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No help available. Usage: --helpyou have no permission to run this applet!setresgidsetresuidmust be suid to work properlybusyboxCopyright (C) 1998-2009 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko and others. Licensed under GPLv2. See source distribution for full notice. Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]... or: busybox --list[-full] or: function [arguments]... BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox will act like whatever it was invoked as. Currently defined functions: , --list--install: applet not found [[[acpidadd-shelladdgroupadduseradjtimexarparpingashawkbase64basenamebeepblkidblockdevbootchartdbrctlbunzip2bzcatbzip2calcatcatvchatchattrchgrpchmodchownchpasswdchpstchrootchrtchvtcksumclearcmpcommcpcpiocrondcrontabcryptpwcttyhackcutdatedcdddeallocvtdelgroupdeluserdepmoddevmemdfdhcprelaydiffdirnamedmesgdnsddnsdomainnamedos2unixdudumpkmapdumpleasesechoedegrepejectenvenvdirenvuidgidether-wakeexpandexprfakeidentdfalsefbsetfbsplashfdflushfdformatfdiskfgconsolefgrepfindfindfsflockfoldfreefreeramdiskfsckfsck.minixfsyncftpdftpgetftpputfusergetoptgettygrepgunzipgziphalthdhdparmheadhexdumphostidhostnamehttpdhushhwclockidifconfigifdownifenslaveifplugdifupinetdinitinsmodinstallioniceiostatipipaddripcalcipcrmipcsiplinkiprouteipruleiptunnelkbd_modekillkillallkillall5klogdlastlengthlesslinux32linux64linuxrclnloadfontloadkmaploggerloginlognamelogreadlosetuplpdlpqlprlslsattrlsmodlspcilsusblzcatlzmalzoplzopcatmakedevsmakemimemanmd5summdevmesgmicrocommkdirmkdosfsmke2fsmkfifomkfs.ext2mkfs.minixmkfs.vfatmknodmkpasswdmkswapmktempmodinfomodprobemoremountmountpointmpstatmtmvnameifnbd-clientncnetstatnicenmeternohupnslookupntpdodopenvtpasswdpatchpgreppidofpingpipe_progresspivot_rootpkillpmappopmaildirpoweroffpowertopprintenvprintfpspscanpwdraidautorunrdaterdevreadlinkreadprofilerealpathrebootreformimeremove-shellreniceresetresizerevrmrmdirrmmodrouterpmrpm2cpiortcwakerun-partsrunlevelrunsvrunsvdirrxscriptscriptreplaysedsendmailseqsetarchsetconsolesetfontsetkeycodessetlogconssetsidsetuidgidshsha1sumsha256sumsha512sumshowkeyslattachsleepsmemcapsoftlimitsortsplitstart-stop-daemonstatstringssttysusuloginsumsvsvlogdswapoffswaponswitch_rootsyncsysctlsyslogdtactailtartcpsvdteetelnettelnetdtesttftptftpdtimetimeouttoptouchtrtraceroutetruettyttysizetunctludhcpcudhcpdudpsvdumountunameunexpanduniqunix2dosunlzmaunlzopunxzunzipuptimeusleepuudecodeuuencodevconfigvivlockvolnamewallwatchwatchdogwcwgetwhichwhowhoamixargsxzxzcatyeszcatzcip32"3"B33AC3334!4311333$12123"43!!#32"2B"3323$#B323#!#3!2"#!!43C332C11!DC#13"123ABC313#13#12C""31343331#B13333323333!/etc/busybox.confSsx-Ssx-Ttx-EXPRESSION ] Check file types, compare values etc. Return a 0/1 exit code depending on logical value of EXPRESSIONEXPRESSION ] Check file types, compare values etc. Return a 0/1 exit code depending on logical value of EXPRESSION[-d] [-c CONFDIR] [-l LOGFILE] [-a ACTIONFILE] [-M MAPFILE] [-e PROC_EVENT_FILE] [-p PIDFILE] Listen to ACPI events and spawn specific helpers on event arrival Options: -c DIR Config directory [/etc/acpi] -d Don't daemonize, (implies -f) -e FILE /proc event file [/proc/acpi/event] -f Run in foreground -l FILE Log file [/var/log/acpid.log] -p FILE Pid file [/var/run/acpid.pid] -a FILE Action file [/etc/acpid.conf] -M FILE Map file [/etc/acpi.map] Accept and ignore compatibility options -g -m -s -S -vSHELL... Add SHELLs to /etc/shells[-g GID] [USER] GROUP Add a group or add a user to a group Options: -g GID Group id -S Create a system group[OPTIONS] USER Add a user Options: -h DIR Home directory -g GECOS GECOS field -s SHELL Login shell -G GRP Add user to existing group -S Create a system user -D Don't assign a password -H Don't create home directory -u UID User id[-q] [-o OFF] [-f FREQ] [-p TCONST] [-t TICK] Read and optionally set system timebase parameters. See adjtimex(2) Options: -q Quiet -o OFF Time offset, microseconds -f FREQ Frequency adjust, integer kernel units (65536 is 1ppm) (positive values make clock run faster) -t TICK Microseconds per tick, usually 10000 -p TCONST [-vn] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -a [HOSTNAME] [-v] [-i IF] -d HOSTNAME [pub] [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [temp] [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -s HOSTNAME HWADDR [netmask MASK] pub [-v] [-H HWTYPE] [-i IF] -Ds HOSTNAME IFACE [netmask MASK] pub Manipulate ARP cache Options: -a Display (all) hosts -s Set new ARP entry -d Delete a specified entry -v Verbose -n Don't resolve names -i IF Network interface -D Read from given device -A,-p AF Protocol family -H HWTYPE Hardware address type[-fqbDUA] [-c CNT] [-w TIMEOUT] [-I IFACE] [-s SRC_IP] DST_IP Send ARP requests/replies Options: -f Quit on first ARP reply -q Quiet -b Keep broadcasting, don't go unicast -D Duplicated address detection mode -U Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbors -A ARP answer mode, update your neighbors -c N Stop after sending N ARP requests -w TIMEOUT Time to wait for ARP reply, seconds -I IFACE Interface to use (default eth0) -s SRC_IP Sender IP address DST_IP Target IP address[OPTIONS] [AWK_PROGRAM] [FILE]... Options: -v VAR=VAL Set variable -F SEP Use SEP as field separator -f FILE Read program from FILE[-d] [FILE] Base64 encode or decode FILE to standard output Options: -d Decode dataFILE [SUFFIX] Strip directory path and .SUFFIX from FILE -f FREQ -l