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extern long double asinl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(asinl); extern long double atanl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(atanl); extern long double atan2l( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(atan2l); extern long double cosl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cosl); extern long double sinl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sinl); extern long double tanl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(tanl); extern long double acoshl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(acoshl); extern long double asinhl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(asinhl); extern long double atanhl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(atanhl); extern long double coshl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(coshl); extern long double sinhl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sinhl); extern long double tanhl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(tanhl); extern long double expl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(expl); extern long double exp2l( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(exp2l); extern long double expm1l( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(expm1l); extern long double logl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(logl); extern long double log10l( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(log10l); extern long double log2l( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(log2l); extern long double log1pl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(log1pl); extern long double logbl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(logbl); extern long double modfl( long double, long double * ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(modfl); extern long double ldexpl( long double, int ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ldexpl); extern long double frexpl( long double, int * ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(frexpl); extern int ilogbl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ilogbl); extern long double scalbnl( long double, int ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(scalbnl); extern long double scalblnl( long double, long int ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(scalblnl); extern long double fabsl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fabsl); extern long double cbrtl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(cbrtl); extern long double hypotl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(hypotl); extern long double powl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(powl); extern long double sqrtl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(sqrtl); extern long double erfl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(erfl); extern long double erfcl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(erfcl); extern long double lgammal( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(lgammal); extern long double tgammal( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(tgammal); extern long double ceill( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(ceill); extern long double floorl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(floorl); extern long double nearbyintl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(nearbyintl); extern long double rintl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(rintl); extern long int lrintl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(lrintl); extern long long int llrintl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(llrintl); extern long double roundl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(roundl); extern long int lroundl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(lroundl); extern long long int llroundl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(llroundl); extern long double truncl( long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(truncl); extern long double fmodl( long double, long double) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fmodl); extern long double remainderl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(remainderl); extern