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E@PTUNjuMe[^_]ÐUWVS<[âsu 1}эQF9E)DERjPuDXPPjEPLYEȉŰEƉEEЙUzTM1U1UƉ11EỦE8Ejj>WVPUUĈjj>WV+Ɖjj>RP%UUĈBjj>WVƉjj>RPUUĈBjj>WVƉjj>RPUUĈBjj>WVƉjj>RPUUĈBjj>WV{jj>RPy UUĈBhhuYy;pYtu!aE܁}Ee[^_]ÐUWV EEEUUM M؅uG9MvU܉ʋEuE}u 1uEu1҉uƋMuE;Eu9EwU9Uro1Em )M܋u ƉuEEu؊MU؉EM Љu։EeE9wuE9EvM1 1EE܉ ^_]ÐUWV UEE܋EUU} u79}v Љu }u 1u܉E܉1u܋Eu܉19v"u!9wU9Ur M+MljME‰ )EE܊M ЉEE܉EME܉EM Ћ}UuUe;Uwu 9v+EUM)щM܉E܊M ЋU܉ ^_]ÐUSЃuX[]ÐUSGX/o@X[]ia32x86_64Usage: %s in-file(s) Removes symbols and sections from files The options are: -I --input-target= Assume input file is in format -O --output-target= Create an output file in format -F --target= Set both input and output format to -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -R --remove-section= Remove section from the output -s --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g -S -d --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information -N --strip-symbol= Do not copy symbol -K --keep-symbol= Do not strip symbol --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -v --verbose List all object files modified -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported -o Place stripped output into Report bugs to %s Usage: %s [option(s)] in-file [out-file] Copies a binary file, possibly transforming it in the process -I --input-target Assume input file is in format -O --output-target Create an output file in format -B --binary-architecture Set output arch, when input is arch-less -F --target Set both input and output format to --debugging Convert debugging information, if possible -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -j --only-section Only copy section into the output --add-gnu-debuglink= Add section .gnu_debuglink linking to -R --remove-section Remove section from the output -S --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations -N --strip-symbol Do not copy symbol --strip-unneeded-symbol Do not copy symbol unless needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information --extract-symbol Remove section contents but keep symbols -K --keep-symbol Do not strip symbol --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) --localize-hidden Turn all ELF hidden symbols into locals -L --localize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a local --globalize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a global -G --keep-global-symbol Localize all symbols except -W --weaken-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a weak --weaken Force all global symbols to be marked as weak -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -i --interleave [] Only copy N out of every bytes --interleave-width Set N for --interleave -b --byte Select byte in every interleaved block --gap-fill Fill gaps between sections with --pad-to Pad the last section up to address --set-start Set the start address to {--change-start|--adjust-start} Add to the start address {--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} Add to LMA, VMA and start addresses {--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} {=|+|-} Change LMA and VMA of section by --change-section-lma {=|+|-} Change the LMA of section by --change-section-vma {=|+|-} Change the VMA of section by {--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings} Warn if a named section does not exist --set-section-flags = Set section 's properties to --add-section = Add section found in to output --rename-section =[,] Rename section to --long-section-names {enable|disable|keep} Handle long section names in Coff objects. --change-leading-char Force output format's leading character style --remove-leading-char Remove leading character from global symbols --reverse-bytes= Reverse bytes at a time, in output sections with content --redefine-sym = Redefine symbol name to --redefine-syms --redefine-sym for all symbol pairs listed in --srec-len Restrict the length of generated Srecords --srec-forceS3 Restrict the type of generated Srecords to S3 --strip-symbols -N for all symbols listed in --strip-unneeded-symbols --strip-unneeded-symbol for all symbols listed in --keep-symbols -K for all symbols