ypename Comparator> RandomAccessIterator3 multiway_merge_loser_tree_unguarded( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, const typename std::iterator_traits::value_type::first_type>::value_type& sentinel, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { _GLIBCXX_CALL(length) typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; int k = seqs_end - seqs_begin; LT lt(k, sentinel, comp); for (int t = 0; t < k; ++t) { #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(seqs_begin[t].first != seqs_begin[t].second); #endif lt.insert_start(*seqs_begin[t].first, t, false); } lt.init(); int source; #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS difference_type i = 0; #endif RandomAccessIterator3 target_end = target + length; while (target < target_end) { // Take out. source = lt.get_min_source(); #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(0 <= source && source < k); _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(i == 0 || !comp(*(seqs_begin[source].first), *(target - 1))); #endif // Feed. *(target++) = *(seqs_begin[source].first++); #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS ++i; #endif // Replace from same source. lt.delete_min_insert(*seqs_begin[source].first, false); } return target; } /** @brief Multi-way merging procedure for a high branching factor, * requiring sentinels to exist. * * @param stable The value must the same as for the used LoserTrees. * @param UnguardedLoserTree Loser Tree variant to use for the unguarded * merging. * @param GuardedLoserTree Loser Tree variant to use for the guarded * merging. * * @param seqs_begin Begin iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param seqs_end End iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param target Begin iterator out output sequence. * @param comp Comparator. * @param length Maximum length to merge, less equal than the * total number of elements available. * * @return End iterator of output sequence. */ template< typename UnguardedLoserTree, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> RandomAccessIterator3 multiway_merge_loser_tree_sentinel( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, const typename std::iterator_traits::value_type::first_type>::value_type& sentinel, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { _GLIBCXX_CALL(length) typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; typedef std::iterator_traits traits_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; RandomAccessIterator3 target_end; for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator s = seqs_begin; s != seqs_end; ++s) // Move the sequends end behind the sentinel spots. This has the // effect that the sentinel appears to be within the sequence. Then, // we can use the unguarded variant if we merge out as many // non-sentinel elements as we have. ++((*s).second); target_end = multiway_merge_loser_tree_unguarded (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, sentinel, comp, length); #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(target_end == target + length); _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(is_sorted(target, target_end, comp)); #endif // Restore the sequence ends so the sentinels are not contained in the // sequence any more (see comment in loop above). for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator s = seqs_begin; s != seqs_end; ++s) --((*s).second); return target_end; } /** * @brief Traits for determining whether the loser tree should * use pointers or copies. * * The field "use_pointer" is used to determine whether to use pointers in * the loser trees or whether to copy the values into the loser tree. * * The default behavior is to use pointers if the data type is 4 times as * big as the pointer to it. * * Specialize for your data type to customize the behavior. * * Example: * * template<> * struct loser_tree_traits * { static const bool use_pointer = false; }; * * template<> * struct loser_tree_traits * { static const bool use_pointer = true; }; * * @param T type to give the loser tree traits for. */ template struct loser_tree_traits { /** * @brief True iff to use pointers instead of values in loser trees. * * The default behavior is to use pointers if the data type is four * times as big as the pointer to it. */ static const bool use_pointer = (sizeof(T) > 4 * sizeof(T*)); }; /** * @brief Switch for 3-way merging with sentinels turned off. * * Note that 3-way merging is always stable! */ template< bool sentinels /*default == false*/, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_3_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { return multiway_merge_3_variant( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); } }; /** * @brief Switch for 3-way merging with sentinels turned on. * * Note that 3-way merging is always stable! */ template< typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_3_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { return multiway_merge_3_variant( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); } }; /** * @brief Switch for 4-way merging with sentinels turned off. * * Note that 4-way merging is always stable! */ template< bool sentinels /*default == false*/, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_4_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { return multiway_merge_4_variant( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); } }; /** * @brief Switch for 4-way merging with sentinels turned on. * * Note that 4-way merging is always stable! */ template< typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_4_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { return multiway_merge_4_variant( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); } }; /** * @brief Switch for k-way merging with sentinels turned on. */ template< bool sentinels, bool stable, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_k_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, const typename std::iterator_traits::value_type::first_type>::value_type& sentinel, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; return multiway_merge_loser_tree_sentinel< typename __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type< loser_tree_traits::use_pointer , LoserTreePointerUnguarded , LoserTreeUnguarded >::__type>(seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, sentinel, comp, length); } }; /** * @brief Switch for k-way merging with sentinels turned off. */ template< bool stable, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> struct multiway_merge_k_variant_sentinel_switch { RandomAccessIterator3 operator()( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, const typename std::iterator_traits::value_type::first_type>::value_type& sentinel, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; return multiway_merge_loser_tree< typename __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type< loser_tree_traits::use_pointer , LoserTreePointer , LoserTree >::__type >(seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); } }; /** @brief Sequential multi-way merging switch. * * The _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_DECISION is based on the branching factor and * runtime settings. * @param seqs_begin Begin iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param seqs_end End iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param target Begin iterator out output sequence. * @param comp Comparator. * @param length Maximum length to merge, possibly larger than the * number of elements available. * @param stable Stable merging incurs a performance penalty. * @param sentinel The sequences have a sentinel element. * @return End iterator of output sequence. */ template< bool stable, bool sentinels, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Comparator> RandomAccessIterator3 sequential_multiway_merge( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, const typename std::iterator_traits::value_type::first_type>::value_type& sentinel, Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { _GLIBCXX_CALL(length) typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator s = seqs_begin; s != seqs_end; ++s) { _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(is_sorted((*s).first, (*s).second, comp)); } #endif _DifferenceTp total_length = 0; for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator s = seqs_begin; s != seqs_end; ++s) total_length += _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(*s); length = std::min<_DifferenceTp>(length, total_length); if(length == 0) return target; RandomAccessIterator3 return_target = target; int k = static_cast(seqs_end - seqs_begin); switch (k) { case 0: break; case 1: return_target = std::copy(seqs_begin[0].first, seqs_begin[0].first + length, target); seqs_begin[0].first += length; break; case 2: return_target = merge_advance(seqs_begin[0].first, seqs_begin[0].second, seqs_begin[1].first, seqs_begin[1].second, target, length, comp); break; case 3: return_target = multiway_merge_3_variant_sentinel_switch< sentinels , RandomAccessIteratorIterator , RandomAccessIterator3 , _DifferenceTp , Comparator>()(seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); break; case 4: return_target = multiway_merge_4_variant_sentinel_switch< sentinels , RandomAccessIteratorIterator , RandomAccessIterator3 , _DifferenceTp , Comparator>()(seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, length); break; default: return_target = multiway_merge_k_variant_sentinel_switch< sentinels , stable , RandomAccessIteratorIterator , RandomAccessIterator3 , _DifferenceTp , Comparator>() (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, sentinel, comp, length); break; } #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(is_sorted(target, target + length, comp)); #endif return return_target; } /** * @brief Stable sorting functor. * * Used to reduce code instanciation in multiway_merge_sampling_splitting. */ template struct sampling_sorter { void operator()(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp) { __gnu_sequential::stable_sort(first, last, comp); } }; /** * @brief Non-stable sorting functor. * * Used to reduce code instantiation in multiway_merge_sampling_splitting. */ template struct sampling_sorter { void operator()(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, StrictWeakOrdering comp) { __gnu_sequential::sort(first, last, comp); } }; /** * @brief Sampling based splitting for parallel multiway-merge routine. */ template< bool stable , typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator , typename Comparator , typename difference_type> void multiway_merge_sampling_splitting( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, Comparator comp, difference_type length, difference_type total_length, std::vector > *pieces) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; // k sequences. int k = static_cast(seqs_end - seqs_begin); int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads(); difference_type num_samples = __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().merge_oversampling * num_threads; value_type* samples = static_cast( ::operator new(sizeof(value_type) * k * num_samples)); // Sample. for (int s = 0; s < k; ++s) for (difference_type i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) { difference_type sample_index = static_cast( _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(seqs_begin[s]) * (double(i + 1) / (num_samples + 1)) * (double(length) / total_length)); new(&(samples[s * num_samples + i])) value_type(seqs_begin[s].first[sample_index]); } // Sort stable or non-stable, depending on value of template parameter // "stable". sampling_sorter()( samples, samples + (num_samples * k), comp); for (int slab = 0; slab < num_threads; ++slab) // For each slab / processor. for (int seq = 0; seq < k; ++seq) { // For each sequence. if (slab > 0) pieces[slab][seq].first = std::upper_bound( seqs_begin[seq].first, seqs_begin[seq].second, samples[num_samples * k * slab / num_threads], comp) - seqs_begin[seq].first; else // Absolute beginning. pieces[slab][seq].first = 0; if ((slab + 1) < num_threads) pieces[slab][seq].second = std::upper_bound( seqs_begin[seq].first, seqs_begin[seq].second, samples[num_samples * k * (slab + 1) / num_threads], comp) - seqs_begin[seq].first; else // Absolute end. pieces[slab][seq].second = _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(seqs_begin[seq]); } ::operator delete(samples); } /** * @brief Exact splitting for parallel multiway-merge routine. * * None of the passed sequences may be empty. */ template< bool stable , typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator , typename Comparator , typename difference_type> void multiway_merge_exact_splitting( RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, Comparator comp, difference_type length, difference_type total_length, std::vector > *pieces) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; const bool tight = (total_length == length); // k sequences. const int k = static_cast(seqs_end - seqs_begin); const int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads(); // (Settings::multiway_merge_splitting == __gnu_parallel::_Settings::EXACT). std::vector* offsets = new std::vector[num_threads]; std::vector< std::pair > se(k); copy(seqs_begin, seqs_end, se.begin()); difference_type* borders = new difference_type[num_threads + 1]; equally_split(length, num_threads, borders); for (int s = 0; s < (num_threads - 1); ++s) { offsets[s].resize(k); multiseq_partition( se.begin(), se.end(), borders[s + 1], offsets[s].begin(), comp); // Last one also needed and available. if (!tight) { offsets[num_threads - 1].resize(k); multiseq_partition(se.begin(), se.end(), difference_type(length), offsets[num_threads - 1].begin(), comp); } } for (int slab = 0; slab < num_threads; ++slab) { // For each slab / processor. for (int seq = 0; seq < k; ++seq) { // For each sequence. if (slab == 0) { // Absolute beginning. pieces[slab][seq].first = 0; } else pieces[slab][seq].first = pieces[slab - 1][seq].second; if (!tight || slab < (num_threads - 1)) pieces[slab][seq].second = offsets[slab][seq] - seqs_begin[seq].first; else { // slab == num_threads - 1 pieces[slab][seq].second = _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(seqs_begin[seq]); } } } delete[] offsets; } /** @brief Parallel multi-way merge routine. * * The _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_DECISION is based on the branching factor * and runtime settings. * * Must not be called if the number of sequences is 1. * * @param Splitter functor to split input (either exact or sampling based) * * @param seqs_begin Begin iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param seqs_end End iterator of iterator pair input sequence. * @param target Begin iterator out output sequence. * @param comp Comparator. * @param length Maximum length to merge, possibly larger than the * number of elements available. * @param stable Stable merging incurs a performance penalty. * @param sentinel Ignored. * @return End iterator of output sequence. */ template< bool stable, bool sentinels, typename RandomAccessIteratorIterator, typename RandomAccessIterator3, typename _DifferenceTp, typename Splitter, typename Comparator > RandomAccessIterator3 parallel_multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_begin, RandomAccessIteratorIterator seqs_end, RandomAccessIterator3 target, Comparator comp, Splitter splitter, _DifferenceTp length) { #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1); #endif _GLIBCXX_CALL(length) typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits ::value_type::first_type RandomAccessIterator1; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type value_type; // Leave only non-empty sequences. std::pair* ne_seqs = static_cast*>( ::operator new( sizeof(std::pair) * (seqs_end - seqs_begin))); int k = 0; difference_type total_length = 0; for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator raii = seqs_begin; raii != seqs_end; ++raii) { _DifferenceTp seq_length = _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(*raii); if(seq_length > 0) { total_length += seq_length; //ne_seqs[k] = *raii; new(&(ne_seqs[k++])) std::pair(*raii); } } _GLIBCXX_CALL(total_length) length = std::min<_DifferenceTp>(length, total_length); if (total_length == 0 || k == 0) { ::operator delete(ne_seqs); return target; } std::vector >* pieces; thread_index_t num_threads = static_cast (std::min(get_max_threads(), total_length)); # pragma omp parallel num_threads (num_threads) { # pragma omp single { num_threads = omp_get_num_threads(); // Thread t will have to merge pieces[iam][0..k - 1] pieces = new std::vector< std::pair >[num_threads]; for (int s = 0; s < num_threads; ++s) pieces[s].resize(k); difference_type num_samples = __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().merge_oversampling * num_threads; splitter(ne_seqs, ne_seqs + k, comp, length, total_length, pieces); } //single thread_index_t iam = omp_get_thread_num(); difference_type target_position = 0; for (int c = 0; c < k; ++c) target_position += pieces[iam][c].first; std::pair* chunks = new std::pair[k]; for (int s = 0; s < k; ++s) { chunks[s] = std::make_pair( ne_seqs[s].first + pieces[iam][s].first, ne_seqs[s].first + pieces[iam][s].second); } if(length > target_position) sequential_multiway_merge( chunks, chunks + k, target + target_position, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length - target_position); delete[] chunks; } // parallel #if _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ASSERT(is_sorted(target, target + length, comp)); #endif k = 0; // Update ends of sequences. for (RandomAccessIteratorIterator raii = seqs_begin; raii != seqs_end; ++raii) { _DifferenceTp length = _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_LENGTH(*raii); if(length > 0) (*raii).first += pieces[num_threads - 1][k++].second; } delete[] pieces; return target + length; } /** * @brief Multiway Merge Frontend. * * Merge the sequences specified by seqs_begin and seqs_end into * target. seqs_begin and seqs_end must point to a sequence of * pairs. These pairs must contain an iterator to the beginning * of a sequence in their first entry and an iterator the end of * the same sequence in their second entry. * * Ties are broken arbitrarily. See stable_multiway_merge for a variant * that breaks ties by sequence number but is slower. * * The first entries of the pairs (i.e. the begin iterators) will be moved * forward. * * The output sequence has to provide enough space for all elements * that are written to it. * * This function will merge the input sequences: * * - not stable * - parallel, depending on the input size and Settings * - using sampling for splitting * - not using sentinels * * Example: * *
 *   int sequences[10][10];
 *   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
 *     for (int j = 0; i < 10; ++j)
 *       sequences[i][j] = j;
 *   int out[33];
 *   std::vector > seqs;
 *   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
 *     { seqs.push(std::make_pair(sequences[i], sequences[i] + 10)) }
 *   multiway_merge(seqs.begin(), seqs.end(), target, std::less(), 33);
* * @see stable_multiway_merge * * @pre All input sequences must be sorted. * @pre Target must provide enough space to merge out length elements or * the number of elements in all sequences, whichever is smaller. * * @post [target, return value) contains merged elements from the * input sequences. * @post return value - target = min(length, number of elements in all * sequences). * * @param RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator iterator over sequence * of pairs of iterators * @param RandomAccessIteratorOut iterator over target sequence * @param _DifferenceTp difference type for the sequence * @param Comparator strict weak ordering type to compare elements * in sequences * * @param seqs_begin begin of sequence sequence * @param seqs_end end of sequence sequence * @param target target sequence to merge to. * @param comp strict weak ordering to use for element comparison. * @param length Maximum length to merge, possibly larger than the * number of elements available. * * @return end iterator of output sequence */ // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_sampling_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute multiway merge *sequentially*. return sequential_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } //public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::exact_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_exact_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_sampling_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute multiway merge *sequentially*. return sequential_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::exact_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_exact_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } /** * @brief Multiway Merge Frontend. * * Merge the sequences specified by seqs_begin and seqs_end into * target. seqs_begin and seqs_end must point to a sequence of * pairs. These pairs must contain an iterator to the beginning * of a sequence in their first entry and an iterator the end of * the same sequence in their second entry. * * Ties are broken arbitrarily. See stable_multiway_merge for a variant * that breaks ties by sequence number but is slower. * * The first entries of the pairs (i.e. the begin iterators) will be moved * forward accordingly. * * The output sequence has to provide enough space for all elements * that are written to it. * * This function will merge the input sequences: * * - not stable * - parallel, depending on the input size and Settings * - using sampling for splitting * - using sentinels * * You have to take care that the element the end iterator points to is * readable and contains a value that is greater than any other non-sentinel * value in all sequences. * * Example: * *
 *   int sequences[10][11];
 *   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
 *     for (int j = 0; i < 11; ++j)
 *       sequences[i][j] = j; // last one is sentinel!
