323, atmega324a, atmega324p, atmega325, atmega325a, atmega325p, atmega3250, atmega3250a, atmega3250p, atmega328, atmega328p, atmega329, atmega329a, atmega329p, atmega329pa, atmega3290, atmega3290a, atmega3290p, atmega406, atmega64, atmega640, atmega644, atmega644a, atmega644p, atmega644pa, atmega645, atmega645a, atmega645p, atmega6450, atmega6450a, atmega6450p, atmega649, atmega649a, atmega649p, atmega6490, atmega6490a, atmega6490p, atmega16hva, atmega16hva2, atmega16hvb, atmega32hvb, atmega64hve, at90can32, at90can64, at90pwm216, at90pwm316, atmega32c1, atmega64c1, atmega16m1, atmega32m1, atmega64m1, atmega16u4, atmega32u4, atmega32u6, at90usb646, at90usb647, at94k, at90scr100). Instruction set avr51 is for the enhanced AVR core with exactly 128K program memory space (MCU types: atmega128, atmega1280, atmega1281, atmega1284p, atmega128rfa1, at90can128, at90usb1286, at90usb1287, m3000). Instruction set avr6 is for the enhanced AVR core with a 3-byte PC (MCU types: atmega2560, atmega2561). `-mall-opcodes' Accept all AVR opcodes, even if not supported by `-mmcu'. `-mno-skip-bug' This option disable warnings for skipping two-word instructions. `-mno-wrap' This option reject `rjmp/rcall' instructions with 8K wrap-around.  File: as.info, Node: AVR Syntax, Next: AVR Opcodes, Prev: AVR Options, Up: AVR-Dependent 9.4.2 Syntax ------------ * Menu: * AVR-Chars:: Special Characters * AVR-Regs:: Register Names * AVR-Modifiers:: Relocatable Expression Modifiers  File: as.info, Node: AVR-Chars, Next: AVR-Regs, Up: AVR Syntax Special Characters .......................... The presence of a `;' on a line indicates the start of a comment that extends to the end of the current line. If a `#' appears as the first character of a line, the whole line is treated as a comment. The `$' character can be used instead of a newline to separate statements.  File: as.info, Node: AVR-Regs, Next: AVR-Modifiers, Prev: AVR-Chars, Up: AVR Syntax Register Names ...................... The AVR has 32 x 8-bit general purpose working registers `r0', `r1', ... `r31'. Six of the 32 registers can be used as three 16-bit indirect address register pointers for Data Space addressing. One of the these address pointers can also be used as an address pointer for look up tables in Flash program memory. These added function registers are the 16-bit `X', `Y' and `Z' - registers. X = r26:r27 Y = r28:r29 Z = r30:r31  File: as.info, Node: AVR-Modifiers, Prev: AVR-Regs, Up: AVR Syntax Relocatable Expression Modifiers ........................................ The assembler supports several modifiers when using relocatable addresses in AVR instruction operands. The general syntax is the following: modifier(relocatable-expression) `lo8' This modifier allows you to use bits 0 through 7 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. `hi8' This modifier allows you to use bits 7 through 15 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This is useful with, for example, the AVR `ldi' instruction and `lo8' modifier. For example ldi r26, lo8(sym+10) ldi r27, hi8(sym+10) `hh8' This modifier allows you to use bits 16 through 23 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. Also, can be useful for loading 32 bit constants. `hlo8' Synonym of `hh8'. `hhi8' This modifier allows you to use bits 24 through 31 of an expression as 8 bit expression. This is useful with, for example, the AVR `ldi' instruction and `lo8', `hi8', `hlo8', `hhi8', modifier. For example ldi r26, lo8(285774925) ldi r27, hi8(285774925) ldi r28, hlo8(285774925) ldi r29, hhi8(285774925) ; r29,r28,r27,r26 = 285774925 `pm_lo8' This modifier allows you to use bits 0 through 7 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory. The using of `pm_lo8' similar to `lo8'. `pm_hi8' This modifier allows you to use bits 8 through 15 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory. `pm_hh8' This modifier allows you to use bits 15 through 23 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory.  File: as.info, Node: AVR Opcodes, Prev: AVR Syntax, Up: AVR-Dependent 9.4.3 Opcodes ------------- For detailed information on the AVR machine instruction set, see `www.atmel.com/products/AVR'. `as' implements all the standard AVR opcodes. The following table summarizes the AVR opcodes, and their arguments. Legend: r any register d `ldi' register (r16-r31) v `movw' even register (r0, r2, ..., r28, r30) a `fmul' register (r16-r23) w `adiw' register (r24,r26,r28,r30) e pointer registers (X,Y,Z) b base pointer register and displacement ([YZ]+disp) z Z pointer register (for [e]lpm Rd,Z[+]) M immediate value from 0 to 255 n immediate value from 0 to 255 ( n = ~M ). Relocation impossible s immediate value from 0 to 7 P Port address value from 0 to 63. (in, out) p Port address value from 0 to 31. (cbi, sbi, sbic, sbis) K immediate value from 0 to 63 (used in `adiw', `sbiw') i immediate value l signed pc relative offset from -64 to 63 L signed pc relative offset from -2048 to 2047 h absolute code address (call, jmp) S immediate value from 0 to 7 (S = s << 4) ? use this opcode entry if no parameters, else use next opcode entry 1001010010001000 clc 1001010011011000 clh 1001010011111000 cli 1001010010101000 cln 1001010011001000 cls 1001010011101000 clt 1001010010111000 clv 1001010010011000 clz 1001010000001000 sec 1001010001011000 seh 1001010001111000 sei 1001010000101000 sen 1001010001001000 ses 1001010001101000 set 1001010000111000 sev 1001010000011000 sez 100101001SSS1000 bclr S 100101000SSS1000 bset S 1001010100001001 icall 1001010000001001 ijmp 1001010111001000 lpm ? 1001000ddddd010+ lpm r,z 1001010111011000 elpm ? 1001000ddddd011+ elpm r,z 0000000000000000 nop 1001010100001000 ret 1001010100011000 reti 1001010110001000 sleep 1001010110011000 break 1001010110101000 wdr 1001010111101000 spm 000111rdddddrrrr adc r,r 000011rdddddrrrr add r,r 001000rdddddrrrr and r,r 000101rdddddrrrr cp r,r 000001rdddddrrrr cpc r,r 000100rdddddrrrr cpse r,r 001001rdddddrrrr eor r,r 001011rdddddrrrr mov r,r 100111rdddddrrrr mul r,r 001010rdddddrrrr or r,r 000010rdddddrrrr sbc r,r 000110rdddddrrrr sub r,r 001001rdddddrrrr clr r 000011rdddddrrrr lsl r 000111rdddddrrrr rol r 001000rdddddrrrr tst r 0111KKKKddddKKKK andi d,M 0111KKKKddddKKKK cbr d,n 1110KKKKddddKKKK ldi d,M 11101111dddd1111 ser d 0110KKKKddddKKKK ori d,M 0110KKKKddddKKKK sbr d,M 0011KKKKddddKKKK cpi d,M 0100KKKKddddKKKK sbci d,M 0101KKKKddddKKKK subi d,M 1111110rrrrr0sss sbrc r,s 1111111rrrrr0sss sbrs r,s 1111100ddddd0sss bld r,s 1111101ddddd0sss bst r,s 10110PPdddddPPPP in r,P 10111PPrrrrrPPPP out P,r 10010110KKddKKKK adiw w,K 10010111KKddKKKK sbiw w,K 10011000pppppsss cbi p,s 10011010pppppsss sbi p,s 10011001pppppsss sbic p,s 10011011pppppsss sbis p,s 111101lllllll000 brcc l 111100lllllll000 brcs l 111100lllllll001 breq l 111101lllllll100 brge l 111101lllllll101 brhc l 111100lllllll101 brhs l 111101lllllll111 brid l 111100lllllll111 brie l 111100lllllll000 brlo l 111100lllllll100 