ed_motorolasys/limits.hlimits.hnested_sys_limitssys/limits.hnetbsd_c99_inline_1signal.hnetbsd_c99_inline_2signal.hnetbsd_extra_semicolonsys/cdefs.hnext_math_prefixansi/math.hnext_templatebsd/libc.hnext_volitileansi/stdlib.hnext_wait_unionsys/wait.hnodeent_syntaxnetdnet/dnetdb.hobstack_lvalue_castobstack.hosf_namespace_areg_types.hsys/lc_core.hosf_namespace_cregex.hpthread_page_sizepthread.hpthread_incomplete_struct_argumentpthread.hread_ret_typestdio.hrpc_xdr_lvalue_cast_arpc/xdr.hrpc_xdr_lvalue_cast_brpc/xdr.hrs6000_doublemath.hrs6000_fchmodsys/stat.hrs6000_paramstdio.hunistd.hsco_mathmath.h*/math.hsco_regsetsys/regset.hsco_static_funcsys/stat.hsco_utimesys/times.hsolaris_math_1iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_2iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_3iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_4iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_8iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_9iso/math_c99.hsolaris_math_10iso/math_c99.hsolaris_mutex_init_1pthread.hsolaris_mutex_init_2pthread.hsolaris_rwlock_init_1pthread.hsolaris_once_init_1pthread.hsolaris_once_init_2pthread.hsolaris_socketsys/socket.hsolaris_stdio_tagstdio_tag.hsolaris_unistdunistd.hsolaris_widecwidec.hstatsswtchrpcsvc/rstat.hstdio_stdarg_hstdio.hstdio_va_liststdio.hinternal/stdio_core.hinternal/wchar_core.hstdio_va_list_clientscom_err.hcps.hcurses.hkrb5.hlc_core.hpfmt.hwchar.hcurses_colr/curses.hstrict_ansi_notstrict_ansi_not_ctdmath.hlimits.hstdio.hsignal.hstdlib.hsys/signal.htime.hstrict_ansi_onlystruct_filerpc/xdr.hstruct_sockaddrrpc/auth.hsun_auth_protorpc/auth.hrpc/clnt.hrpc/svc.hrpc/xdr.hsun_bogus_ifdefhsfs/hsfs_spec.hhsfs/iso_spec.hsun_catmacropixrect/memvar.hsun_mallocmalloc.hsun_rusers_semirpcsvc/rusers.hsun_signalsys/signal.hsignal.hsunos_strlenstrings.hsvr4_disable_optstring.hsvr4_getcwdstdlib.hunistd.hprototypes.hsvr4_krnlfs/rfs/rf_cache.hsys/erec.hsys/err.hsys/char.hsys/getpages.hsys/map.hsys/cmn_err.hsys/kdebugger.hsvr4_profilstdlib.hunistd.hsvr4_sighandler_typesys/signal.hsvr4_undeclared_getrngeregexp.hsysv68_stringtesting.hstring.hsysz_stdlib_for_sunstdlib.hthread_keywordpthread.hbits/sigthread.htinfo_cplusplustinfo.hultrix_atexit_paramstdlib.hultrix_atof_parammath.hultrix_conststdio.hultrix_const2stdio.hultrix_const3stdio.hultrix_fix_fixprotosys/utsname.hultrix_ifdefsys/file.hultrix_localelocale.hultrix_math_ifdefsys/limits.hfloat.hmath.hultrix_nested_ioctlsys/ioctl.hultrix_nested_svcrpc/svc.hultrix_statsys/stat.hultrix_staticmachine/cpu.hultrix_stdlibstdlib.hultrix_stringsstrings.hultrix_strings2strings.hultrix_sys_timesys/time.hultrix_unistdunistd.hunicosmk_restrictstdio.hstdlib.hwchar.huw7_byteorder_fixarpa/inet.hva_i960_macroarch/i960/archI960.hvoid_nullcurses.hdbm.hlocale.hstdio.hstdlib.hstring.htime.hunistd.hsys/dir.hsys/param.hsys/types.hvxworks_gcc_problemtypes/vxTypesBase.hvxworks_needs_vxtypestime.hvxworks_needs_vxworkssys/stat.hvxworks_timetime.hwindiss_math1math.hwindiss_math2math.hwindiss_valistx11_classX11/ShellP.hx11_class_usageXm/BaseClassI.hx11_newXm/Traversal.hx11_sprintfX11/Xmu.hX11/Xmu/Xmu.hpowl#include[ \t]+\"} whilex86_64/\* @\(#\)(head/memory.h 50.1 |memory\.h 1\.[2-4] 8./../.. SMI; from S5R2 1\.2 )\*/ULTRIX(#define [A-Za-z_0-9]+)(\\ [^A-Za-z_0-9 (])\\ + ^extern pid_t wait3\(\); bos325,\? (\(\(\(\(unsigned[^)]*\)[^)]*\) >> [^)]*\) \& 0xff\) : -1)typedef volatile int sig_atomic_t__assert\(char \*, char \*, int\)(.*)(defined\(__DECC\)|def[ ]*__DECC)[ ]* (#[ ]*pragma[ ]*extern_prefix.*).*!defined\(_LIBC_POLLUTION_H_\) && !defined\(__DECC\)#[ ]*if[ ]*defined\(__DECC\)(#define assert\(EX\).*)\(\(int\) \(EX\)\)^[ ]*#[ ]*pragma[ ]+extern_prefixgetopt\(int, char \*\[\], *char \*\)#ifndef\(__mips64\)((#[ ]*if)([ ]*defined[ ]*\(_PTHREAD_ENV_DECC\)|def _PTHREAD_ENV_DECC)(.*)) (#[ ]*define _PTHREAD_USE_PTDNAM_)#else # error : unrecognized compiler. \* @\(#\).RCSfile: pthread\.h,v \$ .Revision: 1\.1\.33\.21 \$ \(DEC\) .Date: 2000/08/15 15:30:13 \$char[ ]*\*[ ]*sbrk[ ]*\(#define wcstok wcstok_r__cplusplus#[ ]*define[ ]+bool[ ]__cplusplus^[ ]*typedef[ ].*[ ]bool[ ]*;__cplusplus_LINUX_NLS_HXFree86: xc/lib/X11/Xlib\.h^[ ]*typedef[ ].