long double remquol( long double, long double, int * ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(remquol); extern long double copysignl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(copysignl); extern long double nanl( const char * ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(nanl); extern long double nextafterl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(nextafterl); extern long double nexttowardl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(nexttowardl); extern long double fdiml( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fdiml); extern long double fmaxl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fmaxl); extern long double fminl( long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fminl); extern long double fmal( long double, long double, long double ) __LIBMLDBL_COMPAT(fmal); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif #endif /* __MATH__ */%1<%2.h>([ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+)"([a-z0-9/]+)\.h"i[34567]86-*-linux*/* This file fixes a bug in the __FD_ZERO macro for older versions of the Linux kernel. */ #ifndef _POSIX_TYPES_H_WRAPPER #include #include_next #if defined(__FD_ZERO) && !defined(__GLIBC__) #undef __FD_ZERO #define __FD_ZERO(fdsetp) \ do { \ int __d0, __d1; \ __asm__ __volatile__("cld ; rep ; stosl" \ : "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1) \ : "a" (0), "0" (__FDSET_LONGS), \ "1" ((__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)) :"memory"); \ } while (0) #endif #define _POSIX_TYPES_H_WRAPPER #endif /* _POSIX_TYPES_H_WRAPPER *//* This file fixes a bug in the __FD_ZERO macro present in glibc 1.x. */ #ifndef _TYPES_H_WRAPPER #include #include_next #if defined(__FD_ZERO) && !defined(__GLIBC__) #undef __FD_ZERO # define __FD_ZERO(fdsetp) \ do { \ int __d0, __d1; \ __asm__ __volatile__("cld ; rep ; stosl" \ : "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1) \ : "a" (0), "0" (__FDSET_LONGS), \ "1" ((__fd_set *) (fdsetp)) :"memory"); \ } while (0) #endif #define _TYPES_H_WRAPPER #endif /* _TYPES_H_WRAPPER *//* This file fixes a bug in the __FD_ZERO macro present in glibc 2.0.x. */ #ifndef _SELECTBITS_H_WRAPPER #include #include_next #if defined(__FD_ZERO) && defined(__GLIBC__) \\ && defined(__GLIBC_MINOR__) && __GLIBC__ == 2 \\ && __GLIBC_MINOR__ == 0 #undef __FD_ZERO #define __FD_ZERO(fdsetp) \\ do { \\ int __d0, __d1; \\ __asm__ __volatile__ ("cld; rep; stosl" \\ : "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1) \\ : "a" (0), "0" (sizeof (__fd_set) \\ / sizeof (__fd_mask)), \\ "1" ((__fd_mask *) (fdsetp)) \\ : "memory"); \\ } while (0) #endif #define _SELECTBITS_H_WRAPPER #endif /* _SELECTBITS_H_WRAPPER */*-*-solaris*#ifdef __STDC__ #include #else #include #endif/* This file was generated by fixincludes */ #ifndef __memory_h__ #define __memory_h__ #ifdef __STDC__ extern void *memccpy(); extern void *memchr(); extern void *memcpy(); extern void *memset(); #else extern char *memccpy(); extern char *memchr(); extern char *memcpy(); extern char *memset(); #endif /* __STDC__ */ extern int memcmp(); #endif /* __memory_h__ */ _EndOfHeader; }; /* * Completely replace with a file that includes gcc's * stdarg.h or varargs.h files as appropriate. */ #ifdef SVR4 fix = { hackname = AAB_svr4_no_varargs; files = sys/varargs.h; replace = "/* This file was generated by fixincludes. */\n" "#ifndef _SYS_VARARGS_H\n" "#define _SYS_VARARGS_H\n\n" "#ifdef __STDC__\n" "#include \n" "#else\n" "#include \n" "#endif\n\n" "#endif /* _SYS_VARARGS_H */\n"; }; #endif /* * Completely replace with a file that implements gcc's * optimized byteswapping. (The original probably implemented some * incompatible optimized byteswapping.) */ fix = { hackname = AAB_svr4_replace_byteorder; mach = "*-*-sysv4*"; mach = "i[34567]86-*-sysv5*"; mach = "i[34567]86-*-sco3.2v5*"; mach = "i[34567]86-*-udk*"; mach = "i[34567]86-*-solaris2.[0-4]"; mach = "powerpcle-*-solaris2.[0-4]"; mach = "sparc-*-solaris2.