brlt l 111100lllllll010 brmi l 111101lllllll001 brne l 111101lllllll010 brpl l 111101lllllll000 brsh l 111101lllllll110 brtc l 111100lllllll110 brts l 111101lllllll011 brvc l 111100lllllll011 brvs l 111101lllllllsss brbc s,l 111100lllllllsss brbs s,l 1101LLLLLLLLLLLL rcall L 1100LLLLLLLLLLLL rjmp L 1001010hhhhh111h call h 1001010hhhhh110h jmp h 1001010rrrrr0101 asr r 1001010rrrrr0000 com r 1001010rrrrr1010 dec r 1001010rrrrr0011 inc r 1001010rrrrr0110 lsr r 1001010rrrrr0001 neg r 1001000rrrrr1111 pop r 1001001rrrrr1111 push r 1001010rrrrr0111 ror r 1001010rrrrr0010 swap r 00000001ddddrrrr movw v,v 00000010ddddrrrr muls d,d 000000110ddd0rrr mulsu a,a 000000110ddd1rrr fmul a,a 000000111ddd0rrr fmuls a,a 000000111ddd1rrr fmulsu a,a 1001001ddddd0000 sts i,r 1001000ddddd0000 lds r,i 10o0oo0dddddbooo ldd r,b 100!000dddddee-+ ld r,e 10o0oo1rrrrrbooo std b,r 100!001rrrrree-+ st e,r 1001010100011001 eicall 1001010000011001 eijmp  File: as.info, Node: Blackfin-Dependent, Next: CR16-Dependent, Prev: AVR-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.5 Blackfin Dependent Features =============================== * Menu: * Blackfin Options:: Blackfin Options * Blackfin Syntax:: Blackfin Syntax * Blackfin Directives:: Blackfin Directives  File: as.info, Node: Blackfin Options, Next: Blackfin Syntax, Up: Blackfin-Dependent 9.5.1 Options ------------- `-mcpu=PROCESSOR[-SIREVISION]' This option specifies the target processor. The optional SIREVISION is not used in assembler. It's here such that GCC can easily pass down its `-mcpu=' option. The assembler will issue an error message if an attempt is made to assemble an instruction which will not execute on the target processor. The following processor names are recognized: `bf504', `bf506', `bf512', `bf514', `bf516', `bf518', `bf522', `bf523', `bf524', `bf525', `bf526', `bf527', `bf531', `bf532', `bf533', `bf534', `bf535' (not implemented yet), `bf536', `bf537', `bf538', `bf539', `bf542', `bf542m', `bf544', `bf544m', `bf547', `bf547m', `bf548', `bf548m', `bf549', `bf549m', `bf561', and `bf592'. `-mfdpic' Assemble for the FDPIC ABI. `-mno-fdpic' `-mnopic' Disable -mfdpic.  File: as.info, Node: Blackfin Syntax, Next: Blackfin Directives, Prev: Blackfin Options, Up: Blackfin-Dependent 9.5.2 Syntax ------------ `Special Characters' Assembler input is free format and may appear anywhere on the line. One instruction may extend across multiple lines or more than one instruction may appear on the same line. White space (space, tab, comments or newline) may appear anywhere between tokens. A token must not have embedded spaces. Tokens include numbers, register names, keywords, user identifiers, and also some multicharacter special symbols like "+=", "/*" or "||". `Instruction Delimiting' A semicolon must terminate every instruction. Sometimes a complete instruction will consist of more than one operation. There are two cases where this occurs. The first is when two general operations are combined. Normally a comma separates the different parts, as in a0= r3.h * r2.l, a1 = r3.l * r2.h ; The second case occurs when a general instruction is combined with one or two memory references for joint issue. The latter portions are set off by a "||" token. a0 = r3.h * r2.l || r1 = [p3++] || r4 = [i2++]; `Register Names' The assembler treats register names and instruction keywords in a case insensitive manner. User identifiers are case sensitive. Thus, R3.l, R3.L, r3.l and r3.L are all equivalent input to the assembler. Register names are reserved and may not be used as program identifiers. Some operations (such as "Move Register") require a register pair. Register pairs are always data registers and are denoted using a colon, eg., R3:2. The larger number must be written firsts. Note that the hardware only supports odd-even pairs, eg., R7:6, R5:4, R3:2, and R1:0. Some instructions (such as -SP (Push Multiple)) require a group of adjacent registers. Adjacent registers are denoted in the syntax by the range enclosed in parentheses and separated by a colon, eg., (R7:      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~3). Again, the larger number appears first. Portions of a particular register may be individually specified. This is written with a dot (".") following the register name and then a letter denoting the desired portion. For 32-bit registers, ".H" denotes the most significant ("High") portion. ".L" denotes the least-significant portion. The subdivisions of the 40-bit registers are described later. `Accumulators' The set of 40-bit registers A1 and A0 that normally contain data that is being manipulated. Each accumulator can be accessed in four ways. `one 40-bit register' The register will be referred to as A1 or A0. `one 32-bit register' The registers are designated as A1.W or A0.W. `two 16-bit registers' The registers are designated as A1.H, A1.L, A0.H or A0.L. `one 8-bit register' The registers are designated as A1.X or A0.X for the bits that extend beyond bit 31. `Data Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7) that normally contain data for manipulation. These are abbreviated as D-register or Dreg. Data registers can be accessed as 32-bit registers or as two independent 16-bit registers. The least significant 16 bits of each register is called the "low" half and is designated with ".L" following the register name. The most significant 16 bits are called the "high" half and is designated with ".H" following the name. R7.L, r2.h, r4.L, R0.H `Pointer Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, SP and FP) that normally contain byte addresses of data structures. These are abbreviated as P-register or Preg. p2, p5, fp, sp `Stack Pointer SP' The stack pointer contains the 32-bit address of the last occupied byte location in the stack. The stack grows by decrementing the stack pointer. `Frame Pointer FP' The frame pointer contains the 32-bit address of the previous frame pointer in the stack. It is located at the top of a frame. `Loop Top' LT0 and LT1. These registers contain the 32-bit address of the top of a zero overhead loop. `Loop Count' LC0 and LC1. These registers contain the 32-bit counter of the zero overhead loop executions. `Loop Bottom' LB0 and LB1. These registers contain the 32-bit address of the bottom of a zero overhead loop. `Index Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (I0, I1, I2, I3) that normally contain byte addresses of data structures. Abbreviated I-register or Ireg. `Modify Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (M0, M1, M2, M3) that normally contain offset values that are added and subracted to one of the index registers. Abbreviated as Mreg. `Length Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (L0, L1, L2, L3) that normally contain the length in bytes of the circular buffer. Abbreviated as Lreg. Clear the Lreg to disable circular addressing for the corresponding Ireg. `Base Registers' The set of 32-bit registers (B0, B1, B2, B3) that normally contain the base address in bytes of the circular buffer. Abbreviated as Breg. `Floating Point' The Blackfin family has no hardware floating point but the .float directive generates ieee floating point numbers for use with software floating point libraries. `Blackfin Opcodes' For detailed information on the Blackfin machine instruction set, see the Blackfin(r) Processor Instruction Set Reference.  