*[ ]wchar_t[ ]*;^[ ]*typedef[ ]+struct[ ]+term[ ]*;doesn'tinclude.*stdio\.hstderrinclude.*stdlib\.hexit *\(|abort *\(^extern[ ]+double[ ]+cabspowl#if defined(__APPLE_CC__) && (__APPLE_CC__ >= 1345)^#define[ ]*vfscanf[ ]*__svfscanf[ ]*$define[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+CTRL\([a-zA-Z][,)]define[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+CTRL[ ]*\( *[^,']"C"|__BEGIN_DECLS[^#]+malloc.*;extern "C"__BEGIN_DECLS\(__GNUC__ >= 3\) && \(__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1\)__private_extern__ [a-z_]+ _dyld_sys/djtypes.h__DJ_wint_tecd\.cursormatherr.*(struct exception|__MATH_EXCEPTION|[ \t]*__FP_EXCEPTION[ \t]*\*[ \t]*)matherr__GNUC__[ \t]*([>=]=[ \t]*[3-9]|>[ \t]*2)^#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7$^#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7 \|\| __GNUC__ == 3$^ *&& !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ && !defined __NO_INLINE__$(\) && defined __OPTIMIZE__ && !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__) (#[ ]*define[ ]*__USE_EXTERN_INLINES[ ]*1)extern __inline__ int__extern_inline|__GNU_STDC_INLINE__extern __inline__extern_inline|__gnu_inline__(^| )extern __inline\{ *\{ *0, *\} *\}_GCC_(PTRDIFF|SIZE|WCHAR)_T^[ ]*typedef[ ]+.*[ ](ptrdiff|size|wchar)_t;[ ]*#[ ]*include[ ]+"\.\./machine/HPUX_SOURCE^# +ifdef +__cplusplus +\} +inline +double +pow\(double +__d,int +__expon\) +\{ [ ]+return +pow\(__d,\(double\)__expon\); +\} +extern +"C" +\{ #else # +endif +inline double pow\(double d,int expon\) \{ +return pow\(d, \(double\)expon\); +\} #[ ]*define[ ]*FP_NORMAL.* #[ ]*define[ ]*FP_ZERO.* #[ ]*define[ ]*FP_INFINITE.* #[ ]*define[ ]*FP_SUBNORMAL.* #[ ]*define[ ]*FP_NAN.* ^[ ]*extern[ ]*int[ ]*__tolower[ ]*\(^#[ ]*define _toupper\(__c\)[ ]*__toupper\(__c\)^[ ]*extern[ ]*int[ ]*_isalnum[ ]*\(^# if defined\(_SB_CTYPE_MACROS\) && \!defined\(__lint\)^[ ]*extern[ ]*int[ ]*vsnprintf[ ]*\(^#[ ]*define _iob[ ]*__iobifndef _MATH_INCLUDED__cplusplus^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]+fabsf\(.*__size_t(extern int snprintf *\(char *\*, *(|__|_hpux_)size_t,) *(char *\*, *\.\.\.\);)^#define UINT32_C\(__c\)[ ]*__CONCAT__\(__CONCAT_U__\(__c\),l\)(extern int vsnprintf\(char \*, _[hpux]*_size_t, const char \*,) __va__list\);__GNUG__inline((: |\()__SB_masks \? )(__SB_masks\[__(alnum|c)\] & _IS)#ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED (/\* \* Macros for number representation conversion\. \*/ #ifndef ntohl)long_double_textern[ ]long_double[ ]strtold^extern struct sigevent;^.*extern.*spu_info.*^[ ]*extern sbsize_t sendfile.* .*, int\)\); ^[ ]*extern sbsize_t sendpath.* .*, int\)\); ^[ ]*extern int errno;$^#define[ ]*__POINTER_SET[ ]*\(\(void \*\) 1LL\)__builtin_huge_val^#[ ]*define[ ]*HUGE_VAL[ ].*0x1\.0p.*__builtin_huge_valf^#[ ]*define[ ]*HUGE_VALF[ ].*0x1\.0p.*__builtin_huge_vall^#[ ]*define[ ]*HUGE_VALL[ ].*0x1\.0p.*_CLASSIC_ANSI_TYPESint[ ]+(abort|free|exit)[ ]*\(define[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+IO[A-Z]*\([a-zA-Z][,)]define[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+[ ]+[A-Z0-9_]+IO[A-Z]*[ ]*\( *[^,']}$(#ifdef __c99 )(#[ ]*define __restrict restrict)#define ([a-z]+)\(x\) *__generic.*#define ([a-z]+)\(x,y\) *__generic.*^[ ]*#.*[Ww]e're^extern const (#define _SOCKLEN_T )(typedef u_int32_t socklen_t;)(#ifndef __c99 )(#error This header file is to be used only for c99 mode compilations)/\* va_list \*/ char \*#if _NO_XOPEN5 (extern size_t[ ]+wcsftime.*const char *.*)fmod\(double\)!defined\(__STDC__\) && !defined\(_POSIX_SOURCE\)/\*\*/typedef void \* _G_va_list;__cplusplus' is a built-in function for gcc 2\.x\. \*/\(\(\(char \*\) &\(\(struct sigcontext \*\) 0\)->sc_gr\[0\]\) - \(char \*\) 0\)#warning[ ]+Using instead of putenv[ \t]*\(extern char \*getenv[ ]*_AP\(\(const char \*\)\);__builtin_va_listdefine[ ]+_BSD_VA_LIST_[ ]machine_nameWe have a problem when using C\+\+|for C\+\+, _[a-z0-9A-Z_]+_exception; for C, exceptionstruct exceptiondefine[ ]+DBL_MAXdefine[ ]+HUGE_VAL[ ]+DBL_MAX(/\*.*rpc/auth_des\.h>.