 *   int out[33];
 *   std::vector > seqs;
 *   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
 *     { seqs.push(std::make_pair(sequences[i], sequences[i] + 10)) }
 *   multiway_merge(seqs.begin(), seqs.end(), target, std::less(), 33);
* * @pre All input sequences must be sorted. * @pre Target must provide enough space to merge out length elements or * the number of elements in all sequences, whichever is smaller. * @pre For each @c i, @c seqs_begin[i].second must be the end * marker of the sequence, but also reference the one more sentinel * element. * * @post [target, return value) contains merged elements from the * input sequences. * @post return value - target = min(length, number of elements in all * sequences). * * @see stable_multiway_merge_sentinels * * @param RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator iterator over sequence * of pairs of iterators * @param RandomAccessIteratorOut iterator over target sequence * @param _DifferenceTp difference type for the sequence * @param Comparator strict weak ordering type to compare elements * in sequences * * @param seqs_begin begin of sequence sequence * @param seqs_end end of sequence sequence * @param target target sequence to merge to. * @param comp strict weak ordering to use for element comparison. * @param length Maximum length to merge, possibly larger than the * number of elements available. * * @return end iterator of output sequence */ // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_sampling_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } //public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute multiway merge *sequentially*. return sequential_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::exact_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_exact_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_sampling_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute multiway merge *sequentially*. return sequential_multiway_merge (seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } // public interface template< typename RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator , typename RandomAccessIteratorOut , typename _DifferenceTp , typename Comparator> RandomAccessIteratorOut stable_multiway_merge_sentinels(RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_begin , RandomAccessIteratorPairIterator seqs_end , RandomAccessIteratorOut target , Comparator comp, _DifferenceTp length , __gnu_parallel::exact_tag) { typedef _DifferenceTp difference_type; _GLIBCXX_CALL(seqs_end - seqs_begin) // catch special case: no sequences if (seqs_begin == seqs_end) return target; // Execute merge; maybe parallel, depending on the number of merged // elements and the number of sequences and global thresholds in // Settings. if ((seqs_end - seqs_begin > 1) && _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( ((seqs_end - seqs_begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_k) && ((sequence_index_t)length >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().multiway_merge_minimal_n))) return parallel_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, comp, multiway_merge_exact_splitting ::value_type*, Comparator, _DifferenceTp>, static_cast(length)); else return sequential_multiway_merge ( seqs_begin, seqs_end, target, *(seqs_begin->second), comp, length); } }; // namespace __gnu_parallel #endif // -*- C++ -*- // Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms // of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, // MA 02111-1307, USA. // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free // software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files // instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this // file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to // produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the // resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. This exception does not however invalidate any other // reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General // Public License. /** @file parallel/algo.h * @brief Parallel STL function calls corresponding to the stl_algo.h header. * * The functions defined here mainly do case switches and * call the actual parallelized versions in other files. * Inlining policy: Functions that basically only contain one function call, * are declared inline. * This file is a GNU parallel extension to the Standard C++ Library. */ // Written by Johannes Singler and Felix Putze. #ifndef _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ALGO_H #define _GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_ALGO_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace std { namespace __parallel { // Sequential fallback template inline Function for_each(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Function f, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::for_each(begin, end, f); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator case template inline Function for_each_switch(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Function f, IteratorTag) { return for_each(begin, end, f, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag()); } // Parallel algorithm for random access iterators template Function for_each_switch(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, Function f, random_access_iterator_tag, __gnu_parallel::_Parallelism parallelism_tag = __gnu_parallel::parallel_balanced) { if (_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( static_cast<__gnu_parallel::sequence_index_t>(end - begin) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().for_each_minimal_n && __gnu_parallel::is_parallel(parallelism_tag))) { bool dummy; __gnu_parallel::for_each_selector functionality; return __gnu_parallel:: for_each_template_random_access(begin, end, f, functionality, __gnu_parallel::dummy_reduct(), true, dummy, -1, parallelism_tag); } else return for_each(begin, end, f, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag()); } // Public interface template inline Function for_each(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Function f, __gnu_parallel::_Parallelism parallelism_tag) { typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; typedef typename iterator_traits::iterator_category iterator_category; return for_each_switch(begin, end, f, iterator_category(), parallelism_tag); } template inline Function for_each(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Function f) { typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; typedef typename iterator_traits::iterator_category iterator_category; return for_each_switch(begin, end, f, iterator_category()); } // Sequential fallback template inline InputIterator find(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const T& val, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find(begin, end, val); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator case template inline InputIterator find_switch(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const T& val, IteratorTag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find(begin, end, val); } // Parallel find for random access iterators template RandomAccessIterator find_switch(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const T& val, random_access_iterator_tag) { typedef iterator_traits traits_type; typedef typename traits_type::value_type value_type; if (_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION(true)) { binder2nd<__gnu_parallel::equal_to > comp(__gnu_parallel::equal_to(), val); return __gnu_parallel::find_template(begin, end, begin, comp, __gnu_parallel:: find_if_selector()).first; } else return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find(begin, end, val); } // Public interface template inline InputIterator find(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const T& val) { typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; typedef typename iterator_traits::iterator_category iterator_category; return find_switch(begin, end, val, iterator_category()); } // Sequential fallback template inline InputIterator find_if(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Predicate pred, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find_if(begin, end, pred); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator case template inline InputIterator find_if_switch(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Predicate pred, IteratorTag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find_if(begin, end, pred); } // Parallel find_if for random access iterators template RandomAccessIterator find_if_switch(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, Predicate pred, random_access_iterator_tag) { if (_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION(true)) return __gnu_parallel::find_template(begin, end, begin, pred, __gnu_parallel:: find_if_selector()).first; else return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find_if(begin, end, pred); } // Public interface template inline InputIterator find_if(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Predicate pred) { typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; typedef typename iterator_traits::iterator_category iterator_category; return find_if_switch(begin, end, pred, iterator_category()); } // Sequential fallback template inline InputIterator find_first_of(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find_first_of(begin1, end1, begin2, end2); } // Sequential fallback template inline InputIterator find_first_of(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, BinaryPredicate comp, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::find_first_of(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, comp); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator type template inline InputIterator find_first_of_switch(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, IteratorTag1, IteratorTag2) { return find_first_of(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag()); } // Parallel algorithm for random access iterators template inline RandomAccessIterator find_first_of_switch(RandomAccessIterator begin1, RandomAccessIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, BinaryPredicate comp, random_access_iterator_tag, IteratorTag) { return __gnu_parallel:: find_template(begin1, end1, begin1, comp, __gnu_parallel::find_first_of_selector (begin2, end2)).first; } // Sequential fallback for input iterator type template inline InputIterator find_first_of_switch(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, BinaryPredicate comp, IteratorTag1, IteratorTag2) { return find_first_of(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, comp, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag()); } // Public interface template inline InputIterator find_first_of(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2, BinaryPredicate