can't open fileremote filename is too longoctetblksizetsizeserver error: (%u) %sfalling back to blocksize 512rcu:malformed packet/.dot in file nameg:p:g--p:p--g:gpl:r:b:file not foundaccess violationdisk fullbad operationunknown transfer idfile already existsno such userbad option-1:x-xFIlnrdvxt:i:m:p:q:s:w:z:f:4SO_SNDBUFsetsockopt tos %dtraceroute to %s (%s), %d hops max, %d byte packets %2dsetsockopt ttl %dsent %d octets, ret=%dpacket too short (%d bytes) from %s OUT-OF-RANGE %d bytes from %s to %s: icmp type %d (%s) code %d %2d: x%8.8x %s (%s) %d bytes to %s %u.%03u ms (%d) ! !N !H !P !F-%d !S !A !C !V !U !I !T !<%d>ICMP 1ICMP 2Dest UnreachableRedirectICMP 6ICMP 7EchoRouter AdvertRouter SolicitParam ProblemTimestampInfo RequestInfo Replytap%d/dev/net/tun=0:t--d:d--tf:t:d:u:g:bnonSet '%s' %spersistent and owned by uid %ld gid %ldioctl error for %s/proc/net/vlan/configaddremset_name_type set_flagset_egress_mapset_ingress_mapVLAN_PLUS_VIDVLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PADDEV_PLUS_VIDDEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PADfdopenhttpftp://not an http or ftp url: %sbad header line: %sdownload timed outerror getting responseWget-1:T+:::csqO:P:Y:U:T:t:http_proxyftp_proxyindex.htmlhtGET %stp://%s/%s HTTP/1.1 POST /%s HTTP/1.1 GET /%s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: %s Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s Range: bytes=%lu- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: %u %sno response from serverserver returned error: %scontent-length %s is garbagetransfer encoding '%s' is not supportedtoo many redirectionsanonymous:busybox@USER PASS ftp login: %sSIZE SIZE value is garbagebad response to %s: %sRETR ftp error: %scontinuecspidersquietqoutput-documentOdirectory-prefixPproxyYuser-agentUtimeoutTpassive-ftpheaderpost-datano-check-certificatecontent-lengthtransfer-encodingchunkedlocation%s %s %sscript %s %s failed, exitcode=%d=2:vv:vffqr:vinvalid link addressSIOCGIFHWADDRstart, interface %siface %s is downdeconfigprotocol familyinetinet6link onelinefamily460peeranycastscopeneed "dev IFACE""dev" (%s) must match "label" (%s)broadcast can be set only for IPv4 addressescan't send flush requestnil ifnameDeleted %d: %s@NONE: @%s: NO-CARRIER,,M-DOWNmtu %u qdisc %s master %s state %s SIOCGIFTXQLENqlen %d%c link/%s peer brd wrong nlmsg len %d%u: %s inet inet6 family %d peer %s/%d brd %s any %s scope %s secondary tentative deprecated dynamic flags %02x valid_lft forevervalid_lft %dsec preferred_lft forever preferred_lft %dsec %sflushcan't flush link addressesadddeletelistshowlstflushpeerremotebroadcastbrdanycastscopedevlabellocaltoscopeuplabeldevUNKNOWNNOTPRESENTDOWNLOWERLAYERDOWNTESTINGDORMANTUPLOOPBACKBROADCASTPOINTOPOINTMULTICASTNOARPUPLOWER_UPargument of "%s" must be "on" or "off"qlen"dev"wrong address (%s) length: expected %d bytesSIOCSIFHWADDRSIOCSIFNAMESIOCSIFTXQLENSIOCSIFMTUadddeletesetshowlstlistlinknametypedevonoffupdownnamemtuqlenmulticastarpaddressdevNot a route: %08x %08x %08x default from %s/%u from %s from 0/%u via %s src %s metric %d %c cache /proc/net/psched%*08x%*08x%08x%08x expires %dsec iif %sneed at least destination addressnot a route?wrong len %dcan't connect the route"ip route flush"can't flush routing cachecan't send dump requestunknown command %saddappendchangechgdeletegetlistshowprependreplacetestflushfromiifoifdevnotifyconnectedtoprotocoldevoifiifviatablecachefromtoallrootmatchexactmain/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flushsrcviamtulockprotocoltabledevoiftometricpreferenceTOSfwmarktable ID%u: from %s/%u0/%dto %s/%u to 0/%d tos %s fwmark %#x iif %s lookup %s realms %s/map-to %s masqueradeadddeletelistshowfromtopreferenceorderprioritytosfwmarkrealmstablelookupdeviifnatmap-totypehelpSIOCGETTUNNELyou managed to ask for more than one%s tunnel modecan't guessikeyokeyTTLTTL must be <=255greipipkeys are not allowed with ipip and sitbroadcast tunnel requires a source addressSIOCCHGTUNNELSIOCADDTUNNELttl != 0 and noptmudisc are incompatibletunl0gre0sit0can't determine tunnel mode (ipip, gre or sit)SIOCDELTUNNELanyipv6%s: %s/ip remote %s local %s SIOCGIFNAME dev %s ttl %d ttl inherit tos inherit%c%s nopmtudisc key %s ikey %s okey %s %c Drop packets out of sequence. %c Checksum in received packet is required.%c Sequence packets on output.%c Checksum output packets.wrong format of /proc/net/dev%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%*d%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lu%lucan't get type of [%s]addchangedeleteshowlistlstmodeipipip/ipgregre/ipsitipv6/ipkeyikeyokeyseqiseqoseqcsumicsumocsumnopmtudiscpmtudiscremoteanylocaldevttlinherittosdsfieldnamedeficit %d, rta_len=%d!can't talk to rtnetlinkOVERRUNEOF on netlinksender address length == %dtruncated messagemalformed message: len=%d!ERROR truncatedRTNETLINK answersunexpected reply!message truncatedremnant of size %d!dump terminated"%s" is invalid lladdrcan't find device '%s'if%d[%d]database %s is corrupted at line %dmain/etc/iproute2/rt_tables/etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield/etc/iproute2/rt_realmsglobalnowheresite/etc/iproute2/rt_scopes/etc/iproute2/rt_protoskernelgatedmrtzebrabirdunicastblackholeunreachableprohibitthrownatxresolvelocalnatbroadcastbrdanycastmulticastprohibitunreachableblackholexresolveunicastthrow???either "%s" is duplicate, or "%s" is garbageduplicate "%s": "%s" is the second valuecommand line is not complete, try option "help"an %s %s is expected rather than "%s"prefix"%s" may be inet %s, but it is not allowed in this contextSending discover...Sending select for %s...Sending decline...Sending renew...Sending release...Packet read error, ignoringPacket is too short, ignoringOversized packet, ignoringUnrelated/bogus packet, ignoringBad IP header checksum, ignoringPacket with bad UDP checksum received, ignoringPacket with bad magic, ignoringGot valid DHCP packet%s%u.%u.%u.%u%s=interface=%sip=mask=%dsiaddr=boot_file=%.128ssname=%.64sExecuting %s %sEntering listen mode: %sOpening raw socket on ifindex %dGot raw socket fd %dAttached filter to raw socket fd %dCreated raw socketUnicasting a release of %s to %sEntering released state/usr/share/udhcpc/default.scriptudhcp 1.18.3O::x::T+:t+:A+:vvCV:H:h:F:i:np:qRr:s:T:t:SA:O:ox:fbaP:v%s (v1.18.3) startedWaiting on select...leasefailNo lease, forking to backgroundNo lease, failingEntering renew stateEntering rebinding stateLease lost, entering init statePerforming a DHCP renewReceived SIGTERMRead error: %s, reopening socketxid %x (our is %x), ignoring packetchaddr does not match, ignoring packetno message type option, ignoring packetno server ID, ignoring packetno lease time with ACK, using 1 hour leaseOffered address is in use (got ARP reply), decliningLease of %s obtained, lease time %uboundReceived DHCP NAKnakclientid-noneCvendorclassVhostnameHfqdnFinterfaceinownpidfilepquitqreleaseRrequestrscriptstimeoutTversionvretriesttryagainAsyslogSrequest-optionOno-default-optionsoforegroundfbackgroundbarpingaclient-portPForwarding packet to relayBroadcasting packet to clientUnicasting packet to client ciaddrno free IP addresses. OFFER abandonedSending OFFER of %sSending ACK to %sSending