File: as.info, Node: Blackfin Directives, Prev: Blackfin Syntax, Up: Blackfin-Dependent 9.5.3 Directives ---------------- The following directives are provided for compatibility with the VDSP assembler. `.byte2' Initializes a four byte data object. `.byte4' Initializes a two byte data object. `.db' TBD `.dd' TBD `.dw' TBD `.var' Define and initialize a 32 bit data object.  File: as.info, Node: CR16-Dependent, Next: CRIS-Dependent, Prev: Blackfin-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.6 CR16 Dependent Features =========================== * Menu: * CR16 Operand Qualifiers:: CR16 Machine Operand Qualifiers  File: as.info, Node: CR16 Operand Qualifiers, Up: CR16-Dependent 9.6.1 CR16 Operand Qualifiers ----------------------------- The National Semiconductor CR16 target of `as' has a few machine dependent operand qualifiers. Operand expression type qualifier is an optional field in the instruction operand, to determines the type of the expression field of an operand. The `@' is required. CR16 architecture uses one of the following expression qualifiers: `s' - `Specifies expression operand type as small' `m' - `Specifies expression operand type as medium' `l' - `Specifies expression operand type as large' `c' - `Specifies the CR16 Assembler generates a relocation entry for the operand, where pc has implied bit, the expression is adjusted accordingly. The linker uses the relocation entry to update the operand address at link time.' `got/GOT' - `Specifies the CR16 Assembler generates a relocation entry for the operand, offset from Global Offset Table. The linker uses this relocation entry to update the operand address at link time' `cgot/cGOT' - `Specifies the CompactRISC Assembler generates a relocation entry for the operand, where pc has implied bit, the expression is adjusted accordingly. The linker uses the relocation entry to update the operand address at link time.' CR16 target operand qualifiers and its size (in bits): `Immediate Operand' - s --- 4 bits `' - m --- 16 bits, for movb and movw instructions. `' - m --- 20 bits, movd instructions. `' - l --- 32 bits `Absolute Operand' - s --- Illegal specifier for this operand. `' - m --- 20 bits, movd instructions. `Displacement Operand' - s --- 8 bits `' - m --- 16 bits `' - l --- 24 bits For example: 1 `movw $_myfun@c,r1' This loads the address of _myfun, shifted right by 1, into r1. 2 `movd $_myfun@c,(r2,r1)' This loads the address of _myfun, shifted right by 1, into register-pair r2-r1. 3 `_myfun_ptr:' `.long _myfun@c' `loadd _myfun_ptr, (r1,r0)' `jal (r1,r0)' This .long directive, the address of _myfunc, shifted right by 1 at link time. 4 `loadd _data1@GOT(r12), (r1,r0)' This loads the address of _data1, into global offset table (ie GOT) and its offset value from GOT loads into register-pair r2-r1. 5 `loadd _myfunc@cGOT(r12), (r1,r0)' This loads the address of _myfun, shifted right by 1, into global offset table (ie GOT) and its offset value from GOT loads into register-pair r1-r0.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Dependent, Next: D10V-Dependent, Prev: CR16-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.7 CRIS Dependent Features =========================== * Menu: * CRIS-Opts:: Command-line Options * CRIS-Expand:: Instruction expansion * CRIS-Symbols:: Symbols * CRIS-Syntax:: Syntax  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Opts, Next: CRIS-Expand, Up: CRIS-Dependent 9.7.1 Command-line Options -------------------------- The CRIS version of `as' has these machine-dependent command-line options. The format of the generated object files can be either ELF or a.out, specified by the command-line options `--emulation=crisaout' and `--emulation=criself'. The default is ELF (criself), unless `as' has been configured specifically for a.out by using the configuration name `cris-axis-aout'. There are two different link-incompatible ELF object file variants for CRIS, for use in environments where symbols are expected to be prefixed by a leading `_' character and for environments without such a symbol prefix. The variant used for GNU/Linux port has no symbol prefix. Which variant to produce is specified by either of the options `--underscore' and `--no-underscore'. The default is `--underscore'. Since symbols in CRIS a.out objects are expected to have a `_' prefix, specifying `--no-underscore' when generating a.out objects is an error. Besides the object format difference, the effect of this option is to parse register names differently (*note crisnous::). The `--no-underscore' option makes a `$' register prefix mandatory. The option `--pic' must be passed to `as' in order to recognize the symbol syntax used for ELF (SVR4 PIC) position-independent-code (*note crispic::). This will also affect expansion of instructions. The expansion with `--pic' will use PC-relative rather than (slightly faster) absolute addresses in those expansions. The option `--march=ARCHITECTURE' specifies the recognized instruction set and recognized register names. It also controls the architecture type of the object file. Valid values for ARCHITECTURE are: `v0_v10' All instructions and register names for any architecture variant in the set v0...v10 are recognized. This is the default if the target is configured as cris-*. `v10' Only instructions and register names for CRIS v10 (as found in ETRAX 100 LX) are recognized. This is the default if the target is configured as crisv10-*. `v32' Only instructions and register names for CRIS v32 (code name Guinness) are recognized. This is the default if the target is configured as crisv32-*. This value implies `--no-mul-bug-abort'. (A subsequent `--mul-bug-abort' will turn it back on.) `common_v10_v32' Only instructions with register names and addressing modes with opcodes common to the v10 and v32 are recognized. When `-N' is specified, `as' will emit a warning when a 16-bit branch instruction is expanded into a 32-bit multiple-instruction construct (*note CRIS-Expand::). Some versions of the CRIS v10, for example in the Etrax 100 LX, contain a bug that causes destabilizing memory accesses when a multiply instruction is executed with certain values in the first operand just before a cache-miss. When the `--mul-bug-abort' command line option is active (the default value), `as' will refuse to assemble a file containing a multiply instruction at a dangerous offset, one that could be the last on a cache-line, or is in a section with insufficient alignment. This placement checking does not catch any case where the multiply instruction is dangerously placed because it is located in a delay-slot. The `--mul-bug-abort' command line option turns off the checking.