*)/\*max # bytes atomic in write|error value returned by Math libCHILD_MAXextern __inline int#define _SIGINLINE extern __inline#define[ ]*__END_DECLS[ ]*};^extern[ ]+double[ ]+__const__[ ][ ]template\)^extern[ ]+volatile[ ]+void[ ]wait\(union waitchar[ ]*\*na_addr[ ]*$\*\(\(([^()]*)\*\)(.*)\)\+\+ = \(([^()]*)\) -r reg_types.h -r sys/lc_core.h -n "`grep '} regex_t;' reg_types.h`" -z "`grep __regex_t regex.h`" -r reg_types.h -r sys/lc_core.h -n "`grep '} regex_t;' reg_types.h`" -z "`grep __regex_t regex.h`"#include .*^int __page_sizestruct __jmp_buf_tagextern int .*, fread\(\), fwrite\(\)#define[ ]*IXDR_GET_LONG.*\\ .*__extension__.*#define[ ]*IXDR_PUT_LONG.*\\ .*__extension__.*[^a-zA-Z_]class\(fchmod\(char \*rename\(const char \*old, const char \*new\)__GNUG__inline double abs(struct[ ]+.*)fpstate^static int\(const char \*, struct utimbuf \*\);__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC__@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)math_c99.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)pthread.h[ ]+1.1[0-9][ ]+9[567]/[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)pthread.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)pthread.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)pthread.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)pthread.h[ ]+1.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9/]+ SMI@\(#\)socket.h[ ]+1.[123][0-9][ ]+9[567]/[0-9/]+ SMI__GNUC____cplusplus < 54321Lgetpagesize@\(#\)unistd.h[ ]+1.3[0-9][ ]+9[567]/[0-9/]+ SMIinclude.*wchar\.h#include boottime$include.*(stdarg.h|machine/ansi.h)__gnuc_va_list|_BSD_VA_LIST_|__DJ_va_list|_G_va_list__gnuc_va_list|_BSD_VA_LIST_|__DJ_va_list|_G_va_listinclude |#ifdef va_startstdc_0_in_system_headersGNU and MIPS C compilers define __STDC__ differently__SCO_VERSION__.*__STDC__ != 1^([ ]*#[ ]*if.*)(!__STDC__|__STDC__[ ]*==[ ]*0|__STDC__[ ]*!=[ ]*1|__STDC__[ ]*-[ ]*0[ ]*==[ ]*0)stdc_0_in_system_headers^([ ]*(\(|&&|\|\|)([ (]*!*[ ]*defined\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[ ]*[|&][|&])*[ (]*)(__STDC__[ ]*(|-[ ]*0[ ]*)==[ ]*0)stdc_0_in_system_headers^([ ]*#[ ]*if.*)(__STDC__[ ]*!=[ ]*0|__STDC__[ ]*==[ ]*1|__STDC__[ ]*-[ ]*0[ ]*==[ ]*1|__STDC__[ ]*-[ ]*0[ ]*!=[ ]*0)^.*xdrstdio_create.*struct __file_sstruct sockaddr; ^.*authdes_create.*struct sockaddr[^_]__cplusplus\(\*[a-z][a-z_]*\)\(\)#ifdef(.*\|\|.*)^#define[ ]+CAT\(a,b\).*_CLASSIC_ANSI_TYPES_cnt$^void \(\*signal\(\)\)\(\);.*int[ ]*strlen\(\);(.*)#define.*__std_hdr_getcwd\(char \*, int\)_KERNELSilicon Graphicsprofil\(unsigned short \*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int\)void *\(\*\)\(\)static void getrngegetrnge_CLASSIC_ANSI_TYPES_CLASSIC_ANSI_TYPESchar[ ]*\*[ ]*(calloc|malloc|realloc|bsearch)[ ]*\(([* ])__thread([,)])[ ]_cplusplusatexit\(.*\(\)atof\([ ]*charperror\( char \*\*fopen\( char \*fdopen\( .*, char \*ULTRIX^#ifdef KERNEL[ ]+&&@\(#\)locale\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)^(#if.*)\|\|[ ]+CC\$[a-z]+^/\* #define SIOCSCREEN^ \*[ ]*int protocol; */\*@\(#\)stat\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)#include "r[34]_cpu@\(#\)stdlib\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)@\(#\)strings\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)@\(#\)strings\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)@\(#\)time\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)@\(#\)unistd\.h.*6\.1.*\(ULTRIX\)(\*[ ]*)restrict([ ]+)-f sys/byteorder.hin_port_t__(vsiz|vali|vpad|alignof__)__cplusplus^#[ ]*define[ ]+NULL[ ]+\(\(void[ ]*\*\)0\)__GNUC_TYPEOF_FEATURE_BROKEN_USE_DEFAULT_UNTIL_FIXED__uint_t([ ]+_clocks_per_sec) -r types/vxTypesOld.h -n "`egrep '#include' $file`" -n "`egrep ULONG $file`"#[ ]define[ ]+__INCstath -r vxWorks.h#[ ]*define[ ]+VOIDFUNCPTR[ ].*(#include.*)diab/va_list.h__cplusplus^([ ]*char \*)class;(.*)__cplusplus class\)__cplusplus^extern char \* sprintf\(\);$fixincludes error: the `%s' fix test is unknown machine_name_teststdc_0_in_system_headersfixincl error: the `%s' fix is unknown search textgnu_type_fixgnu type typedefwchar && ! defined(__cplusplus)wrap-fixno-wrap patternFIXINC_WRAP_%s-%s#ifndef %s #define %s 1 #endif /* %s */ machine_name_fixThe target machine has no needed machine name fixes replacement formatformat_fixformat search-textioctl typechar_macro_use_fixmacro patternfix_char_macro_definesfixincl error: `%s' needs %s argument (c_fix_arg[%d]) #if !defined(_GCC_%s_T)%s #define _GCC_%s_T typedef __%s_TYPE__ %s_t; #endif ^#if.