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?-gmt boolean?%a %b %d %X %Z %YdateString ?-base clockValue? ?-gmt boolean?unable to convert date-time string "-base-gmt-formatclicksformat string ended in middle of field specifierbad field specifier "%c"cannot mix "%" and "%n$" conversion specifiers"%n$" argument index out of rangevarList list ?varList list ...? commandforeach varlist is emptyTcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert variable list %d to a list object Tcl_ForeachObjCmd: could not reconvert value list %d to a list object couldn't set loop variable: " ("foreach" body line %d)start test next command ("for" initial command) ("for" body line %d) ("for" loop-end command)could not read "devinonlinkuidgidatimemtimectimecharacterSpecialblockSpecialfifoname ?time?could not set access time for file "?-linktype? linkname ?target?": that path already existscould not create new link "" doesn't exist" since target "" pointing to "could not read link "could not set modification time for file "filenameabsolutevolumerelativecould not readlink "?name?Unrecognised pathstat name varName?returnCode? ("eval" body line %d)message ?errorInfo? ?errorCode??encoding? data?encoding??dirName?~couldn't change working directory to "command ?varName?couldn't save command result in variablestring ?in? patList body ... ?default body?extra case pattern with no bodydefault ("%.50s" arm line %d)-symbolic-hardattributeschannelsdirnameisdirectoryisfilelstatmkdirnativenamenormalizeownedpathtypereadablereadlinkrootnametailvolumeswritableconvertfromconvertto|֝fqF8Jԭ7~Ů0R@ٳ_q״9Q0 missing from sublist " (-compare command)-compare command returned non-integer result?options? list"-command" option must be followed by comparison command"-index" option must be followed by list indexlistVar index ?index...? valuelist first last ?element element ...?list doesn't contain element list index element ?element ...?list ?index...?list ?joinString??options? list patternmissing starting indexlist first lastprocname" isn't a procedureprocname arg varnamecouldn't store default value in variable "" doesn't have an argument "unable to determine name of hostbad level "?number?tcl_libraryno library has been specified for Tcl?filename?.sovarName ?increment? (reading increment)wrong # args: no expression after "wrong # args: no script following "thenelseifelsewrong # args: no script following "else" argumentwrong # args: extra words after "else" clause in "if" command-ascii-command-decreasing-dictionary-increasing-index-integer-real-unique-all-glob-not-regexp-sorted-startargscmdcountcompletefunctionsglobalshostnameloadedlocalsnameofexecutablepatchlevelprocsscriptsharedlibextensiontclversionvarsamR !-6?HQZ{ -n=$g4c2test command ("while" body line %d)CommandObjTraceDeleted: negative TraceCommandInfo refCountenterenterstepleaveTraceExecutionProc: bad flag combinationTraceExecutionProc: negative TraceCommandInfo refCountTclCheckExecutionTraces: negative TraceCommandInfo refCount deleteTraceCommandProc: negative TraceCommandInfo refCount a r w u unsetname opList commandbad operation list "": must be one or more of array, read, unset, or writeoperationbad operation list "": must be one or more of delete or renameTclTraceCommandObjCmd: negative TraceCommandInfo refCountbad operation list "": must be one or more of enter, leave, enterstep, or leavestepTclTraceExecutionObjCmd: negative TraceCommandInfo refCounttype ?arg arg ...?name ops command": should be one or more of rwuabad operations "command ?count?microsecondsiteration?switches? string pattern body ... ?default body??switches? string {pattern body ... ?default body?}extra switch pattern with no bodydocumentationswitch body - see the "switch" comment incorrectly placed outside of a , this may be due to a no body specified for pattern "fall-out when searching for body to match patternTcl_SubstObjCmd: bad option index to SubstOptions?-nobackslashes? ?-nocommands? ?-novariables? string-codeokcontinue, or an integer": must be ok, error, return, break, bad completion code "-errorcode": must be -code, -errorcode, or -errorinfobad option "option arg ?arg ...??