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Expand, Next: CRIS-Symbols, Prev: CRIS-Opts, Up: CRIS-Dependent 9.7.2 Instruction expansion --------------------------- `as' will silently choose an instruction that fits the operand size for `[register+constant]' operands. For example, the offset `127' in `move.d [r3+127],r4' fits in an instruction using a signed-byte offset. Similarly, `move.d [r2+32767],r1' will generate an instruction using a 16-bit offset. For symbolic expressions and constants that do not fit in 16 bits including the sign bit, a 32-bit offset is generated. For branches, `as' will expand from a 16-bit branch instruction into a sequence of instructions that can reach a full 32-bit address. Since this does not correspond to a single instruction, such expansions can optionally be warned about. *Note CRIS-Opts::. If the operand is found to fit the range, a `lapc' mnemonic will translate to a `lapcq' instruction. Use `lapc.d' to force the 32-bit `lapc' instruction. Similarly, the `addo' mnemonic will translate to the shortest fitting instruction of `addoq', `addo.w' and `addo.d', when used with a operand that is a constant known at assembly time.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Symbols, Next: CRIS-Syntax, Prev: CRIS-Expand, Up: CRIS-Dependent 9.7.3 Symbols ------------- Some symbols are defined by the assembler. They're intended to be used in conditional assembly, for example: .if ..asm.arch.cris.v32 CODE FOR CRIS V32 .elseif ..asm.arch.cris.common_v10_v32 CODE COMMON TO CRIS V32 AND CRIS V10 .elseif ..asm.arch.cris.v10 | ..asm.arch.cris.any_v0_v10 CODE FOR V10 .else .error "Code needs to be added here." .endif These symbols are defined in the assembler, reflecting command-line options, either when specified or the default. They are always defined, to 0 or 1. `..asm.arch.cris.any_v0_v10' This symbol is non-zero when `--march=v0_v10' is specified or the default. `..asm.arch.cris.common_v10_v32' Set according to the option `--march=common_v10_v32'. `..asm.arch.cris.v10' Reflects the option `--march=v10'. `..asm.arch.cris.v32' Corresponds to `--march=v10'. Speaking of symbols, when a symbol is used in code, it can have a suffix modifying its value for use in position-independent code. *Note CRIS-Pic::.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Syntax, Prev: CRIS-Symbols, Up: CRIS-Dependent 9.7.4 Syntax ------------ There are different aspects of the CRIS assembly syntax. * Menu: * CRIS-Chars:: Special Characters * CRIS-Pic:: Position-Independent Code Symbols * CRIS-Regs:: Register Names * CRIS-Pseudos:: Assembler Directives  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Chars, Next: CRIS-Pic, Up: CRIS-Syntax Special Characters .......................... The character `#' is a line comment character. It starts a comment if and only if it is placed at the beginning of a line. A `;' character starts a comment anywhere on the line, causing all characters up to the end of the line to be ignored. A `@' character is handled as a line separator equivalent to a logical new-line character (except in a comment), so separate instructions can be specified on a single line.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Pic, Next: CRIS-Regs, Prev: CRIS-Chars, Up: CRIS-Syntax Symbols in position-independent code ............................................ When generating position-independent code (SVR4 PIC) for use in cris-axis-linux-gnu or crisv32-axis-linux-gnu shared libraries, symbol suffixes are used to specify what kind of run-time symbol lookup will be used, expressed in the object as different _relocation types_. Usually, all absolute symbol values must be located in a table, the _global offset table_, leaving the code position-independent; independent of values of global symbols and independent of the address of the code. The suffix modifies the value of the symbol, into for example an index into the global offset table where the real symbol value is entered, or a PC-relative value, or a value relative to the start of the global offset table. All symbol suffixes start with the character `:' (omitted in the list below). Every symbol use in code or a read-only section must therefore have a PIC suffix to enable a useful shared library to be created. Usually, these constructs must not be used with an additive constant offset as is usually allowed, i.e. no 4 as in `symbol + 4' is allowed. This restriction is checked at link-time, not at assembly-time. `GOT' Attaching this suffix to a symbol in an instruction causes the symbol to be entered into the global offset table. The value is a 32-bit index for that symbol into the global offset table. The name of the corresponding relocation is `R_CRIS_32_GOT'. Example: `move.d [$r0+extsym:GOT],$r9' `GOT16' Same as for `GOT', but the value is a 16-bit index into the global offset table. The corresponding relocation is `R_CRIS_16_GOT'. Example: `move.d [$r0+asymbol:GOT16],$r10' `PLT' This suffix is used for function symbols. It causes a _procedure linkage table_, an array of code stubs, to be created at the time the shared object is created or linked against, together with a global offset table entry. The value is a pc-relative offset to the corresponding stub code in the procedure linkage table. This arrangement causes the run-time symbol resolver to be called to look up and set the value of the symbol the first time the function is called (at latest; depending environment variables). It is only safe to leave the symbol unresolved this way if all references are function calls. The name of the relocation is `R_CRIS_32_PLT_PCREL'. Example: `add.d fnname:PLT,$pc' `PLTG' Like PLT, but the value is relative to the beginning of the global offset table. The relocation is `R_CRIS_32_PLT_GOTREL'. Example: `move.d fnname:PLTG,$r3' `GOTPLT' Similar to `PLT', but the value of the symbol is a 32-bit index into the global offset table. This is somewhat of a mix between the effect of the `GOT' and the `PLT' suffix; the difference to `GOT' is that there will be a procedure linkage table entry created, and that the symbol is assumed to be a function entry and will be resolved by the run-time resolver as with `PLT'. The relocation is `R_CRIS_32_GOTPLT'. Example: `jsr [$r0+fnname:GOTPLT]' `GOTPLT16' A variant of `GOTPLT' giving a 16-bit value. Its relocation name is `R_CRIS_16_GOTPLT'. Example: `jsr [$r0+fnname:GOTPLT16]' `GOTOFF' This suffix must only be attached to a local symbol, but may be used in an expression adding an offset. The value is the address of the symbol relative to the start of the global offset table. The relocation name is `R_CRIS_32_GOTREL'. Example: `move.d [$r0+localsym:GOTOFF],r3'  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Regs, Next: CRIS-Pseudos, Prev: CRIS-Pic, Up: CRIS-Syntax Register names ...................... A `$' character may always prefix a general or special register name in an instruction operand but is mandatory when the option `--no-underscore' is specified or when the `.syntax register_prefix' directive is in effect (*note crisnous::). Register names are case-insensitive.  