*__need_^#[ ]*define[ ]+[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*[ ]+^#[ ]*define[ ]+NOTE: server restarted trap : 1 CONFIG_SHELL/bin/shcd %s %s echo echo %s CLOSING SHELL SERVER - command failure: %s ShElL-OuTpUt-HaS-bEeN-cOmPlEtEdServer not running, cannot run: %s Error %d: Could not execvp( '%s', ... ): %s label patternname patternerror %d (%s) reading input ^[ ]*#[ ]*(if|ifdef|ifndef)[ ]+fixincl ERROR: cannot compile %s regex for %s expr = `%s' error %s FIND_BASEVERBOSEMN_NAME_PATDESTDIRINPUTSRCDIRORIGDIRTARGET_MACHINEfixincl ERROR: %s environment variable not defined each of these must be defined: TARGET_MACHINE - output from config.guess ORIGDIR - directory of fixincl and applyfix SRCDIR - directory of original files INPUT - current directory for fixincl DESTDIR - output directory MN_NAME_PAT - regex matching forbidden identifiers VERBOSE - amount of user entertainment FIND_BASE - leader to trim from file names alnumalphablankcntrlgraphlowerprintpunctspaceupperxdigitNo previous regular expressionMemory exhaustedSuccessNo matchInvalid regular expressionInvalid collation characterInvalid character class nameTrailing backslashInvalid back referenceUnmatched [ or [^Unmatched ( or \(Unmatched \{Invalid content of \{\}Invalid range endInvalid preceding regular expressionPremature end of regular expressionRegular expression too bigUnmatched ) or \)ccccc88cX{ccccPBZ&&_#--N4h*>,|4px#0H_ZCBBBBQ00000000000000000000000000000000  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~: %s%sout of memory allocating %lu bytes after a total of %lu bytes undocumented error #%d~  Ї@  PD0ooobL|N^n~΍ލ.>N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ$D` 8؃@HPX0`h@Pp|\tĄ؄ (4D(P`4@pLXdlxąԅ (8H \l$t08DPXdĆpxІ܆DT$T`lx؇(HT ,8DP\ḧ؈t`xȉԉ(@P\ 4h<Td|Њ04LTh\t̋ <HTl$0<HT\hȌt 4@LXh  p$ , 8 D P \ h ̍t  ؍       0D  P`, 8 l|D L X d l x Ȏ      (   8T  dt` x     Џ      $ , 4D< D P \l\ d p |     ̐      0   <P  p( 0 < H T ` l x  В        ,L Xp0|@Xht|ؓ $8H\4<Hh|T\ht|ĔԔ ,< Pd$p0`pؕ̕$<H` ,l|8DT`lxĖЖ($8H0HXhXpxȗؗ ,0<H<TXdp`xĘԘ $4L$4\h@L\lxؙ(@8LLdpȚԚ DT(ht4@p|ț؛0<0Ȝ<HTl$|8LXh ,8ԝDPܝ\hx$0DTdpԞ,8HT,lx<LXht$ȟܟ<DP \x,DP̠(4@p(8@PXhp4ȡ@Lءlx   .c l  $  " $("(,l(<<<<&=<=.=.=Ģ.>.>(.>L.6>`>p.p>`>.>>.>. ?`>D???l.p?.?`>.?`>.?`>P??(@.=AIAԥ??ZA?A.cBB .cBDP`|.cB.B̦.BԦBBBB??C?/C4<.gCmCwCp.CJDYDħ^DYDBmDDD ,BmDDD<.DDl.DE??E?T?JT?T?T?U?xU?U?U?V?QV?V,.VXl.W./Wر.ZWJDcW<^DcWw??fW~W|.W~W.W~WԲ.X. YY.&Y~W .6Y~WT.Y.Y~Wij.Y.Y.YD.ZZL.Zht.Y>ZZ.Z.[$4.[C[h|.v[[[B[[0#\&\P.]]p??-]?}]??]?] ^.^ ^ж.o^ ^.^.^_<.6_;_L.S_c_p._._._̷ܷ.__8H\._.B`Ը.L`U`.``.`D.(at.cBma.a.aȹԹ??a?a? c?Ecc.cc??c?dPd .ad4@.ddp|.de.=e_e.ef$0.fg`l.gg.0hTh̻??Tiii.i6j(0.j k(`.nkwkii.kl.Zll??l(.lm2mEm\p.Zm.pmKBzmK??m$??mHd.o(D.oؿ.o\.o.o.p3p.Sp.Yp ??p?p?p?q?6q4??\q<.zq\.qt??q.qq rBr,r.Br.vr,.rr4??r?r?-s?[s?ls?s?s?s?sH\.0t.;t.Et.Rt.qt.tt.tt.tHu.quu$.u<B`.Y|??u??u??v?v??v?v?/w??gw?x B0??]x?xT??>y?~{t??{|?||.|q|||}0}.G}.t}.{}0??}?}? ~?!~?c~?}~?~h.~??~."????<,??vHT.p|.ɀ??Ӏ??5.S[xJDR^D.2[B2&K.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss 8 @@!Ї)obb 6o E  0N DD  W R88 ]zc i qddT{hhTppTxxT||TLLUPPUHHV6#! /bin/sh # mkinstalldirs --- make directory hierarchy scriptversion=2005-06-29.22 # Original author: Noah Friedman # Created: 1993-05-16 # Public domain. # # This file is maintained in Automake, please report # bugs to or send patches to # . errstatus=0 dirmode= usage="\ Usage: mkinstalldirs [-h] [--help] [--version] [-m MODE] DIR ... Create each directory DIR (with mode MODE, if specified), including all leading file name components. Report bugs to ." # process command line arguments while test $# -gt 0 ; do case $1 in -h | --help | --h*) # -h for help echo "$usage" exit $? ;; -m) # -m PERM arg shift test $# -eq 0 && { echo "$usage" 1>&2; exit 1; } dirmode=$1 shift ;; --version) echo "$0 $scriptversion" exit $? ;; --) # stop option processing shift