listed in --localize-symbols -L for all symbols listed in --globalize-symbols --globalize-symbol for all in --keep-global-symbols -G for all symbols listed in --weaken-symbols -W for all symbols listed in --alt-machine-code Use the target's 'th alternative machine --writable-text Mark the output text as writable --readonly-text Make the output text write protected --pure Mark the output file as demand paged --impure Mark the output file as impure --prefix-symbols Add to start of every symbol name --prefix-sections Add to start of every section name --prefix-alloc-sections Add to start of every allocatable section name --file-alignment Set PE file alignment to --heap [,] Set PE reserve/commit heap to / --image-base
Set PE image base to
--section-alignment Set PE section alignment to --stack [,] Set PE reserve/commit stack to / --subsystem [:] Set PE subsystem to [& ] --compress-debug-sections Compress DWARF debug sections using zlib --decompress-debug-sections Decompress DWARF debug sections using zlib -v --verbose List all object files modified @ Read options from -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported Multiple renames of section %sUnable to change endianness of input file(s)copy from `%s' [%s] to `%s' [%s] Input file `%s' ignores binary architecture parameter.Unable to recognise the format of the input file `%s'Output file cannot represent architecture `%s'pei-%08lxwarning: file alignment (0x%s) > section alignment (0x%s)error in private header datacan't add section '%s'can't create section `%s'cannot create debug link section `%s'Can't fill gap after sectioncan't add paddingnot stripping symbol `%s' because it is named in a relocation.stabcan't create debugging sectioncan't set debugging section contentsdon't know how to write debugging information for %scannot fill debug link section `%s'error copying private BFD datathis target does not support %lu alternative machine codestreating that number as an absolute e_machine value insteadignoring the alternative valueerror: the input file '%s' is emptycannot create tempdir for archive copying (error: %s)/internal stat error on %sUnable to recognise the format of filestat returns negative size for `%s'copy from `%s' [unknown] to `%s' [unknown] relocation count is negativecannot reverse bytes: length of section %s must be evenly divisible by %dfailed to create output sectionfailed to set sizeobjcopy.cfailed to copy private datacannot open '%s': %s%s: fread failed%s:%d: Ignoring rubbish found on this line%s: Multiple redefinition of symbol "%s"%s: Symbol "%s" is target of more than one redefinitionallocnoloadreadonlyromshareunrecognized section flag `%s'alloc, load, noload, readonly, debug, code, data, rom, share, contentssupported flags: %sstripI:O:F:K:N:R:o:sSpdgxXHhVvwcould not create temporary file to hold stripped copybyte number must be non-negativearchitecture %s unknowninterleave must be positiveinterleave width must be positive%s both copied and removed--add-sectionbad format for %scannot open: %s: %s--change-start--change-section-address--change-section-lma--change-section-vma--change-addresses--gap-fillWarning: truncating gap-fill from 0x%s to 0x%x--pad-to--redefine-symcouldn't open symbol redefinition file %s (error: %s)%s:%d: garbage found at end of line%s:%d: missing new symbol name%s:%d: premature end of file--set-section-flags--rename-section--set-start--srec-lenenabledisablekeepunknown long section names option '%s'unable to parse alternative machine codenumber of bytes to reverse must be positive and evenWarning: ignoring previous --reverse-bytes value of %d--file-alignment%s: invalid reserve value for --heap%s: invalid commit value for --heap--image-base--section-alignment%s: bad version in PE subsystemunknown PE subsystem: %s%s: invalid reserve value for --stack%s: invalid commit value for --stackb:B:i:I:j:K:N:s:O:d:F:L:G:R:SpgxXHhVvW:winterleave start byte must be set with --bytebyte number must be less than interleaveinterleave width must be less than or equal to interleave - byte`efi-bsdrv-rtdrv-app-unknown input EFI target: %sunknown output EFI target: %swarning: could not locate '%s'. System error message: %swarning: could not create temporary file whilst copying '%s', (error: %s)%s %s%c0x%s never useddiscard-alldiscard-localshelpinfoinput-formatinput-targetkeep-file-symbolskeep-symbolonly-keep-debugoutput-formatoutput-targetoutput-filepreserve-datesremove-sectionstrip-allstrip-debugstrip-unneededstrip-symbolverboseversionwildcardadd-gnu-debuglinkadjust-startadjust-vmaadjust-section-vmaalt-machine-codebinary-architecturechange-leading-chardebuggingdecompress-debug-sectionsextract-symbolglobalize-symbolglobalize-symbolsimpureinterleave-widthkeep-global-symbolkeep-global-symbolskeep-symbolslocalize-hiddenlocalize-symbollocalize-symbolslong-section-namesno-adjust-warningsno-change-warningsonly-sectionprefix-symbolsprefix-sectionsprefix-alloc-sectionsreadonly-textredefine-symsremove-leading-charreverse-bytessrec-forceS3strip-unneeded-symbolstrip-unneeded-symbolsstrip-symbolsweakenweaken-symbolweaken-symbolswritable-textnativewindowsconsoleposixwinceefi-appefi-bsdefi-rtdsal-rtdxbox0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!Q!!!!!!!!!!!!Q?!!!!!$!!!!`3B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~B3Q`o~"`o Hds{+6A4Lyo~ gz8setup_section+2:BH N V ^ f n%s: cannot set time: %sunable to rename '%s'; reason: %sunable to copy file '%s'; reason: %sLast stabs entries before error: n_type n_desc n_value string %-6sHdrSym%-6d %-6d %s: %s: %s %s: %s: stab entry %ld is corrupt, strx = 0x%x, type = %d .debug%s: no recognized debugging informationLC_SYMTAB.stabsLC_SYMTAB.stabstr$GDB_SYMBOLS$$GDB_STRINGS$;rS:J\jdebug_get_real_type: circular debug information for %s debug_record_label: not implementeddebug_end_common_block: not implementeddebug_start_common_block: not implementeddebug_end_block: no current blockdebug_end_block: attempt to close top level blockdebug_end_function: no current functiondebug_end_function: some blocks were not closedWarning: changing type size from %d to %d debug_find_named_type: no current compilation unitdebug.ctype->kind == DEBUG_KIND_STRUCT || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_UNION || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_CLASS || type->kind == DEBUG_KIND_UNION_CLASSname->kind == DEBUG_OBJECT_TAGdebug_write_type: illegal type encounteredtype->u.kclass->id > info->base_iddebug_add_to_current_namespace: no current filedebug_tag_type: no current filedebug_tag_type: extra tag attempteddebug_make_undefined_type: unsupported kinddebug_name_type: no current filedebug_record_variable: no current filedebug_record_line: no current unitdebug_start_block: no current blockdebug_record_parameter: no current functiondebug_record_function: no debug_set_filename calldebug_start_source: no debug_set_filename callinfo->units == ((void *)0) %Kf--  / G X i i k k P s  =tXLY1*?debug_write_typedebug_set_class_iddebug_write_class_typedebug_set_filenameType file number %d out of range Type index number %d out of range Unrecognized XCOFF type %d unsigned charunsigned shortunsigned longvoidfloatintegerbooleanshort realcharacterlogical*1logical*2logical*4logicaldouble complexinteger*1integer*2integer*4wcharunsigned long longlogical*8integer*8stringptrnumeric overflowWarning: %s: %s Bad stab: %s bad mangled name `%s' Unrecognized demangle component %d Failed to print demangled template Couldn't get demangled builtin type bool__float128unsigned __int128...Unexpected demangled varargs Unrecognized demangled builtin type Unexpected type in v3 arglist demangling NoSuchStrinG__::NoSuchStrinGlong long intlong long unsigned intshort unsigned int__wchar_tunknown virtual character for baseclassunknown visibility character for baseclass_vptr$unnamed $vb typeFOO_vb$unrecognized C++ abbreviationINVALID_CPLUSPLUS_ABBREVunknown visibility character for fieldconst/volatile indicator missingmember function type missing__ct__dtC__%s%s__%s%s%dNo mangling for "%s" Demangled name is not a function no argument types in mangled string unrecognized cross reference type01000000000000000000000;01777777777777777777777;missing index typeN_LBRAC not within function Too many N_RBRACs eh_throwunknown C++ encoded namegcc2_compiled.gcc_compiled.Undefined N_EXCLthis%%% &&4&I&^&s&&&&&&&&'"'Z(6'K'_'s'''''''' ((/(@(---------2222222222222222232222222222222333232222222222232223kEpEp)llEpEpEpEpEpEpEpEpmEpmMnnEpoEp mpEpEpEpEpEpEpEpoEp?kEpEp)lEpEpEpEpEp mEpEpEpVmEp%n munEpo%s: 0x%lx: %s (0x%x) unexpected end of debugging informationinvalid string lengthinvalid numberexpression stack overflowunsupported IEEE expression operatorunknown sectionexpression stack underflowexpression stack mismatchmissing required ATN65bad ATN65 recordmissing required ASNieee.cinfo->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.classdef != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.classdef->method != ((void *)0)info->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.classdef != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.classdef->method == ((void *)0)IEEE unsupported float type size %u IEEE unsupported integer type size %u h != ((void *)0)__anon%uIEEE string length overflow: %u IEEE numeric overflow: 0xinfo->filename != ((void *)0)info->block_depth == 1info->pending_ranges != ((void *)0)ts != ((void *)0)info->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.classdef != ((void *)0)! ((&info->vars)->head == ((void *)0))unsigned short intunsignedlong long doubleinfo->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->type.name != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->next != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->next->type.classdef != ((void *)0) && ! ((&info->type_stack->next->type.strdef)->head == ((void *)0))_vb$%s_b$%sinfo->type_stack != ((void *)0) && ! ((&info->type_stack->type.strdef)->head == ((void *)0))info->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->next != ((void *)0) && ! ((&info->type_stack->next->type.strdef)->head == ((void *)0))localp == nt->type.localpvclass != ((void *)0)IEEE unsupported complex type size %u __XRYCPPGNU objcopybfd_make_sectionbfd_set_section_sizebfd_set_section_contentsindx < (60)unknown builtin typeQUOTED STRINGinstruction addressBCD float type not supportedunrecognized C++ misc recordunrecognized C++ object specunsupported C++ object typeC++ base class not definedC++ object has no fieldsC++ base class not found in containerC++ data member not found in containerunknown C++ visibilitybad C++ field bit pos or sizebad type for C++ method functionno type information for C++ method functionC++ static virtual methodunrecognized C++ object overhead specundefined C++ vtableC++ default values not in a functionunrecognized C++ default typereference parameter is not a pointerunrecognized C++ reference typeC++ reference in class with no fieldsC++ reference not foundC++ reference is not pointerundefined C++ objectillegal variable indexundefined variable in ATNunknown ATN typeunsupported ATN11unsupported ATN12unexpected string in C++ miscbad misc recordunexpected numberunexpected record type*global*unknown BB typeillegal type indexunknown TY codeundefined variable in TYPascal file name not supportedunsupported qualifierblocks left on stack at end-Ie5s6VVe5/@Sh}#7K!3H^2sۼlqxxxwxū$ǩPxq`ݛ vp9u]zzvqqˇaք)Rieee_linenoieee_end_functionieee_end_rangeieee_function_parameterieee_pop_type_usedieee_start_functionieee_variableieee_typedef_typeieee_end_class_typeieee_class_end_methodieee_class_method_varieee_class_start_methodieee_class_baseclassieee_class_static_memberieee_start_class_typeieee_end_struct_typeieee_struct_fieldieee_start_struct_typeieee_finish_compilation_unitieee_builtin_typebfd_coff_get_syment failed: %sbfd_coff_get_auxent failed: %sparse_coff_type: Bad type code 0x%x*globals*.bf%ld: .bf without preceding function.ef%ld: unexpected .ef .bb.eb !8Kq^wrstabs.c/0/1%s%s:%s%s:%s;%s: warning: unknown size for field `%s' in struct%s%s:%s%s,%ld,%ld;info->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->methods != ((void *)0)%s:%s;%c%c%c%ld;%s;info->type_stack != ((void *)0) && info->type_stack->fields != ((void *)0)%s::%ld,%s;h != ((void *)0) && h->index > 0%s%s;%ld=%c%uinfo->type_stack->index > 0~%%%ld~%%%sinfo->type_stack != ((void *)0)%ld=%c%s@%s,%s%ld=@S;S%sar%s;%ld;%ld;%sr%s;%ld;%ld;%ld=r%ld;%u;0;%ld=%ld!