ame _CharT, typename _Traits, typename _Alloc, template class _Base> void __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: resize(size_type __n, _CharT __c) { const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size < __n) this->append(__n - __size, __c); else if (__n < __size) this->_M_erase(__n, __size - __n); } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: _M_append(const _CharT* __s, size_type __n) { const size_type __len = __n + this->size(); if (__len <= this->capacity() && !this->_M_is_shared()) { if (__n) this->_S_copy(this->_M_data() + this->size(), __s, __n); } else this->_M_mutate(this->size(), size_type(0), __s, __n); this->_M_set_length(__len); return *this; } template class _Base> template __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: _M_replace_dispatch(iterator __i1, iterator __i2, _InputIterator __k1, _InputIterator __k2, std::__false_type) { const __versa_string __s(__k1, __k2); const size_type __n1 = __i2 - __i1; return _M_replace(__i1 - _M_ibegin(), __n1, __s._M_data(), __s.size()); } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: _M_replace_aux(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, size_type __n2, _CharT __c) { _M_check_length(__n1, __n2, "__versa_string::_M_replace_aux"); const size_type __old_size = this->size(); const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __n2 - __n1; if (__new_size <= this->capacity() && !this->_M_is_shared()) { _CharT* __p = this->_M_data() + __pos1; const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos1 - __n1; if (__how_much && __n1 != __n2) this->_S_move(__p + __n2, __p + __n1, __how_much); } else this->_M_mutate(__pos1, __n1, 0, __n2); if (__n2) this->_S_assign(this->_M_data() + __pos1, __n2, __c); this->_M_set_length(__new_size); return *this; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: _M_replace(size_type __pos, size_type __len1, const _CharT* __s, const size_type __len2) { _M_check_length(__len1, __len2, "__versa_string::_M_replace"); const size_type __old_size = this->size(); const size_type __new_size = __old_size + __len2 - __len1; if (__new_size <= this->capacity() && !this->_M_is_shared()) { _CharT* __p = this->_M_data() + __pos; const size_type __how_much = __old_size - __pos - __len1; if (_M_disjunct(__s)) { if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2) this->_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much); if (__len2) this->_S_copy(__p, __s, __len2); } else { // Work in-place. if (__len2 && __len2 <= __len1) this->_S_move(__p, __s, __len2); if (__how_much && __len1 != __len2) this->_S_move(__p + __len2, __p + __len1, __how_much); if (__len2 > __len1) { if (__s + __len2 <= __p + __len1) this->_S_move(__p, __s, __len2); else if (__s >= __p + __len1) this->_S_copy(__p, __s + __len2 - __len1, __len2); else { const size_type __nleft = (__p + __len1) - __s; this->_S_move(__p, __s, __nleft); this->_S_copy(__p + __nleft, __p + __len2, __len2 - __nleft); } } } } else this->_M_mutate(__pos, __len1, __s, __len2); this->_M_set_length(__new_size); return *this; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> operator+(const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __lhs, const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __rhs) { __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __str; __str.reserve(__lhs.size() + __rhs.size()); __str.append(__lhs); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> operator+(const _CharT* __lhs, const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __rhs) { __glibcxx_requires_string(__lhs); typedef __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; const __size_type __len = _Traits::length(__lhs); __string_type __str; __str.reserve(__len + __rhs.size()); __str.append(__lhs, __len); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> operator+(_CharT __lhs, const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __rhs) { __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __str; __str.reserve(__rhs.size() + 1); __str.push_back(__lhs); __str.append(__rhs); return __str; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> operator+(const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __lhs, const _CharT* __rhs) { __glibcxx_requires_string(__rhs); typedef __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __string_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; const __size_type __len = _Traits::length(__rhs); __string_type __str; __str.reserve(__lhs.size() + __len); __str.append(__lhs); __str.append(__rhs, __len); return __str; } template class _Base> __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> operator+(const __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __lhs, _CharT __rhs) { __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __str; __str.reserve(__lhs.size() + 1); __str.append(__lhs); __str.push_back(__rhs); return __str; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: copy(_CharT* __s, size_type __n, size_type __pos) const { _M_check(__pos, "__versa_string::copy"); __n = _M_limit(__pos, __n); __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); if (__n) this->_S_copy(__s, this->_M_data() + __pos, __n); // par 3: do not append null. (good.) return __n; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); const size_type __size = this->size(); const _CharT* __data = this->_M_data(); if (__n == 