File: as.info, Node: CRIS-Pseudos, Prev: CRIS-Regs, Up: CRIS-Syntax Assembler Directives ............................ There are a few CRIS-specific pseudo-directives in addition to the generic ones. *Note Pseudo Ops::. Constants emitted by pseudo-directives are in little-endian order for CRIS. There is no support for floating-point-specific directives for CRIS. `.dword EXPRESSIONS' The `.dword' directive is a synonym for `.int', expecting zero or more EXPRESSIONS, separated by commas. For each expression, a 32-bit little-endian constant is emitted. `.syntax ARGUMENT' The `.syntax' directive takes as ARGUMENT one of the following case-sensitive choices. `no_register_prefix' The `.syntax no_register_prefix' directive makes a `$' character prefix on all registers optional. It overrides a previous setting, including the corresponding effect of the option `--no-underscore'. If this directive is used when ordinary symbols do not have a `_' character prefix, care must be taken to avoid ambiguities whether an operand is a register or a symbol; using symbols with names the same as general or special registers then invoke undefined behavior. `register_prefix' This directive makes a `$' character prefix on all registers mandatory. It overrides a previous setting, including the corresponding effect of the option `--underscore'. `leading_underscore' This is an assertion directive, emitting an error if the `--no-underscore' option is in effect. `no_leading_underscore' This is the opposite of the `.syntax leading_underscore' directive and emits an error if the option `--underscore' is in effect. `.arch ARGUMENT' This is an assertion directive, giving an error if the specified ARGUMENT is not the same as the specified or default value for the `--march=ARCHITECTURE' option (*note march-option::).  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Dependent, Next: D30V-Dependent, Prev: CRIS-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.8 D10V Dependent Features =========================== * Menu: * D10V-Opts:: D10V Options * D10V-Syntax:: Syntax * D10V-Float:: Floating Point * D10V-Opcodes:: Opcodes  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Opts, Next: D10V-Syntax, Up: D10V-Dependent 9.8.1 D10V Options ------------------ The Mitsubishi D10V version of `as' has a few machine dependent options. `-O' The D10V can often execute two sub-instructions in parallel. When this option is used, `as' will attempt to optimize its output by detecting when instructions can be executed in parallel. `--nowarnswap' To optimize execution performance, `as' will sometimes swap the order of instructions. Normally this generates a warning. When this option is used, no warning will be generated when instructions are swapped. `--gstabs-packing' `--no-gstabs-packing' `as' packs adjacent short instructions into a single packed instruction. `--no-gstabs-packing' turns instruction packing off if `--gstabs' is specified as well; `--gstabs-packing' (the default) turns instruction packing on even when `--gstabs' is specified.  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Syntax, Next: D10V-Float, Prev: D10V-Opts, Up: D10V-Dependent 9.8.2 Syntax ------------ The D10V syntax is based on the syntax in Mitsubishi's D10V architecture manual. The differences are detailed below. * Menu: * D10V-Size:: Size Modifiers * D10V-Subs:: Sub-Instructions * D10V-Chars:: Special Characters * D10V-Regs:: Register Names * D10V-Addressing:: Addressing Modes * D10V-Word:: @WORD Modifier  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Size, Next: D10V-Subs, Up: D10V-Syntax Size Modifiers ...................... The D10V version of `as' uses the instruction names in the D10V Architecture Manual. However, the names in the manual are sometimes ambiguous. There are instruction names that can assemble to a short or long form opcode. How does the assembler pick the correct form? `as' will always pick the smallest form if it can. When dealing with a symbol that is not defined yet when a line is being assembled, it will always use the long form. If you need to force the assembler to use either the short or long form of the instruction, you can append either `.s' (short) or `.l' (long) to it. For example, if you are writing an assembly program and you want to do a branch to a symbol that is defined later in your program, you can write `bra.s foo'. Objdump and GDB will always append `.s' or `.l' to instructions which have both short and long forms.  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Subs, Next: D10V-Chars, Prev: D10V-Size, Up: D10V-Syntax Sub-Instructions ........................ The D10V assembler takes as input a series of instructions, either one-per-line, or in the special two-per-line format described in the next section. Some of these instructions will be short-form or sub-instructions. These sub-instructions can be packed into a single instruction. The assembler will do this automatically. It will also detect when it should not pack instructions. For example, when a label is defined, the next instruction will never be packaged with the previous one. Whenever a branch and link instruction is called, it will not be packaged with the next instruction so the return address will be valid. Nops are automatically inserted when necessary. If you do not want the assembler automatically making these decisions, you can control the packaging and execution type (parallel or sequential) with the special execution symbols described in the next section.  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Chars, Next: D10V-Regs, Prev: D10V-Subs, Up: D10V-Syntax Special Characters .......................... `;' and `#' are the line comment characters. Sub-instructions may be executed in order, in reverse-order, or in parallel. Instructions listed in the standard one-per-line format will be executed sequentially. To specify the executing order, use the following symbols: `->' Sequential with instruction on the left first. `<-' Sequential with instruction on the right first. `||' Parallel The D10V syntax allows either one instruction per line, one instruction per line with the execution symbol, or two instructions per line. For example `abs a1 -> abs r0' Execute these sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right container and is executed second. `abs r0 <- abs a1' Execute these reverse-sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right container, and is executed first. `ld2w r2,@r8+ || mac a0,r0,r7' Execute these in parallel. `ld2w r2,@r8+ ||' `mac a0,r0,r7' Two-line format. Execute these in parallel. `ld2w r2,@r8+' `mac a0,r0,r7' Two-line format. Execute these sequentially. Assembler will put them in the proper containers. `ld2w r2,@r8+ ->' `mac a0,r0,r7' Two-line format. Execute these sequentially. Same as above but second instruction will always go into right container. Since `$' has no special meaning, you may use it in symbol names.  