break ;; -*) # unknown option echo "$usage" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; *) # first non-opt arg break ;; esac done for file do if test -d "$file"; then shift else break fi done case $# in 0) exit 0 ;; esac # Solaris 8's mkdir -p isn't thread-safe. If you mkdir -p a/b and # mkdir -p a/c at the same time, both will detect that a is missing, # one will create a, then the other will try to create a and die with # a "File exists" error. This is a problem when calling mkinstalldirs # from a parallel make. We use --version in the probe to restrict # ourselves to GNU mkdir, which is thread-safe. case $dirmode in '') if mkdir -p --version . >/dev/null 2>&1 && test ! -d ./--version; then echo "mkdir -p -- $*" exec mkdir -p -- "$@" else # On NextStep and OpenStep, the `mkdir' command does not # recognize any option. It will interpret all options as # directories to create, and then abort because `.' already # exists. test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version fi ;; *) if mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p --version . >/dev/null 2>&1 && test ! -d ./--version; then echo "mkdir -m $dirmode -p -- $*" exec mkdir -m "$dirmode" -p -- "$@" else # Clean up after NextStep and OpenStep mkdir. for d in ./-m ./-p ./--version "./$dirmode"; do test -d $d && rmdir $d done fi ;; esac for file do case $file in /*) pathcomp=/ ;; *) pathcomp= ;; esac oIFS=$IFS IFS=/ set fnord $file shift IFS=$oIFS for d do test "x$d" = x && continue pathcomp=$pathcomp$d case $pathcomp in -*) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;; esac if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then echo "mkdir $pathcomp" mkdir "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$? if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then errstatus=$lasterr else if test ! -z "$dirmode"; then echo "chmod $dirmode $pathcomp" lasterr= chmod "$dirmode" "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$? if test ! -z "$lasterr"; then errstatus=$lasterr fi fi fi fi pathcomp=$pathcomp/ done done exit $errstatus # Local Variables: # mode: shell-script # sh-indentation: 2 # eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) # time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" # time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" # time-stamp-end: "$" # End: #!/bin/sh # # Install modified versions of certain ANSI-incompatible system header # files which are fixed to work correctly with ANSI C and placed in a # directory that GCC will search. # # See README-fixinc for more information. # # fixincludes copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 # The Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # fixincludes is free software. # # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. # # fixincludes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fixincludes. See the file "COPYING". If not, # write to: The Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Usage: fixinc.sh output-dir input-dir # # Directory in which to store the results. # Fail if no arg to specify a directory for the output. if [ "x$1" = "x" ] then echo fixincludes: no output directory specified exit 1 fi LIB=${1} shift # Make sure it exists. if [ ! -d $LIB ]; then mkdir $LIB || { echo fixincludes: output dir '`'$LIB"' cannot be created" exit 1 } else ( cd $LIB && touch DONE && rm DONE ) || { echo fixincludes: output dir '`'$LIB"' is an invalid directory" exit 1 } fi if test -z "$VERBOSE" then VERBOSE=2 export VERBOSE else case "$VERBOSE" in [0-9] ) : ;; * ) VERBOSE=3 ;; esac fi # Define what target system we're fixing. # if test -r ./Makefile; then target_canonical="`sed -n -e 's,^target[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)$,\1,p' < Makefile`" fi # If not from the Makefile, then try config.guess # if test -z "${target_canonical}" ; then if test -x ./config.guess ; then target_canonical="`config.guess`" ; fi test -z "${target_canonical}" && target_canonical=unknown fi export target_canonical # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Define PWDCMD as a command to use to get the working dir # in the form that we want. PWDCMD=${PWDCMD-pwd} case "`$PWDCMD`" in //*) # On an Apollo, discard everything before `/usr'. PWDCMD="eval pwd | sed -e 's,.