NAKfSvP:/etc/udhcpd.confmax_leases=%u is too big, setting to %uError on selectReceived SIGUSR1MAC length != 6, ignoring packetnot a REQUEST, ignoring packetno or bad message type option, ignoring packetFound static lease: %xserver ID doesn't match, ignoringReceived DISCOVERReceived REQUESTno requested IP and no ciaddr, ignoringReceived DECLINEReceived RELEASEReceived INFORMbad server IP/var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases=0:a--r:r--aarf:Mac Address IP Address Host Name Expires %s expired%u days %02u:%02u:%02u %-16s%s absolutearemainingrfileftoo many leases while loading %sRead %d leasescan't parse line %u in %s192.168.0.20192.168.0.254max_leases235auto_time7200decline_time3600conflict_timeoffer_time60min_leaselease_filepidfile/var/run/udhcpd.pidsiaddroptnotify_filesnameboot_filestatic_lease%s belongs to someone, reserving it for %u seconds hlen %x xid %x ciaddr %x yiaddr %x siaddr %x giaddr %x chaddr %ssocket(%s)bind(%s)connectReceived a packetMSFT 98Broken client (%s), forcing broadcast repliescan't send signalOpening listen socket on *:%d %sis interface %s up and configured?IP %sAdapter index %dMAC %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xstatic lease: mac:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x nip:%xcan't enable bcast on raw socketNo a%srp reply received for this addressmalformed hex string '%s'Attaching option %02x to listAttaching option %02x to existing member of list%s: 0x%02x %soption 0x%02x did not fit into the packetAdding optioncan't add option 0x%02xbad packet, malformed option fieldOption foundOption 0x%02x not foundunknown option '%s', known options: %s, , /-subnettimezonerouterdnslprsrvhostnamebootsizedomainswapsrvrootpathipttlmtubroadcastroutesnisdomainnissrvntpsrvwinsleaseserveridmessagetftpbootfilesearchsipsrvstaticroutesmsstaticrouteswpadCommand %02x %s DATAFILEDuplicated subcommandNo or bad filenameBad lengthFile is too bigExpected %d but got %d bytes . Server said:error while %s%sP:U:sdfP:U:VhC:J:mPRINTERlocalhost%s %s%c%s connected to server%s setting queue/tmp/lprXXXXXXfA%03u%sH%.32s P%.32s C%.32s J%.99s L%.32s M%.32s ld%.31s sending control file%u c%s sending data file%lu d%s local file changed size?!job acceptedbufferssharedfreetotal %13s%13s%13s%13s%13s Mem: %13llu%13llu%13llu%13llu%13llu -/+ buffers: Swap:%*s %*s %*s %x:%x %llumks64%u/%4s/proc/net/%s%*d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%x %*x:%*x %*x %*x:%*x %*x:%*x %*x %*d %*d %lluexelibkill pid %u%-13s %8.2f %12.2f %12.2f %10llu %10llu k--m:m--kcdtzkmALL/proc/diskstats%*d %*d %s %lu %*u %*u %*u %luuname%s %s (%s) %s _%s_ (%d CPU) %x %Xavg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %lu.%lucan't read /proc/uptimeDevice: tps MB_read/s MB_wrtn/s MB_read MB_wrtn kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn Blk_read/s Blk_wrtn/s Blk_read Blk_wrtn%u %u %s %lu %llu %llu %llu %lu %lu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lubad signal name '%s'bad option '%s'invalid number '%s'you need to specify whom to kill%s: no process killedcan't kill pid %d%s %s (%s) %s _%s_ (%u CPU) %*s %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %lluintr %-11s CPU %*s/s%-11s %4u%10.2f N/A %-11s CPU %%usr %%nice %%sys %%iowait %%irq %%soft %%steal %%guest %%idle %-11s all %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %-11s CPU intr/s %9.2f /proc/interrupts/proc/softirqsAI:P:unot that many processorsAverage:CPUSUMSCPUALLpage kmgtpezyctxtintrSwapTotal:SwapFree:MemTotal:MemFree:Buffers:Cached:Slab:%02d:%02d:%02d.