0) return __pos <= __size ? __pos : npos; if (__n <= __size) { for (; __pos <= __size - __n; ++__pos) if (traits_type::eq(__data[__pos], __s[0]) && traits_type::compare(__data + __pos + 1, __s + 1, __n - 1) == 0) return __pos; } return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __ret = npos; const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__pos < __size) { const _CharT* __data = this->_M_data(); const size_type __n = __size - __pos; const _CharT* __p = traits_type::find(__data + __pos, __n, __c); if (__p) __ret = __p - __data; } return __ret; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); const size_type __size = this->size(); if (__n <= __size) { __pos = std::min(size_type(__size - __n), __pos); const _CharT* __data = this->_M_data(); do { if (traits_type::compare(__data + __pos, __s, __n) == 0) return __pos; } while (__pos-- > 0); } return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: rfind(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; for (++__size; __size-- > 0; ) if (traits_type::eq(this->_M_data()[__size], __c)) return __size; } return npos; } template class _Base> typename _‹1Œ11Ž111‘1’1“1”1•1–1_versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); for (; __n && __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) { const _CharT* __p = traits_type::find(__s, __n, this->_M_data()[__pos]); if (__p) return __pos; } return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size && __n) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (traits_type::find(__s, __n, this->_M_data()[__size])) return __size; } while (__size-- != 0); } return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); for (; __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) if (!traits_type::find(__s, __n, this->_M_data()[__pos])) return __pos; return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_first_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { for (; __pos < this->size(); ++__pos) if (!traits_type::eq(this->_M_data()[__pos], __c)) return __pos; return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n); size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (!traits_type::find(__s, __n, this->_M_data()[__size])) return __size; } while (__size--); } return npos; } template class _Base> typename __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>::size_type __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: find_last_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos) const { size_type __size = this->size(); if (__size) { if (--__size > __pos) __size = __pos; do { if (!traits_type::eq(this->_M_data()[__size], __c)) return __size; } while (__size--); } return npos; } template class _Base> int __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n, const __versa_string& __str) const { _M_check(__pos, "__versa_string::compare"); __n = _M_limit(__pos, __n); const size_type __osize = __str.size(); const size_type __len = std::min(__n, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(this->_M_data() + __pos,, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n, __osize); return __r; } template class _Base> int __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const __versa_string& __str, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) const { _M_check(__pos1, "__versa_string::compare"); __str._M_check(__pos2, "__versa_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos1, __n1); __n2 = __str._M_limit(__pos2, __n2); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __n2); int __r = traits_type::compare(this->_M_data() + __pos1, + __pos2, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __n2); return __r; } template class _Base> int __versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: compare(const _CharT* __s) const { __glibcxx_requires_string(__s); const size_type __size = this->size(); const size_type __osize = traits_type::length(__s); const size_type __len = std::min(__size, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(this->_M_data(), __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__size, __osize); return __r; } template class _Base> int __versa_string <_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) const { __glibcxx_requires_string(__s); _M_check(__pos, "__versa_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos, __n1); const size_type __osize = traits_type::length(__s); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __osize); int __r = traits_type::compare(this->_M_data() + __pos, __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __osize); return __r; } template class _Base> int __versa_string <_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>:: compare(size_type __pos, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) const { __glibcxx_requires_string_len(__s, __n2); _M_check(__pos, "__versa_string::compare"); __n1 = _M_limit(__pos, __n1); const size_type __len = std::min(__n1, __n2); int __r = traits_type::compare(this->_M_data() + __pos, __s, __len); if (!