LEN -d DELAY -r COUNT -n Options: -f Frequency in Hz -l Length in ms -d Delay in ms -r Repetitions -n Start new tone Print UUIDs of all filesystemsOPTION BLOCKDEV Options: --setro Set ro --setrw Set rw --getro Get ro --getss Get sector size --getbsz Get block size --setbsz BYTES Set block size --getsize Get device size in 512-byte sectors --getsize64 Get device size in bytes --flushbufs Flush buffers --rereadpt Reread partition tablestart [PROG ARGS]|stop|init Create /var/log/bootchart.tgz with boot chart data Options: start: start background logging; with PROG, run PROG, then kill logging with USR1 stop: send USR1 to all bootchartd processes init: start background logging; stop when getty/xdm is seen (for init scripts) Under PID 1: as init, then exec $bootchart_init, /init, /sbin/initCOMMAND [BRIDGE [INTERFACE]] Manage ethernet bridges Commands: show Show a list of bridges addbr BRIDGE Create BRIDGE delbr BRIDGE Delete BRIDGE addif BRIDGE IFACE Add IFACE to BRIDGE delif BRIDGE IFACE Delete IFACE from BRIDGE setageing BRIDGE TIME Set ageing time setfd BRIDGE TIME Set bridge forward delay sethello BRIDGE TIME Set hello time setmaxage BRIDGE TIME Set max message age setpathcost BRIDGE COST Set path cost setportprio BRIDGE PRIO Set port priority setbridgeprio BRIDGE PRIO Set bridge priority stp BRIDGE [1/yes/on|0/no/off] STP on/off[-cf] [FILE]... Decompress FILEs (or stdin) Options: -c Write to stdout -f ForceFILE Decompress to stdout[OPTIONS] [FILE]... Compress FILEs (or stdin) with bzip2 algorithm Options: -1..9 Compression level -d Decompress -c Write to stdout -f Force[-jy] [[MONTH] YEAR] Display a calendar Options: -j Use julian dates -y Display the entire year[FILE]... Concatenate FILEs and print them to stdout[-etv] [FILE]... Display nonprinting characters as ^x or M-x Options: -e End each line with $ -t Show tabs as ^I -v Don't use ^x or M-x escapesEXPECT [SEND [EXPECT [SEND...]]] Useful for interacting with a modem connected to stdin/stdout. A script consists of one or more "expect-send" pairs of strings, each pair is a pair of arguments. Example: chat '' ATZ OK ATD123456 CONNECT '' ogin: pppuser word: ppppass '~'[-R] [-+=AacDdijsStTu] [-v VERSION] [FILE]... Change file attributes on an ext2 fs Modifiers: - Remove attributes + Add attributes = Set attributes Attributes: A Don't track atime a Append mode only c Enable compress D Write dir contents synchronously d Don't backup with dump i Cannot be modified (immutable) j Write all data to journal first s Zero disk storage when deleted S Write file contents synchronously t Disable tail-merging of partial blocks with other files u Allow file to be undeleted Options: -R Recurse -v Set the file's version/generation number[-RhLHPcvf]... GROUP FILE... Change the group membership of each FILE to GROUP Options: -R Recurse -h Affect symlinks instead of symlink targets -L Traverse all symlinks to directories -H Traverse symlinks on command line only -P Don't traverse symlinks (default) -c List changed files -v Verbose -f Hide errors[-Rcvf] MODE[,MODE]... FILE... Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst Options: -R Recurse -c List changed files -v List all files -f Hide errors[-RhLHPcvf]... OWNER[<.|:>[GROUP]] FILE... Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP Options: -R Recurse -h Affect symlinks instead of symlink targets -L Traverse all symlinks to directories -H Traverse symlinks on command line only -P Don't traverse symlinks (default) -c List changed files -v List all files -f Hide errors[--md5|--encrypted] Read user:password from stdin and update /etc/passwd Options: -e,--encrypted Supplied passwords are in encrypted form -m,--md5 Use MD5 encryption instead of DES[-vP012] [-u USER[:GRP]] [-U USER[:GRP]] [-e DIR] [-/ DIR] [-n NICE] [-m BYTES] [-d BYTES] [-o N] [-p N] [-f BYTES] [-c BYTES] PROG ARGS Change the process state, run PROG Options: -u USER[:GRP] Set uid and gid -U USER[:GRP] Set $UID and $GID in environment -e DIR Set environment variables as specified by files in DIR: file=1st_line_of_file -/ DIR Chroot to DIR -n NICE Add NICE to nice value -m BYTES Same as -d BYTES -s BYTES -l BYTES -d BYTES Limit data segment -o N Limit number of open files per process -p N Limit number of processes per uid -f BYTES Limit output file sizes -c BYTES Limit core file size -v Verbose -P Create new process group -0 Close stdin -1 Close stdout -2 Close stderrNEWROOT [PROG ARGS] Run PROG with root directory set to NEWROOT[-prfom] [PRIO] [PID | PROG ARGS] Change scheduling priority and class for a process Options: -p Operate on PID -r Set SCHED_RR class -f Set SCHED_FIFO class -o Set SCHED_OTHER class -m Show min/max prioritiesN Change the foreground virtual terminal to /dev/ttyNFILES... Calculate the CRC32 checksums of FILES Clear screen[-l] [-s] FILE1 [FILE2 [SKIP1 [SKIP2]]] Compare FILE1 with FILE2 (or stdin) Options: -l Write the byte numbers (decimal) and values (octal) for all differing bytes -s Quiet[-123] FILE1 FILE2 Compare FILE1 with FILE2 Options: -1 Suppress lines unique to FILE1 -2 Suppress lines unique to FILE2 -3 Suppress lines common to both files[OPTIONS] SOURCE DEST Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY Options: -a Same as -dpR -R,-r Recurse -d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R) -L Follow all symlinks -H Follow symlinks on command line -p Preserve file attributes if possible -f Overwrite -i Prompt before overwrite -l,-s Create (sym)links[-dmvu] [-F FILE] [-H newc] [-tio] [-p DIR] Extract or list files from a cpio archive, or create an archive (-o) or copy files (-p) using file list on stdin Main operation mode: -t List -i Extract -o Create (requires -H newc) -p DIR Copy files to DIR Options: -d Make leading directories -m Preserve mtime -v Verbose -u Overwrite -F FILE Input (-t,-i,-p) or output (-o) file -H newc Archive format-fbS -l N -d N -L LOGFILE -c DIR -f Foreground -b Background (default) -S Log to syslog (default) -l Set log level. 