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Regs, Next: D10V-Addressing, Prev: D10V-Chars, Up: D10V-Syntax Register Names ...................... You can use the predefined symbols `r0' through `r15' to refer to the D10V registers. You can also use `sp' as an alias for `r15'. The accumulators are `a0' and `a1'. There are special register-pair names that may optionally be used in opcodes that require even-numbered registers. Register names are not case sensitive. Register Pairs `r0-r1' `r2-r3' `r4-r5' `r6-r7' `r8-r9' `r10-r11' `r12-r13' `r14-r15' The D10V also has predefined symbols for these control registers and status bits: `psw' Processor Status Word `bpsw' Backup Processor Status Word `pc' Program Counter `bpc' Backup Program Counter `rpt_c' Repeat Count `rpt_s' Repeat Start address `rpt_e' Repeat End address `mod_s' Modulo Start address `mod_e' Modulo End address `iba' Instruction Break Address `f0' Flag 0 `f1' Flag 1 `c' Carry flag  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Addressing, Next: D10V-Word, Prev: D10V-Regs, Up: D10V-Syntax Addressing Modes ........................ `as' understands the following addressing modes for the D10V. `RN' in the following refers to any of the numbered registers, but _not_ the control registers. `RN' Register direct `@RN' Register indirect `@RN+' Register indirect with post-increment `@RN-' Register indirect with post-decrement `@-SP' Register indirect with pre-decrement `@(DISP, RN)' Register indirect with displacement `ADDR' PC relative address (for branch or rep). `#IMM' Immediate data (the `#' is optional and ignored)  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Word, Prev: D10V-Addressing, Up: D10V-Syntax @WORD Modifier ...................... Any symbol followed by `@word' will be replaced by the symbol's value shifted right by 2. This is used in situations such as loading a register with the address of a function (or any other code fragment). For example, if you want to load a register with the location of the function `main' then jump to that function, you could do it as follows: ldi r2, main@word jmp r2  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Float, Next: D10V-Opcodes, Prev: D10V-Syntax, Up: D10V-Dependent 9.8.3 Floating Point -------------------- The D10V has no hardware floating point, but the `.float' and `.double' directives generates IEEE floating-point numbers for compatibility with other development tools.  File: as.info, Node: D10V-Opcodes, Prev: D10V-Float, Up: D10V-Dependent 9.8.4 Opcodes ------------- For detailed information on the D10V machine instruction set, see `D10V Architecture: A VLIW Microprocessor for Multimedia Applications' (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.). `as' implements all the standard D10V opcodes. The only changes are those described in the section on size modifiers  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Dependent, Next: H8/300-Dependent, Prev: D10V-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.9 D30V Dependent Features =========================== * Menu: * D30V-Opts:: D30V Options * D30V-Syntax:: Syntax * D30V-Float:: Floating Point * D30V-Opcodes:: Opcodes  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Opts, Next: D30V-Syntax, Up: D30V-Dependent 9.9.1 D30V Options ------------------ The Mitsubishi D30V version of `as' has a few machine dependent options. `-O' The D30V can often execute two sub-instructions in parallel. When this option is used, `as' will attempt to optimize its output by detecting when instructions can be executed in parallel. `-n' When this option is used, `as' will issue a warning every time it adds a nop instruction. `-N' When this option is used, `as' will issue a warning if it needs to insert a nop after a 32-bit multiply before a load or 16-bit multiply instruction.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Syntax, Next: D30V-Float, Prev: D30V-Opts, Up: D30V-Dependent 9.9.2 Syntax ------------ The D30V syntax is based on the syntax in Mitsubishi's D30V architecture manual. The differences are detailed below. * Menu: * D30V-Size:: Size Modifiers * D30V-Subs:: Sub-Instructions * D30V-Chars:: Special Characters * D30V-Guarded:: Guarded Execution * D30V-Regs:: Register Names * D30V-Addressing:: Addressing Modes  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Size, Next: D30V-Subs, Up: D30V-Syntax Size Modifiers ...................... The D30V version of `as' uses the instruction names in the D30V Architecture Manual. However, the names in the manual are sometimes ambiguous. There are instruction names that can assemble to a short or long form opcode. How does the assembler pick the correct form? `as' will always pick the smallest form if it can. When dealing with a symbol that is not defined yet when a line is being assembled, it will always use the long form. If you need to force the assembler to use either the short or long form of the instruction, you can append either `.s' (short) or `.l' (long) to it. For example, if you are writing an assembly program and you want to do a branch to a symbol that is defined later in your program, you can write `bra.s foo'. Objdump and GDB will always append `.s' or `.l' to instructions which have both short and long forms.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Subs, Next: D30V-Chars, Prev: D30V-Size, Up: D30V-Syntax Sub-Instructions ........................ The D30V assembler takes as input a series of instructions, either one-per-line, or in the special two-per-line format described in the next section. Some of these instructions will be short-form or sub-instructions. These sub-instructions can be packed into a single instruction. The assembler will do this automatically. It will also detect when it should not pack instructions. For example, when a label is defined, the next instruction will never be packaged with the previous one. Whenever a branch and link instruction is called, it will not be packaged with the next instruction so the return address will be valid. Nops are automatically inserted when necessary. If you do not want the assembler automatically making these decisions, you can control the packaging and execution type (parallel or sequential) with the special execution symbols described in the next section.