__r) __r = _S_compare(__n1, __n2); return __r; } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(std) template class _Base> basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator>>(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, __gnu_cxx::__versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __str) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef typename __istream_type::ios_base __ios_base; typedef __gnu_cxx::__versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __string_type; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; typedef ctype<_CharT> __ctype_type; typedef typename __ctype_type::ctype_base __ctype_base; __size_type __extracted = 0; typename __ios_base::iostate __err = __ios_base::goodbit; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, false); if (__cerb) { try { // Avoid reallocation for common case. __str.erase(); _CharT __buf[128]; __size_type __len = 0; const streamsize __w = __in.width(); const __size_type __n = __w > 0 ? static_cast<__size_type>(__w) : __str.max_size(); const __ctype_type& __ct = use_facet<__ctype_type>(__in.getloc()); const __int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __int_type __c = __in.rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (__extracted < __n && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !, _Traits::to_char_type(__c))) { if (__len == sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)) { __str.append(__buf, sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)); __len = 0; } __buf[__len++] = _Traits::to_char_type(__c); ++__extracted; __c = __in.rdbuf()->snextc(); } __str.append(__buf, __len); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= __ios_base::eofbit; __in.width(0); } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); __throw_exception_again; } catch(...) { // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 91. Description of operator>> and getline() for string<> // might cause endless loop __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } } // 211. operator>>(istream&, string&) doesn't set failbit if (!__extracted) __err |= __ios_base::failbit; if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); return __in; } template class _Base> basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& getline(basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __in, __gnu_cxx::__versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base>& __str, _CharT __delim) { typedef basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> __istream_type; typedef typename __istream_type::ios_base __ios_base; typedef __gnu_cxx::__versa_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Alloc, _Base> __string_type; typedef typename __istream_type::int_type __int_type; typedef typename __string_type::size_type __size_type; __size_type __extracted = 0; const __size_type __n = __str.max_size(); typename __ios_base::iostate __err = __ios_base::goodbit; typename __istream_type::sentry __cerb(__in, true); if (__cerb) { try { // Avoid reallocation for common case. __str.erase(); _CharT __buf[128]; __size_type __len = 0; const __int_type __idelim = _Traits::to_int_type(__delim); const __int_type __eof = _Traits::eof(); __int_type __c = __in.rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (__extracted < __n && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof) && !_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { if (__len == sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)) { __str.append(__buf, sizeof(__buf) / sizeof(_CharT)); __len = 0; } __buf[__len++] = _Traits::to_char_type(__c); ++__extracted; __c = __in.rdbuf()->snextc(); } __str.append(__buf, __len); if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __eof)) __err |= __ios_base::eofbit; else if (_Traits::eq_int_type(__c, __idelim)) { ++__extracted; __in.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); } else __err |= __ios_base::failbit; } catch(__cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind&) { __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); __throw_exception_again; } catch(...) { // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 91. Description of operator>> and getline() for string<> // might cause endless loop __in._M_setstate(__ios_base::badbit); } } if (!__extracted) __err |= __ios_base::failbit; if (__err) __in.setstate(__err); return __in; } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif // _VSTRING_TCC // Singly-linked list implementation -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. /* * Copyright (c) 1997 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * */ /** @file ext/slist * This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library (possibly * containing extensions from the HP/SGI STL subset). */ #ifndef _SLIST #define _SLIST 1 #include #include #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; using std::_Construct; using std::_Destroy; using std::allocator; using std::__true_type; using std::__false_type; struct _Slist_node_base { _Slist_node_base* _M_next; }; inline _Slist_node_base* __slist_make_link(_Slist_node_base* __prev_node, _Slist_node_base* __new_node) { __new_node->_M_next = __prev_node->_M_next; __prev_node->_M_next = __new_node; return __new_node; } inline _Slist_node_base* __slist_previous(_Slist_node_base* __head, const _Slist_node_base* __node) { while (__head && __head->_M_next != __node) __head = __head->_M_next; return __head; } inline const _Slist_node_base* __slist_previous(const _Slist_node_base* __head, const _Slist_node_base* __node) { while (__head && __head->_M_next != __node) __head = __head->_M_next; return __head; } inline void __slist_splice_after(_Slist_node_base* __pos, _Slist_node_base* __before_first, _Slist_node_base* __before_last) { if (__pos != __before_first && __pos != __before_last) { _Slist_node_base* __first = __before_first->_M_next; _Slist_node_base* __after = __pos->_M_next; __before_first->_M_next = __before_last->_M_next; __pos->_M_next = __first; __before_last->_M_next = __after; } } inline void __slist_splice_after(_Slist_node_base* __pos, _Slist_node_base* __head) { _Slist_node_base* __before_last = __slist_previous(__head, 0); if (__before_last != __head) { _Slist_node_base* __after = __pos->_M_next; __pos->_M_next = __head->_M_next; __head->_M_next = 0; __before_last->_M_next = __after; } } inline _Slist_node_base* __slist_reverse(_Slist_node_base* __node) { _Slist_node_base* __result = __node; __node = __node->_M_next; __result->_M_next = 0; while(__node) { _Slist_node_base* __next = __node->_M_next; __node->_M_next = __result; __result = __node; __node = __next; } return __result; } inline size_t __slist_size(_Slist_node_base* __node) { size_t __result = 0; for (; __node != 0; __node = __node->_M_next) ++__result; return __result; } template struct _Slist_node : public _Slist_node_base { _Tp _M_data; }; struct _Slist_iterator_base { typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; _Slist_node_base* _M_node; _Slist_iterator_base(_Slist_node_base* __x) : _M_node(__x) {} void _M_incr() { _M_node = _M_node->_M_next; } bool operator==(const _Slist_iterator_base& __x) const { return _M_node == __x._M_node; } bool operator!=(const _Slist_iterator_base& __x) const { return _M_node != __x._M_node; } }; template struct _Slist_iterator : public _Slist_iterator_base { typedef _Slist_iterator<_Tp, _Tp&, _Tp*> iterator; typedef _Slist_iterator<_Tp, const _Tp&, const _Tp*> const_iterator; typedef _Slist_iterator<_Tp, _Ref, _Ptr> _Self; typedef _Tp value_type; typedef _Ptr pointer; typedef _Ref reference; typedef _Slist_node<_Tp> _Node; explicit _Slist_iterator(_Node* __x) : _Slist_iterator_base(__x) {} _Slist_iterator() : _Slist_iterator_base(0) {} _Slist_iterator(const iterator& __x) : _Slist_iterator_base(__x._M_node) {} reference operator*() const { return ((_Node*) _M_node)->_M_data; } pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); } _Self& operator++() { _M_incr(); return *this; } _Self operator++(int) { _Self __tmp = *this; _M_incr(); return __tmp; } }; template struct _Slist_base : public _Alloc::template rebind<_Slist_node<_Tp> >::other { typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Slist_node<_Tp> >::other _Node_alloc; typedef _Alloc allocator_type; allocator_type get_allocator() const { return *static_cast(this); } _Slist_base(const allocator_type& __a) : _Node_alloc(__a) { this->_M_head._M_next = 0; } ~_Slist_base() { _M_erase_after(&this->_M_head, 0); } protected: _Slist_node_base _M_head; _Slist_node<_Tp>* _M_get_node() { return _Node_alloc::allocate(1); } void _M_put_node(_Slist_node<_Tp>* __p) { _Node_alloc::deallocate(__p, 1); } protected: _Slist_node_base* _M_erase_after(_Slist_node_base* __pos) { _Slist_node<_Tp>* __next = (_Slist_node<_Tp>*) (__pos->_M_next); _Slist_node_base* __next_next = __next->_M_next; __pos->_M_next = __next_next; get_allocator().destroy(&__next->_M_data); _M_put_node(__next); return __next_next; } _Slist_node_base* _M_erase_after(_Slist_node_base*, _Slist_node_base*); }; template _Slist_node_base* _Slist_base<_Tp,_Alloc>::_M_erase_after(_Slist_node_base* __before_first, _Slist_node_base* __last_node) { _Slist_node<_Tp>* __cur = (_Slist_node<_Tp>*) (__before_first->_M_next); while (__cur != __last_node) { _Slist_node<_Tp>* __tmp = __cur; __cur = (_Slist_node<_Tp>*) __cur->_M_next; get_allocator().destroy(&__tmp->_M_data); _M_put_node(__tmp); } __before_first->_M_next = __last_node; return __last_node; } /** * This is an SGI extension. * @ingroup SGIextensions * @doctodo */ template > class slist : private _Slist_base<_Tp,_Alloc> { // concept requirements __glibcxx_class_requires(_Tp, _SGIAssignableConcept) private: typedef _Slist_base<_Tp,_Alloc> _Base; public: typedef _Tp value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef const value_type* const_pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef const value_type& const_reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Slist_iterator<_Tp, _Tp&, _Tp*> iterator; typedef _Slist_iterator<_Tp, const _Tp&, const _Tp*> const_iterator; typedef typename _Base::allocator_type allocator_type; allocator_type get_allocator() const { return _Base::get_allocator(); } private: typedef _Slist_node<_Tp> _Node; typedef _Slist_node_base _Node_base; typedef _Slist_iterator_base _Iterator_base; _Node* _M_create_node(const value_type& __x) { _Node* __node = this->_M_get_node(); try { get_allocator().construct(&__node->_M_data, __x); __node->_M_next = 0; } catch(...) { this->_M_put_node(__node); __throw_exception_again; } return __node; } _Node* _M_create_node() { _Node* __node = this->_M_get_node(); try { get_allocator().construct(&__node->_M_data, value_type()); __node->_M_next = 0; } catch(...) { this->_M_put_node(__node); __throw_exception_again; } return __node; } public: explicit slist(const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _Base(__a) {} slist(size_type __n, const value_type& __x, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _Base(__a) { _M_insert_after_fill(&this->_M_head, __n, __x); } explicit slist(size_type __n) : _Base(allocator_type()) { _M_insert_after_fill(&this->_M_head, __n, value_type()); } // We don't need any dispatching tricks here, because // _M_insert_after_range already does them. template slist(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type()) : _Base(__a) { _M_insert_after_range(&this->_M_head, __first, __last); } slist(const slist& __x) : _Base(__x.get_allocator()) { _M_insert_after_range(&this->_M_head, __x.begin(), __x.end()); } slist& operator= (const slist& __x); ~slist() {} public: // assign(), a generalized assignment member function. Two // versions: one that takes a count, and one that takes a range. // The range version is a member template, so we dispatch on whether // or not the type is an integer. void assign(size_type __n, const _Tp& __val) { _M_fill_assign(__n, __val); } void _M_fill_assign(size_type __n, const _Tp& __val); template void assign(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) { typedef typename std::__is_integer<_InputIterator>::__type _Integral; _M_assign_dispatch(__first, __last, _Integral()); } template void _M_assign_dispatch(_Integer __n, _Integer __val, __true_type) { _M_fill_assign((size_type) __n, (_Tp) __val); } template void _M_assign_dispatch(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, __false_type); public: iterator begin() { return iterator((_Node*)this->_M_head._M_next); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator((_Node*)this->_M_head._M_next);} iterator end() { return iterator(0); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(0); } // Experimental new feature: before_begin() returns a // non-dereferenceable iterator that, when incremented, yi¤1¥1¦1§1¨1©1ª1«1¬1­1®1¯1°1±1²1³1´1µ1elds // begin(). This iterator may be used as the argument to // insert_after, erase_after, etc. Note that even for an empty // slist, before_begin() is not the same iterator as end(). It // is always necessary to increment before_begin() at least once to // obtain end(). iterator before_begin() { return iterator((_Node*) &this->_M_head); } const_iterator before_begin() const { return const_iterator((_Node*) &this->_M_head); } size_type size() const { return __slist_size(this->_M_head._M_next); } size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); } bool empty() const { return this->_M_head._M_next == 0; } void swap(slist& __x) { std::swap(this->_M_head._M_next, __x._M_head._M_next); } public: reference front() { return ((_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next)->_M_data; } const_reference front() const { return ((_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next)->_M_data; } void push_front(const value_type& __x) { __slist_make_link(&this->_M_head, _M_create_node(__x)); } void push_front() { __slist_make_link(&this->_M_head, _M_create_node()); } void pop_front() { _Node* __node = (_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next; this->_M_head._M_next = __node->_M_next; get_allocator().destroy(&__node->_M_data); this->_M_put_node(__node); } iterator previous(const_iterator __pos) { return iterator((_Node*) __slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node)); } const_iterator previous(const_iterator __pos) const { return const_iterator((_Node*) __slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node)); } private: _Node* _M_insert_after(_Node_base* __pos, const value_type& __x) { return (_Node*) (__slist_make_link(__pos, _M_create_node(__x))); } _Node* _M_insert_after(_Node_base* __pos) { return (_Node*) (__slist_make_link(__pos, _M_create_node())); } void _M_insert_after_fill(_Node_base* __pos, size_type __n, const value_type& __x) { for (size_type __i = 0; __i < __n; ++__i) __pos = __slist_make_link(__pos, _M_create_node(__x)); } // Check whether it's an integral type. If so, it's not an iterator. template void _M_insert_after_range(_Node_base* __pos, _InIterator __first, _InIterator __last) { typedef typename std::__is_integer<_InIterator>::__type _Integral; _M_insert_after_range(__pos, __first, __last, _Integral()); } template void _M_insert_after_range(_Node_base* __pos, _Integer __n, _Integer __x, __true_type) { _M_insert_after_fill(__pos, __n, __x); } template void _M_insert_after_range(_Node_base* __pos, _InIterator __first, _InIterator __last, __false_type) { while (__first != __last) { __pos = __slist_make_link(__pos, _M_create_node(*__first)); ++__first; } } public: iterator insert_after(iterator __pos, const value_type& __x) { return iterator(_M_insert_after(__pos._M_node, __x)); } iterator insert_after(iterator __pos) { return insert_after(__pos, value_type()); } void insert_after(iterator __pos, size_type __n, const value_type& __x) { _M_insert_after_fill(__pos._M_node, __n, __x); } // We don't need any dispatching tricks here, because // _M_insert_after_range already does them. template void insert_after(iterator __pos, _InIterator __first, _InIterator __last) { _M_insert_after_range(__pos._M_node, __first, __last); } iterator insert(iterator __pos, const value_type& __x) { return iterator(_M_insert_after(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), __x)); } iterator insert(iterator __pos) { return iterator(_M_insert_after(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), value_type())); } void insert(iterator __pos, size_type __n, const value_type& __x) { _M_insert_after_fill(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), __n, __x); } // We don't need