%0*dcpu 2.4.loadavgmeminfosys/fs/file-nrncmsfixptbdrs+:P+vlfxons:P:o::so:%PPID%08lx %7lu %7lu %7lu %7lu %7luK %.4s %s no such process%u: %s Address Kbytes PSS Dirty Swap Mode Mapping-------- ------ ------ ------ ------ total %7lu %7lu %7lu %7lu mapped: %luK xq/sys/devices/system/cpu%s/%s/cpuidle/%s/descMWAIT Your CPU supports the following C-states: C%u Your BIOS reports the following C-states: /proc/acpi/processor%s/%s/powerage[ation[ : %s : %shpet/proc/timer_stats total eventsextra timer interrupttick_nohz_tick_setup_sched_timer[kernel module]%15.15s : %srun as root to collect enough informationCollecting data for 10 seconds1 C-state information is not available Cn Avg residency C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%) C%u %5.1fms (%4.1f%%) Wakeups-from-idle in %u seconds: %llu Top causes for wakeups: KMGTPEZY %5.1f%% (%s) %s no stats available; run as root or enable the cpufreq_stats moduleNMIRESCALTLBTRMTHRSPUinsmodmodprobeswapper%*d%*u%.6s,bad -o argument '%s', supported arguments: %s mgtpezy%u,%u%3lu:%02uZo:aAdeflTpid,user,time,args%-*s PGIDELAPSEDNIRGROUPRUSERTTVSZRSSunknown user %spgu%cetpriority%lloustar %06oerror: '%s' must be of the form name=valueerror: malformed setting '%s'error: '%s' is an unknown keysetterror %sing key '%s'%s = error reading key '%s'+neAapw/etc/sysctl.conf/proc/sys# = 100% MemTotal: %lu %s Mem: %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %luMemFree: %lu %s MemShared: %lu %s Buffers: %lu %s Cached: %lu %s Mem: %luK used, %luK free, %luK shrd, %luK buff, %luK cached%s CPU%s:%susr%ssys%snic%sidle%sio%sirq%ssirqLoad average: %s PID PPID USER STAT VSZ %MEM CPU %CPU COMMAND%6ldm%7ld %5u%6u %-8.8s %s%s%3u.%c %3d%3u.%c Mem total:%s anon:%s map:%s free:%s%.*s slab:%s buf:%s cache:%s dirty:%s write:%sSwap total:%s free:%s PID VSZ VSZRW RSS (SHR) DIRTY (SHR) STACK COMMAND %.*scan't read /proc/statd:n:bmno process info in /proc %02d:%02d:%02d up %d day%s, %2d:%02d, %d min, load average: %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld -1:n++dtn:Every %us: %-*s%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%Sreaddir %swarning: %s/%s is a directoryopen %s/%sread %s/%sfchdir-1:a+:c+:d+:f+:l+:m+:o+:p+:r+:s+:t++a:c:d:f:l:m:o:p:r:s:t:u:U:e:/:n:vP012nice%s: warning: cannot %s%s: warning: cannot open %s%s: fatal: cannot %s%svfork for control/?setup stdout for control/?run control/?wait for child control/?stat control/?supervise/pid.newlog/supervise/pidsupervise/, paused, got TERM, want down, want exitlog/supervise/statwrite supervise/status.newlog/supervise/status./finish./runvfork, sleepingstart start log/stat ./logstat log/down: log is not a directorylog/down: name too longreadlink ./superviselock supervise/lockreadlink ./log/supervisechange back to service directorylock log/supervise/locklog/supervise/controllog/supervise/ok%s: fatal: can't %s%scan't %s: warning: %s%s%srunsvstart runsv open directory stat read directory Ps:open current directorychange directory, pausingchange directory to fail: ok: warning: runsv not runningcan't open supervise/okcan't open supervise/statuscan't read supervise/statuscan't read supervise/status: bad formatwarning: can't stat %s/downrun: finish: %s: (pid %d) down: %s: , normally down, normally up, want up; log: warning: can't change to log service directory: %sfatal: can't %swarning: can't stat %s/check./checkwarning: can't %s child %s/checkwait forcan't open supervise/controlcan't write to supervise/controlSVDIR/var/serviceSVWAITw+:vvw:vtcuforce-reloadforce-restartforce-shutdownforce-stopcan't change to service directorychange to original directorytimeout: kill: warning: %s: %shangupinfo: sig%s receivedalarmtermpausing: out of memorypausing: can't %s %spausing: can't %sopen directory, want rotatecan't unlink processor leftovercan't read directoryinfo: delete: %s/%scan't unlink oldest logfileinfo: close: %sfsync current logfileset mode of currentcan't open log directorycan't change directorycan't lock directorychange to initial working directorywarning: %s/configinfo: read: %s/configrename currentcan't stat currentopen currentinfo: append: %s/currentinfo: new: %s/currentno functional log directoriesfatal: %sprocessor already runningvfork for processorinfo: processing: %s/%sopen state forfatal: can't %s processor %snewstatewait for processorchange directory, want processorprocessor failed, restartrename processedset mode of processedwarning: can't unlink: %s/%srename stateinfo: processed: %s/%schange directory, want rotateinfo: rename: %s/current %s %ucreate new currentcan't read standard inputwarning: %schange directory, want remove old logfileopen directory, want remove old logfilecan't read directory, want remove old logfilewarning: out of disk space, delete: %s/%swrite to currenttt:vvr:R:l:b:tv%04u-%02u-%02u_%02u:%02u:%02u.%06u000childline %d: Illegal number: %s%d: %mparameter not set or null%.*s: %s%sillegal option -%cno arg for -%c option%s: %s not found LPNo previous jobNo current job%s: no such job%s: ambiguousjob %s not created under job control%.*s: is read onlyillegal option %co %s%-16s%s set %co %s illegal option %c%cout of file descriptorscan't set tty process group (%m)can't access tty; job control turned off%.*s: bad variable nameOLDPWDYou have stopped jobs. (expecting %s)"$(...)"$(...)${${#"}$(())>|<<...while && || if ; then ; else ; fiuntil ; do ; done in () { ... };; >>>&<&%s=%s %lldusage: getopts optstring var [arg]OPTARGIllegal option -%c No arg for -%c option OPTIND (core dumped)Done(%d)can't forkexpression expected[%d] Running %*c%d %s%*c%s%s%.4o illegal mode: %strap -- %s %s %lum%lu.%03lus%c%s%s%.*s%s p:u:rt:n:sIFS -%uCDPATHcan't cd to %s[%d] bad fd numberpipe call failednonexistent directorycan't create %s: %sno such filecan't open %s: %smissing '))'unterminated quoted stringmissing '}'bad substitutionEOF in backquote substitutionillegal eof marker for << redirectionbad for loop variable-obad function nameredir error Use "exit" to leave shell. PS1=\w \$ HISTFILE.ash_history/etc/profile.profileENV%builtinfunc%s not defined in %s is a shell keywordalias is an alias for %s a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell functionspecial is a %sshell builtin: not found pvVPS1=$ PS2=> PS4=+ OPTIND=1RANDOMeerrexitfnoglobIignoreeofiinteractivemmonitornnoexecsstdinxxtracevverboseCnoclobberaallexportbnotifyunounsetend of file);;`dodoneelifelseesacfithen}3.3:2[2[[6alias2bg3break2cd0chdir2command3continue2echo3eval3exec3exit7export2false2fg2getopts0hash2jobs2kill0let4local2printf0pwd2read7readonly3return3set3shift3source2test3times3trap2true0type0ulimit2umask2unalias3unset2waitvipipefailnewlineredirectionword;&&&|||(!caseforifinuntilwhile{}-+?=nrbtfavx\01234567    !"$&'()*-/:;<=>?[\]`|}~@==:*?[ ()&|;  rwxugo   S%dambiguous redirectPS1PS2%s: readonly variablePWD=%sStopped[%d] %-22s %.40s [%d] %d %s waitpidBuilt-in commands: ------------------%-10s%s %s: bad arguments%s: not in a function or sourced script%s: only meaningful in a loop!+vfunset: -v and -f are exclusive%s: invalid mode '%s'%04o %s: not in a function%.*s/%sa shell builtintype: %s: not found%s is %s '%.*s'trap -- trap: %s: invalid signal specificationtrap: invalid arguments!nexport %.*s*?