specific vector operations. `(vec_merge:M VEC1 VEC2 ITEMS)' This describes a merge operation between two vectors. The result is a vector of mode M; its elements are selected from either VEC1 or VEC2. Which elements are selected is described by ITEMS, which is a bit mask represented by a `const_int'; a zero bit indicates the corresponding element in the result vector is taken from VEC2 while a set bit indicates it is taken from VEC1. `(vec_select:M VEC1 SELECTION)' This describes an operation that selects parts of a vector. VEC1 is the source vector, SELECTION is a `parallel' that contains a `const_int' for each of the subparts of the result vector, giving the number of the source subpart that should be stored into it. `(vec_concat:M VEC1 VEC2)' Describes a vector concat operation. The result is a concatenation of the vectors VEC1 and VEC2; its length is the sum of the lengths of the two inputs. `(vec_duplicate:M VEC)' This operation converts a small vector into a larger one by duplicating the input values. The output vector mode must have the same submodes as the input vector mode, and the number of output parts must be an integer multiple of the number of input parts.  File:, Node: Conversions, Next: RTL Declarations, Prev: Vector Operations, Up: RTL 12.13 Conversions ================= All conversions between machine modes must be represented by explicit conversion operations. For example, an expression which is the sum of a byte and a full word cannot be written as `(plus:SI (reg:QI 34) (reg:SI 80))' because the `plus' operation requires two operands of the same machine mode. Therefore, the byte-sized operand is enclosed in a conversion operation, as in (plus:SI (sign_extend:SI (reg:QI 34)) (reg:SI 80)) The conversion operation is not a mere placeholder, because there may be more than one way of converting from a given starting mode to the desired final mode. The conversion operation code says how to do it. For all conversion operations, X must not be `VOIDmode' because the mode in which to do the conversion would not be known. The conversion must either be done at compile-time or X must be placed into a register. `(sign_extend:M X)' Represents the result of sign-extending the value X to machine mode M. M must be a fixed-point mode and X a fixed-point value of a mode narrower than M. `(zero_extend:M X)' Represents the result of zero-extending the value X to machine mode M. M must be a fixed-point mode and X a fixed-point value of a mode narrower than M. `(float_extend:M X)' Represents the result of extending the value X to machine mode M. M must be a floating point mode and X a floating point value of a mode narrower than M. `(truncate:M X)' Represents the result of truncating the value X to machine mode M. M must be a fixed-point mode and X a fixed-point value of a mode wider than M. `(ss_truncate:M X)' Represents the result of truncating the value X to machine mode M, using signed saturation in the case of overflow. Both M and the mode of X must be fixed-point modes. `(us_truncate:M X)' Represents the result of truncating the value X to machine mode M, using unsigned saturation in the case of overflow. Both M and the mode of X must be fixed-point modes. `(float_truncate:M X)' Represents the result of truncating the value X to machine mode M. M must be a floating point mode and X a floating point value of a mode wider than M. `(float:M X)' Represents the result of converting fixed point value X, regarded as signed, to floating point mode M. `(unsigned_float:M X)' Represents the result of converting fixed point value X, regarded as unsigned, to floating point mode M. `(fix:M X)' When M is a fixed point mode, represents the result of converting floating point value X to mode M, regarded as signed. How rounding is done is not specified, so this operation may be used validly in compiling C code only for integer-valued operands. `(unsigned_fix:M X)' Represents the result of converting floating point value X to fixed point mode M, regarded as unsigned. How rounding is done is not specified. `(fix:M X)' When M is a floating point mode, represents the result of converting floating point value X (valid for mode M) to an integer, still represented in floating point mode M, by rounding towards zero. `(fract_convert:M X)' Represents the result of converting fixed-point value X to fixed-point mode M, signed integer value X to fixed-point mode M, floating-point value X to fixed-point mode M, fixed-point value X to integer mode M regarded as signed, or fixed-point value X to floating-point mode M. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are undefined. `(sat_fract:M X)' Represents the result of converting fixed-point value X to fixed-point mode M, signed integer value X to fixed-point mode M, or floating-point value X to fixed-point mode M. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are saturated to the maximum or the minimum. `(unsigned_fract_convert:M X)' Represents the result of converting fixed-point value X to integer mode M regarded as unsigned, or unsigned integer value X to fixed-point mode M. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are undefined. `(unsigned_sat_fract:M X)' Represents the result of converting unsigned integer value X to fixed-point mode M. When overflows or underflows happen, the results are saturated to the maximum or the minimum.  File:, Node: RTL Declarations, Next: Side Effects, Prev: Conversions, Up: RTL 12.14 Declarations ================== Declaration expression codes do not represent arithmetic operations but rather state assertions about their operands. `(strict_low_part (subreg:M (reg:N R) 0))' This expression code is used in only one context: as the destination operand of a `set' expression. In addition, the operand of this expression must be a non-paradoxical `subreg' expression. The presence of `strict_low_part' says that the part of the register which is meaningful in mode N, but is not part of mode M, is not to be altered. Normally, an assignment to such a subreg is allowed to have undefined effects on the rest of the register when M is less than a word.  