any dispatching tricks here, because // _M_insert_after_range already does them. template void insert(iterator __pos, _InIterator __first, _InIterator __last) { _M_insert_after_range(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), __first, __last); } public: iterator erase_after(iterator __pos) { return iterator((_Node*) this->_M_erase_after(__pos._M_node)); } iterator erase_after(iterator __before_first, iterator __last) { return iterator((_Node*) this->_M_erase_after(__before_first._M_node, __last._M_node)); } iterator erase(iterator __pos) { return iterator((_Node*) this->_M_erase_after (__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node))); } iterator erase(iterator __first, iterator __last) { return iterator((_Node*) this->_M_erase_after (__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __first._M_node), __last._M_node)); } void resize(size_type new_size, const _Tp& __x); void resize(size_type new_size) { resize(new_size, _Tp()); } void clear() { this->_M_erase_after(&this->_M_head, 0); } public: // Moves the range [__before_first + 1, __before_last + 1) to *this, // inserting it immediately after __pos. This is constant time. void splice_after(iterator __pos, iterator __before_first, iterator __before_last) { if (__before_first != __before_last) __slist_splice_after(__pos._M_node, __before_first._M_node, __before_last._M_node); } // Moves the element that follows __prev to *this, inserting it // immediately after __pos. This is constant time. void splice_after(iterator __pos, iterator __prev) { __slist_splice_after(__pos._M_node, __prev._M_node, __prev._M_node->_M_next); } // Removes all of the elements from the list __x to *this, inserting // them immediately after __pos. __x must not be *this. Complexity: // linear in __x.size(). void splice_after(iterator __pos, slist& __x) { __slist_splice_after(__pos._M_node, &__x._M_head); } // Linear in distance(begin(), __pos), and linear in __x.size(). void splice(iterator __pos, slist& __x) { if (__x._M_head._M_next) __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), &__x._M_head, __slist_previous(&__x._M_head, 0)); } // Linear in distance(begin(), __pos), and in distance(__x.begin(), __i). void splice(iterator __pos, slist& __x, iterator __i) { __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), __slist_previous(&__x._M_head, __i._M_node), __i._M_node); } // Linear in distance(begin(), __pos), in distance(__x.begin(), __first), // and in distance(__first, __last). void splice(iterator __pos, slist& __x, iterator __first, iterator __last) { if (__first != __last) __slist_splice_after(__slist_previous(&this->_M_head, __pos._M_node), __slist_previous(&__x._M_head, __first._M_node), __slist_previous(__first._M_node, __last._M_node)); } public: void reverse() { if (this->_M_head._M_next) this->_M_head._M_next = __slist_reverse(this->_M_head._M_next); } void remove(const _Tp& __val); void unique(); void merge(slist& __x); void sort(); template void remove_if(_Predicate __pred); template void unique(_BinaryPredicate __pred); template void merge(slist&, _StrictWeakOrdering); template void sort(_StrictWeakOrdering __comp); }; template slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator=(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& __x) { if (&__x != this) { _Node_base* __p1 = &this->_M_head; _Node* __n1 = (_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next; const _Node* __n2 = (const _Node*) __x._M_head._M_next; while (__n1 && __n2) { __n1->_M_data = __n2->_M_data; __p1 = __n1; __n1 = (_Node*) __n1->_M_next; __n2 = (const _Node*) __n2->_M_next; } if (__n2 == 0) this->_M_erase_after(__p1, 0); else _M_insert_after_range(__p1, const_iterator((_Node*)__n2), const_iterator(0)); } return *this; } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::_M_fill_assign(size_type __n, const _Tp& __val) { _Node_base* __prev = &this->_M_head; _Node* __node = (_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next; for (; __node != 0 && __n > 0; --__n) { __node->_M_data = __val; __prev = __node; __node = (_Node*) __node->_M_next; } if (__n > 0) _M_insert_after_fill(__prev, __n, __val); else this->_M_erase_after(__prev, 0); } template template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::_M_assign_dispatch(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, __false_type) { _Node_base* __prev = &this->_M_head; _Node* __node = (_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next; while (__node != 0 && __first != __last) { __node->_M_data = *__first; __prev = __node; __node = (_Node*) __node->_M_next; ++__first; } if (__first != __last) _M_insert_after_range(__prev, __first, __last); else this->_M_erase_after(__prev, 0); } template inline bool operator==(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { typedef typename slist<_Tp,_Alloc>::const_iterator const_iterator; const_iterator __end1 = _SL1.end(); const_iterator __end2 = _SL2.end(); const_iterator __i1 = _SL1.begin(); const_iterator __i2 = _SL2.begin(); while (__i1 != __end1 && __i2 != __end2 && *__i1 == *__i2) { ++__i1; ++__i2; } return __i1 == __end1 && __i2 == __end2; } template inline bool operator<(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { return std::lexicographical_compare(_SL1.begin(), _SL1.end(), _SL2.begin(), _SL2.end()); } template inline bool operator!=(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { return !