[0-4]"; mach = "i[34567]86-sequent-ptx*"; files = sys/byteorder.h; replace = <<- _EndOfHeader_ #ifndef _SYS_BYTEORDER_H #define _SYS_BYTEORDER_H /* Functions to convert `short' and `long' quantities from host byte order to (internet) network byte order (i.e. big-endian). Written by Ron Guilmette (rfg@ncd.com). This isn't actually used by GCC. It is installed by fixinc.svr4. For big-endian machines these functions are essentially no-ops. For little-endian machines, we define the functions using specialized asm sequences in cases where doing so yields better code (e.g. i386). */ #if !defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (__GNUG__) #error You lose! This file is only useful with GNU compilers. #endif #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__ /* Byte order defines. These are as defined on UnixWare 1.1, but with double underscores added at the front and back. */ #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1234 #define __BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321 #define __PDP_ENDIAN__ 3412 #endif #ifdef __STDC__ static __inline__ unsigned long htonl (unsigned long); static __inline__ unsigned short htons (unsigned int); static __inline__ unsigned long ntohl (unsigned long); static __inline__ unsigned short ntohs (unsigned int); #endif /* defined (__STDC__) */ #if defined (__i386__) #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__ #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #endif /* Convert a host long to a network long. */ /* We must use a new-style function definition, so that this will also be valid for C++. */ static __inline__ unsigned long htonl (unsigned long __arg) { register unsigned long __result; __asm__ ("xchg%B0 %b0,%h0 ror%L0 $16,%0 xchg%B0 %b0,%h0" : "=q" (__result) : "0" (__arg)); return __result; } /* Convert a host short to a network short. */ static __inline__ unsigned short htons (unsigned int __arg) { register unsigned short __result; __asm__ ("xchg%B0 %b0,%h0" : "=q" (__result) : "0" (__arg)); return __result; } #elif (defined (__ns32k__) || defined (__vax__) || defined (__arm__)) #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__ #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #endif /* For other little-endian machines, using C code is just as efficient as using assembly code. */ /* Convert a host long to a network long. */ static __inline__ unsigned long htonl (unsigned long __arg) { register unsigned long __result; __result = (__arg >> 24) & 0x000000ff; __result |= (__arg >> 8) & 0x0000ff00; __result |= (__arg << 8) & 0x00ff0000; __result |= (__arg << 24) & 0xff000000; return __result; } /* Convert a host short to a network short. */ static __inline__ unsigned short htons (unsigned int __arg) { register unsigned short __result; __result = (__arg << 8) & 0xff00; __result |= (__arg >> 8) & 0x00ff; return __result; } #else /* must be a big-endian machine */ #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__ #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __BIG_ENDIAN__ #endif /* Convert a host long to a network long. */ static __inline__ unsigned long htonl (unsigned long __arg) { return __arg; } /* Convert a host short to a network short. */ static __inline__ unsigned short htons (unsigned int __arg) { return __arg; } #endif /* big-endian */ /* Convert a network long to a host long. */ static __inline__ unsigned long ntohl (unsigned long __arg) { return htonl (__arg); } /* Convert a network short to a host short. */ static __inline__ unsigned short ntohs (unsigned int __arg) { return htons (__arg); } #endif/* This file intentionally left blank. */ *-*-ultrix4.3#ifndef _LIMITS_INCLUDED #define _LIMITS_INCLUDED #include #endif /* _LIMITS_INCLUDED */#ifndef _MEMORY_INCLUDED #define _MEMORY_INCLUDED #include #endif /* _MEMORY_INCLUDED */#ifndef _STRING_INCLUDED #define _STRING_INCLUDED #include #endif /* _STRING_INCLUDED */%1 %2\ struct rusage; %0? (int)%1typedef int sig_atomic_t__assert(const char *, const char *, int)alpha*-dec-osf*%1 (defined(__DECC) || defined(__PRAGMA_EXTERN_PREFIX)) %3%0 && !defined(__PRAGMA_EXTERN_PREFIX)alpha*-dec-osf5*%0 || defined(__PRAGMA_EXTERN_PREFIX)%1(EX)sed-es/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*\([^(]*\)\(([^)]*)\)[ ]*\(_.*\)\1\2[ ]*$/#define \1 \3\1/getopt(int, char *const[], const char *)#ifndef __mips64%2 defined (_PTHREAD_ENV_DECC)%4 || defined (__PRAGMA_EXTERN_PREFIX) %5#elif defined (__GNUC__) # define _PTHREAD_ENV_GCC %0s@MVALID\(.*\)A}@MVALID\1A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }@ s@MVALID\(.