[\{}!srn:p:t:u:glob error %d on '%s'syntax error: unterminated %s_*@$!?#${name}\/%#:-=+?999999999\$`\ syntax error: unexpected %scd: %s%s: no current job%%%d%s: bad argument '%s'%s: %d: no such jobkill (SIGCONT)! ! commandnot a valid identifier in for{}<>;&|()#'\$"`unexpected EOF in here documentBUG: unexpected %c bug in redirect parsemalformed forBUG in varexp3BUG in varexp2malformed ${%s:...}parameter null or not set$%s: cannot assign in this waywait: '%s': not a pid or valid job specwait %sset: %s: invalid optionHUSH_VERSION.hush_history+c:xinsRun commands in a fileResume a job in the backgroundExit from a loopChange directoryStart new loop iterationConstruct and run shell commandExecute command, don't return to shellExitSet environment variablesBring job into the foregroundList jobsSet local variablesmemleakInput into variableReturn from a functionSet/unset positional parametersShift positional parametersTrap signalsShow command typeControl resource limitsSet file creation maskUnset variablesWait for processHUSH_VERSION=1.18.3pipefailmalformed ?: operatorexponent less than 0divide by zeroarithmetic syntax errorexpression recursion loop detected<<=>>=<< >>,||&&!=*<=k>=K== |=B&="*=/=#%=C+=-=--3^=b++**/!0< >+=|& */.%N+ --^~,?:$)4(unlimited-%c: %-30s error setting limitread: '%s': not a valid identifierinvalid timeoutREPLYinvalid countinvalid file descriptorcpu time (seconds)data seg size (kb)stack size (kb)core file size (blocks)resident set size (kb)locked memory (kb)address space (kb)IFS= c:nklogd started: %sklogctl(2) errorklogd: exitingsemop[SMrup]can't find syslogd buffercan't access syslogd buffercan't get access to semaphores for syslogd buffersemop[SMrdn]p:st:facilityunknown %s name: %sprioritySMwdnSMwup/dev/console%s.%s%s %.64s %s %s =0:R::m:nO:l:Ss:b:R:LC::D/var/run/syslogd.pidshmgetshmatsemgetsyslogd started: BusyBox v1.18.3read from /dev/logsyslogd exitingalertcritdebugemergnoticepanicwarnwarningauthauthprivdaemonkernlprnewssecuritysysloguucplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7/var/log/messages/etc/acpi/dev/input/event/var/log/acpid.log/etc/acpid.conf/etc/ PWRF 00000080button/power PWRB 00000080%lld s+:n+cs:n:klogctl mode "%ux%u-%u" # D: %.3f MHz, H: %.3f kHz, V: %.3f Hz geometry %u %u %u %u %u timings %u %u %u %u %u %u %u accel %s rgba %u/%u,%u/%u,%u/%u,%u/%u endmode /etc/fb.modes# endmode%d %d %d %d %d %d %dunknown video mode '%s'FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFOgeometrytimingsinterlaceddoublevsynchsynccsyncextsyncFDGETPRMSingleDouble%s-sided, %d tracks, %d sec/track. Total capacity %d kB Formatting... FDFMTBEGFDFMTTRK%3dFDFMTENDVerifying... problem reading cylinder %d, expected %d, read %dbad data in cyl %d Continuing... cylinderUnknown Disk %s: %lu MB, %llu bytes Disk %s: %lu.%lu GB, %llu bytes %u heads, %u sectors/track, %u cylinders, total %u sectors Units = %s of %u * %u = %u bytes The number of cylinders for this disk is set to %u. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) %c%2x %-22.22sPartition %u has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?): phys=(%u, %u, %u) logical=(%u, %u, %u) Partition %u has different physical/logical endings: Partition %u does not end on cylinder boundary %c: unknown command Unknown value(s) for: (settable in the extra functions menu) Disk %s: %u heads, %u sectors, %u cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID%2u %02x%4u%4u%5u%4u%4u%5u%11u%11u %02x can't seek on %sDOS disklabel'%s' is opened for read only can't read from %sNote: sector size is %u (not 512) device has more than 2^32 sectors, can't use all of themDevice contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI, OSF or GPT disklabelIgnoring extra extended partition %u Bad offset in primary extended partitionWarning: deleting partitions after %u Warning: extra link pointer in partition table %u Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table %u Omitting empty partition (%u) Warning: invalid flag 0x%02x,0x%02x of partition table %u will be corrected by w(rite) %s (%u-%u): %s (%u-%u, default %u): Using default value %u Value is out of rangePartition numberWarning: partition %u has empty type Selected partition %u No partition is defined yet!All primary partitions have been defined already!First %sSector %u is already allocated No free sectors availableLast %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKWarning: bad start-of-data in partition %u Partition %u contains sector 0 Partition %u: head %u greater than maximum %u Partition %u: sector %u greater than maximum %u Partition %u: cylinder %u greater than maximum %u Partition %u: previous sectors %u disagrees with total %u Warning: partition %u overlaps partition %u Warning: partition %u is empty Logical partition %u not entirely in partition %u Total allocated sectors %u greater than the maximum %u %u unallocated sectors Device%*s Boot Start End Blocks Id System part%*.*s%s%-2u%s %c %11u %11u %11u%c %2x %s Partition table entries are not in disk order/dev/hd/proc/ide/%s/mediaDisk %s doesn't contain a valid partition table /proc/partitions %u %u %u %[^ ]The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition tableWARNING: rereading partition table failed, kernel still uses old tableCommand Actiona toggle a bootable flagb edit bsd disklabelc toggle the dos compatibility flagd delete a partitionl list known partition typesn add a new partitiono create a new empty DOS partition tablep print the partition tableq quit without saving changess create a new empty Sun disklabelt change a partition's system idu change display/entry unitsv verify the partition tablew write table to disk and exitx extra functionality (experts only)b+:C+:H+:S+b:C:H:lS:uCommand (m for help): WARNING: Partition %u is an extended partition DOS Compatibility flag is setDOS Compatibility flag is not setThe maximum number of partitions has been createdYou must delete some partition and add an extended partition firste extendedl logical (5 or over)Command action %s p primary partition (1-4) Invalid partition number for type '%c' Partition %u does not exist yet! Hex code (type L to list codes): Type 0 means free space to many systems (but not to Linux). Having partitions of type 0 is probably unwise.You cannot change a partition into an extended one or vice versaChanged system type of partition %u to %x (%s) Changing display/entry units to %s Expert command (m for help): Partition %u has no data area New beginning of dataRecalculate C/H/S values? (Y/N): Number of cylindersDevice: %s 0x%03X: %02XOrdering is already correct Done.Number of headsNumber of sectorsWarning: setting sector offset for DOS compatiblityb move beginning of data in a partitionc change number of cylindersd print the raw data in the partition tablee list extended partitionsf fix partition orderh change number of headsr return to main menus change number of sectors/trackFAT12FAT16 <32MExtendedFAT16HPFS/NTFS OS/2 Boot Manager Win95 FAT32 Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Win95 Ext'd (LBA)Hidden FAT12Compaq diagnosticsHidden FAT16 <32MHidden FAT16Hidden HPFS/NTFSHidden Win95 FAT32Hidden W95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden W95 FAT16 (LBA)