-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2": must be -nocase or -lengthsubString string ?startIndex?string charIndexclass ?-strict? ?-failindex var? str-strict": must be -strict or -failindex?-nocase? charMap string": must be -nocasechar map list unbalanced?-nocase? pattern stringstring first laststring countstring size overflow, must be less than string first last ?string?string ?first? ?last? string ?chars?string index string ?splitChars?fileNameoldName newName?switches? exp string subSpec ?varName?&\*+?{}()[].\|^$couldn't set variable "?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...? when using -inlineregexp match variables not allowedexecutionaddremovevdeletevinfo-nobackslashes-nocommands-novariablescontrolbooleandoublefalsetruewordcharbytelengthequalfirstmaprepeattolowertouppertotitletrimtrimlefttrimrightwordendwordstart-expanded-linestop-lineanchor-about-indices###||'__ *! "&',(-;./0 1 1 1<3K25956%##C$#P$]$# %%~%%%%#%%##;,;1;6;>;C;K;;BBBBBBBCB C?C$tIwrong # args: should be "continue"wrong # args: should be "break"wrong # args: should be "expr arg ?arg ...?"wrong # args: should be "while test command" ("while" test expression)wrong # args: should be "for start test next command" ("for" test expression)*[]?\wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"wrong # args: should be "lappend varName ?value value ...?"wrong # args: should be "append varName ?value value ...?"wrong # args: should be "llength list"wrong # args: should be "incr varName ?increment?"wrong # args: no expression after "%.*s" argument ("if" test expression)wrong # args: no script following "%.*s" argumentwrong # args: no script following "then" argument ("if" then script line %d) ("if" else script line %d)TclCompileIfCmd: unexpected opcode updating ifFalse jumpwrong # args: should be "catch command ?varName?"TclCompileCatchCmd: bad jump distance %d wrong # args: should be "foreach varList list ?varList list ...? command"ForeachInfoc]]cb^cc_cacccccccccccCompileSubExpr: token type %d not TCL_TOKEN_SUB_EXPR unknown math function "too few arguments for math functiontoo many arguments for math functionCompileLandOrLorExpr: bad jump distance %d CompileSubExpr: unexpected operator %d requiring special treatment CompileSubExpr: unexpected token type %d syntax error in expression "%.*s"+<<>><=>===!=^&&||!22kkѭ""\"\f\n\r\t\v(%u) %s %d # pc %u%u # TclPrintInstruction: bad local var index %u (%u locals) %u # temp var %u%u # var %u TclFixupForwardJump: bad ExceptionRange type %d GetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code offsetGetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad code lengthGetCmdLocEncodingSize: bad source lengthEncodeCmdLocMap: bad code offsetEncodeCmdLocMap: bad code lengthEncodeCmdLocMap: bad source lengthEnterCmdStartData: bad command index %d EnterCmdStartData: cmd map not sorted by code offsetEnterCmdExtentData: bad command index %d EnterCmdExtentData: missing start data for command %d while compiling "%.*s%s" (parsing index for array "%.*s")Unexpected token type in TclCompileTokensdonepush1push4popdupconcat1invokeStk1invokeStk4evalStkexprStkloadScalar1loadScalar4loadScalarStkloadArray1loadArray4loadArrayStkloadStkstoreScalar1storeScalar4storeScalarStkstoreArray1storeArray4storeArrayStkstoreStkincrScalar1incrScalarStkincrArray1incrArrayStkincrStkincrScalar1ImmincrScalarStkImmincrArray1ImmincrArrayStkImmincrStkImmjump1jump4jumpTrue1jumpTrue4jumpFalse1jumpFalse4lorlandbitorbitxorbitandgtlshiftrshiftmultdivuplusuminusbitnotcallBuiltinFunc1callFunc1tryCvtToNumericforeach_start4foreach_step4beginCatch4endCatchpushResultpushReturnCodestreqstrneqstrcmpstrlenstrindexstrmatchlistindexlistlengthlappendScalar1lappendScalar4lappendArray1lappendArray4lappendArrayStklappendStklindexMultioverlsetListlsetFlatbytecodeama.m.pmp.m.januaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberseptoctobernovemberdecembersundaymondaytuesdaytueswednesdaywednesthursdaythurthursfridaysaturdayutcuctwetwatnftnstndtedtcstcdtmstmdtpstpdtystydthdtahstidlwcetcestmetmewtmestswtsstfwtfsteetbtzp4zp5zp6wastwadtjtcctjstjdtkstkdtcastcadteasteadtgstnztnzstnzdtidledstyearmonthfortnightweekhourminuteminsecondsectomorrowyesterdaytodaynowthisnextagoepochstardatez