ad been erased from the vector, // so the size of the vector gets reduced by 1. if ((_Difference_type)_S_last_request._M_where() >= __diff--) _S_last_request._M_reset(__diff); // If the Index into the vector of the region of memory // that might hold the next address that will be passed to // deallocated may have been invalidated due to the above // erase procedure being called on the vector, hence we // try to restore this invariant too. if (_S_last_dealloc_index >= _S_mem_blocks.size()) { _S_last_dealloc_index =(__diff != -1 ? __diff : 0); _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(_S_last_dealloc_index >= 0); } } } public: bitmap_allocator() throw() { } bitmap_allocator(const bitmap_allocator&) { } template bitmap_allocator(const bitmap_allocator<_Tp1>&) throw() { } ~bitmap_allocator() throw() { } pointer allocate(size_type __n) { if (__builtin_expect(__n > this->max_size(), false)) std::__throw_bad_alloc(); if (__builtin_expect(__n == 1, true)) return this->_M_allocate_single_object(); else { const size_type __b = __n * sizeof(value_type); return reinterpret_cast(::operator new(__b)); } } pointer allocate(size_type __n, typename bitmap_allocator::const_pointer) { return allocate(__n); } void deallocate(pointer __p, size_type __n) throw() { if (__builtin_expect(__p != 0, true)) { if (__builtin_expect(__n == 1, true)) this->_M_deallocate_single_object(__p); else ::operator delete(__p); } } pointer address(reference __r) const { return &__r; } const_pointer address(const_reference __r) const { return &__r; } size_type max_size() const throw() { return size_type(-1) / sizeof(value_type); } void construct(pointer __p, const_reference __data) { ::new((void *)__p) value_type(__data); } #ifdef __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ template void construct(pointer __p, _Args&&... __args) { ::new((void *)__p) _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...); } #endif void destroy(pointer __p) { __p->~value_type(); } }; template bool operator==(const bitmap_allocator<_Tp1>&, const bitmap_allocator<_Tp2>&) throw() { return true; } template bool operator!=(const bitmap_allocator<_Tp1>&, const bitmap_allocator<_Tp2>&) throw() { return false; } // Static member definitions. template typename bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_BPVector bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_S_mem_blocks; template size_t bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_S_block_size = 2 * size_t(__detail::bits_per_block); template typename __gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_BPVector::size_type bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_S_last_dealloc_index = 0; template __gnu_cxx::__detail::_Bitmap_counter ::_Alloc_block*> bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_S_last_request(_S_mem_blocks); #if defined __GTHREADS template typename bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::__mutex_type bitmap_allocator<_Tp>::_S_mut; #endif _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif // Locale support (codecvt) -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. // // ISO C++ 14882: Template class codecvt // // Written by Benjamin Kosnik /** @file ext/codecvt_specializations.h * This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library. */ #ifndef _EXT_CODECVT_SPECIALIZATIONS_H #define _EXT_CODECVT_SPECIALIZATIONS_H 1 #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) /// Extension to use iconv for dealing with character encodings. // This includes conversions and comparisons between various character // sets. This object encapsulates data that may need to be shared between // char_traits, codecvt and ctype. class encoding_state { public: // Types: // NB: A conversion descriptor subsumes and enhances the // functionality of a simple state type such as mbstate_t. typedef iconv_t descriptor_type; protected: // Name of internal character set encoding. std::string _M_int_enc; // Name of external character set encoding. std::string _M_ext_enc; // Conversion descriptor between external encoding to internal encoding. descriptor_type _M_in_desc; // Conversion descriptor between internal encoding to external encoding. descriptor_type _M_out_desc; // The byte-order marker for the external encoding, if necessary. int _M_ext_bom; // The byte-order marker for the internal encoding, if necessary. int _M_int_bom; // Number of external bytes