*\)_}@MVALID\1_, 0, 0, 0, 0 }@ s@CVALID\(.*\)A}@CVALID\1A, 0, 0, 0, 0 }@ s@CVALID\(.*\)_}@CVALID\1_, 0, 0 }@ s@WVALID\(.*\)A}@WVALID\1A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }@ s@WVALID\(.*\)_}@WVALID\1_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }@ void *sbrk(alpha*-dec-osf4*s@#define wcstok wcstok_r@extern wchar_t *wcstok __((wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, wchar_t **)) __asm__("wcstok_r");@s@#define wcsftime __wcsftime_isoc@extern size_t wcsftime __((wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, const struct tm *)) __asm__("__wcsftime_isoc");@#ifndef __cplusplus %0 #endif^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]+bool[ ].*struct term;does notwrap#include #ifdef __cplusplus #include #endif s/^extern[ ]*double[ ]*cabs[ ]*([^\)]*);//s/^extern[ ]*long[ ]*double[ ]*cabsl[ ]*([^\)]*);//#if 1*-*-*bsd**-*-*darwin*#define _BSD_STRING(_BSD_X) _BSD_STRINGX(_BSD_X) #define _BSD_STRINGX(_BSD_X) #_BSD_X int vfscanf(FILE *, const char *, __builtin_va_list) __asm__ (_BSD_STRING(__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__) "__svfscanf");char_macro_defCTRLchar_macro_use#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif *-*-darwin*((__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))extern__private_extern__/^[ ]*float[ ]*fasm/i\ #ifdef __DECC /^[ ]*#[ ]*pragma[ ]*intrinsic([ ]*dasm/a\ #endif %0 #include #include ecd_cursorstruct exception; *-*-freebsd*%0 || __GNUC__ >= 3#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7 || __GNUC__ >= 3%0 && (defined __extern_inline || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__)%1 && (defined __extern_inline || defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__) %2s/extern int \(stat\|lstat\|fstat\|mknod\)/#ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__\ extern\ #endif\ __inline__ int \1/s/extern int __REDIRECT\(_NTH\|\) (\(stat\|lstat\|fstat\)/#ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__\ extern\ #endif\ __inline__ int __REDIRECT\1 (\2/s/^extern __inline__ int/#ifdef __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__\ extern\ #endif\ __inline__ int/# if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__GNUC_STDC_INLINE__)^# ifdef __cplusplus$%0 __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))/define[ ]\+PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER[ ]*\\/,+1s/{ { 0, } }/{ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }/s/{ \(0, 0, 0, 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_\(RECURSIVE\|ERRORCHECK\|ADAPTIVE\)_NP\) }/{ \1, 0 }/s/{ \(0, 0, 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_\(RECURSIVE\|ERRORCHECK\|ADAPTIVE\)_NP\) }/{ \1, 0, 0 }//define[ ]\+PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER[ ]*\\/N;s/^[ ]*#[ ]*\(define[ ]\+PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER[ ]*\\\)\n[ ]*{ { 0, } }/# if __WORDSIZE == 64\n# \1\n { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }\n# else\n# \1\n { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }\n# endif/s/{ \(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP\) }/{ \1, 0 }//define[ ]\+PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER/s/{ { 0, } }/{ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (void *) 0, 0, 0 } }/*-*-solaris2.1[0-9]*gnu_type%1([ ]*#[ ]*include[ ]+)"\.\./machine/([a-z]+)\.h"(struct file *, ...)\(\.\.\.\)hppa*-hp-hpux11*#endif /* _INCLUDE_HPUX_SOURCE */ #if defined(_INCLUDE_HPUX_SOURCE) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) %0#endif #ifdef _INCLUDE_HPUX_SOURCE #ifdef _PROTOTYPES extern int __tolower(int); extern int __toupper(int); #else /* NOT _PROTOTYPES */ extern int __tolower(); extern int __toupper(); #endif /* _PROTOTYPES */ %0 %0 #ifdef _PROTOTYPES extern int _isalnum(int); extern int _isalpha(int); extern int _iscntrl(int); extern int _isdigit(int); extern int _isgraph(int); extern int _islower(int); extern int _isprint(int); extern int _ispunct(int); extern int _isspace(int); extern int _isupper(int); extern int _isxdigit(int); # else /* not _PROTOTYPES */ extern int _isalnum(); extern int _isalpha(); extern int _iscntrl(); extern int _isdigit(); extern int _isgraph(); extern int _islower(); extern int _isprint(); extern int _ispunct(); extern int _isspace(); extern int _isupper(); extern int _isxdigit(); #endif /* _PROTOTYPES */ %0 # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) extern int snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...); extern int vsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, __va_list); # else /* not __STDC__) || __cplusplus */ extern int snprintf(); extern int vsnprintf(); # endif /* __STDC__) || __cplusplus */ ia64-hp-hpux11*if !defined(_MATH_INCLUDED) || defined(__GNUG__)_hpux_size_t%1 const %3#define UINT32_C(__c) __CONCAT__(__c,ul)%1 __va_list);s@inline int abs(int [a-z][a-z]*) {.