comp) { typedef std::iterator_traits iteratori_traits; typedef std::iterator_traits iteratorf_traits; typedef typename iteratori_traits::iterator_category iteratori_category; typedef typename iteratorf_traits::iterator_category iteratorf_category; return find_first_of_switch(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, comp, iteratori_category(), iteratorf_category()); } // Public interface, insert default comparator template inline InputIterator find_first_of(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, ForwardIterator begin2, ForwardIterator end2) { typedef std::iterator_traits iteratori_traits; typedef std::iterator_traits iteratorf_traits; typedef typename iteratori_traits::value_type valuei_type; typedef typename iteratorf_traits::value_type valuef_type; return find_first_of(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, __gnu_parallel:: equal_to()); } // Sequential fallback template inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, OutputIterator out, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::unique_copy(begin1, end1, out); } // Sequential fallback template inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, OutputIterator out, Predicate pred, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::unique_copy(begin1, end1, out, pred); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator case templatû#ü#ý#þ#ÿ#$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/$0$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$:$;$<$=$>$?$@$A$B$C$e inline OutputIterator unique_copy_switch(InputIterator begin, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out, Predicate pred, IteratorTag1, IteratorTag2) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::unique_copy(begin, last, out, pred); } // Parallel unique_copy for random access iterators template RandomAccessOutputIterator unique_copy_switch(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator last, RandomAccessOutputIterator out, Predicate pred, random_access_iterator_tag, random_access_iterator_tag) { if (_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( static_cast<__gnu_parallel::sequence_index_t>(last - begin) > __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().unique_copy_minimal_n)) return __gnu_parallel::parallel_unique_copy(begin, last, out, pred); else return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::unique_copy(begin, last, out, pred); } // Public interface template inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, OutputIterator out) { typedef std::iterator_traits iteratori_traits; typedef std::iterator_traits iteratoro_traits; typedef typename iteratori_traits::iterator_category iteratori_category; typedef typename iteratori_traits::value_type value_type; typedef typename iteratoro_traits::iterator_category iteratoro_category; return unique_copy_switch(begin1, end1, out, equal_to(), iteratori_category(), iteratoro_category()); } // Public interface template inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator begin1, InputIterator end1, OutputIterator out, Predicate pred) { typedef std::iterator_traits iteratori_traits; typedef std::iterator_traits iteratoro_traits; typedef typename iteratori_traits::iterator_category iteratori_category; typedef typename iteratoro_traits::iterator_category iteratoro_category; return unique_copy_switch(begin1, end1, out, pred, iteratori_category(), iteratoro_category()); } // Sequential fallback template inline OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2, OutputIterator out, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::set_union(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, out); } // Sequential fallback template inline OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2, OutputIterator out, Predicate pred, __gnu_parallel::sequential_tag) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::set_union(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, out, pred); } // Sequential fallback for input iterator case template inline OutputIterator set_union_switch(InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2, OutputIterator result, Predicate pred, IteratorTag1, IteratorTag2, IteratorTag3) { return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::set_union(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, result, pred); } // Parallel set_union for random access iterators template OutputRandomAccessIterator set_union_switch(RandomAccessIterator1 begin1, RandomAccessIterator1 end1, RandomAccessIterator2 begin2, RandomAccessIterator2 end2, OutputRandomAccessIterator result, Predicate pred, random_access_iterator_tag, random_access_iterator_tag, random_access_iterator_tag) { if (_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL_CONDITION( static_cast<__gnu_parallel::sequence_index_t>(end1 - begin1) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().set_union_minimal_n || static_cast<__gnu_parallel::sequence_index_t>(end2 - begin2) >= __gnu_parallel::_Settings::get().set_union_minimal_n)) return __gnu_parallel::parallel_set_union(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, result, pred); else return _GLIBCXX_STD_P::set_union(begin1, end1, begin2, end2, result, pred); } // Public interface template inline OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 begin1, InputIterator1 end1, InputIterator2 begin2, InputIterator2 end2, OutputIterator out) { typedef std::iterator_