*/usr/,/usr/,'" ;; esac # Original directory. ORIGDIR=`${PWDCMD}` export ORIGDIR FIXINCL=`${PWDCMD}`/fixincl if [ ! -x $FIXINCL ] ; then echo "Cannot find fixincl" >&2 exit 1 fi export FIXINCL # Make LIB absolute only if needed to avoid problems with the amd. case $LIB in /*) ;; *) cd $LIB; LIB=`${PWDCMD}` ;; esac if test $VERBOSE -gt 0 then echo Fixing headers into ${LIB} for ${target_canonical} target ; fi # Determine whether this system has symbolic links. if test -n "$DJDIR"; then LINKS=false elif ln -s X $LIB/ShouldNotExist 2>/dev/null; then rm -f $LIB/ShouldNotExist LINKS=true elif ln -s X /tmp/ShouldNotExist 2>/dev/null; then rm -f /tmp/ShouldNotExist LINKS=true else LINKS=false fi # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # In the file macro_list are listed all the predefined # macros that are not in the C89 reserved namespace (the reserved # namespace is all identifiers beginnning with two underscores or one # underscore followed by a capital letter). A regular expression to find # any of those macros in a header file is written to MN_NAME_PAT. # # Note dependency on ASCII. \012 = newline. # tr ' ' '\n' is, alas, not portable. if test -s ${MACRO_LIST} then if test $VERBOSE -gt 0; then echo "Forbidden identifiers: `tr '\012' ' ' < ${MACRO_LIST}`" fi MN_NAME_PAT="`sed 's/^/\\\\/; $!s/$/|/' \ < ${MACRO_LIST} | tr -d '\012'`" export MN_NAME_PAT else if test $VERBOSE -gt 0 then echo "No forbidden identifiers defined by this target" ; fi fi # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Search each input directory for broken header files. # This loop ends near the end of the file. # if test $# -eq 0 then INPUTLIST="/usr/include" else INPUTLIST="$@" fi for INPUT in ${INPUTLIST} ; do cd ${ORIGDIR} # Make sure a directory exists before changing into it, # otherwise Solaris2 will fail-exit the script. # if [ ! -d ${INPUT} ]; then continue fi cd ${INPUT} INPUT=`${PWDCMD}` export INPUT # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # if test $VERBOSE -gt 1 then echo Finding directories and links to directories ; fi # Find all directories and all symlinks that point to directories. # Put the list in $all_dirs. # Each time we find a symlink, add it to newdirs # so that we do another find within the dir the link points to. # Note that $all_dirs may have duplicates in it; # later parts of this file are supposed to ignore them. dirs="." levels=2 all_dirs="" search_dirs="" while [ -n "$dirs" ] && [ $levels -gt 0 ] do levels=`expr $levels - 1` newdirs= for d in $dirs do if test $VERBOSE -gt 1 then echo " Searching $INPUT/$d" ; fi # Find all directories under $d, relative to $d, excluding $d itself. # (The /. is needed after $d in case $d is a symlink.) all_dirs="$all_dirs `find $d/. -type d -print | \ sed -e '/\/\.$/d' -e 's@/./@/@g'`" # Find all links to directories. # Using `-exec test -d' in find fails on some systems, # and trying to run test via sh fails on others, # so this is the simplest alternative left. # First find all the links, then test each one. theselinks= $LINKS && \ theselinks=`find $d/. -type l -print | sed -e 's@/./@/@g'` for d1 in $theselinks --dummy-- do # If the link points to a directory, # add that dir to $newdirs if [ -d $d1 ] then all_dirs="$all_dirs $d1" if [ "`ls -ld $d1 | sed -n 's/.*-> //p'`" != "." ] then newdirs="$newdirs $d1" search_dirs="$search_dirs $d1" fi fi done done dirs="$newdirs" done # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # dirs= if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo "All directories (including links to directories):" echo $all_dirs fi for file in $all_dirs; do rm -rf $LIB/$file if [ ! -d $LIB/$file ] then mkdir $LIB/$file fi done mkdir $LIB/root # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # treetops gets an alternating list # of old directories to copy # and the new directories to copy to. treetops=". ${LIB}" if $LINKS; then if test $VERBOSE -gt 1 then echo 'Making symbolic directory links' ; fi cwd=`${PWDCMD}` for sym_link in $search_dirs; do cd ${INPUT} dest=`ls -ld ${sym_link} | sed -n 's/.