0 is the most verbose, default 8 -d Set log level, log to stderr -L Log to file -c Working dir[-c DIR] [-u USER] [-ler]|[FILE] -c Crontab directory -u User -l List crontab -e Edit crontab -r Delete crontab FILE Replace crontab by FILE ('-': stdin)[OPTIONS] [PASSWORD] [SALT] Crypt the PASSWORD using crypt(3) Options: -P,--password-fd=N Read password from fd N -m,--method=TYPE Encryption method TYPE -S,--salt=SALTPROG ARGS Give PROG a controlling tty if possible. Example for /etc/inittab (for busybox init): ::respawn:/bin/cttyhack /bin/sh Giving controlling tty to shell running with PID 1: $ exec cttyhack sh Starting interactive shell from boot shell script: setsid cttyhack sh[OPTIONS] [FILE]... Print selected fields from each input FILE to stdout Options: -b LIST Output only bytes from LIST -c LIST Output only characters from LIST -d CHAR Use CHAR instead of tab as the field delimiter -s Output only the lines containing delimiter -f N Print only these fields -n Ignored[OPTIONS] [+FMT] [TIME] Display time (using +FMT), or set time Options: [-s,--set] TIME Set time to TIME -u,--utc Work in UTC (don't convert to local time) -R,--rfc-2822 Output RFC-2822 compliant date string -I[SPEC] Output ISO-8601 compliant date string SPEC='date' (default) for date only, 'hours', 'minutes', or 'seconds' for date and time to the indicated precision -r,--reference FILE Display last modification time of FILE -d,--date TIME Display TIME, not 'now' -D FMT Use FMT for -d TIME conversion Recognized TIME formats: hh:mm[:ss] [YYYY.]MM.DD-hh:mm[:ss] YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss] [[[[[YY]YY]MM]DD]hh]mm[.ss]EXPRESSION... Tiny RPN calculator. Operations: +, add, -, sub, *, mul, /, div, %, mod, **, exp, and, or, not, eor, p - print top of the stack (without popping), f - print entire stack, o - pop the value and set output radix (must be 10, 16, 8 or 2). Examples: 'dc 2 2 add' -> 4, 'dc 8 8 * 2 2 + /' -> 16[if=FILE] [of=FILE] [ibs=N] [obs=N] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N] [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync|fsync] Copy a file with converting and formatting Options: if=FILE Read from FILE instead of stdin of=FILE Write to FILE instead of stdout bs=N Read and write N bytes at a time ibs=N Read N bytes at a time obs=N Write N bytes at a time count=N Copy only N input blocks skip=N Skip N input blocks seek=N Skip N output blocks conv=notrunc Don't truncate output file conv=noerror Continue after read errors conv=sync Pad blocks with zeros conv=fsync Physically write data out before finishing Numbers may be suffixed by c (x1), w (x2), b (x512), kD (x1000), k (x1024), MD (x1000000), M (x1048576), GD (x1000000000) or G (x1073741824)[N] Deallocate unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN[USER] GROUP Delete group GROUP from the system or user USER from group GROUPUSER Delete USER from the system[-qfwrsv] MODULE [symbol=value]... Options: -r Remove MODULE (stacks) or do autoclean -q Quiet -v Verbose -f Force -w Wait for unload -s Report via syslog instead of stderrADDRESS [WIDTH [VALUE]] Read/write from physical address ADDRESS Address to act upon WIDTH Width (8/16/...) VALUE Data to be written[-Pkmhai] [-B SIZE] [FILESYSTEM]... Print filesystem usage statistics Options: -P POSIX output format -k 1024-byte blocks (default) -m 1M-byte blocks -h Human readable (e.g. 1K 243M 2G) -a Show all filesystems -i Inodes -B SIZE BlocksizeCLIENT_IFACE[,CLIENT_IFACE2]... SERVER_IFACE [SERVER_IP] Relay DHCP requests between clients and server[-abBdiNqrTstw] [-L LABEL] [-S FILE] [-U LINES] FILE1 FILE2 Compare files line by line and output the differences between them. This implementation supports unified diffs only. Options: -a Treat all files as text -b Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace -B Ignore changes whose lines are all blank -d Try hard to find a smaller set of changes -i Ignore case differences -L Use LABEL instead of the filename in the unified header -N Treat absent files as empty -q Output only whether files differ -r Recurse -S Start with FILE when comparing directories -T Make tabs line up by prefixing a tab when necessary -s Report when two files are the same -t Expand tabs to spaces in output -U Output LINES lines of context -w Ignore all whitespaceFILENAME Strip non-directory suffix from FILENAME[-c] [-n LEVEL] [-s SIZE] Print or control the kernel ring buffer Options: -c Clear ring buffer after printing -n LEVEL Set console logging level -s SIZE Buffer size[-dvs] [-c CONFFILE] [-t TTL_SEC] [-p PORT] [-i ADDR] Small static DNS server daemon Options: -c FILE Config file -t SEC TTL -p PORT Listen on PORT -i ADDR Listen on ADDR -d Daemonize -v Verbose -s Send successful replies only. Use this if you want to use /etc/resolv.conf with two nameserver lines: nameserver DNSD_SERVER nameserver NORNAL_DNS_SERVER[-ud] [FILE] Convert FILE in-place from DOS to Unix