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Chars, Next: D30V-Guarded, Prev: D30V-Subs, Up: D30V-Syntax Special Characters .......................... `;' and `#' are the line comment characters. Sub-instructions may be executed in order, in reverse-order, or in parallel. Instructions listed in the standard one-per-line format will be executed sequentially unless you use the `-O' option. To specify the executing order, use the following symbols: `->' Sequential with instruction on the left first. `<-' Sequential with instruction on the right first. `||' Parallel The D30V syntax allows either one instruction per line, one instruction per line with the execution symbol, or two instructions per line. For example `abs r2,r3 -> abs r4,r5' Execute these sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right container and is executed second. `abs r2,r3 <- abs r4,r5' Execute these reverse-sequentially. The instruction on the right is in the right container, and is executed first. `abs r2,r3 || abs r4,r5' Execute these in parallel. `ldw r2,@(r3,r4) ||' `mulx r6,r8,r9' Two-line format. Execute these in parallel. `mulx a0,r8,r9' `stw r2,@(r3,r4)' Two-line format. Execute these sequentially unless `-O' option is used. If the `-O' option is used, the assembler will determine if the instructions could be done in parallel (the above two instructions can be done in parallel), and if so, emit them as parallel instructions. The assembler will put them in the proper containers. In the above example, the assembler will put the `stw' instruction in left container and the `mulx' instruction in the right container. `stw r2,@(r3,r4) ->' `mulx a0,r8,r9' Two-line format. Execute the `stw' instruction followed by the `mulx' instruction sequentially. The first instruction goes in the left container and the second instruction goes into right container. The assembler will give an error if the machine ordering constraints are violated. `stw r2,@(r3,r4) <-' `mulx a0,r8,r9' Same as previous example, except that the `mulx' instruction is executed before the `stw' instruction. Since `$' has no special meaning, you may use it in symbol names.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Guarded, Next: D30V-Regs, Prev: D30V-Chars, Up: D30V-Syntax Guarded Execution ......................... `as' supports the full range of guarded execution directives for each instruction. Just append the directive after the instruction proper. The directives are: `/tx' Execute the instruction if flag f0 is true. `/fx' Execute the instruction if flag f0 is false. `/xt' Execute the instruction if flag f1 is true. `/xf' Execute the instruction if flag f1 is false. `/tt' Execute the instruction if both flags f0 and f1 are true. `/tf' Execute the instruction if flag f0 is true and flag f1 is false.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Regs, Next: D30V-Addressing, Prev: D30V-Guarded, Up: D30V-Syntax Register Names ...................... You can use the predefined symbols `r0' through `r63' to refer to the D30V registers. You can also use `sp' as an alias for `r63' and `link' as an alias for `r62'. The accumulators are `a0' and `a1'. The D30V also has predefined symbols for these control registers and status bits: `psw' Processor Status Word `bpsw' Backup Processor Status Word `pc' Program Counter `bpc' Backup Program Counter `rpt_c' Repeat Count `rpt_s' Repeat Start address `rpt_e' Repeat End address `mod_s' Modulo Start address `mod_e' Modulo End address `iba' Instruction Break Address `f0' Flag 0 `f1' Flag 1 `f2' Flag 2 `f3' Flag 3 `f4' Flag 4 `f5' Flag 5 `f6' Flag 6 `f7' Flag 7 `s' Same as flag 4 (saturation flag) `v' Same as flag 5 (overflow flag) `va' Same as flag 6 (sticky overflow flag) `c' Same as flag 7 (carry/borrow flag) `b' Same as flag 7 (carry/borrow flag)  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Addressing, Prev: D30V-Regs, Up: D30V-Syntax Addressing Modes ........................ `as' understands the following addressing modes for the D30V. `RN' in the following refers to any of the numbered registers, but _not_ the control registers. `RN' Register direct `@RN' Register indirect `@RN+' Register indirect with post-increment `@RN-' Register indirect with post-decrement `@-SP' Register indirect with pre-decrement `@(DISP, RN)' Register indirect with displacement `ADDR' PC relative address (for branch or rep). `#IMM' Immediate data (the `#' is optional and ignored)  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Float, Next: D30V-Opcodes, Prev: D30V-Syntax, Up: D30V-Dependent 9.9.3 Floating Point -------------------- The D30V has no hardware floating point, but the `.float' and `.double' directives generates IEEE floating-point numbers for compatibility with other development tools.  File: as.info, Node: D30V-Opcodes, Prev: D30V-Float, Up: D30V-Dependent 9.9.4 Opcodes ------------- For detailed information on the D30V machine instruction set, see `D30V Architecture: A VLIW Microprocessor for Multimedia Applications' (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.). `as' implements all the standard D30V opcodes. The only changes are those described in the section on size modifiers  File: as.info, Node: H8/300-Dependent, Next: HPPA-Dependent, Prev: D30V-Dependent, Up: Machine Dependencies 9.10 H8/300 Dependent Features ============================== * Menu: * H8/300 Options:: Options * H8/300 Syntax:: Syntax * H8/300 Floating Point:: Floating Point * H8/300 Directives:: H8/300 Machine Directives * H8/300 Opcodes:: Opcodes  File: as.info, Node: H8/300 Options, Next: H8/300 Syntax, Up: H8/300-Dependent 9.10.1 Options -------------- The Renesas H8/300 version of `as' has one machine-dependent option: `-h-tick-hex' Support H'00 style hex constants in addition to 0x00 style.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300 Syntax, Next: H8/300 Floating Point, Prev: H8/300 Options, Up: H8/300-Dependent 9.10.2 Syntax ------------- * Menu: * H8/300-Chars:: Special Characters * H8/300-Regs:: Register Names * H8/300-Addressing:: Addressing Modes  File: as.info, Node: H8/300-Chars, Next: H8/300-Regs, Up: H8/300 Syntax Special Characters ........................... `;' is the line comment character. `$' can be used instead of a newline to separate statements. Therefore _you may not use `$' in symbol names_ on the H8/300.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300-Regs, Next: H8/300-Addressing, Prev: H8/300-Chars, Up: H8/300 Syntax Register Names ....................... You can use predefined symbols of the form `rNh' and `rNl' to refer to the H8/300 registers as sixteen 8-bit general-purpose registers. N is a digit from `0' to `7'); for instance, both `r0h' and `r7l' are valid register names. You can also use the eight predefined symbols `rN' to refer to the H8/300 registers as 16-bit registers (you must use this form for addressing). On the H8/300H, you can also use the eight predefined symbols `erN' (`er0' ... `er7') to refer to the 32-bit general purpose registers. The two control registers are called `pc' (program counter; a 16-bit register, except on the H8/300H where it is 24 bits) and `ccr' (condition code register; an 8-bit register). `r7' is used as the stack pointer, and can also be called `sp'.