needed to construct one complete // character in the internal encoding. // NB: -1 indicates variable, or stateful, encodings. int _M_bytes; public: explicit encoding_state() : _M_in_desc(0), _M_out_desc(0), _M_ext_bom(0), _M_int_bom(0), _M_bytes(0) { } explicit encoding_state(const char* __int, const char* __ext, int __ibom = 0, int __ebom = 0, int __bytes = 1) : _M_int_enc(__int), _M_ext_enc(__ext), _M_in_desc(0), _M_out_desc(0), _M_ext_bom(__ebom), _M_int_bom(__ibom), _M_bytes(__bytes) { init(); } // 21.1.2 traits typedefs // p4 // typedef STATE_T state_type // requires: state_type shall meet the requirements of // CopyConstructible types (20.1.3) // NB: This does not preserve the actual state of the conversion // descriptor member, but it does duplicate the encoding // information. encoding_state(const encoding_state& __obj) : _M_in_desc(0), _M_out_desc(0) { construct(__obj); } // Need assignment operator as well. encoding_state& operator=(const encoding_state& __obj) { construct(__obj); return *this; } ~encoding_state() { destroy(); } bool good() const throw() { const descriptor_type __err = (iconv_t)(-1); bool __test = _M_in_desc && _M_in_desc != __err; __test &= _M_out_desc && _M_out_desc != __err; return __test; } int character_ratio() const { return _M_bytes; } const std::string internal_encoding() const { return _M_int_enc; } int internal_bom() const { return _M_int_bom; } const std::string external_encoding() const { return _M_ext_enc; } int external_bom() const { return _M_ext_bom; } const descriptor_type& in_descriptor() const { return _M_in_desc; } const descriptor_type& out_descriptor() const { return _M_out_desc; } protected: void init() { const descriptor_type __err = (iconv_t)(-1); const bool __have_encodings = _M_int_enc.size() && _M_ext_enc.size(); if (!_M_in_desc && __have_encodings) { _M_in_desc = iconv_open(_M_int_enc.c_str(), _M_ext_enc.c_str()); if (_M_in_desc == __err) std::__throw_runtime_error(__N("encoding_state::_M_init " "creating iconv input descriptor failed")); } if (!_M_out_desc && __have_encodings) { _M_out_desc = iconv_open(_M_ext_enc.c_str(), _M_int_enc.c_str()); if (_M_out_desc == __err) std::__throw_runtime_error(__N("encoding_state::_M_init " "creating iconv output descriptor failed")); } } void construct(const encoding_state& __obj) { destroy(); _M_int_enc = __obj._M_int_enc; _M_ext_enc = __obj._M_ext_enc; _M_ext_bom = __obj._M_ext_bom; _M_int_bom = __obj._M_int_bom; _M_bytes = __obj._M_bytes; init(); } void destroy() throw() { const descriptor_type __err = (iconv_t)(-1); if (_M_in_desc && _M_in_desc != __err) { iconv_close(_M_in_desc); _M_in_desc = 0; } if (_M_out_desc && _M_out_desc != __err) { iconv_close(_M_out_desc); _M_out_desc = 0; } } }; /// encoding_char_traits // Custom traits type with encoding_state for the state type, and the // associated fpos for the position type, all other // bits equivalent to the required char_traits instantiations. template struct encoding_char_traits : public std::char_traits<_CharT> { typedef encoding_state state_type; typedef typename std::fpos pos_type; }; _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(std) using __gnu_cxx::encoding_state; /// codecvt specialization. // This partial specialization takes advantage of iconv to provide // code conversions between a large number of character encodings. template class codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state> : public __codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state> { public: // Types: typedef codecvt_base::result result; typedef _InternT intern_type; typedef _ExternT extern_type; typedef __gnu_cxx::encoding_state state_type; typedef state_type::descriptor_type descriptor_type; // Data Members: static locale::id id; explicit codecvt(size_t __refs = 0) : __codecvt_abstract_base(__refs) { } explicit codecvt(state_type& __enc, size_t __refs = 0) : __codecvt_abstract_base(__refs) { } protected: virtual ~codecvt() { } virtual result do_out(state_type& __state, const intern_type* __from, const intern_type* __from_end, const intern_type*& __from_next, extern_type* __to, extern_type* __to_end, extern_type*& __to_next) const; virtual result do_unshift(state_type& __state, extern_type* __to, extern_type* __to_end, extern_type*& __to_next) const; virtual result do_in(state_type& __state, const extern_type* __from, const extern_type* __from_end, const