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%s)/usr/local/home/bellard/cpux86/rootdisk/buildroot-2011.02/output/toolchain/gcc-4.3.5/gcc/c-pragma.comppch_preprocessdiagnosticextern_prefix#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or popno matching push for %<#pragma GCC visibility pop%>missing %<(%> after %<#pragma GCC visibility push%> - ignoredmalformed #pragma GCC visibility pushjunk at end of %<#pragma GCC visibility%>asm declaration ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extnamemalformed #pragma redefine_extname, ignoredjunk at end of %<#pragma redefine_extname%>#pragma redefine_extname not supported on this targetthreadprivateiUiUiUiUiU5F)EܯFDCFȯFIDD KD !C Ac_register_pragma_1previous definition of %q+D was 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specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal64%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal128%> in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Bool%> in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal32%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal64%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal128%> in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Bool%> in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal32%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal64%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal128%> in declaration specifiersISO C90 does not support complex typesboth % and % in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Bool%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal32%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal64%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Decimal128%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Fract%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Accum%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<_Sat%> in declaration specifiersISO C does not support saturating typesboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and %<_Bool%> in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and %<_Decimal32%> in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and %<_Decimal64%> in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and %<_Decimal128%> in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and % in declaration specifiers_Decimal32_Decimal128_Decimal64both % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth % and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersboth %<_Sat%> and %<%s%> in declaration specifiersdecimal floating point not supported for this targetISO C does not support decimal floating pointfixed-point types not supported for this targetISO C does not support fixed-point types%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type% loop initial declaration used outside C99 modedeclaration of static variable %q+D in % loop initial declarationdeclaration of % variable %q+D in % loop initial declaration% declared in % loop initial declaration% declared in % loop initial declaration% declared in % loop initial declarationdeclaration of non-variable %q+D in % loop initial declaration%H%qE defined as wrong kind of tag%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>ISO C does not support plain % meaning %ISO C does not support complex integer types%qE is not at beginning of declaration%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %multiple storage classes in declaration specifiers%<__thread%> used with %qEdeclaration of %q+D shadows previous non-variabledeclaration of %q+D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q+D shadows a global declarationdeclaration of %q+D shadows a built-in functiondeclaration of %q+D shadows a previous local%Jshadowed declaration is hereimplicit declaration of function %qEISO C90 does not support % or type qualifiers in parameter array declaratorsISO C90 does not support %<[*]%> array declarators%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%Hduplicate label %qD%Jjump into statement expression%Jjump into scope of identifier with variably modified type%Htraditional C lacks a separate namespace for labels, identifier %qE conflictsduplicate label declaration %qElabel %qE refere