%u,#%s,%sstab_int_type: bad size %u%ld=r%ld;-1;01000000000000000000000;0777777777777777777777;%ld=r%s;%u;0;string_hash_lookup failed: %sbfd_hash_table_init_failed: %sinfo.pending_lbrac == (bfd_vma) -1info->lineno_filename != ((void *)0)info->nesting > 0%s:%c%sinfo->nesting == 0 && info->fun_offset == -1%s:%s%s%s:c=e%s,%ld%s:c=f%g%s:c=i%ld%s:T%s%s:t%s%s:t%ld=%stag != ((void *)0)xe%s:%s:T%ld=e%s:%ld,M+>+a+m++21)"#^90d/n  rXLu;O.-a-,a,+U*)('(P }'write_stabs_in_sections_debugging_infostab_linenostab_end_blockstab_pop_typestab_start_functionstab_typedef_typestab_end_class_typestab_class_end_methodstab_class_method_varstab_class_start_methodstab_class_baseclassstab_class_static_memberstab_start_class_typestab_end_struct_typestab_struct_fieldstab_modify_typestab_enum_typebucomm.cabfd != ((void *)0)%s(%s)stXXXXXX%.12s %.4s%s %ld/%ld %6ld %s Supported architectures:%s: supported architectures:Supported targets:%s: supported targets:%s: Matching formats:(GNU Binutils) 2.21BFD header file version %s little endianbig endianendianness unknown%s (header %s, data %s) %s COLUMNS %*sUNKNOWN!%*s %s: '%s': No such fileWarning: could not locate '%s'. reason: %sWarning: '%s' is not an ordinary file%s: bad number: %si486-unknown-linux-uclibccan't set BFD default target to `%s': %s:%s[%s]:%sbfd_get_archive_filenameGNU %s %s Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty.%s: error: too many @-files encountered out of memory ]]]]ooooYY]YYYYYYYYYooYYYYYY]YYoYYoY]]]oo]]ooY]]]]]]]]TMPDIRTMPTEMP/tmpccXXXXXXCannot create temporary file in %s: %s /var/tmp/usr/tmp/tmpabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789; 4TzR| П AB E<AB EV   `O(ą  XXЙoooj"2BRbrŸҟ"2BRbr Ҡ"2BRbr¡ҡ"2BRbr¢Ң"2BRbr£ң"2BRbr¤Ҥ"2BRbr¥ҥ"2BRbr¦Ҧ"2BRbr|x|X|F|h||I|I|}K}}O,}O:}oF}pU}Rd}sn}Sz}}N|F}v}V}w}ww}}}}}BS{bw~wwww!1~%~/~|x|XI~|FxX~i~|h{~||I|Iv{i~|~G~}K~~~L~~ }1j}O,}OJx>M]F}p}~sSxU}R yxy)yd}Sn}gz}}N|F}v}VW}wz3z^zkzzz.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss (( ą !)ojjD6o E ЙN XXX WR̞]'ԧc`O`ixOx]q-,,-\----..80(77ELF484 (444---t -Ptd-Qtd/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0W;7<Bdv`Hko>\UpSy"wxPZ 8{z~2%X$r0}OKiN stL^nu+h/ MR3AlY(G  ' &9!#.,61-*Q=C5@JF]T[acEIm?:e_|bfqDVj4g)'.v9h`@Th}fq r%/ALyb{~8,"U' -IP[|3u̢" **M`s{ 2ESK"ahz`O P3TCPenF $2FLt\|libbfd-2.21.soxmallocbfd_set_formatstrcpybfd_bwritestdoutbfd_decode_symclassbfd_hash_table_initstrerrordwarf_debug_sectionsbfd_hash_allocatebfd_hash_table_freebfd_get_reloc_upper_boundbfd_mallocgetenvbfd_target_vectorcplus_mangle_opname_sch_istablebfd_coff_get_symentqsortbfd_breadbfd_hash_traversebfd_errmsgbfd_set_start_addressbfd_check_format_matchesbfd_alt_mach_codebfd_check_formatstrtoulbfd_openwxmalloc_set_program_namebfd_seekhtab_create_allocfflushbfd_initstrncasecmpbfd_printable_arch_machcplus_demanglechmodbfd_coff_get_comdat_sectionstrtol_bfd_abortbfd_create_gnu_debuglink_sectionbfd_make_section_with_flagsstrrchrbfd_hash_lookupbfd_get_stab_namectimexstrdupstrcathtab_hash_stringxcalloclstatferrorstrstrhtab_find_slotbfd_canonicalize_relocbfd_make_section_anyway_with_flagsbfd_close_all_donebfd_is_local_labelstrncmpbfd_target_liststrncpybfd_closeunlinkbfd_get_full_section_contentsbfd_get_archbfd_openrbfd_arch_listxreallocbfd_scan_vmabfd_scan_archfreadbfd_get_errorunlink_if_ordinarybfd_set_file_flagsfopenfnmatchbfd_set_relocfclosebfd_get_arch_infobfd_set_section_sizestrcmpbfd_abs_section_finisprintfstderrhtab_findbfd_set_default_targetfputcbfd_get_section_contentsbfd_map_over_sectionsbfd_fill_in_gnu_debuglink_sectionbfd_und_sectionbfd_get_machcplus_demangle_printS3Forcedbfd_hash_newfunc__errno_locationbfd_set_section_contentsatoihtab_traversebfd_openr_next_archived_filexexitstrspnstrchrfputsbfd_set_error_Jv_RegisterClassesbfd_set_symtabhtab_elementsbfd_coff_get_auxentChunkbfd_com_sectionbfd_get_section_by_namevfprintfmemmovecplus_demangle_init_infocplus_demangle_mangled_namecplus_demangle_typecplus_demangle_operatorscplus_demangle_builtin_typeslibm.so.0libgcc_s.so.1__register_frame_info_bases__deregister_frame_info_baseslibc.so.0utimegetopt_longgetpidfeofoptargrmdirchownrenameatoffseekoptind__uClibc_maingettimeofdayftellfgetcmkstempmkdtempaccess__assert_edata__bss_start_end/usr/local/home/bel