extern_type*& __from_next, intern_type* __to, intern_type* __to_end, intern_type*& __to_next) const; virtual int do_encoding() const throw(); virtual bool do_always_noconv() const throw(); virtual int do_length(state_type&, const extern_type* __from, const extern_type* __end, size_t __max) const; virtual int do_max_length() const throw(); }; template locale::id codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>::id; // This adaptor works around the signature problems of the second // argument to iconv(): SUSv2 and others use 'const char**', but glibc 2.2 // uses 'char**', which matches the POSIX 1003.1-2001 standard. // Using this adaptor, g++ will do the work for us. template inline size_t __iconv_adaptor(size_t(*__func)(iconv_t, _Tp, size_t*, char**, size_t*), iconv_t __cd, char** __inbuf, size_t* __inbytes, char** __outbuf, size_t* __outbytes) { return __func(__cd, (_Tp)__inbuf, __inbytes, __outbuf, __outbytes); } template codecvt_base::result codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_out(state_type& __state, const intern_type* __from, const intern_type* __from_end, const intern_type*& __from_next, extern_type* __to, extern_type* __to_end, extern_type*& __to_next) const { result __ret = codecvt_base::error; if (__state.good()) { const descriptor_type& __desc = __state.out_descriptor(); const size_t __fmultiple = sizeof(intern_type); size_t __fbytes = __fmultiple * (__from_end - __from); const size_t __tmultiple = sizeof(extern_type); size_t __tbytes = __tmultiple * (__to_end - __to); // Argument list for iconv specifies a byte sequence. Thus, // all to/from arrays must be brutally casted to char*. char* __cto = reinterpret_cast(__to); char* __cfrom; size_t __conv; // Some encodings need a byte order marker as the first item // in the byte stream, to designate endian-ness. The default // value for the byte order marker is NULL, so if this is // the case, it's not necessary and we can just go on our // merry way. int __int_bom = __state.internal_bom(); if (__int_bom) { size_t __size = __from_end - __from; intern_type* __cfixed = static_cast (__builtin_alloca(sizeof(intern_type) * (__size + 1))); __cfixed[0] = static_cast(__int_bom); char_traits::copy(__cfixed + 1, __from, __size); __cfrom = reinterpret_cast(__cfixed); __conv = __iconv_adaptor(iconv, __desc, &__cfrom, &__fbytes, &__cto, &__tbytes); } else { intern_type* __cfixed = const_cast(__from); __cfrom = reinterpret_cast(__cfixed); __conv = __iconv_adaptor(iconv, __desc, &__cfrom, &__fbytes, &__cto, &__tbytes); } if (__conv != size_t(-1)) { __from_next = reinterpret_cast(__cfrom); __to_next = reinterpret_cast(__cto); __ret = codecvt_base::ok; } else { if (__fbytes < __fmultiple * (__from_end - __from)) { __from_next = reinterpret_cast(__cfrom); __to_next = reinterpret_cast(__cto); __ret = codecvt_base::partial; } else __ret = codecvt_base::error; } } return __ret; } template codecvt_base::result codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_unshift(state_type& __state, extern_type* __to, extern_type* __to_end, extern_type*& __to_next) const { result __ret = codecvt_base::error; if (__state.good()) { const descriptor_type& __desc = __state.in_descriptor(); const size_t __tmultiple = sizÑ0Ò0Ó0Ô0Õ0eof(intern_type); size_t __tlen = __tmultiple * (__to_end - __to); // Argument list for iconv specifies a byte sequence. Thus, // all to/from arrays must be brutally casted to char*. char* __cto = reinterpret_cast(__to); size_t __conv = __iconv_adaptor(iconv,__desc, NULL, NULL, &__cto, &__tlen); if (__conv != size_t(-1)) { __to_next = reinterpret_cast(__cto); if (__tlen == __tmultiple * (__to_end - __to)) __ret = codecvt_base::noconv; else if (__tlen == 0) __ret = codecvt_base::ok; else __ret = codecvt_base::partial; } else __ret = codecvt_base::error; } return __ret; } template codecvt_base::result codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_in(state_type& __state, const extern_type* __from, const extern_type* __from_end, const extern_type*& __from_next, intern_type* __to, intern_type* __to_end, intern_type*& __to_next) const { result __ret = codecvt_base::error; if (__state.good()) { const descriptor_type& __desc = __state.in_descriptor(); const size_t __fmultiple = sizeof(extern_type); size_t __flen = __fmultiple * (__from_end - __from); const size_t __tmultiple = sizeof(intern_type); size_t __tlen = __tmultiple * (__to_end - __to); // Argument list for iconv specifies a byte sequence. Thus, // all to/from