(_SL1 == _SL2); } template inline bool operator>(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { return _SL2 < _SL1; } template inline bool operator<=(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { return !(_SL2 < _SL1); } template inline bool operator>=(const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL1, const slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& _SL2) { return !(_SL1 < _SL2); } template inline void swap(slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& __x, slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& __y) { __x.swap(__y); } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::resize(size_type __len, const _Tp& __x) { _Node_base* __cur = &this->_M_head; while (__cur->_M_next != 0 && __len > 0) { --__len; __cur = __cur->_M_next; } if (__cur->_M_next) this->_M_erase_after(__cur, 0); else _M_insert_after_fill(__cur, __len, __x); } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::remove(const _Tp& __val) { _Node_base* __cur = &this->_M_head; while (__cur && __cur->_M_next) { if (((_Node*) __cur->_M_next)->_M_data == __val) this->_M_erase_after(__cur); else __cur = __cur->_M_next; } } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::unique() { _Node_base* __cur = this->_M_head._M_next; if (__cur) { while (__cur->_M_next) { if (((_Node*)__cur)->_M_data == ((_Node*)(__cur->_M_next))->_M_data) this->_M_erase_after(__cur); else __cur = __cur->_M_next; } } } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::merge(slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& __x) { _Node_base* __n1 = &this->_M_head; while (__n1->_M_next && __x._M_head._M_next) { if (((_Node*) __x._M_head._M_next)->_M_data < ((_Node*) __n1->_M_next)->_M_data) __slist_splice_after(__n1, &__x._M_head, __x._M_head._M_next); __n1 = __n1->_M_next; } if (__x._M_head._M_next) { __n1->_M_next = __x._M_head._M_next; __x._M_head._M_next = 0; } } template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::sort() { if (this->_M_head._M_next && this->_M_head._M_next->_M_next) { slist __carry; slist __counter[64]; int __fill = 0; while (!empty()) { __slist_splice_after(&__carry._M_head, &this->_M_head, this->_M_head._M_next); int __i = 0; while (__i < __fill && !__counter[__i].empty()) { __counter[__i].merge(__carry); __carry.swap(__counter[__i]); ++__i; } __carry.swap(__counter[__i]); if (__i == __fill) ++__fill; } for (int __i = 1; __i < __fill; ++__i) __counter[__i].merge(__counter[__i-1]); this->swap(__counter[__fill-1]); } } template template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::remove_if(_Predicate __pred) { _Node_base* __cur = &this->_M_head; while (__cur->_M_next) { if (__pred(((_Node*) __cur->_M_next)->_M_data)) this->_M_erase_after(__cur); else __cur = __cur->_M_next; } } template template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::unique(_BinaryPredicate __pred) { _Node* __cur = (_Node*) this->_M_head._M_next; if (__cur) { while (__cur->_M_next) { if (__pred(((_Node*)__cur)->_M_data, ((_Node*)(__cur->_M_next))->_M_data)) this->_M_erase_after(__cur); else __cur = (_Node*) __cur->_M_next; } } } template template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::merge(slist<_Tp, _Alloc>& __x, _StrictWeakOrdering __comp) { _Node_base* __n1 = &this->_M_head; while (__n1->_M_next && __x._M_head._M_next) { if (__comp(((_Node*) __x._M_head._M_next)->_M_data, ((_Node*) __n1->_M_next)->_M_data)) __slist_splice_after(__n1, &__x._M_head, __x._M_head._M_next); __n1 = __n1->_M_next; } if (__x._M_head._M_next) { __n1->_M_next = __x._M_head._M_next; __x._M_head._M_next = 0; } } template template void slist<_Tp, _Alloc>::sort(_StrictWeakOrdering __comp) { if (this->_M_head._M_next && this->_M_head._M_next->_M_next) { slist __carry; slist __counter[64]; int __fill = 0; while (!empty()) { __slist_splice_after(&__carry._M_head, &this->_M_head, this->_M_head._M_next); int __i = 0; while (__i < __fill && !__counter[__i].empty()) { __counter[__i].merge(__carry, __comp); __carry.swap(__counter[__i]); ++__i; } __carry.swap(__counter[__i]); if (__i == __fill) ++__fill; } for (int __i = 1; __i < __fill; ++__i) __counter[__i].merge(__counter[__i-1], __comp); this->swap(__counter[__fill-1]); } } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(std) // Specialization of insert_iterator so that insertions will be constant // time rather than linear time. template class insert_iterator<__gnu_cxx::slist<_Tp, _Alloc> > { protected: typedef __gnu_cxx::slist<_Tp, _Alloc> _Container; _Container* container; typename _Container::iterator iter; public: typedef _Container container_type; typedef output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; insert_iterator(_Container& __x, typename _Container::iterator __i) : container(&__x) { if (__i == __x.begin()) iter = __x.before_begin(); else iter = __x.previous(__i); } insert_iterator<_Container>& operator=(const typename _Container::value_type& __value) { iter = container->insert_after(iter, __value); return *this; } insert_iterator<_Container>& operator*() { return *this; } insert_iterator<_Container>& operator++() { return *this; } insert_iterator<_Container>& operator++(int) { return *this; } }; _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif // Allocators -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. /* * Copyright (c) 1996-1997 