format. When no file is given, use stdin/stdout. Options: -u dos2unix -d unix2dos[-aHLdclsxhmk] [FILE]... Summarize disk space used for each FILE and/or directory. Disk space is printed in units of 1024 bytes. Options: -a Show file sizes too -L Follow all symlinks -H Follow symlinks on command line -d N Limit output to directories (and files with -a) of depth < N -c Show grand total -l Count sizes many times if hard linked -s Display only a total for each argument -x Skip directories on different filesystems -h Sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G ) -m Sizes in megabytes -k Sizes in kilobytes (default)> keymap Print a binary keyboard translation table to stdout[-r|-a] [-f LEASEFILE] Display DHCP leases granted by udhcpd Options: -f,--file=FILE Lease file -r,--remaining Show remaining time -a,--absolute Show expiration time[-neE] [ARG]... Print the specified ARGs to stdout Options: -n Suppress trailing newline -e Interpret backslash escapes (i.e., \t=tab) -E Don't interpret backslash escapes (default)[-t] [-T] [DEVICE] Eject DEVICE or default /dev/cdrom Options: -s SCSI device -t Close tray -T Open/close tray (toggle)[-iu] [-] [name=value]... [PROG ARGS] Print the current environment or run PROG after setting up the specified environment Options: -, -i Start with an empty environment -u Remove variable from the environmentDIR PROG ARGS Set various environment variables as specified by files in the directory DIR, run PROGUSER PROG ARGS Set $UID to USER's uid and $GID to USER's gid, run PROG[-b] [-i iface] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] MAC Send a magic packet to wake up sleeping machines. MAC must be a station address (00:11:22:33:44:55) or a hostname with a known 'ethers' entry. Options: -b Send wake-up packet to the broadcast address -i iface Interface to use (default eth0) -p pass Append four or six byte password PW to the packet[-i] [-t N] [FILE]... Convert tabs to spaces, writing to stdout Options: -i,--initial Don't convert tabs after non blanks -t,--tabs=N Tabstops every N charsEXPRESSION Print the value of EXPRESSION to stdout EXPRESSION may be: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise ARG2 ARG1 & ARG2 ARG1 if neither argument is null or 0, otherwise 0 ARG1 < ARG2 1 if ARG1 is less than ARG2, else 0. Similarly: ARG1 <= ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 Sum of ARG1 and ARG2. Similarly: ARG1 - ARG2 ARG1 * ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 STRING : REGEXP Anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING match STRING REGEXP Same as STRING : REGEXP substr STRING POS LENGTH Substring of STRING, POS counted from 1 index STRING CHARS Index in STRING where any CHARS is found, or 0 length STRING Length of STRING quote TOKEN Interpret TOKEN as a string, even if it is a keyword like 'match' or an operator like '/' (EXPRESSION) Value of EXPRESSION Beware that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells. Comparisons are arithmetic if both ARGs are numbers, else lexicographical. Pattern matches return the string matched between \( and \) or null; if \( and \) are not used, they return the number of characters matched or 0.[-fiw] [-b ADDR] [STRING] Provide fake ident (auth) service Options: -f Run in foreground -i Inetd mode -w Inetd 'wait' mode -b ADDR Bind to specified address STRING Ident answer string (default: nobody) Return an exit code of FALSE (1)[OPTIONS] [MODE] Show and modify frame buffer settings-s IMGFILE [-c] [-d DEV] [-i INIFILE] [-f CMD] Options: -s Image -c Hide cursor -d Framebuffer device (default /dev/fb0) -i Config file (var=value): BAR_LEFT,BAR_TOP,BAR_WIDTH,BAR_HEIGHT BAR_R,BAR_G,BAR_B -f Control pipe (else exit after drawing image) commands: 'NN' (% for progress bar) or 'exit'DEVICE Force floppy disk drive to detect disk change[-n] DEVICE Format floppy disk Options: -n Don't verify after format[-ul] [-C CYLINDERS] [-H HEADS] [-S SECTORS] [-b SSZ] DISK Change partition table Options: -u Start and End are in sectors (instead of cylinders) -l Show partition table for each DISK, then exit -b 2048 (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors -C CYLINDERS Set number of cylinders/heads/sectors -H HEADS -S SECTORS Get active console[PATH]... [EXPRESSION] Search for files. The default PATH is the current directory, default EXPRESSION is '-print' EXPRESSION may consist of: -follow Follow symlinks -xdev Don't descend directories on other filesystems -maxdepth N Descend at most N levels. -maxdepth 0 applies tests/actions to command line arguments only -mindepth N Don't act on first N levels -name PATTERN File name (w/o directory name) matches PATTERN -iname PATTERN Case insensitive -name -path PATTERN Path matches PATTERN -regex PATTERN Path matches regex PATTERN -type X File type is X (X is one of: f,d,l,b,c,...) -perm NNN Permissions match any of (+NNN), all of (-NNN), or exactly NNN -mtime DAYS Modified time is greater than (+N), less than (-N), or exactly N days -mmin MINS Modified time is greater than (+N), less than (-N), or exactly N minutes -newer FILE Modified time is more recent than FILE's -inum N File has inode number N -user NAME File is owned by user NAME (numeric user ID allowed) -group NAME File belongs to group NAME (numeric group ID allowed) -depth Process directory name after traversing it -size N[bck] File size is N (c:bytes,k:kbytes,b:512 bytes(def.)) +/-N: file size is bigger/smaller than N -links N Number of links is greater than (+N), less than (-N), or exactly N -print Print (default and assumed) -print0 Delimit output with null characters rather than newlines -exec CMD ARG ; Run CMD with all instances of {} replaced by the matching files -prune Stop traversing current subtree -delete Delete files, turns on -depth option (EXPR) Group an expressionLABEL=label or UUID=uuid Find a filesystem device based on a label or UUID[-sxun] FD|{FILE [-c] PROG ARGS} [Un]lock file descriptor, or lock FILE, run PROG Options: -s Shared lock -x Exclusive lock (default) -u Unlock FD -n Fail rather than wait[-bs] [-w WIDTH] [FILE]... Wrap input lines in each FILE (or stdin), writing to stdout Options: -b Count bytes rather than columns -s Break at spaces -w Use WIDTH columns instead of 80[-b/k/m/g] Display the amount of free and used system memoryDEVICE Free all memory used by the specified ramdisk[-ANPRTV] [-C FD] [-t FSTYPE] [FS_OPTS] [BLOCKDEV]... Check and repair filesystems Options: -A Walk /etc/fstab and check all filesystems -N Don't execute, just show what would be done -P With -A, check filesystems in parallel -R With -A, skip the root filesystem -T Don't show title on startup -V Verbose -C n Write status information to specified filedescriptor -t TYPE List of filesystem types to check[-larvsmf] BLOCKDEV Check MINIX filesystem Options: -l List all filenames -r Perform interactive repairs -a Perform automatic repairs -v Verbose -s Output superblock information -m Show "mode not cleared" warnings -f Force file system check[-d] FILE... Write files' buffered blocks to disk Options: -d Avoid syncing metadata[-wvS] [-t N] [-T N] [DIR] Anonymous FTP server ftpd should be used as an inetd service. ftpd's line for inetd.conf: 21 stream tcp nowait root ftpd ftpd /files/to/serve It also can be ran from tcpsvd: tcpsvd -vE 21 ftpd /files/to/serve Options: -w Allow upload -v Log to stderr -S Log to syslog -t,-T Idle and absolute timeouts DIR Change root to this directory[OPTIONS] HOST [LOCAL_FILE] REMOTE_FILE Retrieve a remote file via FTP Options: -c,--continue Continue previous transfer -v,--verbose Verbose -u,--username Username -p,--password Password -P,--port Port number[OPTIONS] HOST [REMOTE_FILE] LOCAL_FILE Store a local file on a remote machine via FTP Options: -v,--verbose Verbose -u,--username Username -p,--password Password -P,--port Port number[OPTIONS] FILE or PORT/PROTO Find processes which use FILEs or PORTs Options: -m Find processes which use same fs as FILEs -4,-6 Search only IPv4/IPv6 space -s Don't display PIDs -k Kill found processes -SIGNAL Signal to send (default: KILL)[OPTIONS] Options: -a,--alternative Allow long options starting with single - -l,--longoptions=longopts Long options to be recognized -n,--name=progname The name under which errors are reported -o,--options=optstring Short options to be recognized -q,--quiet Disable error reporting by getopt(3) -Q,--quiet-output No normal output -s,--shell=shell Set shell quoting conventions -T,--test Test for getopt(1) version -u,--unquoted Don't quote the output[OPTIONS] BAUD_RATE TTY [TERMTYPE] Open a tty, prompt for a login name, then invoke /bin/login Options: -h Enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control -i Don't display /etc/issue before running login -L Local line, don't do carrier detect -m Get baud rate from modem's CONNECT status message -w Wait for a CR or LF before sending /etc/issue -n Don't prompt the user for a login name -f ISSUE_FILE Display ISSUE_FILE instead of /etc/issue -l LOGIN Invoke LOGIN instead of /bin/login -t SEC Terminate after SEC if no username is read -I INITSTR Send INITSTR before anything else -H HOST Log HOST into the utmp file as the hostname[-HhnlLoqvsriwFE] [-m N] [-A/B/C N] PATTERN/-e PATTERN.../-f FILE [FILE]... Search for PATTERN in FILEs (or stdin) Options: -H Add 'filename:' prefix -h Do not add 'filename:' prefix -n Add 'line_no:' prefix -l Show only names of files that match -L Show only names of files that don't match -c Show only count of matching lines -o Show only the matching part of line -q Quiet. Return 0 if PATTERN is found, 1 otherwise -v Select non-matching lines -s Suppress open and read errors -r Recurse -i Ignore case -w Match whole words only -F PATTERN is a literal (not regexp) -E PATTERN is an extended regexp -m N Match up to N times per file -A N Print N lines of trailing context -B N Print N lines of leading context -C N Same as '-A N -B N' -e PTRN Pattern to match -f FILE Read pattern from file[-cft] [FILE]... Decompress FILEs (or stdin) Options: -c Write to stdout -f Force -t Test file integrity[-cfd] [FILE]... Compress FILEs (or stdin) Options: -d Decompress -c Write to stdout -f Force[-d DELAY] [-n] [-f] [-w] Halt the system Options: -d SEC Delay interval -n Do not sync -f Force (don't go through init) -w Only write a wtmp recordFILE... hd is an alias for hexdump -C[OPTIONS] [DEVICE] Options: -a Get/set fs readahead -A Set drive read-lookahead flag (0/1) -b Get/set bus state (0 == off, 1 == on, 2 == tristate) -B Set Advanced Power Management setting (1-255) -c Get/set IDE 32-bit IO setting -C Check IDE power mode status -d Get/set using_dma flag -D Enable/disable drive defect-mgmt -f Flush buffer cache for device on exit -g Display drive geometry -h Display terse usage information -i Display drive identification -I Detailed/current information directly from drive -k Get/set keep_settings_over_reset