arrays must be brutally casted to char*. char* __cto = reinterpret_cast(__to); char* __cfrom; size_t __conv; // Some encodings need a byte order marker as the first item // in the byte stream, to designate endian-ness. The default // value for the byte order marker is NULL, so if this is // the case, it's not necessary and we can just go on our // merry way. int __ext_bom = __state.external_bom(); if (__ext_bom) { size_t __size = __from_end - __from; extern_type* __cfixed = static_cast (__builtin_alloca(sizeof(extern_type) * (__size + 1))); __cfixed[0] = static_cast(__ext_bom); char_traits::copy(__cfixed + 1, __from, __size); __cfrom = reinterpret_cast(__cfixed); __conv = __iconv_adaptor(iconv, __desc, &__cfrom, &__flen, &__cto, &__tlen); } else { extern_type* __cfixed = const_cast(__from); __cfrom = reinterpret_cast(__cfixed); __conv = __iconv_adaptor(iconv, __desc, &__cfrom, &__flen, &__cto, &__tlen); } if (__conv != size_t(-1)) { __from_next = reinterpret_cast(__cfrom); __to_next = reinterpret_cast(__cto); __ret = codecvt_base::ok; } else { if (__flen < static_cast(__from_end - __from)) { __from_next = reinterpret_cast(__cfrom); __to_next = reinterpret_cast(__cto); __ret = codecvt_base::partial; } else __ret = codecvt_base::error; } } return __ret; } template int codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_encoding() const throw() { int __ret = 0; if (sizeof(_ExternT) <= sizeof(_InternT)) __ret = sizeof(_InternT) / sizeof(_ExternT); return __ret; } template bool codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_always_noconv() const throw() { return false; } template int codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_length(state_type&, const extern_type* __from, const extern_type* __end, size_t __max) const { return std::min(__max, static_cast(__end - __from)); } // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 74. Garbled text for codecvt::do_max_length template int codecvt<_InternT, _ExternT, encoding_state>:: do_max_length() const throw() { return 1; } _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif // Support for concurrent programing -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 // Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. /** @file concurrence.h * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. * You should not attempt to use it directly. */ #ifndef _CONCURRENCE_H #define _CONCURRENCE_H 1 #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) // Available locking policies: // _S_single single-threaded code that doesn't need to be locked. // _S_mutex multi-threaded code that requires additional support // from gthr.h or abstraction layers in concurrence.h. // _S_atomic multi-threaded code using atomic operations. enum _Lock_policy { _S_single, _S_mutex, _S_atomic }; // Compile time constant that indicates prefered locking policy in // the current configuration. static const _Lock_policy __default_lock_policy = #ifdef __GTHREADS #if (defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2) \ && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)) _S_atomic; #else _S_mutex; #endif #else _S_single; #endif // NB: As this is used in libsupc++, need to only depend on // exception. No stdexception classes, no use of std::string. class __concurrence_lock_error : public std::exception { public: virtual char const* what() const throw() { return "__gnu_cxx::__concurrence_lock_error"; } }; class __concurrence_unlock_error : public std::exception { public: virtual char const* what() const throw() { return "__gnu_cxx::__concurrence_unlock_error"; } }; class __concurrence_broadcast_error : public std::exception { public: virtual char const* what() const throw() { return "__gnu_cxx::__concurrence_broadcast_error"; } }; class __concurrence_wait_error : public std::exception { public: virtual char const* what() const throw() { return "__gnu_cxx::__concurrence_wait_error"; } }; // Substitute for concurrence_error object in the case of -fno-exceptions. inline void __throw_concurrence_lock_error() { #if __EXCEPTIONS throw __concurrence_lock_error(); #else __builtin_abort(); #endif } inline void __throw_concurrence_unlock_error() { #if __EXCEPTIONS throw __concurrence_unlock_error(); #else __builtin_abort(); #endif } #ifdef __GTHREAD_HAS_COND inline void __throw_concurrence_broadcast_error() { #if __EXCEPTIONS throw __concurrence_broadcast_error(); #else __builtin_abort(); #endif } inline