*-> //p'` # In case $dest is relative, get to ${sym_link}'s dir first. # cd ./`echo ${sym_link} | sed 's;/[^/]*$;;'` # Check that the target directory exists. # Redirections changed to avoid bug in sh on Ultrix. # (cd $dest) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then cd $dest # full_dest_dir gets the dir that the link actually leads to. # full_dest_dir=`${PWDCMD}` # Canonicalize ${INPUT} now to minimize the time an # automounter has to change the result of ${PWDCMD}. # cinput=`cd ${INPUT}; ${PWDCMD}` # If a link points to ., make a similar link to . # if [ ${full_dest_dir} = ${cinput} ]; then if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo ${sym_link} '->' . ': Making self link' ; fi rm -fr ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 ln -s . ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 # If link leads back into ${INPUT}, # make a similar link here. # elif expr ${full_dest_dir} : "${cinput}/.*" > /dev/null; then # Y gets the actual target dir name, relative to ${INPUT}. y=`echo ${full_dest_dir} | sed -n "s&${cinput}/&&p"` # DOTS is the relative path from ${LIB}/${sym_link} back to ${LIB}. dots=`echo "${sym_link}" | sed -e 's@^./@@' -e 's@/./@/@g' -e 's@[^/][^/]*@..@g' -e 's@..$@@'` if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo ${sym_link} '->' $dots$y ': Making local link' ; fi rm -fr ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 ln -s $dots$y ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 else # If the link is to a dir $target outside ${INPUT}, # repoint the link at ${INPUT}/root$target # and process $target into ${INPUT}/root$target # treat this directory as if it actually contained the files. # if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo ${sym_link} '->' root${full_dest_dir} ': Making rooted link' fi if [ -d $LIB/root${full_dest_dir} ] then true else dirname=root${full_dest_dir}/ dirmade=. cd $LIB while [ x$dirname != x ]; do component=`echo $dirname | sed -e 's|/.*$||'` mkdir $component >/dev/null 2>&1 cd $component dirmade=$dirmade/$component dirname=`echo $dirname | sed -e 's|[^/]*/||'` done fi # Duplicate directory structure created in ${LIB}/${sym_link} in new # root area. # for file2 in $all_dirs; do case $file2 in ${sym_link}/*) dupdir=${LIB}/root${full_dest_dir}/`echo $file2 | sed -n "s|^${sym_link}/||p"` if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo "Duplicating ${sym_link}'s ${dupdir}" ; fi if [ -d ${dupdir} ] then true else mkdir ${dupdir} fi ;; *) ;; esac done # Get the path from ${LIB} to ${sym_link}, accounting for symlinks. # parent=`echo "${sym_link}" | sed -e 's@/[^/]*$@@'` libabs=`cd ${LIB}; ${PWDCMD}` file2=`cd ${LIB}; cd $parent; ${PWDCMD} | sed -e "s@^${libabs}@@"` # DOTS is the relative path from ${LIB}/${sym_link} back to ${LIB}. # dots=`echo "$file2" | sed -e 's@/[^/]*@../@g'` rm -fr ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 ln -s ${dots}root${full_dest_dir} ${LIB}/${sym_link} > /dev/null 2>&1 treetops="$treetops ${sym_link} ${LIB}/root${full_dest_dir}" fi fi done fi # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # required= set x $treetops shift while [ $# != 0 ]; do # $1 is an old directory to copy, and $2 is the new directory to copy to. # SRCDIR=`cd ${INPUT} ; cd $1 ; ${PWDCMD}` export SRCDIR FIND_BASE=$1 export FIND_BASE shift DESTDIR=`cd $1;${PWDCMD}` export DESTDIR shift # The same dir can appear more than once in treetops. # There's no need to scan it more than once. # if [ -f ${DESTDIR}/DONE ] then continue ; fi touch ${DESTDIR}/DONE if test $VERBOSE -gt 1 then echo Fixing directory ${SRCDIR} into ${DESTDIR} ; fi # Check files which are symlinks as well as those which are files. # cd ${INPUT} required="$required `if $LINKS; then find ${FIND_BASE}/. -name '*.h' \( -type f -o -type l \) -print else find ${FIND_BASE}/. -name '*.h' -type f -print fi | \ sed -e 's;/\./;/;g' -e 's;//*;/;g' | \ ${FIXINCL}`" done ## Make sure that any include files referenced using double quotes ## exist in the fixed directory. This