*}@extern "C" int abs(int);@s@inline double abs(double [a-z][a-z]*) {.*}@@s@inline int sqr(int [a-z][a-z]*) {.*}@@s@inline double sqr(double [a-z][a-z]*) {.*}@@%1(int)%3#if 1 %1/^#[ ]*ifndef _LONG_DOUBLE/,/\/\* _LONG_DOUBLE \*\//Ds/long_double/long double/gstruct sigevent;*-hp-hpux*#ifdef _KERNEL %0 #endif*-hp-hpux11.[12]*#ifndef _APP32_64BIT_OFF_T %0#endif *-hp-hpux10.**-hp-hpux11.[0-2]*#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif %0 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif*-hp-hpux11.[0-3]*#define __POINTER_SET ((void *) 1L)s@^[ ]*1, 1, 1, 1,[ ]*\\@ { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, \\@s@^[ ]*1,[ ]*\\@ { 1, 0 }@/^[ ]*0$/ds@__PTHREAD_MUTEX_VALID, 0@{ __PTHREAD_MUTEX_VALID, 0 }@s@^[ ]*0, 0, -1, 0,[ ]*\\@ { 0, 0, -1, 0 }, \\@s@0, __LWP_MTX_VALID, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,[ ]*\\@{ 0, __LWP_MTX_VALID }, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, \\@s@^[ ]*__LWP_MTX_VALID, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,[ ]*\\@ { 0, __LWP_MTX_VALID }, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, \\@s@^[ ]*0, 0[ ]*\\@ { 0, 0 } \\@s@__PTHREAD_COND_VALID, 0@{ __PTHREAD_COND_VALID, 0 }@s@__LWP_COND_VALID, 0,[ ]*\\@{ __LWP_COND_VALID, 0 }, \\@s@__PTHREAD_RWLOCK_VALID, 0@{ __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_VALID, 0 }@s@__LWP_RWLOCK_VALID, 0,[ ]*\\@{ __LWP_RWLOCK_VALID, 0 }, \\@s@^[ ]*0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0[ ]*\\@ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0} \\@#define HUGE_VAL (__builtin_huge_val()) #define HUGE_VALF (__builtin_huge_valf()) #define HUGE_VALL (__builtin_huge_vall()) void %1(IO/^struct/,/^};/s/}$/};/mips-sgi-irix6.5%1# ifndef __cplusplus %2 # endifextern int %1(double); extern int %1f(float); extern int %1l(long double); #define %1(x) (sizeof(x) == sizeof(double) ? _%1(x) \ : sizeof(x) == sizeof(float) ? _%1f(x) \ : _%1l(x)) #define %1(x,y) \ ((sizeof(x)<=4 && sizeof(y)<=4) ? _%1f(x,y) \ : (sizeof(x)<=8 && sizeof(y)<=8) ? _%1(x,y) \ : _%1l(x,y)) %1 are^([ ]*#.*[Ww]e)'reextern __const %1#if _NO_XOPEN4 && _NO_XOPEN5 typedef int socklen_t; #else %2 #endif /* _NO_XOPEN4 && _NO_XOPEN5 */#if 0 %2__gnuc_va_list#if _NO_XOPEN5 && !defined(__c99) %1fmod(double, double)!defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)##*-*-linux*libc1typedef __builtin_va_list _G_va_list;/\* `mem...' is a built-in function for gcc 2\.x\. \*/ #if defined\(__STDC__\) && __GNUC__ < 2 (/\* .* \*/ extern [a-z_]+ mem.*( [^#].*)*;) #endifia64-*-linux*__builtin_offsetof (struct sigcontext, sc_gr[0])*-*-lynxos*%0 extern int putenv _AP((char *));extern char \*getenv[ ]*_AP\(\(const char \*\)\);%1__builtin_va_list(define[ ]+_BSD_VA_LIST_[ ]+).*machine_name#ifdef __cplusplus #define exception __math_exception #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #undef exception #endif -c dbl_max_def=`egrep 'define[ ]+DBL_MAX[ ]+.*' float.h | sed 's/.*DBL_MAX[ ]*//' 2>/dev/null` if ( test -n "${dbl_max_def}" ) > /dev/null 2>&1 then sed -e '/define[ ]*HUGE_VAL[ ]*DBL_MAX/s@DBL_MAX@'"$dbl_max_def@" else cat fi%1*/ /*m68k-motorola-sysv*s@^\(#undef[ ][ ]*PIPE_BUF[ ]*/\* max # bytes atomic in write to a\)$@\1 */@s@\(/\*#define HUGE_VAL 3.[0-9e+]* \)\(/\*error value returned by Math lib\*/\)$@\1*/ \2@/CHILD_MAX/s,/\* Max, Max,/OPEN_MAX/s,/\* Max, Max,*-*-netbsd*extern #ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) #endif __inline int#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ #define _SIGINLINE extern __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) __inline #else %0 #endif#define __END_DECLS }extern double %1(^extern[ ]+double[ ]+__const__[ ]+([a-z]+)\((%1)\(([^)]*)[ ]template\)extern void %1(^extern[ ]+volatile[ ]+void[ ]+(exit|abort)\(wait(void%0;((*((%1*)%2) = (%3)), (%2 += sizeof (%1)))__%0reg(ex|off|match)_t%0 typedef __regex_t regex_t; typedef __regoff_t regoff_t; typedef __regmatch_t regmatch_t;extern %0%1 *%2%3^(extern int __sigsetjmp \(struct __jmp_buf_tag) (__env)\[1\](.