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ /** @file ext/pool_allocator.h * This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library. */ #ifndef _POOL_ALLOCATOR_H #define _POOL_ALLOCATOR_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; /** * @brief Base class for __pool_alloc. * * Uses various allocators to fulfill underlying requests (and makes as * few requests as possible when in default high-speed pool mode). * * Important implementation properties: * 0. If globally mandated, then allocate objects from new * 1. If the clients request an object of size > _S_max_bytes, the resulting * object will be obtained directly from new * 2. In all other cases, we allocate an object of size exactly * _S_round_up(requested_size). Thus the client has enough size * information that we can return the object to the proper free list * without permanently losing part of the object. */ class __pool_alloc_base { protected: enum { _S_align = 8 }; enum { _S_max_bytes = 128 }; enum { _S_free_list_size = (size_t)_S_max_bytes / (size_t)_S_align }; union _Obj { union _Obj* _M_free_list_link; char _M_client_data[1]; // The client sees this. }; static _Obj* volatile _S_free_list[_S_free_list_size]; // Chunk allocation state. static char* _S_start_free; static char* _S_end_free; static size_t _S_heap_size; size_t _M_round_up(size_t __bytes) { return ((__bytes + (size_t)_S_align - 1) & ~((size_t)_S_align - 1)); } _Obj* volatile* _M_get_free_list(size_t __bytes); __mutex& _M_get_mutex(); // Returns an object of size __n, and optionally adds to size __n // free list. void* _M_refill(size_t __n); // Allocates a chunk for nobjs of size size. nobjs may be reduced // if it is inconvenient to allocate the requested number. char* _M_allocate_chunk(size_t __n, int& __nobjs); }; /// class __pool_alloc. template class __pool_alloc : private __pool_alloc_base { private: static _Atomic_word _S_force_new; public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Tp* pointer; typedef const _Tp* const_pointer; typedef _Tp& reference; typedef const _Tp& const_reference; typedef _Tp value_type; template struct rebind { typedef __pool_alloc<_Tp1> other; }; __pool_alloc() throw() { } __pool_alloc(const __pool_alloc&) throw() { } template __pool_alloc(const __pool_alloc<_Tp1>&) throw() { } ~__pool_alloc() throw() { } pointer address(reference __x) const { return &__x; } const_pointer address(const_reference __x) const { return &__x; } size_type max_size() const throw() { return size_t(-1) / sizeof(_Tp); } // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 402. wrong new expression in [some_] allocator::construct void construct(pointer __p, const _Tp& __val) { ::new((void *)__p) _Tp(__val); } #ifdef __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ template void construct(pointer __p, _Args&&... __args) { ::new((void *)__p) _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); } #endif void destroy(pointer __p) { __p->~_Tp(); } pointer allocate(size_type __n, const void* = 0); void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type __n); }; template inline bool operator==(const __pool_alloc<_Tp>&, const __pool_alloc<_Tp>&) { return true; } template inline bool operator!=(const __pool_alloc<_Tp>&, const __pool_alloc<_Tp>&) { return false; } template _Atomic_word __pool_alloc<_Tp>::_S_force_new; template _Tp* __pool_alloc<_Tp>::allocate(size_type __n, const void*) { pointer __ret = 0; if (__builtin_expect(__n != 0, true)) { if (__builtin_expect(__n > this->max_size(), false)) std::__throw_bad_alloc(); // If there is a race through here, assume answer from getenv // will resolve in same direction. Inspired by techniques // to efficiently support threading found in basic_string.h. if (_S_force_new == 0) { if (std::getenv("GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW")) __atomic_add_dispatch(&_S_force_new, 1); else __atomic_add_dispatch(&_S_force_new, -1); } const size_t __bytes = __n * sizeof(_Tp); if (__bytes > size_t(_S_max_bytes) || _S_force_new > 0) __ret = static_cast<_Tp*>(::operator new(__bytes)); else { _Obj* volatile* __free_list = _M_get_free_list(__bytes); __scoped_lock sentry(_M_get_mutex()); _Obj* __restrict__ __result = *__free_list; if (__builtin_expect(__result == 0, 0)) __ret = static_cast<_Tp*>(_M_refill(_M_round_up(__bytes))); else { *__free_list = __result->_M_free_list_link; __ret = reinterpret_cast<_Tp*>(__result); } if (__builtin_expect(__ret == 0, 0)) std::__throw_bad_alloc(); } } return __ret; } template void __pool_alloc<_Tp>::deallocate(pointer __p, size_type __n) { if (__builtin_expect(__n != 0 && __p != 0, true)) { const size_t __bytes = __n * sizeof(_Tp); if (__bytes > static_cast(_S_max_bytes) || _S_force_new > 0) ::operator delete(__p); else { _Obj* volatile* __free_list = _M_get_free_list(__bytes); _Obj* __q = reinterpret_cast<_Obj*>(__p); __scoped_lock sentry(_M_get_mutex()); __q ->_M_free_list_link = *__free_list; *__free_list = __q; } } } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif S .B ..Tassoc_container.hppUpriority_queue.hppVhash_policy.hppWtrie_policy.hppXdetailq list_update_policy.hppr exception.hppstree_policy.hppt tag_and_trait.hpp// -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms // of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free // software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files // instantiate templates or use macros or