flag (0/1) -K Set drive keep_features_over_reset flag (0/1) -L Set drive doorlock (0/1) (removable harddisks only) -m Get/set multiple sector count -n Get/set ignore-write-errors flag (0/1) -p Set PIO mode on IDE interface chipset (0,1,2,3,4,...) -P Set drive prefetch count -Q Get/set DMA tagged-queuing depth (if supported) -r Get/set readonly flag (DANGEROUS to set) -R Register an IDE interface (DANGEROUS) -S Set standby (spindown) timeout -t Perform device read timings -T Perform cache read timings -u Get/set unmaskirq flag (0/1) -U Unregister an IDE interface (DANGEROUS) -v Defaults; same as -mcudkrag for IDE drives -V Display program version and exit immediately -w Perform device reset (DANGEROUS) -W Set drive write-caching flag (0/1) (DANGEROUS) -x Tristate device for hotswap (0/1) (DANGEROUS) -X Set IDE xfer mode (DANGEROUS) -y Put IDE drive in standby mode -Y Put IDE drive to sleep -Z Disable Seagate auto-powersaving mode -z Reread partition table[OPTIONS] [FILE]... Print first 10 lines of each FILE (or stdin) to stdout. With more than one FILE, precede each with a filename header. Options: -n N[kbm] Print first N lines -c N[kbm] Print first N bytes -q Never print headers -v Always print headers N may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (x1024^2).[-bcCdefnosvxR] [FILE]... Display FILEs (or stdin) in a user specified format Options: -b One-byte octal display -c One-byte character display -C Canonical hex+ASCII, 16 bytes per line -d Two-byte decimal display -e FORMAT STRING -f FORMAT FILE -n LENGTH Interpret only LENGTH bytes of input -o Two-byte octal display -s OFFSET Skip OFFSET bytes -v Display all input data -x Two-byte hexadecimal display -R Reverse of 'hexdump -Cv' Print out a unique 32-bit identifier for the machine[OPTIONS] [HOSTNAME | -F FILE] Get or set hostname or DNS domain name Options: -s Short -i Addresses for the hostname -d DNS domain name -f Fully qualified domain name -F FILE Use FILE's content as hostname[-ifv[v]] [-c CONFFILE] [-p [IP:]PORT] [-u USER[:GRP]] [-r REALM] [-h HOME] or httpd -d/-e/-m STRING Listen for incoming HTTP requests Options: -i Inetd mode -f Don't daemonize -v[v] Verbose -p [IP:]PORT Bind to IP:PORT (default *:80) -u USER[:GRP] Set uid/gid after binding to port -r REALM Authentication Realm for Basic Authentication -h HOME Home directory (default .) -c FILE Configuration file (default {/etc,HOME}/httpd.conf) -m STRING MD5 crypt STRING -e STRING HTML encode STRING -d STRING URL decode STRING[-r|--show] [-s|--hctosys] [-w|--systohc] [-l|--localtime] [-u|--utc] [-f FILE] Query and set hardware clock (RTC) Options: -r Show hardware clock time -s Set system time from hardware clock -w Set hardware clock to system time -u Hardware clock is in UTC -l Hardware clock is in local time -f FILE Use specified device (e.g. /dev/rtc2)[OPTIONS] [USER] Print information about USER or the current user Options: -u User ID -g Group ID -G Supplementary group IDs -n Print names instead of numbers -r Print real ID instead of effective ID[-a] interface [address] Configure a network interface Options: [[-]broadcast [ADDRESS]] [[-]pointopoint [ADDRESS]] [netmask ADDRESS] [dstaddr ADDRESS] [outfill NN] [keepalive NN] [hw ether|infiniband ADDRESS] [metric NN] [mtu NN] [[-]trailers] [[-]arp] [[-]allmulti] [multicast] [[-]promisc] [txqueuelen NN] [[-]dynamic] [mem_start NN] [io_addr NN] [irq NN] [up|down] ...[-anmvf] [-i FILE] IFACE... Options: -a De/configure all interfaces automatically -i FILE Use FILE for interface definitions -n Print out what would happen, but don't do it (note: doesn't disable mappings) -m Don't run any mappings -v Print out what would happen before doing it -f Force de/configuration[-cdf] MASTER_IFACE SLAVE_IFACE... Configure network interfaces for parallel routing Options: -c,--change-active Change active slave -d,--detach Remove slave interface from bonding device -f,--force Force, even if interface is not Ethernet[OPTIONS] Network interface plug detection daemon Options: -n Don't daemonize -s Don't log to syslog -i IFACE Interface -f/-F Treat link detection error as link down/link up (otherwise exit on error) -a Don't up interface at each link probe -M Monitor creation/destruction of interface (otherwise it must exist) -r PROG Script to run -x ARG Extra argument for script -I Don't exit on nonzero exit code from script -p Don't run script on daemon startup -q Don't run script on daemon quit -l Run script on startup even if no cable is detected -t SECS Poll time in seconds -u SECS Delay before running script after link up -d SECS Delay after link down -m MODE API mode (mii, priv, ethtool, wlan, iff, auto) -k Kill running daemon[-anmvf] [-i FILE] IFACE... Options: -a De/configure all interfaces automatically -i FILE Use FILE for interface definitions -n Print out what would happen, but don't do it (note: doesn't disable mappings) -m Don't run any mappings -v Print out what would happen before doing it -f Force de/configuration[-fe] [-q N] [-R N] [CONFFILE] Listen for network connections and launch programs Options: -f Run in foreground -e Log to stderr -q N Socket listen queue (default: 128) -R N Pause services after N connects/min (default: 0 - disabled) Init is the parent of all processes[-qfwrsv] MODULE [symbol=value]... Options: -r Remove MODULE (stacks) or do autoclean -q Quiet -v Verbose -f Force -w Wait for unload -s Report via syslog instead of stderr[-cdDsp] [-o USER] [-g GRP] [-m MODE] [SOURCE]... DEST Copy files and set attributes Options: -c Just copy (default) -d Create directories -D Create leading target directories -s Strip symbol table -p Preserve date -o USER Set ownership -g GRP Set group ownership -m MODE Set permissions[-c 1-3] [-n 0-7] [-p PID] [PROG] Change I/O priority and class Options: -c Class. 