*)$extern unsigned int fread(), fwrite(); %1%2(extern int .*), fread\(\), fwrite\(\)(.*)#define IXDR_GET_LONG(buf) ((long)IXDR_GET_U_INT32(buf))#define IXDR_PUT_LONG(buf, v) ((long)IXDR_PUT_INT32(buf, (long)(v)))^.*[^a-zA-Z_]class\(.*fchmod(intrename(const char *_old, const char *_new)/#define.*__fp_class(a) \\/i\ #ifndef __GNUC__ /.*__builtin_generic/a\ #else\ #define __fp_class(a) \\\ __builtin_choose_expr(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a),long double),\\\ __fpclassifyl(a), \\\ __builtin_choose_expr(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), float), \\\ __fpclassifyf(a),__fpclassify(a)))\ #endif/extern "C\+\+"/N;/inline double abs/i\ #ifndef __GNUC__ /inline long double trunc/N;/inline long double trunc.*}.*extern "C\+\+"/a\ #endif /* ! __GNUC__ */*-*-sco3.2v5*%1rsfpstatei?86-*-sco3.2*/^static int/i\ #if __cplusplus\ extern "C" {\ #endif /* __cplusplus *//^}$/a\ #if __cplusplus\ }\ #endif /* __cplusplus */i?86-*-sco3.2v4*(const char *, const struct utimbuf *);#define HUGE_VA%1 (__builtin_huge_va%2())^#define[ ]+HUGE_VA([LF]+)[ ]+__builtin_huge_va([lf]+)#define INFINITY (__builtin_inff())^#define[ ]+INFINITY[ ]+__builtin_infinity#define NAN (__builtin_nanf(""))^#define[ ]+NAN[ ]+__builtin_nan#define fpclassify(x) \ __extension__ ({ const __typeof(x) __x_fp = (x); \ isnan(__x_fp) \ ? FP_NAN \ : isinf(__x_fp) \ ? FP_INFINITE \ : isnormal(__x_fp) \ ? FP_NORMAL \ : __x_fp == 0.0 \ ? FP_ZERO \ : FP_SUBNORMAL; })^#define[ ]+fpclassify\(x\)[ ]+__builtin_fpclassify\(x\)#define signbit(x) (sizeof(x) == sizeof(float) \ ? __builtin_signbitf(x) \ : sizeof(x) == sizeof(long double) \ ? __builtin_signbitl(x) \ : __builtin_signbit(x))^#define[ ]+signbit\(x\)[ ]+__builtin_signbit\(x\)#define %1(x, y)%2__builtin_%1(x, y)^#define[ ]+([a-z]+)\(x, y\)([ ]+)\(\(x\) __builtin_[a-z]+\(y\)\)#define isinf(x) __builtin_isinf(x)^#define[ ]+isinf\(x\)[ ]+__extension__\([ ]*\\ [ ]*\{[ ]*__typeof\(x\)[ ]*__x_i[ ]*=[ ]*\(x\);[ ]*\\ [ ]*__x_i[ ]*==[ ]*\(__typeof\(__x_i\)\)[ ]*INFINITY[ ]*\|\|[ ]*\\ [ ]*__x_i[ ]*==[ ]*\(__typeof\(__x_i\)\)[ ]*\(-INFINITY\);[ ]*\}\)/define[ ]*PTHREAD_MUTEX_INI/s/{0, 0,/{{{0}, 0}, {{{0}}},/ /define[ ]*PTHREAD_COND_INI/s/{0,/{{{0},0},/*-*-solaris2.[0-9]*-*-solaris2.[0-9][!0-9]*#if __STDC__ - 0 == 0 && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) %0 #else %1, {0}}%4 #endif(^#define[ ]+PTHREAD_(MUTEX|COND)_INITIALIZER[ ]+(|/*.**/[ ]*\\ [ ]*)\{.*),[ ]*0\}(|[ ].*)$#if __STDC__ - 0 == 0 && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) %0 #else %1{0, 0, 0, {{0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}}} #endif(^#define[ ]+PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER[ ]+)\{0, 0, 0, \{0, 0, 0\}, \{0, 0\}, \{0, 0\}\}[ ]*$%1{%2}%3(^#define[ ]+PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT[ ]+\{)([^}]+)(\})[ ]*$#if __STDC__ - 0 == 0 && !defined(_NO_LONGLONG) %0 #else %1{0}, {0}, {0}, {%3}%4 #endif(^#define[ ]+PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT[ ]+\{\{)(0, 0, 0, )(PTHREAD_[A-Z_]+)(\}\})[ ]*$extern int %1(int, %2void *, int, int);^extern int (recv|send)\(int, (const )*char \*, int, int\);s/defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus < 54321L)/0/extern int getpagesize(); %0^extern (pid_t|int) getpgid\(.*\);*-*-solaris2.[0-5]*-*-solaris2.[0-5].*%0 #include boottime;#define __need___va_list #include s@[ ]va_list\([ )]\)@ __gnuc_va_list\1@ s@(va_list)&@(__gnuc_va_list)\&@ s@ _VA_LIST_));@ __gnuc_va_list));@ s@ __VA_LIST__));@ __gnuc_va_list));@ s@ va_list@ __not_va_list__@ s@\*va_list@*__not_va_list__@ s@ __va_list)@ __gnuc_va_list)@ s@typedef[ ]\(.*\)[ ]va_list[ ]*;@typedef \1 __not_va_list__;@ s@typedef[ ]*__va_list__@typedef __gnuc_va_list@ s@GNUC_VA_LIST@GNUC_Va_LIST@ s@_VA_LIST_DEFINED@_Va_LIST_DEFINED@ s@_NEED___VA_LIST@_NEED___Va_LIST@ s@VA_LIST@DUMMY_VA_LIST@ s@_Va_LIST@_VA_LIST@%1 !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)%1 defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)struct __file_s; %0struct sockaddr; %0#ifdef __cplusplus %1(...);%2 #else %1();%2 #endif(.