File:, Node: Side Effects, Next: Incdec, Prev: RTL Declarations, Up: RTL 12.15 Side Effect Expressions ============================= The expression codes described so far represent values, not actions. But machine instructions never produce values; they are meaningful only for their side effects on the state of the machine. Special expression codes are used to represent side effects. The body of an instruction is always one of these side effect codes; the codes described above, which represent values, appear only as the operands of these. `(set LVAL X)' Represents the action of storing the value of X into the place represented by LVAL. LVAL must be an expression representing a place that can be stored in: `reg' (or `subreg', `strict_low_part' or `zero_extract'), `mem', `pc', `parallel', or `cc0'. If LVAL is a `reg', `subreg' or `mem', it has a machine mode; then X must be valid for that mode. If LVAL is a `reg' whose machine mode is less than the full width of the register, then it means that the part of the register specified by the machine mode is given the specified value and the rest of the register receives an undefined value. Likewise, if LVAL is a `subreg' whose machine mode is narrower than the mode of the register, the rest of the register can be changed in an undefined way. If LVAL is a `strict_low_part' of a subreg, then the part of the register specified by the machine mode of the `subreg' is given the value X and the rest of the register is not changed. If LVAL is a `zero_extract', then the referenced part of the bit-field (a memory or register reference) specified by the `zero_extract' is given the value X and the rest of the bit-field is not changed. Note that `sign_extract' can not appear in LVAL. If LVAL is `(cc0)', it has no machine mode, and X may be either a `compare' expression or a value that may have any mode. The latter case represents a "test" instruction. The expression `(set (cc0) (reg:M N))' is equivalent to `(set (cc0) (compare (reg:M N) (const_int 0)))'. Use the former expression to save space during the compilation. If LVAL is a `parallel', it is used to represent the case of a function returning a structure in multiple registers. Each element of the `parallel' is an `expr_list' whose first operand is a `reg' and whose second operand is a `const_int' representing the offset (in bytes) into the structure at which the data in that register corresponds. The first element may be null to indicate that the structure is also passed partly in memory. If LVAL is `(pc)', we have a jump instruction, and the possibilities for X are very limited. It may be a `label_ref' expression (unconditional jump). It may be an `if_then_else' (conditional jump), in which case either the second or the third operand must be `(pc)' (for the case which does not jump) and the other of the two must be a `label_ref' (for the case which does jump). X may also be a `mem' or `(plus:SI (pc) Y)', where Y may be a `reg' or a `mem'; these unusual patterns are used to represent jumps through branch tables. If LVAL is neither `(cc0)' nor `(pc)', the mode of LVAL must not be `VOIDmode' and the mode of X must be valid for the mode of LVAL. LVAL is customarily accessed with the `SET_DEST' macro and X with the `SET_SRC' macro. `(return)' As the sole expression in a pattern, represents a return from the current function, on machines where this can be done with one instruction, such as VAXen. On machines where a multi-instruction "epilogue" must be executed in order to return from the function, returning is done by jumping to a label which precedes the epilogue, and the `return' expression code is never used. Inside an `if_then_else' expression, represents the value to be placed in `pc' to return to the caller. Note that an insn pattern of `(return)' is logically equivalent to `(set (pc) (return))', but the latter form is never used. `(call FUNCTION NARGS)' Represents a function call. FUNCTION is a `mem' expression whose address is the address of the function to be called. NARGS is an expression which can be used for two purposes: on some machines it represents the number of bytes of stack argument; on others, it represents the number of argument registers. Each machine has a standard machine mode which FUNCTION must have. The machine description defines macro `FUNCTION_MODE' to expand into the requisite mode name. The purpose of this mode is to specify what kind of addressing is allowed, on machines where the allowed kinds of addressing depend on the machine mode being addressed. `(clobber X)' Represents the storing or possible storing of an unpredictable, undescribed value into X, which must be a `reg', `scratch', `parallel' or `mem' expression. One place this is used is in string instructions that store standard values into particular hard registers. It may not be worth the trouble to describe the values that are stored, but it is essential to inform the compiler that the registers will be altered, lest it attempt to keep data in them across the string instruction. If X is `(mem:BLK (const_int 0))' or `(mem:BLK (scratch))', it means that all memory locations must be presumed clobbered. If X is a `parallel', it has the same meaning as a `parallel' in a `set' expression. Note that the machine description classifies certain hard registers as "call-clobbered". All function call instructions are assumed by default to clobber these registers, so there is no need to use `clobber' expressions to indicate this fact. Also, each function call is assumed to have the potential to alter any memory location, unless the function is declared `const'. If the last group of expressions in a `parallel' are each a `clobber' exp