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300-Addressing, Prev: H8/300-Regs, Up: H8/300 Syntax Addressing Modes ......................... as understands the following addressing modes for the H8/300: `rN' Register direct `@rN' Register indirect `@(D, rN)' `@(D:16, rN)' `@(D:24, rN)' Register indirect: 16-bit or 24-bit displacement D from register N. (24-bit displacements are only meaningful on the H8/300H.) `@rN+' Register indirect with post-increment `@-rN' Register indirect with pre-decrement ``@'AA' ``@'AA:8' ``@'AA:16' ``@'AA:24' Absolute address `aa'. (The address size `:24' only makes sense on the H8/300H.) `#XX' `#XX:8' `#XX:16' `#XX:32' Immediate data XX. You may specify the `:8', `:16', or `:32' for clarity, if you wish; but `as' neither requires this nor uses it--the data size required is taken from context. ``@'`@'AA' ``@'`@'AA:8' Memory indirect. You may specify the `:8' for clarity, if you wish; but `as' neither requires this nor uses it.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300 Floating Point, Next: H8/300 Directives, Prev: H8/300 Syntax, Up: H8/300-Dependent 9.10.3 Floating Point --------------------- The H8/300 family has no hardware floating point, but the `.float' directive generates IEEE floating-point numbers for compatibility with other development tools.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300 Directives, Next: H8/300 Opcodes, Prev: H8/300 Floating Point, Up: H8/300-Dependent 9.10.4 H8/300 Machine Directives -------------------------------- `as' has the following machine-dependent directives for the H8/300: `.h8300h' Recognize and emit additional instructions for the H8/300H variant, and also make `.int' emit 32-bit numbers rather than the usual (16-bit) for the H8/300 family. `.h8300s' Recognize and emit additional instructions for the H8S variant, and also make `.int' emit 32-bit numbers rather than the usual (16-bit) for the H8/300 family. `.h8300hn' Recognize and emit additional instructions for the H8/300H variant in normal mode, and also make `.int' emit 32-bit numbers rather than the usual (16-bit) for the H8/300 family. `.h8300sn' Recognize and emit additional instructions for the H8S variant in normal mode, and also make `.int' emit 32-bit numbers rather than the usual (16-bit) for the H8/300 family. On the H8/300 family (including the H8/300H) `.word' directives generate 16-bit numbers.  File: as.info, Node: H8/300 Opcodes, Prev: H8/300 Directives, Up: H8/300-Dependent 9.10.5 Opcodes -------------- For detailed information on the H8/300 machine instruction set, see `H8/300 Series Programming Manual'. For information specific to the H8/300H, see `H8/300H Series Programming Manual' (Renesas). `as' implements all the standard H8/300 opcodes. No additional pseudo-instructions are needed on this family. The following table summarizes the H8/300 opcodes, and their arguments. Entries marked `*' are opcodes used only on the H8/300H. Legend: Rs source register Rd destination register abs absolute address imm immediate data disp:N N-bit displacement from a register pcrel:N N-bit displacement relative to program counter add.b #imm,rd * andc #imm,ccr add.b rs,rd band #imm,rd add.w rs,rd band #imm,@rd * add.w #imm,rd band #imm,@abs:8 * add.l rs,rd bra pcrel:8 * add.l #imm,rd * bra pcrel:16 adds #imm,rd bt pcrel:8 addx #imm,rd * bt pcrel:16 addx rs,rd brn pcrel:8 and.b #imm,rd * brn pcrel:16 and.b rs,rd bf pcrel:8 * and.w rs,rd * bf pcrel:16 * and.w #imm,rd bhi pcrel:8 * and.l #imm,rd * bhi pcrel:16 * and.l rs,rd bls pcrel:8 * bls pcrel:16 bld #imm,rd bcc pcrel:8 bld #imm,@rd * bcc pcrel:16 bld #imm,@abs:8 bhs pcrel:8 bnot #imm,rd * bhs pcrel:16 bnot #imm,@rd bcs pcrel:8 bnot #imm,@abs:8 * bcs pcrel:16 bnot rs,rd blo pcrel:8 bnot rs,@rd * blo pcrel:16 bnot rs,@abs:8 bne pcrel:8 bor #imm,rd * bne pcrel:16 bor #imm,@rd beq pcrel:8 bor #imm,@abs:8 * beq pcrel:16 bset #imm,rd bvc pcrel:8 bset #imm,@rd * bvc pcrel:16 bset #imm,@abs:8 bvs pcrel:8 bset rs,rd * bvs pcrel:16 bset rs,@rd bpl pcrel:8 bset rs,@abs:8 * bpl pcrel:16 bsr pcrel:8 bmi pcrel:8 bsr pcrel:16 * bmi pcrel:16 bst #imm,rd bge pcrel:8 bst #imm,@rd * bge pcrel:16 bst #imm,@abs:8 blt pcrel:8 btst #imm,rd * blt pcrel:16 btst #imm,@rd bgt pcrel:8 btst #imm,@abs:8 * bgt pcrel:16 btst rs,rd ble pcrel:8 btst rs,@rd * ble pcrel:16 btst rs,@abs:8 bclr #imm,rd bxor #imm,rd bclr #imm,@rd bxor #imm,@rd bclr #imm,@abs:8 bxor #imm,@abs:8 bclr rs,rd cmp.b #imm,rd bclr rs,@rd cmp.b rs,rd bclr rs,@abs:8 cmp.w rs,rd biand #imm,rd cmp.w rs,rd biand #imm,@rd * cmp.w #imm,rd biand #imm,@abs:8 * cmp.l #imm,rd bild #imm,rd * cmp.l rs,rd bild #imm,@rd daa rs bild #imm,@abs:8 das rs bior #imm,rd dec.b rs bior #imm,@rd * dec.w #imm,rd bior #imm,@abs:8 * dec.l #imm,rd bist #imm,rd divxu.b rs,rd bist #imm,@rd * divxu.w rs,rd bist #imm,@abs:8 * divxs.b rs,rd bixor #imm,rd * divxs.w rs,rd bixor #imm,@rd eepmov bixor #imm,@abs:8 * eepmovw * exts.w rd mov.w rs,@abs:16 * exts.l rd * mov.l #imm,rd * extu.w rd * mov.l rs,rd * extu.l rd * mov.l @rs,rd inc rs * mov.l @(disp:16,rs),rd * inc.w #imm,rd * mov.l @(disp:24,rs),rd * inc.l #imm,rd * mov.l @rs+,rd jmp @rs * mov.l @abs:16,rd jmp abs * mov.l @abs:24,rd jmp @@abs:8 * mov.l rs,@rd jsr @rs * mov.l rs,@(disp:16,rd) jsr abs * mov.l rs,@(disp:24,rd) jsr @@abs:8 * mov.l rs,@-rd ldc #imm,ccr * mov.l rs,@abs:16 ldc rs,ccr * mov.l rs,@abs:24 * ldc @abs:16,ccr movfpe @abs:16,rd * ldc @abs:24,ccr movtpe rs,@abs:16 * ldc @(disp:16,rs),ccr mulxu.b rs,rd * ldc @(disp:24,rs),ccr * mulxu.w rs,rd * ldc @rs+,ccr * mulxs.b rs,rd * ldc @rs,ccr * mulxs.w rs,rd * mov.b @(disp:24,rs),rd neg.b rs * mov.b rs,@(disp:24,rd) * neg.w rs mov.b @abs:16,rd * neg.l rs mov.b rs,rd nop mov.b @abs:8,rd not.b rs mov.b rs,@abs:8 * not.w rs mov.b rs,rd * not.l rs mov.b #imm,rd or.b #imm,rd mov.b @rs,rd or.b rs,rd mov.b @(disp:16,rs),rd * or.w #imm,rd mov.b @rs+,rd * or.w rs,rd mov.b @abs:8,rd * or.l #imm,rd mov.b rs,@rd * or.l rs,rd mov.b rs,@(disp:16,rd) orc #imm,ccr mov.b rs,@-rd pop.w rs mov.b rs,@abs:8 * pop.l rs mov.w rs,@rd push.w rs * mov.w @(disp:24,rs),rd * push.l rs * mov.w rs,@(disp:24,rd) rotl.b rs * mov.w @abs:24,rd * rotl.w rs * mov.w rs,@abs:24 * rotl.l rs mov.w rs,rd rotr.b rs mov.w #imm,rd * rotr.w rs mov.w @rs,rd * rotr.l rs mov.w @(disp:16,rs),rd rotxl.b rs mov.w @rs+,rd * rotxl.w rs mov.w @abs:16,rd * rotxl.l rs mov.w rs,@(disp:16,rd) rotxr.b rs mov.w rs,@-rd * rotxr.w rs * rotxr.l rs * stc ccr,@(disp:24,rd) bpt * stc ccr,@-rd rte * stc ccr,@abs:16 rts * stc ccr,@abs:24 shal.b rs sub.b rs,rd * shal.w rs sub.w rs,rd * shal.l rs * sub.w #imm,rd shar.b rs * sub.l rs,rd * shar.w rs * sub.l #imm,rd * shar.l rs subs #imm,rd shll.b rs subx #imm,rd * shll.w rs subx rs,rd * shll.l rs * trapa #imm shlr.b rs xor #imm,rd * shlr.w rs xor rs,rd * shlr.l rs * xor.w #imm,rd sleep * xor.w rs,rd stc ccr,rd * xor.l #imm,rd * stc ccr,@rs * xor.l rs,rd * stc ccr,@(disp:16,rd) xorc #imm,ccr Four H8/300 instructions (`add', `cmp', `mov', `sub') are