comes last since otherwise ## we might end up deleting some of these files "because they don't ## need any change." set x `echo $required` shift while [ $# != 0 ]; do newreq= while [ $# != 0 ]; do # $1 is the directory to copy from, # $2 is the unfixed file, # $3 is the fixed file name. # cd ${INPUT} cd $1 if [ -f $2 ] ; then if [ -r $2 ] && [ ! -r $3 ]; then cp $2 $3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "Can't copy $2" >&2 chmod +w $3 2>/dev/null chmod a+r $3 2>/dev/null if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo Copied $2 ; fi for include in `egrep '^[ ]*#[ ]*include[ ]*"[^/]' $3 | sed -e 's/^[ ]*#[ ]*include[ ]*"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/'` do dir=`echo $2 | sed -e s'|/[^/]*$||'` dir2=`echo $3 | sed -e s'|/[^/]*$||'` newreq="$newreq $1 $dir/$include99 $dir2/$include" done fi fi shift; shift; shift done set x $newreq shift done if test $VERBOSE -gt 2 then echo 'Cleaning up DONE files.' ; fi cd $LIB # Look for files case-insensitively, for the benefit of # DOS/Windows filesystems. find . -name '[Dd][Oo][Nn][Ee]' -exec rm -f '{}' ';' if test $VERBOSE -gt 1 then echo 'Cleaning up unneeded directories:' ; fi cd $LIB all_dirs=`find . -type d \! -name '.' -print | sort -r` for file in $all_dirs; do if rmdir $LIB/$file > /dev/null then test $VERBOSE -gt 3 && echo " removed $file" fi done 2> /dev/null # On systems which don't support symlinks, `find' may barf # if called with "-type l" predicate. So only use that if # we know we should look for symlinks. if $LINKS; then test $VERBOSE -gt 2 && echo "Removing unused symlinks" all_dirs=`find . -type l -print` for file in $all_dirs do if test ! -d $file then rm -f $file test $VERBOSE -gt 3 && echo " removed $file" rmdir `dirname $file` > /dev/null && \ test $VERBOSE -gt 3 && \ echo " removed `dirname $file`" fi done 2> /dev/null fi if test $VERBOSE -gt 0 then echo fixincludes is done ; fi # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # End of for INPUT directories # done # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ELF4P4 (444pxJpxJpxJpOpO`̆ xJOOPtdwJNN,,Qtd/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0q v$U.f\1~6j@pLz#/8OK{!Bux}WE nbYsi<DrR7 -039+(;*">)4I2SV' &H%Z`X,dat?|[QMowC ]_^h gTFNkAe=PcyG5Jml:}=Q "0J@P" 3ppn -@$A p  I/X'zA: Pb:fNKR v `>\5Ф]m m0"WHiUBi-X(3=LiUG4qXNpE  < R5R&HiUPiU! .i#~TiU~@`PiU\ O?` O@d OAh OBl OCp ODt OEx OF| OG OH OI OJ OK OL OM ON OO OP OQ OR OS OU OV OW OX OY OZ O[ O\ O] O^ O_ O` Oa Ob Oc Od Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or$ Os( Ot, Ou0 Ov4 Ow8 Ox< Oy@ OzD O|H O}L O~P OT OX O\ O` Od Oh Ol Op Ot Ox O| O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O$ O( OUS' hJ} w=[]5l O%p O%t Oh%x Oh%| Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0% Oh` % Ohh% Ohp% Ohx% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Ohp% Oh`% OhP% Oh@% Oh0% Oh % Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0%$ Oh` %( Ohh%, Ohp%0 Ohx%4 Oh%8 Oh%< Oh%@ Oh%D Oh%H Oh%L Oh%P Ohp%T Oh`%X OhP%\ Oh@%` Oh0%d Oh %h Oh%l Oh%p Oh%t Oh%x Oh%| Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0% Oh` % Ohh% Ohp% Ohx% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Ohp% Oh`% OhP% Oh@% Oh0% Oh % Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0%$ Oh` %( Ohh%, Ohp%0 Ohx%4 Oh%8 Oh%< Oh%@ Oh%D Oh%H Oh%L Oh%P Ohp%T Oh`%X OhP%\ Oh@%` Oh0%d Oh %h Oh%l Oh%p Oh%t Oh%x Oh%| Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0% Oh` % Ohh% Ohp% Ohx% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Ohp% Oh`% OhP% Oh@% Oh0% Oh % Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh% Oh % Oh(% Oh0% Oh8p% Oh@`% OhHP% OhP@% OhX0%$ Oh` %( Ohh1^PTRh$AhtQVh$US=\iUuH|O-xOX @`iUxO`iU9r0t hN:\iU]UZX]J tRjhdiUhN=Ott hOЃÐU]ÐU1]U1]U1]UE]U]U1]U1]U]U1]UE]U1]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U1]U]U1]U1]U1]U]U]U]U]U1]U1]UWE1ID _]UVSE pURV0S8<1҅u 1Ҁ<3‰Ѝe[^]UEPU@E~%:_u z_u|_u|_u EBEUMPDPEP5iU<UWVS:?:@:A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:[:\:]:^:_:`:a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:o:p:q:r:s:t:u:v:w:x:y:z:{:|:}:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::