void __throw_concurrence_wait_error() { #if __EXCEPTIONS throw __concurrence_wait_error(); #else __builtin_abort(); #endif } #endif class __mutex { private: __gthread_mutex_t _M_mutex; __mutex(const __mutex&); __mutex& operator=(const __mutex&); public: __mutex() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { #if defined __GTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT __gthread_mutex_t __tmp = __GTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT; _M_mutex = __tmp; #else __GTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT_FUNCTION(&_M_mutex); #endif } #endif } void lock() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { if (__gthread_mutex_lock(&_M_mutex) != 0) __throw_concurrence_lock_error(); } #endif } void unlock() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { if (__gthread_mutex_unlock(&_M_mutex) != 0) __throw_concurrence_unlock_error(); } #endif } __gthread_mutex_t* gthread_mutex(void) { return &_M_mutex; } }; class __recursive_mutex { private: __gthread_recursive_mutex_t _M_mutex; __recursive_mutex(const __recursive_mutex&); __recursive_mutex& operator=(const __recursive_mutex&); public: __recursive_mutex() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { #if defined __GTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INIT __gthread_recursive_mutex_t __tmp = __GTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INIT; _M_mutex = __tmp; #else __GTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INIT_FUNCTION(&_M_mutex); #endif } #endif } void lock() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { if (__gthread_recursive_mutex_lock(&_M_mutex) != 0) __throw_concurrence_lock_error(); } #endif } void unlock() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { if (__gthread_recursive_mutex_unlock(&_M_mutex) != 0) __throw_concurrence_unlock_error(); } #endif } __gthread_recursive_mutex_t* gthread_recursive_mutex(void) { return &_M_mutex; } }; /// Scoped lock idiom. // Acquire the mutex here with a constructor call, then release with // the destructor call in accordance with RAII style. class __scoped_lock { public: typedef __mutex __mutex_type; private: __mutex_type& _M_device; __scoped_lock(const __scoped_lock&); __scoped_lock& operator=(const __scoped_lock&); public: explicit __scoped_lock(__mutex_type& __name) : _M_device(__name) { _M_device.lock(); } ~__scoped_lock() throw() { _M_device.unlock(); } }; #ifdef __GTHREAD_HAS_COND class __cond { private: __gthread_cond_t _M_cond; __cond(const __cond&); __cond& operator=(const __cond&); public: __cond() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { #if defined __GTHREAD_COND_INIT __gthread_cond_t __tmp = __GTHREAD_COND_INIT; _M_cond = __tmp; #else __GTHREAD_COND_INIT_FUNCTION(&_M_cond); #endif } #endif } void broadcast() { #if __GTHREADS if (__gthread_active_p()) { if (__gthread_cond_broadcast(&_M_cond) != 0) __throw_concurrence_broadcast_error(); } #endif } void wait(__mutex *mutex) { #if __GTHREADS { if (__gthread_cond_wait(&_M_cond, mutex->gthread_mutex()) != 0) __throw_concurrence_wait_error(); } #endif } void wait_recursive(__recursive_mutex *mutex) { #if __GTHREADS { if (__gthread_cond_wait_recursive(&_M_cond, mutex->gthread_recursive_mutex()) != 0) __throw_concurrence_wait_error(); } #endif } }; #endif _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif // Versatile string forward -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. /** @file ext/vstring_fwd.h * This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library. * This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. * You should not attempt to use it directly. */ #ifndef _VSTRING_FWD_H #define _VSTRING_FWD_H 1 #pragma GCC system_header #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) template class __sso_string_base; template class __rc_string_base; template, typename _Alloc = std::allocator<_CharT>, template class _Base = __sso_string_base> class __versa_string; typedef __versa_string __vstring; typedef __vstring __sso_string; typedef __versa_string, std::allocator, __rc_string_base> __rc_string; #ifdef _GLIBCXX_USE_WCHAR_T typedef __versa_string __wvstring; typedef __wvstring __wsso_string; typedef __versa_string, std::allocator, __rc_string_base> __wrc_string; #endif _GLIBCXX_END_NAMESPACE #endif /* _VSTRING_FWD_H */ // MT-optimized allocator -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, // USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by // the GNU General Public License. /** @file ext/mt_allocator.h * This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library. */ #ifndef _MT_ALLOCATOR_H #define _MT_ALLOCATOR_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE(__gnu_cxx) using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; typedef void (*__destroy_handler)(void*); /// Base class for pool object. struct __pool_base { // Using short int as type for the binmap implies we are never // caching blocks larger than 32768 with this allocator. typedef unsigned short int _Binmap_type; // Variables used to configure the behavior of the allocator, // assigned and explained in detail below. struct _Tune { // Compile time constants for the default _Tune values. enum { _S_align = 8 }; enum { _S_max_bytes = 128 }; enum { _S_min_bin = 8 }; enum { _S_chunk_size = 4096 - 4 * sizeof(void*) }; enum { _S_max_threads = 4096 }; enum { _S_freelist_headroom = 10 }; // Alignment needed. // NB: In any case must be >= sizeof(_Block_record), that // is 4 on 32 bit machines and 8 on 64 bit machines. size_t _M_align; // Allocation requests (after round-up to power of 2) below // this value will be handled by the allocator. A raw new/ // call will be used for requests larger than this value. // NB: Must be much smaller than _M_chunk_size and in any // case <= 32768. size_t _M_max_bytes; // Size in bytes of the smallest bin. // NB: Must be a power of 2 and >= _M_align (and of course // much smaller than _M_max_bytes). size_t _M_min_bin; // In order to avoid fragmenting and minimize the number of // new() calls we always request new memory using this // value. Based on previous discussions on the libstdc++ // mailing list we have chosen the value below. // See // NB: At least one order of magnitude > _M_max_bytes. size_t _M_chunk_size; // The maximum number of supported threads. For // single-threaded operation, use one. Maximum values will // vary depending on details of the underlying system. (For // instance, Linux 2.4.18 reports 4070 in // /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max, while Linux 2.6.6 reports // 65534) size_t _M_max_threads; // Each time a deallocation occurs in a threaded application // we make sure that there are no more than // _M_freelist_headroom % of used memory on the freelist. If // the number of additional records is more than // _M_freelist_headroom % of the freelist, we move these // records back to the global pool. size_t _M_freelist_headroom; // Set to true forces all allocations to use new(). bool _M_force_new; explicit _Tune() : _M_align(_S_align), _M_max_bytes(_S_max_bytes), _M_min_bin(_S_min_bin), _M_chunk_size(_S_chunk_size), _M_max_threads(_S_max_threads), _M_freelist_headroom(_S_freelist_headroom), _M_force_new(std::getenv("GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW") ? true : false) { } explicit _Tune(size_t __align, size_t __maxb, size_t __minbin, size_t __chunk, size_t __maxthreads, size_t __headroom, bool __force) : _M_align(__align), _M_max_bytes(__maxb), _M_min_bin(__minbin), _M_chunk_size(__chunk), _M_max_threads(__maxthreads), _M_freelist_headroom(__headroom), _M_force_new(__force) { } }; struct _Block_address { void* _M_initial; _Block_address* _M_next; }; const _Tune& _M_get_options() const { return _M_options; } void _M_set_options(_Tune __t) { if (!_M_init) _M_options = __t; } bool _M_check_threshold(size_t __bytes) { return __bytes > _M_options._M_max_bytes || _M_options._M_force_new; } size_t _M_get_binmap(size_t __bytes) { return _M_binmap[__bytes]; } size_t _M_get_align() { return _M_options._M_align; } explicit __pool_base() : _M_options(_Tune()), _M_binmap(NULL), _M_init(false) { } explicit __pool_base(const _Tune& __options) : _M_options(__options), _M_binmap(NULL), _M_init(false) { } private: explicit __pool_base(const __pool_base&); __pool_base& operator=(const __pool_base&); protected: // Configuration options. _Tune _M_options; _Binmap_type* _M_binmap; // Configuration of the pool object via _M_options can happen // after construction but before initialization. After // initialization is complete, this variable is set to true. bool _M_init; }; /** * @brief Data describing the underlying memory pool, parameterized on * threading support. */ template class __pool; /// Specialization for single thread. template<> class __pool : public __pool_base { public: union _Block_record { // Points to