*\(\*[a-z][a-z_]*\))\(\);(.*)#if%1#ifdef __STDC__ # define CAT(a,b) a##b #else %0 #endifs/typedef[ ]char \* malloc_t/typedef void \* malloc_t/gs/int[ ][ ]*free/void free/gs/char\([ ]*\*[ ]*malloc\)/void\1/gs/char\([ ]*\*[ ]*realloc\)/void\1/gs/char\([ ]*\*[ ]*calloc\)/void\1/g/^struct/,/^};/s/_cnt$/_cnt;/#ifdef __cplusplus void (*signal(...))(...); #else %0 #endif__SIZE_TYPE__ strlen();%1/#define.*__std_hdr_/dgetcwd(char *, size_t)*-*-sysv4*i?86-sequent-ptx*#ifdef _KERNEL #endif /* _KERNEL */ profil(unsigned short *, size_t, int, unsigned int)void (*)(int)%0 static int getrnge ();^static int[ ]+size;s/extern[ ]*int[ ]*strlen();/extern unsigned int strlen();/s/extern[ ]*int[ ]*ffs[ ]*(long);/extern int ffs(int);/s/strdup(char \*s1);/strdup(const char *s1);//^extern char$/Ns/^extern char\(\n \*memccpy(),\)$/extern void\1//^extern int$/Ns/^extern int\(\n strlen(),\)/extern size_t\1//^ strncmp(),$/Ns/^\( strncmp()\),\n\( strlen(),\)$/\1;\ extern unsigned int\ \2/void * %1(%1__thr%2 __cplusplusatexit( void (*__func)( void )atof(const char%1 const %3 *__([ *](perror|fputs|fwrite|scanf|fscanf)\(.*)[ ]+(char|void) \*__%1( const char *%3, const char *([ *](fopen|sscanf|popen|tempnam))\([ ]*char[ ]*\*([^,]*),[ ]*char[ ]*\*[ ]*([ *](fdopen)\(.*)[ ]+(char|void) \*__struct utsname; %0^[ ]*extern[ ]*int[ ]*uname\(\);#if defined(KERNEL) &&/^\/\* #define SIOCSCREEN/s@/\* screend@*//* screend@s@^\( \* int protocol; \)/\*@\1*/ /*@/^#define[ ]S_IFPORT[ ]*S_IFIFO$/a\ \ /* macro to test for symbolic link */\ #define S_ISLNK(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)\ /^[ ]*fstat(),$/a\ lstat(), s/^static struct tlb_pid_state/struct tlb_pid_state/s/^#include "r3_cpu\.h"$/#include /s/^#include "r4_cpu\.h"$/#include //^char.*getenv( const char .* );.*$/a\ int setenv( const char *__name, const char *__val, int __ovrwrt );\ void unsetenv( const char *__name );\ int putenv( char *__s ); /^char.*getenv();.*$/a\ int setenv();\ void unsetenv();\ int putenv(); /^.*strncmp( const .* );.*/a\ \ extern int\ strcasecmp( const char *__s1, const char *__s2),\ strncasecmp( const char *__s1, const char *__s2, size_t __n ); /^.*strncmp();.*/a\ extern int\ strcasecmp(),\ strncasecmp(); /^extern.*time_t.*time( time_t .* );.*$/a\ \ extern int adjtime(struct timeval *, struct timeval *);\ extern int getitimer(int, struct itimerval *);\ extern int setitimer(int, struct itimerval *, struct itimerval *);\ extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *);\ extern int settimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *);\ extern void profil(const void *, size_t, size_t, unsigned int);\ extern int stime(const time_t *);\ extern int utimes(const char *, const struct timeval[2]);\ extern int select(int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *); /^extern.*double.*difftime();.*$/a\ extern int adjtime();\ extern int getitimer();\ extern int setitimer();\ extern int gettimeofday();\ extern int settimeofday();\ extern void profil();\ extern int stime();\ extern int utimes();\ extern int select(); /^[ ]*getgroups(),.*$/a\ getpagesize(), /^[ ]*fork(),.*$/a\ vfork(), *-*-unicosmk*%1__restrict__%2i?86-*-sysv5*i?86-*-udk*i?86-*-solaris2.[0-4]powerpcle-*-solaris2.[0-4]sparc-*-solaris2.[0-4]^extern.*[ ](htons|ntohs).*\(in_port_t\).*;__vx%1#define NULL 0s/#ifdef __GNUC_TYPEOF_FEATURE_BROKEN_USE_DEFAULT_UNTIL_FIXED__/#if 1//[ ]size_t/i\ #ifndef _GCC_SIZE_T\ #define _GCC_SIZE_T /[ ]size_t/a\ #endif /[ ]ptrdiff_t/i\ #ifndef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T\ #define _GCC_PTRDIFF_T /[ ]ptrdiff_t/a\ #endif /[ ]wchar_t/i\ #ifndef _GCC_WCHAR_T\ #define _GCC_WCHAR_T /[ ]wchar_t/a\ #endif unsigned int%1/#[ ]define[ ][ ]*__INCstath/a\ #include #ifndef __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR_defined #ifdef __cplusplus typedef void (*__gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR) (...); #else typedef void (*__gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR) (); #endif #define __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR_defined #endif #define VOIDFUNCPTR __gcc_VOIDFUNCPTR*-*-windisss|inline long double cosl.