1:realtime 2:best-effort 3:idle -n Priority[-c] [-d] [-t] [-z] [-k|-m] [ALL|BLOCKDEV...] [INTERVAL [COUNT]] Report CPU and I/O statistics Options: -c Show CPU utilization -d Show device utilization -t Print current time -z Omit devices with no activity -k Use kb/s -m Use Mb/s[OPTIONS] {address | route | link | tunnel | rule} {COMMAND} ip [OPTIONS] OBJECT {COMMAND} where OBJECT := {address | route | link | tunnel | rule} OPTIONS := { -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | link } | -o[neline] }{ {add|del} IFADDR dev STRING | {show|flush} [dev STRING] [to PREFIX] } ipaddr {add|delete} IFADDR dev STRING ipaddr {show|flush} [dev STRING] [scope SCOPE-ID] [to PREFIX] [label PATTERN] IFADDR := PREFIX | ADDR peer PREFIX [broadcast ADDR] [anycast ADDR] [label STRING] [scope SCOPE-ID] SCOPE-ID := [host | link | global | NUMBER][OPTIONS] ADDRESS[[/]NETMASK] [NETMASK] Calculate IP network settings from a IP address Options: -b,--broadcast Display calculated broadcast address -n,--network Display calculated network address -m,--netmask Display default netmask for IP -p,--prefix Display the prefix for IP/NETMASK -h,--hostname Display first resolved host name -s,--silent Don't ever display error messages[-MQS key] [-mqs id] Upper-case options MQS remove an object by shmkey value. Lower-case options remove an object by shmid value. Options: -mM Remove memory segment after last detach -qQ Remove message queue -sS Remove semaphore[[-smq] -i shmid] | [[-asmq] [-tcplu]] -i Show specific resource Resource specification: -m Shared memory segments -q Message queues -s Semaphore arrays -a All (default) Output format: -t Time -c Creator -p Pid -l Limits -u Summary{ set DEVICE { up | down | arp { on | off } | show [DEVICE] } iplink set DEVICE { up | down | arp | multicast { on | off } | dynamic { on | off } | mtu MTU } iplink show [DEVICE]{ list | flush | { add | del | change | append | replace | monitor } ROUTE } iproute { list | flush } SELECTOR iproute get ADDRESS [from ADDRESS iif STRING] [oif STRING] [tos TOS] iproute { add | del | change | append | replace | monitor } ROUTE SELECTOR := [root PREFIX] [match PREFIX] [proto RTPROTO] ROUTE := [TYPE] PREFIX [tos TOS] [proto RTPROTO] [metric METRIC]{[list | add | del] RULE} iprule [list | add | del] SELECTOR ACTION SELECTOR := [from PREFIX] [to PREFIX] [tos TOS] [fwmark FWMARK] [dev STRING] [pref NUMBER] ACTION := [table TABLE_ID] [nat ADDRESS] [prohibit | reject | unreachable] [realms [SRCREALM/]DSTREALM] TABLE_ID := [local | main | default | NUMBER]{ add | change | del | show } [NAME] [mode { ipip | gre | sit }] [remote ADDR] [local ADDR] [ttl TTL] iptunnel { add | change | del | show } [NAME] [mode { ipip | gre | sit }] [remote ADDR] [local ADDR] [[i|o]seq] [[i|o]key KEY] [[i|o]csum] [ttl TTL] [tos TOS] [[no]pmtudisc] [dev PHYS_DEV][-a|k|s|u] [-C TTY] Report or set the keyboard mode Options: -a Default (ASCII) -k Medium-raw (keyboard) -s Raw (scancode) -u Unicode (utf-8) -C TTY Affect TTY instead of /dev/tty[-l] [-SIG] PID... Send a signal (default: TERM) to given PIDs Options: -l List all signal names and numbers[-l] [-q] [-SIG] PROCESS_NAME... Send a signal (default: TERM) to given processes Options: -l List all signal names and numbers -q Don't complain if no processes were killed[-l] [-SIG] [-o PID]... Send a signal (default: TERM) to all processes outside current session Options: -l List all signal names and numbers -o PID Don't signal this PID[-c N] [-n] Kernel logger Options: -c N Only messages with level < N are printed to console -n Run in foreground[-HW] [-f FILE] Show listing of the last users that logged into the system Options: -W Display with no host column truncation -f FILE Read from FILE instead of /var/log/wtmpSTRING Print STRING's length[-EMNmh~I?] [FILE]... View FILE (or stdin) one screenful at a time Options: -E Quit once the end of a file is reached -M,-m Display status line with line numbers and percentage through the file -N Prefix line number to each line -I Ignore case in all searches -~ Suppress ~s displayed past the end of the file[OPTIONS] TARGET... LINK|DIR Create a link LINK or DIR/TARGET to the specified TARGET(s) Options: -s Make symlinks instead of hardlinks -f Remove existing destinations -n Don't dereference symlinks - treat like normal file -b Make a backup of the target (if exists) before link operation -S suf Use suffix instead of ~ when making backup files< font Load a console font from stdin< keymap Load a binary keyboard translation table from stdin [OPTIONS] [MESSAGE] Write MESSAGE (or stdin) to syslog Options: -s Log to stderr as well as the system log -t TAG Log using the specified tag (defaults to user name) -p PRIO Priority (numeric or facility.level pair)[-p] [-h HOST] [[-f] USER] Begin a new session on the system Options: -f Don't authenticate (user already authenticated) -h Name of the remote host -p Preserve environment Print the name of the current user[-f] Show messages in syslogd's circular buffer Options: -f Output data as log grows[-o OFS] LOOPDEV FILE - associate loop devices losetup -d LOOPDEV - disassociate losetup [-f] - show Options: -o OFS Start OFS bytes into FILE -f Show first free loop deviceSPOOLDIR [HELPER [ARGS]] SPOOLDIR must contain (symlinks to) device nodes or directories with names matching print queue names. In the first case, jobs are sent directly to the device. Otherwise each job is stored in queue directory and HELPER program is called. Name of file to print is passed in $DATAFILE variable. Example: tcpsvd -E 0 515 softlimit -m 999999 lpd /var/spool ./print[-P queue[@host[:port]]] [-U USERNAME] [-d JOBID]... [-fs] Options: -P lp service to connect to (else uses $PRINTER) -d Delete jobs -f Force any waiting job to be printed -s Short display-P queue[@host[:port]] -U USERNAME -J TITLE -Vmh [FILE]... Options: -P lp service to connect to (else uses $PRINTER) -m Send mail on completion -h Print banner page too -V Verbose[-1AacCdeFilnpLRrSsTtuvwxXhk] [FILE]... List directory contents Options: -1 List in a single column -A Don't list . and .. -a Don't hide entries starting with . -C List by columns -c With -l: sort by ctime --color[={always,never,auto}] Control coloring -d List directory entries instead of contents -e List full date and time -F Append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries -i List inode numbers -l Long listing format -n List numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names -p Append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries -L List entries pointed to by symlinks -R Recurse -r Sort in reverse order -S Sort by file size -s List the size of each file, in blocks -T N Assume tabstop every N columns -t With -l: sort by modification time -u With -l: sort by access time -v Sort by version -w N Assume the terminal is N columns wide -x List by lines -X Sort by extension -h List sizes in human readable format (1K 243M 2G)[-Radlv] [FILE]... List file attributes on an ext2 fs Options: -R Recurse -a Don't hide entries starting with . -d List directory entries instead of contents -l List long flag names -v List the file's version/generation number[-qfwrsv] MODULE [symbol=value]... Options: -r Remove MODULE (stacks) or do autoclean -q Quiet -v Verbose -f Force -w Wait for unload -s Report via syslog instead of stderr[-mk] List all PCI devices -m Parseable output -k Show driverFILE Decompress to stdout-d [-cf] [FILE]... Decompress FILE (or stdin) Options: -d Decompress -c Write to stdout -f Force[-cfvd123456789CF] [FILE]... Options: -1..9 Compression level -d Decompress -c Write to stdout -f Force -v Verbose -F Don't store or verify checksum -C Also write checksum of compressed block[-vCF] [FILE]... -v Verbose -F Don't store or verify checksum[-d device_table] rootdir Create a range of special files as specified in a device table. Device table entries take the form of: Where name is the file name, type can be one of: f Regular file d Directory c Character device b Block device p Fifo (named pipe) uid is the user id for the target file, gid is the group id for the target file. The rest of the entries (major, minor, etc) apply to to device special files. A '-' may be used for blank entries.[OPTIONS] [FILE]... Create multipart MIME-encoded message from FILEs Options: -o FILE Output. Default: stdout -a HDR Add header. Examples: "From: user@host.org", "Date: `date -R`" -c CT Content type. Default: text/plain -C CS Charset. Default: us-ascii Other options are silently ignored[-aw] [MANPAGE]... Format and display manual page Options: -a Display all pages -w Show page locations[FILE]... or: md5sum -c [-sw] [FILE] Print or check MD5 checksums Options: -c Check sums against given list -s Don't output anything, status code shows success -w Warn about improperly formatted checksum lines[-s] -s Scan /sys and populate /dev during system boot It can be run by kernel as a hotplug helper. To activate it: echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug It uses /etc/mdev.conf with lines [-]DEVNAME UID:GID PERM [>|=PATH] [@|$|*PROG][y|n] Control write access to your terminal y Allow write access to your terminal n Disallow write access to your terminal[-d DELAY] [-t TIMEOUT] [-s SPEED] [-X] TTY Copy bytes for stdin to TTY and from TTY to stdout Options: -d Wait up to DELAY ms for TTY output before sending every next byte to it -t Exit if both stdin and TTY are silent for TIMEOUT ms -s Set serial line to SPEED -X Disable special meaning of NUL and Ctrl-X from stdin[OPTIONS] DIRECTORY... Create DIRECTORY Options: -m MODE Mode -p No error if exists; make parent directories as needed[-v] [-n LABEL] BLOCKDEV [KBYTES] Make a FAT32 filesystem Options: -v Verbose -n LBL Volume label[-Fn] [-b BLK_SIZE] [-i INODE_RATIO] [-I INODE_SIZE] [-m RESERVED_PERCENT] [-L LABEL] BLOCKDEV [KBYTES] -b BLK_SIZE Block size, bytes -F Force -i RATIO Max number of files is filesystem_size / RATIO -I BYTES Inode size (min 128) -L LBL Volume label -m PERCENT Percent of blocks to reserve for admin -n Dry run[-m MODE] NAME Create named pipe Options: -m MODE Mode (default a=rw)[-Fn] [-b BLK_SIZE] [-i INODE_RATIO] [-I INODE_SIZE] [-m RESERVED_PERCENT] [-L LABEL] BLOCKDEV [KBYTES] -b BLK_SIZE Block size, bytes -F Force -i RATIO Max number of files is filesystem_size / RATIO -I BYTES Inode size (min 128) -L LBL Volume label -m PERCENT Percent of blocks to reserve for admin -n Dry run[-c | -l FILE] [-nXX] [-iXX] BLOCKDEV [KBYTES] Make a MINIX filesystem Options: -c Check device for bad blocks -n [14|30] Maximum length of