the block_record of the next free block. _Block_record* _M_next; }; struct _Bin_record { // An "array" of pointers to the first free block. _Block_record** _M_first; // A list of the initial addresses of all allocated blocks. _Block_address* _M_address; }; void _M_initialize_once() { if (__builtin_expect(_M_init == false, false)) _M_initialize(); } void _M_destroy() throw(); char* _M_reserve_block(size_t __bytes, const size_t __thread_id); void _M_reclaim_block(char* __p, size_t __bytes); size_t _M_get_thread_id() { return 0; } const _Bin_record& _M_get_bin(size_t __which) { return _M_bin[__which]; } void _M_adjust_freelist(const _Bin_record&, _Block_record*, size_t) { } explicit __pool() : _M_bin(NULL), _M_bin_size(1) { } explicit __pool(const __pool_base::_Tune& __tune) : __pool_base(__tune), _M_bin(NULL), _M_bin_size(1) { } private: // An "array" of bin_records each of which represents a specific // power of 2 size. Memory to this "array" is allocated in // _M_initialize(). _Bin_record* _M_bin; // Actual value calculated in _M_initialize(). size_t _M_bin_size; void _M_initialize(); }; #ifdef __GTHREADS /// Specialization for thread enabled, via gthreads.h. template<> class __pool : public __pool_base { public: // Each requesting thread is assigned an id ranging from 1 to // _S_max_threads. Thread id 0 is used as a global memory pool. // In order to get constant performance on the thread assignment // routine, we keep a list of free ids. When a thread first // requests memory we remove the first record in this list and // stores the address in a __gthread_key. When initializing the // __gthread_key we specify a destructor. When this destructor // (i.e. the thread dies) is called, we return the thread id to // the front of this list. struct _Thread_record { // Points to next free thread id record. NULL if last record in list. _Thread_record* _M_next; // Thread id ranging from 1 to _S_max_threads. size_t _M_id; }; union _Block_record { // Points to the block_record of the next free block. _Block_record* _M_next; // The thread id of the thread which has requested this block. size_t _M_thread_id; }; struct _Bin_record { // An "array" of pointers to the first free block for each // thread id. Memory to this "array" is allocated in // _S_initialize() for _S_max_threads + global pool 0. _Block_record** _M_first; // A list of the initial addresses of all allocated blocks. _Block_address* _M_address; // An "array" of counters used to keep track of the amount of // blocks that are on the freelist/used for each thread id. // - Note that the second part of the allocated _M_used "array" // actually hosts (atomic) counters of reclaimed blocks: in // _M_reserve_block and in _M_reclaim_block those numbers are // subtracted from the first ones to obtain the actual size // of the "working set" of the given thread. // - Memory to these "arrays" is allocated in _S_initialize() // for _S_max_threads + global pool 0. size_t* _M_free; size_t* _M_used; // Each bin has its own mutex which is used to ensure data // integrity while changing "ownership" on a block. The mutex // is initialized in _S_initialize(). __gthread_mutex_t* _M_mutex; }; // XXX GLIBCXX_ABI Deprecated void _M_initialize(__destroy_handler); void _M_initialize_once() { if (__builtin_expect(_M_init == false, false)) _M_initialize(); } void _M_destroy() throw(); char* _M_reserve_block(size_t __bytes, const size_t __thread_id); void _M_reclaim_block(char* __p, size_t __bytes); const _Bin_record& _M_get_bin(size_t __which) { return _M_bin[__which]; } void _M_adjust_freelist(const _Bin_record& __bin, _Block_record* __block, size_t __thread_id) { if (__gthread_active_p()) { __block->_M_thread_id = __thread_id; --__bin._M_free[__thread_id]; ++__bin._M_used[__thread_id]; } } // XXX GLIBCXX_ABI Deprecated void _M_destroy_thread_key(void*); size_t _M_get_thread_id(); explicit __pool() : _M_bin(NULL), _M_bin_size(1), _M_thread_freelist(NULL) { } explicit __pool(const __pool_base::_Tune& __tune) : __pool_base(__tune), _M_bin(NULL), _M_bin_size(1), _M_thread_freelist(NULL) { } private: // An "array" of bin_records each of which represents a specific // power of 2 size. Memory to this "array" is allocated in // _M_initialize(). _Bin_record* _M_bin; // Actual value calculated in _M_initialize(). size_t _M_bin_size; _Thread_record* _M_thread_freelist; void* _M_thread_freelist_initial; void _M_initialize(); }; #endif template