*|#ifndef __GNUC__|s|/\* long double declarations \*/|#endif /* __GNUC__ */|s|diab/va_list.h|stdarg.h|#ifdef __cplusplus %1c_class;%2 #else %1class;%2 #endif c_class)/Widget old, new;/i\ #ifdef __cplusplus\ Widget old, c_new;\ #else /Widget old, new;/a\ #endif s/Widget new,/Widget c_new,/g#ifndef __STDC__ %0 #endif /* !defined __STDC__ */^[ ]*#[ ]*include[ ]*"[^/]file=%s if ( test %s ) > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo TRUE else echo FALSE fi/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. It has been auto-edited by fixincludes from: "%s/%s" This had to be done to correct non-standard usages in the original, manufacturer supplied header file. */ Error %d (%s) starting filter process for %s file='%s' %sfixincl version 1.1echo '%s'AAB_darwin7_9_long_double_funcsarchitecture/ppc/math.hAAB_darwin7_9_long_double_funcs_2math.hAAB_fd_zero_asm_posix_types_hasm/posix_types.hAAB_fd_zero_gnu_types_hgnu/types.hAAB_fd_zero_selectbits_hselectbits.hAAB_solaris_sys_varargs_hsys/varargs.hAAB_sun_memcpymemory.hAAB_ultrix_ansi_compatansi_compat.hAAB_ultrix_limitslimits.hAAB_ultrix_memorymemory.hAAB_ultrix_stringstring.haix_pthreadpthread.haix_sysmachinesys/machine.haix_syswaitsys/wait.haix_syswait_2sys/wait.haix_volatilesys/signal.halpha___assertassert.halpha___extern_prefixalpha___extern_prefix_standardsstandards.halpha___extern_prefix_sys_statsys/stat.hsys/mount.halpha_assertassert.halpha_bad_lvalalpha_getoptstdio.hstdlib.halpha_parenssym.halpha_pthreadpthread.halpha_pthread_gccpthread.halpha_pthread_initpthread.halpha_sbrkunistd.halpha_wcharwchar.havoid_bool_definecurses.hcurses_colr/curses.hterm.htinfo.havoid_bool_typecurses.hcurses_colr/curses.hterm.htinfo.havoid_wchar_t_typebad_struct_termcurses.hbadquotesundev/vuid_event.hbroken_assert_stdioassert.hbroken_assert_stdlibassert.hbroken_cabsmath.harchitecture/*/math.hbroken_nanarchitecture/ppc/math.harchitecture/*/math.hbsd_stdio_attrs_conflictstdio.hctrl_quotes_defctrl_quotes_usecxx_unreadysys/mman.hrpc/types.hdarwin_externcmach-o/swap.hmach/mach_time.hmach/mach_traps.hmach/message.hmach/mig.hmach/semaphore.hdarwin_gcc4_breakageAvailabilityMacros.hdarwin_private_externmach-o/dyld.hdec_intern_asmc_asm.hdjgpp_wchar_hecd_cursorsunwindow/win_lock.hsunwindow/win_cursor.hexception_structuremath.hfreebsd_gcc3_breakagesys/cdefs.hfreebsd_gcc4_breakagesys/cdefs.hglibc_c99_inline_1features.h*/features.hglibc_c99_inline_1afeatures.h*/features.hglibc_c99_inline_2sys/stat.h*/sys/stat.hglibc_c99_inline_3bits/string2.h*/bits/string2.hglibc_c99_inline_4sys/sysmacros.h*/sys/sysmacros.hwchar.h*/wchar.hglibc_mutex_initpthread.hgnu_typessys/types.hstdlib.hsys/stdtypes.hstddef.hmemory.hunistd.hhp_inlinesys/spinlock.hmachine/machparam.hhp_sysfilesys/file.hhpux10_cpp_pow_inlinefixinc-test-limits.hmath.hhpux11_cpp_pow_inlinemath.hhppa_hpux_fp_macrosmath.hhpux10_ctype_declarations1ctype.hhpux10_ctype_declarations2ctype.hhpux10_stdio_declarationsstdio.hhpux11_absstdlib.hhpux11_fabsfmath.hhpux11_size_thpux11_snprintfstdio.hhpux11_uint32_cinttypes.hhpux11_vsnprintfstdio.hhpux8_bogus_inlinesmath.hhpux_ctype_macrosctype.hhpux_htonlnetinet/in.hhpux_long_doublestdlib.hhpux_systimesys/time.hhpux_spu_infoia64/sys/getppdp.h*/sys/getppdp.hhpux11_extern_sendfilesys/socket.hhpux11_extern_sendpathsys/socket.hhpux_extern_errnoerrno.hhpux11_pthread_constsys/pthread.hhpux_pthread_initializerssys/pthread.hhuge_val_hexbits/huge_val.hhuge_valf_hexbits/huge_val.hhuge_vall_hexbits/huge_val.hint_abort_free_and_exitstdlib.hio_quotes_defio_quotes_useip_missing_seminetinet/ip.hirix___restrictinternal/sgimacros.hirix___generic1internal/math_core.hirix___generic2internal/math_core.hirix_asm_apostrophesys/asm.hirix_limits_constfixinc-test-limits.hlimits.hirix_socklen_tsys/socket.hirix_stdint_c99stdint.hirix_stdio_va_liststdio.hinternal/stdio_core.hirix_wcsftimeinternal/wchar_core.hisc_fmodmath.hisc_omits_with_stdcstdio.hmath.hctype.hsys/limits.hsys/fcntl.hsys/dirent.hkandr_concatsparc/asm_linkage.hsun*/asm_linkage.harm/as_support.harm/mc_type.harm/xcb.hdev/chardefmac.hdev/ps_irq.hdev/screen.hdev/scsi.hsys/tty.hXm.acorn/XmP.hbsd43/bsd43_.hlibc1_G_va_list_G_config.hlibc1_ifdefd_memxtesting.hstring.hlinux_ia64_ucontextsys/ucontext.hlynxos_no_warning_in_sys_time_hsys/time.hlynxos_missing_putenvstdlib.hmachine_ansi_h_va_listmachine_namemath_exceptionmath.hmath_huge_val_from_dbl_maxmath.hnested_auth_desrpc/rpc.hnest